Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Payback Is A Bitch ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed the show for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, mentions of malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. A little language, pregnancy and nursing baby. Kurama and Hiei aren’t really in this chapter, but they are mentioned often.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories and betas for me too. You are in my prayers and I hope you get better soon.

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I have just had so much going on.

I got screwed over by a ‘friend’ of mine that was living with me when she had no where else to go, I didn‘t ask for a dime from her for six months. Then she got a rich boyfriend, and his rich momma, and got pregnant. She changed very quickly, trying to fit in with them. She left in the middle of the night without so much as a thank you and I haven’t heard from her since. I guess I’m not good enough for her anymore, which is fine. I don’t need friends like that.

My mom has been sick a lot, but she is doing a lot better. Another friend of mine just found out she was pregnant and I have been helping her out as much as I can. She don’t drive and I have been taking her places, especially to see her mom. Her mom has 4th stage cancer in a nursing home and not expected to live long. I just hope her mom lives long enough to see the baby, my friend would be happy for that. Zsfantasy was in a very bad accident and I haven’t heard from her, except something sent from an email from her sister that she improving daily, but had a very long way to go to recovery. I don’t know any of the details, just that she is bad off. Once again my prayers are with her.

I guess I could go on with so much more problems, but I won’t. Thank you so much for sticking with me and my stories. I will finish this story, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish the arc. It feels that it has become repetitive when I go back and look at the stories that has been posted and yet to be posted. I’ll have to wait and see what I will do, but I can promise that the way Mission Rose ends could be the end of the arc. It won’t have any loose ends.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, far to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 5 of 10

Payback Is A Bitch



“Your name is Siaira?” Tenshi asked, looking at the female more closely in the darkened room. She was finally able to make out two cat like ears sitting on top of the head and two tiny ears on top of the baby’s head.

“Yeah, it is. I said the same thing you did when I first came here. How did you get here anyway?”

“I was captured while having a picnic with my betrothed mate. You?”

“I was sold to Brickit when I was fourteen years old by my father and mother. I’m fifteen now and just turned that age right before I had my baby. I was heartbroken for a long time.”

“Why?” Tenshi asked quickly, hoping the female would answer correctly.

“I was taken from the only person that loved me, my brother Sieve, though he preferred to be called Toushi because of the demons that raised him until he was ten years old. I have heard rumors that he is mated to Lord Kaihei now, the heir to the Makai throne.” So much pride was heard in Siaira’s soft voice.

“I heard the same rumors and they are true. Lord Toushi is mated to Lord Kaihei.” Tenshi smiled remembering the day she had gotten the news of their joining. There had been a party in the fortress that night, everyone was invited, workers, villagers, and soldiers alike.

“I’m happy for him then, he deserves it. I remember he was suffering through a lot at the hands of our father. I just wished he had come after me like he’d promised.”

“I’m sure he tried and is still trying.” Tenshi tried to reassure the young demoness. “Maybe one day soon you’ll see him again.”

“I doubt that.” Siaira whispered, looking down to the infant she held. She quickly adjusted the baby’s mouth around her nipple and then looked back up. “He made it back to where he belongs and I hope he doesn’t look back. I don’t deserve him protecting me, not anymore.” She looked down sadly at the baby she held. She loved the little brown haired baby girl, but she hadn’t wanted her by the circumstance she had gotten her.

“How old is she?” Tenshi asked softly.

“Two weeks old yesterday.” Siaira answered quickly. “The birth was hard on me as was carrying her. Once during the process, I almost died.…………………You have any children?”

“No, not one as my father wants the best for me. I was his only daughter up until a month ago. I have five brothers. but now I also have a new baby sister. There is seven of us all together now.” Tenshi wasn’t about to mention that the baby sister was actually her twin sister that had never had a chance at being born and was given back to the family by the King of the Reikai.

“Wow, you must be very protected with five brothers and a father to look after you.”

“Yeah, I am, but I have two fathers and I actually have six protective brothers.”

“Huh? But you just said that………”

“My father has a male mate and one of my brothers is mated to another male. I consider my brother‘s mate my brother as well.” Tenshi offered up a proud bright smile.

“Oh…that’s even better then.” Siaira returned the smile with a small one of her own.

“Yes, my family won’t let me stay here. They will come after me and won’t stop until they save me even if they have to take on Bickit’s whole army.”

“I wish I had a family like yours.”

“Why don’t you leave with me when they come after me. I’ll help you get to your brother at the Lords’ fortress. From what I hear about the royal family, they will welcome you with open arms.”

