Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Reunions And Decisions ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

Warnings for this chapter! : Language, mentions of malaxmale relationships, malexfemale relationship. A little language, pregnancy and nursing baby.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She types up my stories as I type really badly, actually I really can‘t type. I’m a hunt and peck kind of person. She also betas for me too. She is great!! The best!!! Thank You!! Thank You!!! Thank You!!!! You are in my prayers and I hope you get better soon.

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You so very much!!!!! You guys are so awesome! XD

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I promise I will not abandon this arc until it is done. Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 7 of 10

Reunions And Decisions


“Nina, you’ve got to relax.” Tenshi urged wiping the girl’s sweat drenched forehead with a wet rag she had ripped from her dress.

“I thought you said you didn’t know anything about birthing babies.” Nina cried out, tossing her head side to side as another pain hit her. The contractions were getting stronger and coming closer together. She had been in labor for eight hours now.

“I honestly don’t, but I do know being this tense couldn’t possibly help.” Tenshi answered even as she glanced to the cave entrance.

It had grown very dark, but that wasn’t what she was worried about. She felt a demon’s energy closing in quickly and it was very disturbed with anger. This wasn’t good as Nina couldn’t be moved at all. She was close to delivering her baby.

“Is something wrong?” Nina asked after noticing the glance.

“Oh, no nothing is wrong.” Tenshi put on one of her father’s fake, but polite smiles. “Though I would like for you to lower your energy as low as possible, just in case.”

“I can try.” Nina began pushing her energy down. When she felt the vixen’s energy going down as well, she knew her friend was lying, but only trying to keep her from worrying.

“Just tell me when you need to push and I’ll help anyway that I can.” Tenshi smiled as she wiped the girl’s forehead again.

“I will and I think I’m getting close as the pressure is building.”

“Good, then it will be over soon.”

“Yes…” They fell into silence for awhile. The only sounds were the small crackling fire and Nina’s pants.

Suddenly Tenshi jumped to her feet and spun around to face the cave’s entrance, one hand held an ice sword and the other an ice dagger. She had felt a demon’s energy very, very near. As she suspected a dark cloaked figured entered the cave with a sword drawn.

“Get out of here if you value your life.” Tenshi growled angrily.

“Maybe I don’t.” Came an equally angry voice that the vixen instantly recognized.

“Xavier,” Tenshi whispered, taking a small step forward.

“Yes, it’s me,” Xavier pushed the hood of his cloak off his head. “I’m going to get answers from you and this time you won’t run a way.”

“I don’t have time for this nor do I want to fight you. I have to take care of Nina right now, and you are not taking her or me back to your father!”

“I’m not taking either of you two back. I don’t care anymore. I just want the truth from you. Who are you? No one would have gotten the drop on my father like you did.”

“Not now!” Nina screamed in pain. “My baby is coming!”

Feeling somewhat safer, Tenshi quickly dispersed her ice weapons and sat down between the girl’s bent legs. She pushed up Nina’s skirt to see how far she was. What she saw made her sick to her stomach and yet made her want to smile.

“I can see the top of the head!”

“Shi…I do most of the work.” Nina panted, clutching at her stomach. “All you have to do is catch.”

“I can do that.”

“What can I do?” Xaviar asked, moving over to the two females.

Nina looked nervously to Tenshi who just nodded slightly. She looked back to the male. “You can help me sit up when I start to push, if you want.” She replied a bit hesitantly. She was after all having the male’s half sibling.

“I want to help.” Xavier quickly removed his cloak and sat down at the girl’s side.

“Xaviar, I will need your cloak.”

“Sure, here.” He easily tossed it to the vixen.

“I’ve got to push!” Nina announced just before she started to bear down.

Xaviar slipped an arm under the girl’s shoulders and helped her to sit up as she put all her energy into pushing. Ten minutes later a tiny baby was pushed into Tenshi’s hands.

“Clean it’s mouth out, use your finger. Then turn it over and gently, but strongly pat it‘s back to clear the lungs and nose.” Nina instructed completely exhausted.

The vixen did what was asked of her and soon a little cry filed the cave. Tenshi moved over and sat down by the male.

“Here you go, mama. A beautiful baby boy.” She laid the crying baby into her friends waiting arms.

“I can’t believe that I’m actually going to be able to keep this one. I don‘t even know if the others were killed or thrown in the dungeon.”

“What do you mean?” Xaviar asked thoroughly confused. “Killed? Dungeon?”

“You really didn’t know what was going on in that fortress.” Tenshi shook her head sadly at the irony of that. “Haven’t you wondered why all of your brothers and sisters look the same?”

“Well no, I just thought my father had strong blood.”

“Not that strong. No one’s blood is that strong.” Nina replied quickly. “I’ve had three children before this one, all with the same orange hair and your father took them from me. I assumed he killed them.”

“You see, Xaviar, for every child that looks like you there is at least one child that died that didn’t.” Tenshi explained gently.

“I really didn’t know that my father was killing babies or I never would have let it happen.” Xaviar was feeling very guilty.

“You know what; I actually believe you wouldn’t have.” Tenshi slowly smiled, laying her hand over his.

