Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Surprise Chances ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, mentions of malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. A little language, pregnancy and nursing baby. Kurama and Hiei aren’t really in this chapter, but they are mentioned quite a bit.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories as I type really badly, actually I really can‘t type. I’m a hunt and peck kind of person. She also betas for me too. She is great!! The best!!! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!! You are in my prayers and I hope you get better soon.

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I promise I will not abandon this arc until it is done.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 4 of 10

Surprise Chances



Tenshi stood shocked for several minutes staring through the open door. She then slowly raised her hand and touched her lips, still not believing it. She couldn’t understand why on earth he had kissed her. She was even more puzzled by the fact that she actually enjoyed it and wanted another kiss from the handsome demon. Why would she like someone in the enemy’s castle and who happened to be the demon’s heir? She didn’t have any idea what she was going to do about this apparent attraction, but she couldn’t think about it at the moment.

She pushed all thoughts aside, except for the mission, and started looking around the room. There were four straw beds on the floor with ratty looking blankets thrown on them. There was also a small window high up on the wall, only big enough to barley let light into the room and some fresh air. She wondered if all the slaves rooms were like this one and if they were, how could anyone survive in them for very long.

Xaviar’s lasts words echoed in her mind, ‘don’t let the fire in your spirit die in here’ and she didn’t intend to. The place would not break her for the short time she would be here. She peaked out into the hall trying to get her bearings of where she was at in the fortress. Remembering the plans the original spy had brought, she cursed silently when she realized the escape route was on the other side of the fortress. When they needed to leave, they would have to be very careful. Plus, she still had to find out Gailic’s location.

With nothing else to do, Tenshi found the cleanest spot on the dirty floor and sat down. She began going over all of the plans that had been drilled into her head for two weeks straight. Eventually, she dozed off leaning against a wall.

Tenshi awoke sometime later. She had no idea what time it was, but it had grown darker in the dirty room. She jumped up suddenly when she heard noises in the hall. The door opened revealing Xaviar who was pushing a small cart with a lit lantern and plates of food on it.

“Instead of going down to the slave hall to eat, I brought you some better food.” He announced with a smile. He then pulled out a blanket from a hidden shelf on the cart and spread it on the floor.

“Hn, I’m not stupid enough to eat with you. I don’t know what you put in the food. I’ve heard rumors of this fortress and I don’t intend to get pregnant by anyone in here.” Tenshi said, crossing her arms over her ample chest.

“I suppose I expected as much. I just thought maybe we could eat dinner together.” Xaviar had just finished putting the plates and lantern on the blanket. “Can I ask you to reconsider? I am not my father and will not stoop that low to get a female pregnant. I don’t have a heir nor do I want one at the moment. I want one female in my life and I’ll wait until she goes into heat to have a child with her.”

“Why are you telling me this, I’m just a slave.”

“I don’t know, I just feel like I can trust you. I also have a feeling that you’re not a slave. You carry yourself to well. Now don’t laugh, when I first saw you I felt as if I should’ve bowed before you.”

“That’s your imagination.” Tenshi said quickly, hoping her cover wasn’t close to being blown.

“Maybe,” Xaviar shrugged, “but my instincts are pretty good so I’m going to go with them.” He sat down on the blanket and then picked up a plate of food.

He began to eat watching the redhead expectantly. “Come on, Shi. I don’t want to eat in front of you knowing you’re hungry.”

“Fine!” Tenshi sat down quickly and grabbed the other plate. She stared right back unblinking, at the male still watching her. “Happy?”

“Ecstatic,” Xaviar smiled before taking another bite of food. They fell into silence for a few minutes.

Tenshi finally broke it. “This is good, what is it?”

“It’s called Ropa vieja. Our cook says it’s served in the Lords’ fortress and the favorite of Lady Tenshi. It’s a ningen Latin dish; I thought that if it’s good enough for her, then it would be good enough for you.”

