Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Surprises Come In All Forms ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

AN: First thing first, let me say a big thank you to zsfantasy. She had typed up this chapter before her accident and I’m extremely grateful to her.

To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you. I love reading each review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!!

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I promise I will not abandon this story until it is done.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough, to long really!!……. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 8 of 10

Surprises Come In All Forms



“Tenshi, you didn’t!” Kurama was the first to recover from the news. “That male will be beyond pissed off now. Toushi may not be able to handle him!”

“So, I didn’t like him touching me!” Tenshi shrugged, feeling the arm being removed from her waist. She looked up sharply at the male beside her, her green eyes narrowed in a touch of irritation. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind you touching me or you would’ve already been castrated.”

“That’s my girl.” Hiei commented, sounding quite pleased. “I’m proud of you.”

“I knew you would be, papa! He didn’t know what had happened until it was over. You should have seen his face! It was indescribable!”

“I bet it was.” Kurama shook his head. “The demon lost his ability to have children and possibly never get an erection again in one fatal move. And to boot, it was a female that did him in. He was probably in shock.”

“Yep, he was.” Tenshi smirked, looking quite evil. “He grabbed for his balls and got nothing.”

“Tenshi, language!” Kurama scolded the girl. “You’ve been hanging around your brothers far too much!”

“Well, what do you expect? All I had was big brothers,” Tenshi countered. “I would love to have another little sister like Namida, hint, hint.”

“Oh no, kit!” Hiei shook his head. “It’s time for the next generation of this family to have brats.”

Any further comments were stopped when Kaihei came sprinting into the cave. He stopped in front of the fox and fire demon.

“The scouts are reporting minor skirmishes with Brickit’s scouts.”

“Has any of his scouts gotten away?” Hiei asked quickly.

“No, all of Brickit’s scouts have been killed.” Kaihei answered before he glanced over to his sister and smiled. He then looked to the demon standing beside her.

His lips forming a frown, Kaihei growled. “Who are you? And what are you doing touching my sister?”

“Wow, does your whole family growl?” Xaviar laughed, trying to make light of the situation.

“It’s a family trait.” Tenshi laughed too. “They also purr when they’re content.”

“Who is he?” Kaihei asked, looking back to his parents.

“His name is Xaviar. Tenshi met him at Brickit’s fortress and it appears that he is courting your sister.” Kurama slowly smiled, knowing that the boy was in for it now. All of Tenshi’s brothers were very protective of her. Kaihei turned and blurred from sight. He reappeared tightly gripping Xaviar’s shirt, yanking him down and closer.

“I don’t like you already. If you hurt my sister in any way I’ll split you from neck to nuts and slowly pull out your organs starting with entrails, making your death slow and very painful.”

“Who are you?” Xaviar asked quickly with fear in his eyes. He didn’t know which brother he was dealing with, but this short demon had an iron grip that said he was not one to be screwed with and that his threat was very real.

“Kaihei, let him go!” Tenshi begged, latching herself tightly around her brother’s arm. She turned pleading eyes on her fathers. “Please don’t let Kaihei hurt Xaviar!”

After a few minutes of tense silence, Kurama finally spoke up, “Come on, Kaihei, let him go. Your sister will cry if you hurt him and I don’t want that. I’m sure you don’t want that either.”

“Kaihei?” Xaviar mumbled in shock. “The demon that killed a thousand demons in one day, the demon that is heir to two thirds of the Makai, the demon that…”

“Enough!” Kaihei quickly released the male, shoving him away, earning him a kiss on the cheek from his little sister. “The thousand demon tale isn’t true, but the heir to the Makai is so show some respect. My threat still stands though, remember that.” He blurred from sight, leaving the cave.

“Wow, he’s an angry little demon.”

“And deadly, you need to remember that as well.” Hiei said, turning slightly. “Kaihei is the most protective brother of Tenshi’s brothers. If you can win him over, you may have a shot at Kurama and I. Good luck, boy, you will need it.” The fire demon laced his fingers through the fox’s and they started walking out of the cave.

“You two have five minutes before we set out.” Kurama warned, glancing over his shoulder. “Keep this private time clean.”

Hiei grunted in agreement before leading the fox into daylight. They had to finish up last minute preparations for the coming battle.

“Don’t worry, they’ll come around eventually. It’s just right now they see you as the son of their enemy. You’ll need to gain their respect and trust.” Tenshi turned and slipped her arms around the male’s waist. “You’ll have my help to do this.”

“Thanks, baby.” Xaviar smiled, slipping his arms loosely around the vixen. “With your help, I know I’ll win your brothers and parents over. Soon you’ll be my mate if you’ll have me.”

“Yes, I’ll be your mate, Xaviar. I would like that very much.” Tenshi moved up on her tip toes and leaned in.

