Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Danger And Safety ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, mentions of malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. A little language, pregnancy and nursing baby.

AN: Let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories as I type really badly, actually I really can‘t type. I’m a hunt and peck kind of person. She also betas for me too. She is great!! The best!!! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!! You are in my prayers and I hope you get better soon.

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I promise I will not abandon this story until it is done.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 6 of 10

Danger And Safety



Tenshi was falling quickly towards the ground, but all she could do was stare up at the window she jumped out of. She could easily make out Xaviar’s outline which only made her want to cry. Her heart had been ripped out and she could only blame herself. Suddenly strong arms were around her, pressing her into a strong chest.

Tenshi looked up and smiled. “Thanks for catching me, Gailic.”

“I had too. Hiei and Kurama would kill me if I let their precious little girl die.” Gailic laughed as he dived towards the ground.

“Are the girls ready to move?”

“Yep, I got them hiding in the bushes where we planned along with Ruto. We’re going to have to move slowly because Nina is just too big, too close to her due date.”

“I know.” Tenshi whispered. “I hadn’t planned to bring them all along, but I couldn’t leave them there after getting to know them.”

“I understand and felt the same about Ruto,” Gailic said as he landed. He quickly put the vixen on her feet. “But we’ll have to move as fast as they can.”

“Again, I know. Let’s get them and get moving.” Tenshi said, pushing her heartache aside. She couldn’t dwell on personal matters. She had a mission to finish.

Tenshi and Gailic quickly located Ruto, Nina, Brii, and Siaira. Tenshi instructed the girls to keep their energies very low and to travel as fast as they could. With a silent nod from each, they were off. Gailic lead the way with the girls in the middle, Ruto was carrying Nina, and Tenshi brought up the rear. The group was making a bee line straight for the Lords’ fortress.

The day passed in silence and uneventful, though they had to stop often for Nina to rest. They ate the berries they gathered along the way. It normally would have taken three days to get to Hiei’s and Kurama’s fortress, but at their current speed it would take them about six days and that wasn’t good. Nina would reach her due date and could go into labor at any time.

Luck was with them, they made it through the second day without any problems, though they could feel faint energies of hundreds of demons following them. Unfortunately, said demons were getting closer. On the third day, the group’s luck turned sour. They had just stopped to rest when Nina grabbed her large stomach, a painful moan coming from her.

“Oh no,” Tenshi whispered, quickly moving over to the girl’s side. “Have you gone into labor?”

“I think so,” Nina whispered, another moan punctuating her answer.

“Gailic, Ruto,” Tenshi looked to the Phoenix. “Find us a cave or some dense cover quickly.”

The two males only nodded and took off through the woods. Brii and Siaira hurried to Nina’s side to see if they could help in anyway. Gailic returned a half hour later with news that he was able to find a cave. Ruto was waiting there. He and Tenshi quickly moved Nina to it. Along the way Brii and Siaira gathered soft plants and grasses for the pregnant girl to lie on. When the group finally got Nina situated her contractions were coming every five minutes. Tenshi walked over to Gailic just as he finished building a small fire.

“I thought about this and you will do as I say. Take Ruto, Siaira, her baby, and Brii and keep going towards home. I will stay here and look after Nina.”

“No, I can’t do that! The enemy is getting closer!” Gailic protested quickly. “Hiei and my brother will kill me!!”

“You will do as I say, that’s an order.” Tenshi was just as quick, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “If you hurry, we should be okay. With luck you’ll run into one of my fathers or brothers out training before you even get to the fortress. Just hurry please.”

“I’ll do my best, Tenshi, and you two be careful.” Gailic whispered, quickly hugging the vixen.


After some protest from Ruto, Brii and Siaira, he was finally able to get them moving again. The girls hugged and cried a little before they separated. hoping to see each other again soon. The smaller group was able to travel a great deal faster. They fell into silence again keeping an eye on everything around them.