“This isn’t served in my….um lords’ fortress or to Lady Tenshi.”

“Huh? How would you know?”

“Um….I um…was a worker in their fortress before I got captured and brought here.” Tenshi answered hesitantly.

“Then you have been pampered. I hear that they treat their workers very well.” Xaviar commented quickly.

“They do and are very fair. It sounds like you don’t like them.”

“I don’t know why I am inclined to answer, but I am. I actually see no fault with them. Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama are the rightful rulers of the Makai. My father despises them and I don’t know why. He says they’re too weak to rule this great land and that they need to be over thrown.”

“From what I know of them, they’re far from being weak.” Tenshi stated, sounding quite proud. “If your father takes them on, I’m sure he’ll die for his treason.”

“You’re very confident. You sound as if you know them on a personal level.” Xaviar replied, watching the redhead intently.

“You can say that.”

“I take it then that you’re one of their whores?”

“No, not like that! Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama are completely devoted to each other. They love each other so very much, neither would ever think of cheating! They are mated!”

“Now you sound like a ningen.”

“So, what’s wrong with that?” Tenshi asked crossly, becoming quite offended. She, herself, looked exactly like a ningen and sometimes acted as such.

“Ningens are weak and so are their emotions. Therefore, it would make the Lords weak for having this emotion.” Xaviar continued quickly.

“Believe what you want. I know them and have seen them together. Their love makes them stronger. They are the strongest demons in the Makai. I would love to see your father try to take them out. He’ll have a very rude awakening.”

“Let’s get off this subject before we get in to an argument. Let me just say though, I will never surrender to this emotion called love.”

“Then I must say, you’ll never truly live.” Tenshi said softly, sadness evident in her eyes. “And I’ll pity you.”

“You’re very bold with what you say.” Xaviar easily pointed out.

“I was raised to speak my mind.”

“Even if it’s against what others think?”

“Yes, no matter what, even to you and your father.”

“Tell me what……………. everything you know about the royal family.” Xaviar ordered, effectively changing the subject for good.

Tenshi sighed quietly. “I don’t know all that much.”

“Alright, ………….. So are the rumors true that Kaihei, the heir, to the throne has returned and taken his rightful place in this land?”

“Yes, he has.”

“Does he also have a mate now? A wolf, fox hybrid?”

“Yes, his name is Toushi, and he was once part of the royal family. Kaihei even called him brother and Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama called him son.”

“So, they’re related?”

“No, Toushi was a foundling. Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama took him in and raised him as their son until his real father came and got him. Toushi then returned only a couple of months ago.”

“I see,” Xaviar replied thoughtfully, taking a sip of very good wine. “Will they do what Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama did to get a heir since they’re both male?”

“And what’s that?” Tenshi asked quickly, silently praying that no one had figured out the family secret. She nervously took a sip from her own glass of wine.

“You know, one of them get a female pregnant and take the resulting baby and raise it as their own.”

“I suppose,” Tenshi shrugged, letting out her held breath. “I only worked for them for a couple of months before I was captured by Thite and brought here.”

“Oh, well I’m glad that you’re here. It has been a pleasure meeting you.”

“Thank you.” Tenshi couldn’t help, but blush and smile, “Same here.”

“Might I say that you are very beautiful, but when you smile you are stunning.”

“Thank you.” Tenshi said, giggling like the female she was with her blush getting deeper. She was a tease, had always been one, but this demon was as well. They should get along splendidly.

“Like I said, you don’t act like any slave I’ve ever met before. You have manners and carry yourself like you are high class. Are you the daughter of one of the minor Lords?”

“No, there’s no minor Lord blood in my veins.”

“Hmmm, what kind of blood do you have in your veins then?”

“That’s a secret and will have to remain as such for now.” Tenshi replied very coyly.

“Sorry to hear that, I wanted to get to know you better.” Xaviar sounded disappointed. He had sort of expected an answer as the female had been open about everything else.