“Maybe I will. I would love to see my brother again, but I would have to think of my baby. I don’t think I can do much running with how little she is.”

“I guess that’s true. ……………………. So, what’s her name?” Tenshi asked, gently touching the tiny bare foot.

“I’m not allowed to name her. When Brickit takes her he’ll name her if he keeps her.”

“What do you mean if?”

“He only wants his children to have green hair and very closely resemble him. My baby has black hair and very obviously shows her cat and fox heritage.” Siaira indicated the baby’s furry ears and sleek tail. “When he decides to take her, he’ll probably just kill her in front of me.”

“He can’t do that!”

“Yes, he can. He’s the Lord of this fortress and he’s done it to countless other babies.” Siaira replied quickly, unconsciously holding her baby closer.

“Then he has to be stopped!”

“By whom? Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama? No, they are too busy running this huge world to worry about a very minor lord that’s breaking a few of their laws that has an untarnished reputation. We’re all alone here and left with a terrible monster while no one suspects anything going on.”

“Hmmm…………. things will be changing soon, believe that.” Tenshi barely heard herself so she was nearly positive the other females didn’t hear her.

“Would you like to hold her?” Siaira asked, gently removing the baby from her nipple. “Besides I need to clean up some.”

“I sure would.” Tenshi smiled, taking the baby that was being handed to her.

She cuddled the baby close and smiled down at her. She couldn’t believe she was actually holding her beautiful niece. The infant had shiny black hair, big innocent blue eyes, a button nose, and a tiny mouth. She had black cat like ears and a tail marking her kitsune/feline heritage as her mother previously mentioned. She leaned over and kissed the baby’s forehead. She would get this little girl and Siaira out of this fortress if it was the last thing she did. She looked over to her sister in bonding and found the girl sprawled on her stomach sleeping.

“Poor thing,” Tenshi whispered, her heart breaking at the sight. “She’s exhausted from watching her daughter and doing whatever her chores are in this fortress.”

She reached down and covered the girl up as best as she could. She then looked at the infant girl she held and smiled. The baby was sound asleep. Tenshi carefully moved to the closest bed by Siaira and laid the baby on the straw. She then laid down beside the little girl, curled around her to keep her warm, and pulled the ratty blanket over them. It wasn’t long before she was asleep too knowing that she will be woke up in a couple of hours by a hungry baby that needed her mother.

The days passed quickly for the three girls and baby. In that time, they had grown very close almost like sisters. They were also joined by another young girl. She was 16 years old and was of the dog demon race. Her name was Brii. She had sort of floppy ears, but not big and a short fluffy tail. She was slender and her over all coloring was brown. Her ears, tail, and hair was a very light brown, also her skin carried a light tan. Her eyes were the exception, they were a very pretty violet. Over all she would be considered pretty by many of demons.

Tenshi managed to locate Gailic four days after entering the fortress. Luck seemed to be with them as Gailic was located near the planned escape route and he had made a friend too from his roommate. The male’s name was Ruto and he was a tiger demon, age twenty and his power was strength. His body was covered in a very fine layer of orange hair, fur really, but his face was bare. It was much darker and thicker on his head, ears, and very long tail, which also contained black strips. He also had white whiskers and yellow cat eyes. He was very friendly and wanted out of the fortress too. He was actually very strong, but he couldn’t take on the whole fortress so he hadn’t tried to leave before. He promised to help when it came time to escape as long as he could escape with them. It was agreed that he could come with them, they could use the help.

All she had to do was get her group over to the phoenix and they all would be gone. Yes, the group of friends was escaping together. The only thing holding them up was the twenty-two year old Nina. They didn’t want to travel with such a pregnant female. It could throw her into labor, so they all decided to wait until Nina had her baby, if they could wait that long.

Tenshi was actually dreading leaving one person behind, Xaviar. They had grown quiet close in a week and a half’s time. She was actually starting to think and believe that she had fallen in love with him. She only hoped that he felt the same way, though she knew that wasn’t possible. Xaviar had not been raised in a house full of love nor did he know how to show it. He’d probably hate her after she brought her fathers back to destroy his father for all of his evil crimes, but she couldn’t dwell on that. There were many more important things for her to worry then her own heart when this was all over.

With a couple of more days to go in Nina’s pregnancy, the girls and Gailic was already planning their escape. But luck was not with them.

They heard a loud knock on the ugly door before it opened quickly to reveal their want to be Lord with several guards.

