Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Rose ❯ Toddler makes how many? ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all or the song used in this story. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.


To all of those that has reviewed already, thank you so much!! I love reading every review I get. Please keep it up, as they motivate me with my stories. Thank You!!!

There isn’t much to say this time, except Thank You all so very much for sticking with me through the sporadic updates. I am uploading the last two chapters of this story, I got them finished over my trip to Yaoi Con.

Anyway this will probably be my last story for this fandom, thanks to the lovely review I got on fan fiction.net. Apparently I should only read stories instead of writing them because I’m not worth the patience or the time. Though I have already written, completed, and posted seventeen stories in this arc. And for the record I have never held a chapter as blackmail until I got a certain number of reviews, like many other authors. Most times in recent years I have only gotten one or two reviews per chapter.

Also it should be known that my life has been very busy of late, that‘s why the long wait between chapters. I was going through the process of getting approved for adoption. I have now been approved and been chosen already. The baby I’m adopting is supposed to be born around May 22nd. So I guess if I have any fans of my stories left out there, this is the last story of this arc, even though I do have six more stories all written in notebooks waiting to be typed. Maybe I’ll come back to them at a later time. I just don’t know.

Sorry if this disappoints anyone that might still be reading this arc. I have enjoyed writing and posting every single story. I have greatly enjoyed every review I have received with the exception of one. I have enjoyed my years of time in this fandom, so many great authors and stories. Thank you all for the years of support, Goodbye.

Anyway, you all have waited long enough. On with the story!!!


Mission Rose

Chapter 9 of 10

Toddler makes how many?


Kurama squatted down and gently touched the kitten’s head, feeling the nasty matted hair under his fingers. The child whipped it’s head around, teeth bared, and tried biting the fingers, forcing the fox to jerk his hand back.

“It’s not very civilized.” Kaihei commented, staring down at the sad looking creature.

“I don’t believe it’s been around many demons.” Kurama replied softly so as not to scare the cat more than it already was. He turned and looked at the guard, “You two are dismissed. Go find your troop leaders for orders.”

“Yes, my Lord.” The demons saluted before quickly leaving the room.

“Be careful, Fox…………But I must know what sex it is? Hiei asked as he walked up behind his lover.

“Just a second,” Kurama manipulated the plant, carefully turning the child over. “It’s a girl. She is probably about 3 years old and she‘s not full cat demon. She appears to be half cat though.”

“I wonder how long she has been down here.” Toushi squatted down too and looked the girl over. “She’s not well nourished.”

“No, she’s not. She’s probably only ate what she could find. There’s really no telling how long she has been down here, but I’d almost say since she could walk, she’s been fending for herself. She appears to be nearly completely feral. This little girl is probably a child from one of the slave girls. She will take a lot of love and care, but I believe she could be brought out of this.”

“There is only one mated couple beside us, Fox.” Hiei said, raising his eyes to the boys. The fox’s eyes quickly followed, making the boys want to step back.

“No way! We can’t take on this responsibility!” Kaihei quickly put a stop to any notion that his parent’s might have.

“But you two want to have children. This will give you good experience.” Kurama smiled far too sweetly, pressing the matter. “Toushi gave us good experience for you, Kaihei, but I’ll admit that she is far worse off.”

“Just like you said, she is worse off,” Toushi countered quickly. “We do want a child, but we’re not ready for this type of obstacle.”

“I feel sorry for her and she needs a family.” Kaihei whispered sadness in his voice. “But we just can’t, not with her.”

“Fine,” Kurama sighed, defeated. “But we can’t leave her here so that leaves us with one choice only.” He turned his patented sad green eyes that would get him anything to his lover. It was Hiei’s turn to sigh in defeat.

“Yes, Fox, you can keep her. Besides we already have Namida, what’s one more child.”

“Thank you, Hiei-Koi.” Kurama jumped to his feet and hugged his mate, kissing him as well. The boy’s could only smile and shake their heads. They knew their fathers would take her if they didn’t. Their fathers had a very soft spot for children, especially orphaned children. The fox managed to work his hands into the fire demon’s cloak.