He smiled too, as he turned his hand over and laced their fingers together.

“Why don’t you two go talk.” Nina said quietly. “Besides, I need to feed my baby.”

“Alright,” Tenshi agreed softly, looking over to the male. Xaviar stood up and gently pulled the vixen to her feet. They walked closer to the mouth of the cave and sat back down.

“I don’t know where to begin.” Tenshi nearly whispered, shaking her head.

“Well, just start from the beginning, Shi.” Xaviar encouraged the pretty redhead.

“Then, I guess I should tell you that my name isn’t Shi.” Tenshi was staring intently at the male. “It’s….It’s…my name is Tenshi.”

“Tenshi? …….. Tenshi!” Xaviar exclaimed looking at the girl in a new light. “As in Lady Tenshi?!?”

“Yes,” Tenshi smiled softly. “My father is Lord Hiei and my dad is Lord Kurama. I was sent in with Gailic, you know him as Caver, on a mission to locate and save Siaira. I just didn’t expect to meet you, Nina, Ruto, and Brii. When I did everything changed. I had to get the other girls out too, but I didn’t want to leave you either and well you know the decision I made.”

“Why Siaira? Why now? My father has been doing this for, well, since I was born.”

“It had only come to my fathers’ knowledge recently of what was being done. As for Siaira, she’s actually family to us.”

“This is incredible, I never would have guessed.” Xaviar said, cupping the vixen’s chin. “I guess this means I can’t kiss you anymore without permission.”

Tenshi quickly straddled the male’s lap, her hand‘s coming up to grip at his hair. “You’ll always have my permission to do that.”

“Mmm…I’m glad to hear that.” Xaviar purred, closing the distance between their lips. With that kiss he was giving up the life his father had set before him. He would forever more willingly walk in Lady Tenshi’s shadow. In truth he didn’t care as long as he had her in his life. She was his match in every way and he didn’t mind her very dominate nature. It actually turned him on.

Tenshi knew what the kiss signified as well, but she didn’t know how they were going to work out two very big obstacles…………..…her fathers. They would never let Xaviar have her. They would likely kill him on sight for his treason. The vixen sighed sadly in her mind. She didn’t know how they would get through this and stay together.

“Anymore secrets?” Xaviar asked when they parted.

“Well, I’m a third Koorime, a third fire demon, and a third fox. I also have full ice powers.” Tenshi quickly made an ice dagger in her hand and then made it disappear. “Then there is also a big family secret.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“I can’t tell you, it’s not my secret to tell. Maybe one day my parents will trust you enough to tell you.”

“Maybe, but I doubt it.” Xaviar shrugged, settling more against the cave wall. “Rest now, I’ll keep an eye on you, Nina and my baby brother.”

“Thank you.” Tenshi murmured, kissing the male’s cheek and then snuggling into his strong chest. She wasn’t afraid of him at all, she had no reason to be.

Through the course of the night, Xaviar moved himself and Tenshi over next to the girl and new baby, trying to conserve body heat. He soon drifted into a very light sleep, but apparently it wasn’t light enough.


Xaviar was awoken when his arms went suddenly empty. He was then snatched to his feet by a guard on each side of him. Worried for his female, he started fighting back. A black blur appeared in front of Xaviar and then he doubled over in pain after having a fist plowed into his stomach.

“Father, no! Please stop!” Xaviar only half heard Tenshi’s pleas.

He looked towards her voice and saw his female being held back by the Youko of legend. Xaviar quickly remembered back to what Tenshi had said about her being part fox and everyone knew the lord’s name was Kurama. He had just thought the lord was named after the legendary bandit, but that apparently was wrong. Lord Kurama was the legendary bandit Youko Kurama.

“Daddy, let me go.” Tenshi pleaded, pushing at the fox’s hands. “Please don’t let father hurt him!”

Xaviar looked back to the black blur and found a very angry looking demon standing in front of him, clad only in black. He shivered slightly, seeing the purple glowing third eye in the middle of the short demon’s forehead.

“Lord Hiei, I presume.” Xaviar finally said. He looked back to Tenshi and the Youko who still held her. “And you must be Lord Kurama.”

“That I am,” Kurama took a step forward. “Now tell me what you have done to my daughter.”

“I haven’t done anything to her.” Xaviar answered quickly.

“Don’t lie, demon.” Hiei growled. “With my third eye, I can tell you’re lying.”

“Fine, I’ve kissed her and held her a little! If you’re asking if I’ve done anything else to her the answer is no. I have great respect for Tenshi.”

“You should.” Kurama looked down to his daughter. “Is what he says true?”

“Yes, sir. He’s been nothing, but honorable with me.” Tenshi answered, glancing to the male she wanted to bed. Her voice dropped to a low whisper so the fox could only hear her. “I love him, daddy.”

“Release him,” Kurama ordered quickly, earning him a glare from his mate. He looked over to his son who had remained quiet the whole time. “Makoto, you watch over Nina and her baby just like Meiyo is watching over Brii. Nina is now your responsibility.”