At one point, Gailic ended up carrying the baby of their group and instantly fell in love with her. She was so tiny and fit on his arm between his hand and elbow, cradled very close to his chest. It made him crave something he never thought of having or wanting; a family of his own. If he was lucky, he would have that one day soon and with the pretty girl that jogged beside him now, the mother of the child he held. He thought she was very cute and a good choice for a mate.

“Have you thought of a name for her?” Gailic asked quietly, touching the baby’s chubby cheek, “Especially now that you can name her.”

“I know what I would like to name her.” Siaira smiled, almost secretively.

“Well, what is it?”

“I want to name her Shi after one of our Saviors. If I ever have a son, I would like to name him after you, our other savior.”

“I think she’d like that.” Gailic smiled too. “I know I like that idea.”

“Then her name is Shi.” Siaira announced, touching the baby’s tiny foot. Any further conversation was immediately stopped. Demons jumped out of bushes and dropped from trees with their arrows aimed right at the small group.

“Put down your weapons.” A soft alto voice ordered. “You all recognize the male as my brother, Gailic.” Kurama walked out of the bushes, a frown on his face. “Where is my daughter? And who is the extra girl and the male tiger?.”

“Tenshi is about a half day back with another girl that went into labor.” Gailic quickly answered, bowing slightly. “The male tiger is a friend I made in the fortress. He helped us escape and his name is Ruto.”

Kurama nodded to the tiger demon, a smile of gratitude on his lips. “Thank you so much for your help in the escape.”

“I was glad to help my Lord.” Ruto bowed deeply in respect.

“Tenshi? Lady……” Siaira gasped, a hand going to her mouth.

“Lady Tenshi? The one in line for the Makai throne and is Lord Hiei and Lord Kurama’s daughter?” Brii finished for her friend. Ruto was speechless, he would have never guessed any of this.

“Yes, she is.” Kurama walked over to the shocked ladies and performed a sweeping bow before them. “I’m Lord Youko Kurama and Tenshi is my lovely daughter. Might I ask who you are?”

“I’m Brii.” The dog demoness offered a bow to her Lord. “I met Shi in Brickit’s fortress and she wouldn’t leave me behind. I‘m a week pregnant.”

“That’s my girl; she has always had a big heart. Don’t worry you and your child will be taken care of.” Kurama turned to the other girl, “And you are?”

“I’m…I’m…,” Siaira stuttered, not believing how close she was to actually finding her brother.

“This is Siaira, Kurama.” Gailic smiled, putting a hand on the girl’s back and pushing her forward slightly. “This is Toushi’s sister and this,” he motioned to the baby he held, “is her daughter, Shi, whom was named after Tenshi.”

“I’m so glad to finally meet you, Siaira.” Kurama took hold of the girl’s hand and kissed it. “I’ve heard so much about you from Toushi. Now that the introductions are over, we all need to get back to camp to determine where Tenshi and this other girl are.”

He looked to a guard near his right, “You carry Brii as she looks very tired.” He looked over to Gailic, “I’ll carry the baby and you carry Siaira so we can move faster. Ruto keep up with us, you are welcome in our camp.”

“Yes, sir,” Gailic carefully handed the fox the little girl before scooping Siaira up into his arms. The now larger group raced through the forest and quickly came upon a large encampment.

“Dad!” The light haired boy ran up to the fox. Followed closely by his brother Idai, who remained silent.

“Ah, Meiyo, good. Take the sleeping girl Zire is carrying and be very careful with her as she is pregnant.”

The boy hurried over and quickly, but carefully, took Brii. He looked over to the fox. “Where should I put her?” Meiyo asked, once again turning to his father.

“Umm…put her in your tent. You’re in charge of her.” Kurama answered quickly before looking to his other son. “Idai, take Ruto to get something good to eat and find him a place to sleep. He helped your sister and Gailic in their escape. He deserves much hospitality and thanks.”

“Yes, sir.” Idai turned to the tiger demon, sunny smile on his face. “Come with me, I’ll show you around and introduce you to others.”

Ruto couldn’t help, but smile too and he moved close to the younger male. “Lead the way, Lord Idai.”