Xaviar took the hint and leaned in too. Their lips met in a simple kiss at first, but it grew slightly heated. A very angry growl broke them apart. They looked over to the cave entrance and saw Kaihei standing with a murderous glare on his face and his katana partially unsheathed.

“I instigated the touching, brother!” Tenshi spoke quickly, hoping it would smooth things over.

“Father told me to keep an eye on you two and I will. We’re moving out, let’s go.” Kaihei ordered harshly. The two young demons looked at each other before hurrying out of the cave, knowing they had to do what the short demon wanted.

They found a small army of about two hundred demons milling around among the trees. Tenshi recognized them as being her father’s best soldiers. She knew this company of soldiers could easily take down Brickit’s ill prepared army. She saw her other brothers and Kaihei running among the different troops passing out orders. She then saw Hiei and Kurama talking quietly with Toushi, probably passing along the information she had just told them.

In about ten minutes the groups of demons were organized and everyone headed out straight for Brickit’s fortress. They traveled until late in the day and even overnight, only having a few battles with small contingents of enemy forces. When the dark building finally came into view it was morning.

Hiei easily entered everyone’s mind. “Remember don’t injure any slaves or guards that don’t fight back. If they run, let them go.”

After that the fire demon gave the order to attack. The army of demons and the royal family sprang into action. The attacking forces did catch Brickit and his army off guard. Most of Brickit’s soldiers, sons, fled when they realized who was attacking them. The others ended up dead.

Brickit himself finally emerged from his fortress and entered the fight. As expected he headed right for Tenshi. She saw him though and easily defended herself.

“I will kill you, bitch!” Brickit hissed angrily, tightly gripping the hilt of his sword until his knuckles were white.

“Hmmm,” Tenshi’s smile was smug, bloody ice dagger and ice sword in hand. “I don’t think so. You’re all alone and I’m not. Look around you, I’m well protected by my family, though I can damn well take care of myself as you have already learned.”

Brickit glanced to his left and then to his right, a deep frown forming on his face. The female was right, he was surrounded by the members of the Makai royal family.

“And by me,” Xaviar walked out of some tall bushes and came to a stop beside his vixen.

“You’re betraying me, boy! You own father!! For her?!” Brickit snarled harshly.

Xaviar looked down at the girl for a few seconds before looking back up to his father. “Yes, I’m betraying you for her. I don’t want the life you’ve laid out before me. I want a life of my choosing and that life is with Tenshi.”

“But, they’re the enemy!” Brickit shouted.

“They’re your enemy, father.” Xaviar returned quietly. “Not mine.”

Brickit growled, charging at his son. Toushi however stepped in the way and instead attacked Brickit. The skirmish was over before it even started. Toushi had Brickit disarmed and on his knees on the hard ground. Hiei moved up beside his son and Kurama came up beside him.

“We have discussed the punishment for your crimes.” Hiei said, gaining the demon’s attention. “It was originally decided that you would die by Toushi’s hand for what you had done to his sister.”

“Now,” Kurama put in softly. “We’ve decided something different. You will never be a match for us or any of our children, so we’ve decided to let you live. What our daughter has done to you is punishment enough.”

“Go, live the rest of your miserable life without pleasure or the ability to father another child.” Hiei ordered before taking hold of the fox’s hand. They turned and began to walk away. Toushi put his sword away and walked over to Kaihei and led him away.

Tenshi looked up slightly at the male beside her. “It’s your choice of what you want to do. I have to go with my family. You can stay with your father if you want.”

“I’ve made my choice, baby.” Xaviar said softly, slipping an arm around her waist. “I’m staying with you and your family.” He turned and began to lead her away, following the rest of the royal family. He could only hope that one day he would be accepted as family.

Brickit growled lowly seeing his first born son walking away from him. Behind him his fortress and army lay in ruins. He, himself, had been mutilated. All of this because of one young vixen bitch that wanted to play spy and warrior. He would not have this! He wouldn’t be defeated by some female. He pulled a dagger from his boot and ran at the unsuspecting vixen and her would be ‘lover’.

Kaihei just happened to glance over his shoulder, checking on his sister when he saw the coming attack. “Tenshi, look out!” He yelled, causing everyone to turn around.

Before anyone could attack, Brickit was impaled on a sword and coughing up blood. His eyes widened in disbelief as the sword was withdrawn from his body and he fell to his knees.

“Why?” Brickit coughed, clutching at the bloody hole in his chest.

“Because you attacked Tenshi, father.” Xaviar wiped the blood off his sword and re-sheathed it. “I will not allow her getting hurt, even by you. I…I…I.. I care for her. I love her.”

“You love her?” Brickit laughed, blood running down his chin. “Demons don’t know love.”

“Maybe you’re right, but more should. They need to learn what gifts love brings. I’m still learning and probably always will be. Goodbye, father.”