“I have come to examine that kid of mine to see if it’s worthy.” He announced, walking over to Siaira. The young demoness quickly stood up and looked nervously to Tenshi for help, but there was nothing she could do at the moment.

“Well girl, show me my kid!” Brickit ordered harshly. Siaira nervously opened the tattered blanket that the young vixen/feline had found, revealing the sleeping baby. He growled angrily, snatching the blanket completely open.

“This baby is not mine; it doesn’t even look like me!” He turned to the guards, “Get that ugly bastard thing away from her and throw it into the dungeon for the scum down there, they need to eat too after all.”

“You won’t touch that baby!” Tenshi snarled angrily, sounding much like a mother fox defending her kits. She quickly moved between the males and her scared sister in bonding. “What do you expect the little baby to look like?! All the babies you create can’t always look like you!! You know that pretty little girl is yours so get off your fucking high horse, you damn repulsive, baby raping asshole!!”

“That’s treason, girl!” Brickit growled, taking a threatening step forward. “I haven’t forgotten about you and I know all about you and my number one son, but you still belong to me and I will have you starting right now.”

He quickly shoved Tenshi up against the wall, pinning her with his larger body. She growled and began to fight back as best she could. He grabbed her wrists and jerked her arms above her head and against the wall.

“Stop fighting, girl, and take your punishment.” Brickit ordered angrily. “It’ll get you ready for when I plant a kid in your womb.”

“I won’t stop fighting.” Tenshi hissed, continuing her struggles.

“Hold still!” Brickit ordered, releasing one of the redhead’s wrists. He quickly fisted his free hand harshly in her hair.

Tenshi let a triumphant smirk slip across her face before doing what she had planned to do since she had heard about what this demon does. Brickit looked shocked for a couple of moments before releasing Tenshi and taking a step back.

Everyone in the room gasped at what they saw, including the guards. Brickit looked down and his shock grew. The crotch of his pants had been cleanly cut open. His penis was in visible sight, but what had everyone’s attention was the flow of blood running off the tip of it and the bloody ice blade the redhead had in her hand.

“I warned you not to touch me, now you have paid the ultimate price.” Tenshi growled angrily.

At that moment Brickit’s shock wore off and was replaced with pain. He dropped to his knees grabbing his irreparable groin. He came to find out that his balls and the sac holding them were completely gone.

“Guards, get her!” He managed to get out around the extreme pain he was in. The guards rushed forward ready to attack. They were soon lying dead on the floor with their throats slit and blood flowing freely. Tenshi walked over and dropped something in front of Brickit. He gasped reaching out for what he saw. The vixen however quickly and viciously stomped her foot down on the bloody sac laying on the floor, completely crushing the two delicate spheres inside.

“Now you won’t hurt another woman ever again.” Tenshi growled angrily. She looked over her shoulder at the still very shocked girls. “Go! Stick to the plan and stay together! Get to Caver!”

They all nodded and hurried from the room as best they could. Tenshi still stood over the demon on his knees.

“That ice blade means you have ice powers! What ice race are you from?!” Brickit managed to once again speak through his pain.

“I am a Koorime bitch; I got my blood from my father. I warned you what would happen if you tried to touch me, so it’s your own fault that you are in this position.” Tenshi replied, her voice as cold as the ice she still held.

“Who are you?”

“I’m your worst nightmare. I was sent with a message. My family is tired of your law breaking and your treason; you are going down.”

“Who are you?” Brickit asked again forcefully. He just had to know.

“If you must know, I am Lady Tenshi. What you’ve done will bring the throne against you. Goodbye and good riddance.” Tenshi turned and quickly left the room, leaving the still bleeding demon on the floor and clutching what was left of his genitals.

She raced down the hall, hoping to catch up with her friends. She rounded a corner and saw the girls up ahead of her. They were still moving as fast as they could, but it wasn’t all that fast really. Nina was two days from her due date, Siaira was carrying her baby, and Brickit had already gotten to Brii. The dog demoness was a week pregnant and already suffering from the first signs of pregnancy. It had been sort of a miracle that he hadn’t tried anything with Tenshi until now.

Tenshi sighed; the journey back to her fathers’ fortress was going to be long and very dangerous. She could only hope that Nina would be able to hold out until they got to her home.

“Alright, girls, we’ve got to move faster. At least until we get out of this place. We have to find Caver and Ruto quickly.” Tenshi announced, catching up to them and slowing down some.

“This is never going to work!” Nina cried, her breath shallow and fast.