The two males walked off, Idai gesturing around them and explaining things. Meiyo was blushing heavily as he carried Brii towards his tent, teasing cat calls from a few soldiers following his every step. Kurama smirked a little, shaking his head slightly. He then turned to his brother. “Gailic, come with me to my tent.”

“Yes sir, but what about Siaira?” Gailic glanced down to the sleeping girl he held. His expression softening considerably as he looked at her.

“Bring her with you.” Kurama smiled, already seeing the tell-tale signs the boy was showing for the girl. He shrugged internally; it could be a good match even if she was only fifteen years old. He turned and swiftly walked towards the only black tent with light showing from the slightly opened flap. Two guards standing outside the entrance bowed as Kurama and Gailic passed them, going into the tent.

“You’re back, Fox.” Hiei looked up from the mess on the table. “Gailic you’re back! Wait…where’s Tenshi?!”

“Umm…..…she stayed behind with a female that went into labor. We have to get back to her soon!” Gailic nervously answered.

“Over here, brother.” Kurama said, laying the baby in the middle of a nest of blankets and pillows.

Gailic hurried over and laid Siaira on the bed next to her tiny daughter. He carefully pulled the red blanket over them.

“Is that Siaira?” Hiei asked, looking down at the girl on his bed.

“Yes,” Gailic answered. “And this is her month old daughter, Shi.” He gently touched the tiny fisted hand. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Hn, which one are you talking about, boy?” Hiei smirked, watching the young phoenix male blush, “The baby or the girl?”

“Both, I guess.” Gailic whispered, blushing even more.

“Well, Gailic,” Kurama patted the boy’s shoulder. “It looks like you’re finally growing up. I don’t really know her yet, but she might be a good match for you. Remember though, you’ll have to talk to Toushi before you make a move on her.”

“I will.” Gailic nodded, brushing a lock of hair off Siaira’s cheek. “And I’ll be good to her especially after all she’s been through.”

“Good, now that it is settled, Gailic come show me on the map where Tenshi location is.” Hiei turned and walked back over to the table.

The fox and Phoenix quickly joined him. Gailic pointed out the area of the cave, but he didn’t know the exact location. He explained to the demons everything he and Tenshi had been through. He also told them why the vixen wouldn’t leave the two pregnant girls behind. He then explained to Hiei and Kurama what he knew of Tenshi’s fight with Brickit, but again he didn’t know all of the details. Suddenly the tent flap was shoved opened without any announcement.

“Did you find her? Where is she?” Toushi asked, running into the tent with his little mate right behind him.

“Yeah, she’s on the bed.” Gailic smiled as he moved over some for the wolf to see.

“Siaira,” Toushi gasped, running straight towards his sister and then dropping down on his knees beside the nest.

“Where is Tenshi?” Kaihei asked, looking among his fathers and uncle.

“She’s held up with another girl that went into labor in a cave right about here.” Kurama answered his son, pointing to the map.

“We will go after her at first light.”

“Will she be alright until then?” Kaihei asked, worry evident on his features.

“She should be.” Hiei replied. “She can take care of herself and is almost as good as you and Toushi with a sword.”

“Yeah, she is.” Kaihei agreed a small smirk on his face. Tenshi, like the rest of their family, was a worthy and extremely deadly opponent. A surprised gasp drew the group’s attention to the wolf. He had pulled the blankets down some and saw the tiny baby sleeping at his young sister’s side.

“Is this baby hers?” Toushi asked, raising a hand to touch the soft brown hair.

“Yes,” Gailic answered. “She loves her daughter dearly, even though the baby came from her being raped. From what Tenshi has said, Siaira also remembers and still loves you.”

“Well, at least that part is a relief.” Toushi said quietly. “To ease the other part, I’ll never let anyone get near, hurt, or touch her again. I’m her big brother, I should’ve protected her, but I didn’t. Now, I have a second chance and I will do my part, for her and my niece.”

“That’s all well and good, but she’s safe now and my daughter is not. So if you don’t mind, we all need to come up with a plan.” Hiei said, calling attention back to their present problem. All the males moved back over to the round table and began to discuss attack strategies.