Brickit was about to retort when he made a gurgling sound before falling forward into the dirt. Kurama quickly checked the demon; they didn’t need another thought to be dead demon coming after them again. He slowly stood up, shaking his head. Brickit was indeed dead by the hand of his own son. Kurama patted the boy’s shoulder in a reassuring manner.

“You did what you had to do to protect Tenshi. There is no wrong in that. Just to let you know, you’ve climbed up a couple of spots in my trust.”

“Hn, I have to agree.” Hiei said, looking up to the boy. “But don’t let it go to your head. You still have a long way to go before we let you mate our daughter.”

“I understand, my Lords, and I’m willing to make that journey.”

“We shall see,” Kurama said before switching back to his redheaded form, causing the boy to gasp.

“Wow, you look just like Tenshi,” Xaviar said, looking the fox up and down.

“Well, I told you I look just like my father.” Tenshi giggled, slipping her arm around the male’s.

“Yeah, you did. But I wasn’t expecting just how much you two look alike. It’s almost like you two could be twins, just one male and one female. You are male, aren’t you Lord Kurama?” Xaviar asked, looking more closely at the fox’s figure.

“Hn,” Hiei moved between his mate and the male. “He is all male, I guarantee that and I’m the only one able to look that close at my fox’s body, understood?”

“Yes sir, Lord Hiei.” Xaviar bowed his head slightly.

“Enough of calling us lord as well,” Hiei returned quickly. “Just call us by our name.”

“Okay,” Xaviar grinned happy that he had already made it to a first name basis. “Thank you.”

“Lord Hiei, Lord Kurama.” One of their captains came running up to them. “The fortress has been completely searched and so has the surrounding land. All servants, slaves, smaller children, and guards are either dead or fled with one minor exception.”

“And who’s that?” Hiei asked, just a tad curious.

“Um, sir you need to come see this for yourself.” The guard fidgeted nervously, pointing towards the fortress.

“Fine,” Kurama nodded. “Tell all, but ten of the troops to head out for a holiday and to return to the home fortress within a week. Assure the ten staying behind that they will get their week off too.”

“Yes sir,” The captain threw a salute. “A guard is waiting at the fortress entrance to take you where you are needed.”

“Toushi, Kaihei, come with us.” Hiei ordered before starting to walk of.

“Everyone else go back to camp.” Kurama hurriedly caught up with his mate. He heard foot steps behind him, signaling that his sons were with them. They easily found the guard who led them down many flights of stairs.

“Where are we going?” Kaihei finally asked, not liking that they were getting deeper in the dungeon.

“Its just up ahead, sir.” The guard assured. The group rounded a corner and saw another guard standing beside a closed door.

“Sirs,” The second guard saluted quickly. “We were sweeping this level when we heard noises coming from within this room. We saw something in a darkened corner eating something else when we advanced on the thing it scrambled into a crack in the wall and hasn’t come out.”

“So? It’s obviously just an animal. Why did you need us?” Hiei asked, preparing to walk off.

“With all do respect, sir,” the first guard spoke up. “When it ran into the crack we could have sworn it cried ‘go’ at us.”

“Well that’s interesting.” Kurama said, opening the door and walking in. Hiei walked in behind him followed by Kaihei, Toushi, and the two guards. They instantly heard hissing and growling coming from the crack.

“See an animal,” Hiei commented, ready to walk off again.

“Go.” The single word was nearly verbally indistinct, but the group heard it.

The fox walked over to the dark corner and quickly pulled a seed from his hair. Growing it into a lamp weed, what he saw on the floor made his stomach turn.

“What is it, dad?” Toushi asked, not moving from his mate’s side. He didn’t like how dark it was, anything could be hiding in the shadows.

“It’s a half eaten rodent called a pataro. It carries many diseases that can be deadly.”

“Demons don’t even bother trying to eat those unless they’re desperate.” Hiei added, moving over beside the fox and looking down at the carcass. He had to look away, the sight was to disgusting even for him.

Kurama walked over to the crack in the wall and held the lamp weed up, trying to peer into the darkness. He had to look twice when he saw two small yellow cat eyes watching him.

“I think we have a small problem, Koi.”

“Really, what is that?” Hiei asked, moving over beside the fox yet again. He also saw the two yellow eyes staring at him.

“You’ll see,” Kurama said softly, pulling another seed from his hair. He quickly grew a vine and extended it into the crack in the wall. There were sounds of struggling and hissing as the vine moved around.

“Ah, ha,” Kurama smiled slightly in the dim light. He manipulated the vine to slowly pull the thing out.

As the object came into the light, the group let out a collective startled gasp. They had not been expecting what was wrapped up in the fox’s vines.

A very dirty and skinny cat demon toddler was hissing and spitting at them with fear clearly present in its young yellow eyes. It was naked and fighting the unyielding vines for all it was worth.



Well, that is it for this chapter. Please leave a little review on your way out, I would enjoy reading them. I’m going to try to get this story finished up here quickly, only two more chapters to go. XD