“It will, we just have to get to my fathers.” Tenshi tried to encourage. “I’m not leaving any of you here. Brickit will be on the war path now. We all have to get to safety.”

“How do you know your fathers will protect all of us?” Brii asked quickly. “Each of us has a child in some way.”

“They won’t care, trust me.” Tenshi pleaded, even as she silently picked up the pace. “Now let’s just move.”

The group fell into silence as they hurried through the halls and passed guards easily. Tenshi figured that no one had found Brickit yet and she kept her ice knife hidden in the folds of her skirt. They rounded a corner and saw the phoenix down the hall on his knees, scrubbing the floor. Ruto was beside him working on the same task.

“Gailic, we got to move now!” Tenshi announced, running up to him.

“What happened?”

“No time to explain now, we have to get out of here!” Tenshi said quickly.

“Alright, let’s go then.” Gailic dropped the brush and jumped to his feet. He started running down the hall, leading the way. Ruto was right beside, a determined look on his face. Gailic briefly glanced over his shoulder. “Ruto and I needs weapons.”

“Okay, next guards we pass we’ll get you both one.” Tenshi agreed quickly.

“I thought his name was Caver?” Siaira asked, looking over to the male phoenix/fox crossed.

“Sorry it’s not.” Tenshi answered.

“It’s actually Gailic.” The phoenix responded for the vixen/feline.

“Who are you two really?” Brii asked, straight to the point.

“You don’t act like slaves or even peasants for that matter.” Nina added quickly, her breath still short.

“We’ll explain everything later.” Tenshi said softly, they were nearing two guards. She held her empty hand up behind her back and quickly formed an ice sword. Now she had two weapons and was prepared for battle. The guards never saw it coming. They was dead before they realized it, their heads rolled along the floor until they hit a wall.

“You’re a Koorime!” Brii was shocked. “But you don’t look like one.”

“I am a Koorime, but only a third. I actually look like my dad.” Tenshi replied tossing the phoenix the metal sword and then Ruto a battleaxe “Do you know how to fight?”

“No, I never learned.” Brii answered quickly.

“Alright then, you don’t need a weapon. Let’s move.” Tenshi ordered, without a second thought. There was no need to ask Nina and Siaira, neither was in a condition to fight.

The group took off down the hall again.

“Here it is.” Gailic announced, pushing a door open into a dark room. Ruto entered quickly and searched the room for any signs of trouble. All the girls entered and he shoved it closed. Yanking off his cloak, he revealed his large black wings.

“Wow,” Siaira whispered, moving closer to touch the pretty feathers and the phoenix indulged her for a couple of seconds.

“I’m sorry you have to stop. We have to keep moving.” Gailic slowly smiled. “But you can touch them again later if you want.”

“Oh…sorry,” Siaira jerked her hand away and blushed prettily.

“You two can flirt later,” Tenshi smiled slightly, “When we get home. Start moving them, Gailic.” She ordered, pushing the shutters on the windows open. “Ruto, you go first, we need you on the ground to protect the girls while Gailic flies back and forth.”

It was the only window in the whole fortress that was big enough to escape through, but it was also the highest, at least three hundred and fifty feet in the air with a deep gully far below. Gailic jumped out and started flapping his wings. Hovering next to the window, he held out his hands. Ruto grasped his wrists and was pulled out the window to be quickly flown to the ground far below. When Gailic was back and hovering at the window. Brii only smiled before she jumped out the window and into Gailic’s arms. He flew downwards quickly and into the forest far below.

Five minutes later, he was back at the window and Siaira was the next to go, holding tight to her precious daughter. Gailic dived for the ground below. He had to hurry because he could feel demon energy coming closer to the room they were in and he knew Tenshi felt it too. Not even five minutes later, Gailic was back at the window. With help from the vixen, Nina was able to struggle up into the window. She looked down nervously before taking a deep breath and stepping off. She found herself flying towards the ground in the phoenix’s arms. Just then the door flew open in the room and Xaviar was standing there looking quite angry.

“What the hell is wrong with you? What were you thinking doing that to my father? How could you do this? I completely pampered you and this is how you fucking repay me! I thought we were growing closer! I was even going to ask you to be my mate!”

“I’m sorry, Xaviar,” Tenshi whispered sadly. “I do have feelings for you and I was beginning to think of you as my lover, but my fathers would never let that happen. As for your father, he touched me and I had already warned him what would happen if he did that. I am sorry for hurting you, but not him.” And with that, she stepped off the window edge.



Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them.