Thirty minutes later, the group had come up with a great plan, especially if Brickit had already gotten to Tenshi and taken her back to his fortress. A tiny shrill cry broke off all conversation. They turned around to see Siaira groggily sitting up, opening her shirt, and then putting the crying baby to a small breast. She was completely unaware that she was in the presence of five males. The baby got a good latch quickly enough, but Siaira whined in pain catching the fox’s attention.

“Are you sore?” Kurama asked, quickly walking over to the girl and sitting down beside her. Siaira blushed immediately when she looked up and saw all the males watching her nurse her baby. She grabbed her shirt and attempted to cover up, but the fox was ahead of her. He had a blanket off the nest and draped it over her shoulders, covering her front to give her some privacy.

“Thank you, Lord Kurama.” Siaira whispered, bowing her head in respect.

“No problem and just call me Kurama, you‘re family.” The fox smiled. “So, are your nipples sore?”

“Um…yes,” Siaira blushed brightly, looking to the ground.

“Then we will need to have a little talk later and I’ll make you an oil that will help you and is safe for your baby.”

“Thank you again,” Siaira slowly looked up to the fox and smiled.

“Again, not a problem as we take care of our family.”

“But I’m not your family.” Siaira protested.

“Hn, to us you are.” Hiei stepped to the side revealing Toushi sitting in a chair behind him, “because your brother is our son.”

“Toushi!” Siaira gasped, her eyes widening. She started to get up, but the wolf held up a hand. He got up and walked over to her.

“I’m glad to see you again, Siaira. I’ve missed you and I’m sorry for letting this happen to you.” Toushi knelt down before the girl. “I won’t ever let anything happen to you again.”

“Oh, Toushi, I love you.” Siaira cried, pulling her brother into a one arm hug. Both were mindful of the tiny baby between them. “I’m sorry to have disgraced you.” She whispered when they parted.

“What do you mean?” Toushi quickly asked.

“My baby, I’m too young for a baby. I tried to fight the male off, but he was just too strong. I haven’t even had my first heat yet.”

“You didn’t disgrace me, Siaira. I love you. Everything will be okay in the end.” Toushi said softly. “This monster will pay for his crimes against you and those many other girls. On a nicer subject, I would like for you to meet my mate.” He held out a hand and Kaihei moved up beside him, taking it.

“You must be Lord Kaihei.” Siaira smiled. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you as well.” Kaihei smiled. “And just call me Kaihei.”

“Thanks, I will. I must say that you are as cute as my brother said you were.”

“Toushi!” Kaihei was blushing.

“Well, you are,” Toushi smirked, hugging the little fox to him. Everyone laughed at the still blushing male.

“Gailic?” Siaira called, trying to look around her brother.

“I’m right here,” Gailic hurried over and took the seat the fox vacated for him.

“Can you take Shi for me while I fix my clothes?”

Gailic didn’t answer; he just carefully reached under the blanket and pulled the baby out. In the last three days he had grown accustomed to helping Siaira care for the little girl. He welcomed the moments when he could hold the baby. He was actually beginning to think of her as his daughter. The rest of the males watched the phoenix and vixen interact while falling into silence.

Hiei and Kurama shared a knowing look. Kaihei just grinned like mad, seeing the possible mating signs too. Toushi, though, was completely wide eyed. He had just got his sister back and didn’t want to lose her again so soon. As he watched them, he could see the attraction between them. He sighed dejectedly, at least he would be able to keep an eye on them and he would definitely do that. He didn’t care if Gailic was his brother in bonding, in a way. He would treat him like he would any male that was after his sister.

“Well, enough talk.” Hiei stood, getting everyone’s attention. “We need to go to bed, we have an early start.”

The group broke up. Much to Toushi’s objection, Siaira went with Gailic to his now set up tent. It helped a little that Kaihei made up a separate bed for her and Shi. To everyone’s surprise, Brii also stayed in Meiyo’s tent and Idai was now sharing his tent with Ruto. Soon everyone was asleep preparing for the upcoming battle.



Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. I will update as soon as I can.