“Why? I belong to your father, don’t I?”

“Yes, but there’s something about you that is drawing me to you.”

“Is that a compliment?”

“In a way,” Xaviar answered with a smirk on his face. “What about the two set of twins? The two foxes and two fire demons? Are they strong like their fathers?”

“Yes, they are very strong, though Kaihei is the strongest of all seven of Lord Hiei’s and Lord Kurama’s children.” Tenshi answered, though she didn’t go on to explain that the two ‘foxes’ had only ice powers or that the two ‘fire demons’ had only plant powers.

“What of the only girl? Tenshi I believe her name is?” Xaviar asked quickly. “There aren’t many rumors about her. I hear she doesn‘t leave the lords‘ fortress to often.”

“I suppose that’s because she’s very quiet and doesn’t draw to much attention to herself.” Tenshi answered making very sure that she worded it correctly.

“Is she strong?”

“Yes, just as strong as her brothers and fathers. She always trains with them whenever they train.”

“Now, that’s a female I’d like to meet. She sounds like she’s my equal.”

“Hn, I don’t think so. I believe she is actually above you.”

“Is that so?!” Now it was Xaviar’s turn to be offended. “I have you know that I am a descendent of an ancient line of lords. If Hiei and Kurama hadn’t taken the throne, I would’ve wanted it for myself, to hell with my father and his ways. Then I‘d have you all to myself!!”

“Oh, that almost sounds like treason.” Tenshi replied, with a small, but wicked smirk on her red lips. She figured the male hadn’t meant to speak that much about his inner thoughts if the light blush on his tan skin was any indication.

“It could be,” Xaviar whispered, leaning closer to the temptation. He threw caution to the wind. “And I honestly don’t care. I’d do anything to keep my father from taking you.”

“As cliché, ningen, and as strange as it sounds,” Tenshi whispered too before leaning in as well, “You must be my knight in shining armor.”

“I must be,” Xaviar closed the distance between them brushing his lips across hers. When the redhead didn’t reject him, he pushed their lips together with more force.

Despite everything in Tenshi telling her to push the demon away, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She knew she was playing with fire, but didn’t care, she wanted to get burned. She was part Koorime and the bitches actually liked to play with fire. Her own father was a testament to that. He was half ice and half fire demon with Youko Kurama for a mate. He was the ultimate player of fire. She didn’t know what was causing this attraction, she only knew she had to follow her instincts and they were leading her towards her enemy.

Xaviar couldn’t believe he didn’t have to struggle with her. She seemed like the type to put up a fight, but he wouldn’t pass up this opportunity. He held tightly to the shapely redhead that was clinging to him. Though she was a female, she was actually very dominate in her kissing and he liked it. He began to wonder what she would be like in bed. Would she be this hot, this demanding? He didn’t know it, but she had a dark fire running in her veins, a fire that was driving her to seek control of the situation.

After several minutes of heated kissing, they broke apart. They leaned their foreheads against each other, both breathing hard.

“Wow, I’ve never been kissed like that before.” Xaviar managed to say. “How old are you?”

“It’s not nice to ask a female’s age.” Tenshi‘s kiss swollen lips tilted into a smile. “I have to agree. I’ve never been kissed that way either. Most males don’t like how I kiss and many won’t give back as good as they get. You are the exception though. I enjoyed that kiss, but I shouldn’t have.”

“Why? ………………. I enjoyed it too.”

“It will cause many, many problems, trust me.”

“If you’re talking about my father, I don’t care.”

“I was actually talking about mine.” Tenshi whispered quietly. “My father is very strict, a great warrior, and loyal to the throne of Makai. He won’t let a male have me that doesn’t have the same qualities, especially the last.”

“I am loyal to the throne of the Makai.” Xaviar answered quickly in return. “I don’t believe in what my father is doing, but he is my father and I’m still considered a boy. By the way, I’m thirty years old.”