“Yes sir.” Makoto smiled before easily picking the girl and her baby up in his arms. He was still smiling as he carried the blushing girl out of the cave.

“Everyone out,” Kurama ordered before pointing to Xaviar, “Except for you.” He glanced down to his daughter, “and you. Your father and I are going to straighten this out now.”

“What’s wrong, Fox?” Hiei asked mentally.

“Watch.” Kurama answered back, releasing their daughter.

As he had expected Tenshi ran over to the male and threw her arms around his neck. He quickly returned the hug, causing Hiei to raise an eyebrow and turn questioning eyes to the fox. Kurama sighed and sent the answer through their mind link.

“She loves him and apparently he may love her.”

Hiei just shook his head, not liking that one bit. “Enough of that,” He growled, glaring at his daughter and young male until they released each other. “Explain yourselves!”

“Um…father,” Tenshi turned nervously, looking at the fire demon. “This is Xaviar. I met him at Brickit’s fortress and he has been taking care of me this whole time.”

“Hn, then I suppose I owe you a thank you, boy.”

“Uh…sir,” Xaviar glanced to the redhead vixen beside him and then back to the fire demon. “I need to be honest from the beginning for personal reasons.”

“You mean because of my daughter?” Kurama asked quickly.

“Yes,” Xaviar actually blushed lightly. “She means a lot to me so I need to start out on the right foot with her parents. I’m not just someone Tenshi met at Brickit’s fortress and she knows this. I’m Brickit’s first born son and his heir, but I’m loyal to my Lords.”

“It’s good that you were honest with us.” Kurama said, looking the young male up and down. “But that doesn’t help your case. How do we know you’re not lying.”

“I guess you don’t.” Xaviar shrugged. “But I am telling the truth. I never agreed with what my father was doing. I had to stay though, he was my father. I only found out yesterday how deep my father’s crimes run. I want nothing more to do with him. I want to stay at Tenshi’s side for the rest of my life.”

“We’ll get into that some other time.” Hiei growled a warning, telling the male to keep his hands off the vixen until they had that talk without words. “As for your loyalty, we shall see where it lies because we’re going after your father for his crimes.”

“I figured as much,” Xaviar hung his head. “And I know my father will not survive.” He raised his head and squared his shoulders. “But I don’t care anymore. I’ve made my decision to where I belong.” He slipped an arm around the vixen beside him. “And that is with Tenshi.”

This time the warning growl came from Kurama. “Be very careful, Xaviar. Hiei and I fought hard to keep our daughter a virgin through her past two heats, killed many of demons that tried to enter our fortress.”

“Daddy!” Tenshi squealed, blushing brightly. She hated it when her father took on his Youko form. He would become more dominate and speak his mind, not caring what anybody else thought, well except for his fire demon.

“Don’t daddy him!” Hiei said quickly. “What my fox says is true. You two will keep your hands off of each other. Her virginity will be taken by her mate, and only a mate we approve of. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir, it is.” Xaviar answered, but he didn’t remove his arm from around the vixen’s waist.

“Alright, let’s get down to business.” Tenshi said, easily slipping into battle mode. “Brickit has a sizable army, but nothing your army can’t handle, father. Who all is with us?”

“Five of your brothers, Isan isn’t here. He is watching the throne, your baby sister, and your grandmother while we’re gone. Junaco also stayed behind to help them.” Kurama answered quickly. “Has the fortress changed from the old plans that we have?”

“Not from what I’ve seen of it, it’s all the same.” Tenshi looked up to the male beside her. “Has the fortress changed from the original plans in other parts of it?”

“No,” Xaviar said, knowing if he didn’t answer it would not help with the whole trust issue. “The fortress hasn’t been changed in over 200 years that I know of.”

“Good,” Hiei grunted. “Then we can go with our original plan. Remember Toushi gets to deal with Brickit.”

“Why?” Xaviar asked softly. He was hearing the plans for his father’s demise and didn’t like it. “Isn’t he only related to royal family by mating?”

“Well, yes and no.” Kurama replied. “Toushi is mated to our son Kaihei, but we consider him our son too. We raised and trained him until he was ten years old. The reason Toushi gets your father is because Siaira is his sister.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.”

“Not many people did.” Kurama stated. “From what you have told us, it would make her child your sister and Nina’s child your brother. Wouldn’t you want to protect them at all cost?”

“Yes, I would.” Xaviar answered quietly.

“Then, its Toushi’s right to have claim to your father for what he did to Siaira and every other young girl he has forced to have his child.”

“I understand,” Xaviar barely whispered. “We’ll probably run into some trouble. My father has quite a few guards out looking for Tenshi for what she did to him.”

“What did she do?” Kurama asked, his curiosity peaked.

“I don’t know, he wouldn’t talk about it, but he is extremely mad.” Xaviar replied quickly.

All eyes turned to the giggly vixen. She got herself under control and a smirk appeared on her face.

“I did what I said I would do if he touched me. Well, almost. I didn’t cut off his dick like I promised; I just cut off his balls and crushed them under my foot.”

The three males stood wide eyed, just staring at the girl in complete shock.



Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. Three more chapters to go. :D