“Well since you told me your age, I’ll tell you mine. I’m almost nineteen years old.”

“You’re younger than me even though you kiss like you have a thousand years experience.”

“I owe that to my dad. He taught me how to kiss properly, to leave my partner wanting more and to put everything I am into each kiss.” Tenshi smiled, remembering that lesson. The fire demon and fox had actually given her visual demonstrations on the proper way to kiss. She had been embarrassed at the time, but now she was glad she had paid attention.

“I guess your father needs my gratitude then. He taught you well.” Xaviar smirked slightly.

Someone clearing their throat caught the vixen’s and male’s attention. They quickly looked over to the door and both blushed. There was a very pregnant slave girl standing in the doorway.

“I’m sorry to disturb you two, but I need to lay down for a few minutes. I’m very dizzy.”

“By all means,” Xaviar agreed for the female to enter.

She waddled over to the straw bed in the corner and began to struggle to make it down. When Xaviar didn’t offer any assistance, Tenshi shook her head sadly before jumping up to her feet. She hurried over to the female and took her by the arm.

“Please let me help you.”

“Thank you.” The girl barely whispered, a small grateful smile was on her lips. The vixen managed to help the other female down to the straw and then helped her to lay down. Tenshi turned around and found that Xaviar had already gathered up the remains of their dinner and put it all back on the cart.

“I’ll see you around, Shi, and stay out of trouble. Maybe my father will forget about you.” Xaviar said before turning and pushing the cart from the room. The door closed quietly behind him.

“Is your name Shi? A small voice was heard.

Tenshi sat down on the floor next to the occupied straw. “Yeah, it is. What’s your name?”

“My name is Nina. I’m glad to meet you.”

“I as well,” Tenshi smiled. “How far along are you?”

“I’m two weeks from my due date.” Nina said sadly. She laid a hand on her large stomach. “Though this wasn’t my idea, Lord Brickit did this to me as well as every other female in this fortress.”


“Yeah, every female in here has at least had one child, if not more or is currently pregnant. Still many others have died from childbirth and from the drug he uses on us when we’re not in heat.”

“That’s sad.” Tenshi whispered. “How many children have you had?”

“I have had three children so far, this one being my fourth.” Nina had deep sadness in her eyes when she spoke. “All were taken from me to be raised by wet nurses. I wouldn’t be able to recognize them today if I was asked. The boys are used, trained, for Brickit’s army and the girls for his harem when they become old enough. He just doesn’t care that they’re his daughters. You have to find a way out of here before you become like the rest of us, used and reused with no child to show for it.”

“Believe me; this Brickit will not touch me.” Tenshi growled angrily. She couldn’t believe what she had heard……. Well she could, but it was still very shocking.

“We’ve all said that at least one time and we all learned that it’s not true. We all fall in the end and so will you.”

Both girls looked quickly over to the door to see another female standing there. The new female made her way carefully over to one of the empty straw beds and sat down.

“No, I won’t.” Tenshi was growing more defiant. “Besides you don’t look pregnant.”

“I’m not.” The female smiled sadly, untying a knot at the back of her neck. Her clothes fell, revealing a tiny baby in a sling sucking at the female’s small left breast. “I’ve already had my baby.”

“And I’m surprised you still got her.” Nina replied quickly. “He usually takes the baby from the female by now.”

“Yes, he does.” The female agreed quietly. “I’m happy he hasn’t. I love my little baby very much though she came from rape.” She looked over to the redhead. “We got a new female in our room I see. What’s your name?”

“My name is Shi.” Tenshi answered, a small kind smile on her lips. “And yours is?”

“My name is Siaira.” The female answered, trying but failing to return the smile.

Tenshi nearly gasped when she heard the name. She couldn’t be that lucky in her mission could she. This would actually be extremely easy. She wouldn’t have to go search this large fortress after all as Siaira was her roommate.



Wel l, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. The next chapter will be out soon hopefully.