“Enough! There is a child present.” Kaihei teased lightly. “Dad, you can thank father properly, as you call it, later.”

“Ha!” Kurama chuckled, pulling away from his breathless, disoriented lover with a smile. He pulled off the fire demon’s cloak. “I will thank your father properly later, don’t worry about that. I just needed his cloak right now.” Kurama stole a quick kiss from his mate before turning back to the child on the ground.

“Are you going to remove the vines?” Hiei asked, squatting down as the fox squatted down too.

“The vines aren’t too tight so they should be okay. I need to leave them on her for a while so she won’t run away.” Kurama carefully wrapped the little girl in the black cloak, being mindful of her sharp claws and teeth. With her covered, the fox slowly picked her up. The girl instantly started struggling and hissing.

“It’s okay, little one.” Kurama cooed softly as he stood up. “You’re safe now.”

“Yes,” Hiei patted the girl’s head. “We won’t let anything else happen to you.”

“B..B…B…,” the girl increased her struggles, but her fear stricken eyes softened some. “N…n…n…”

“I don’t believe she knows how to talk.” Toushi spoke quietly, not wanting to scare the girl more than she already was.

“Hn, probably not.” Hiei answered quietly as well. “Or not that good.”

“We definitely have our work cut out for us.” Kurama whispered, holding tightly to the child. He even sent out a small wave of calming energy to surround the child. The girl shocked them all when she abruptly gave up her struggles and curled slightly into the fox’s chest, wrapping her long tail around his arm.

“We need to head back to camp before she starts fighting you again.” Hiei put a hand on his mate’s back and led him from the dark dirty room.

Toushi and Kaihei quickly followed their parents, grinning madly. The fire demon and fox had fallen right back into the parental roles for a small child. They had easily gotten another baby sister out of this little war. The group quickly left the fortress and made it back to camp.

Kurama covered up the toddler though. He didn’t want everyone fussing over her just yet. He wanted to get her cleaned up first and fed. Hiei led his mate into their tent giving orders to their kids and the remaining guards that they were not to be disturbed until they emerged the following morning, unless there was an emergency.

“So, what do we do with her first?” Hiei asked after closing the flap on the tent.

“Umm,” Kurama thought for a few moments as he unwrapped his lover’s cloak from around the toddler. “I think she needs a bath first and I believe I will have to cut her hair as well. It’s just too matted up.”

“Do what you have to, Fox, and I’ll do what I can to help.”

“Thank you, Koi.” Kurama smiled brightly. “I have a feeling I will need it.” He laid the bound child on his and the fire demon’s bed.

“N…n…n..,” the baby started struggling, fear clouding her eyes again.

“It’s okay,” Kurama quickly picked her back up and snuggled her close to his body. She instantly settled down again, even in her tied up state.

“I think she already likes you, Fox.” Hiei said, laying a hand on his lover’s back. “Which is good.”

“Yes, it is.” Kurama smiled down at the little kitten. He then looked up to his lover. “Can you heat up our bag of drinking water and then come up with two wash cloth of sorts. It will probably take both of us to get her cleaned up since I can’t seem to put her down.”

Hiei didn’t say anything; he only went about the tasks his lover asked of him. “You will have to remove some of those vines, Fox.” He said as he sat down next to his mate with the needed items. “Or at least rearrange them. She is a cat after all.”

“I’ll just rearranged them for now. I may untie her hands later when I feed her.”

“Just be careful, her claws look very sharp.” Hiei smirked, touching the tiny bound hand.

Kurama chuckled in response as they got to work cleaning the toddler up. It took almost four bags of water to get the little girl somewhat presentable and another three bags to wash her matted hair. The fox ended up having to cut many tangles from it and washing it twice. They soon found out she had a head full of golden hair with black spots. Her ears and tail sported the same pattern now that she was far cleaner, leading the demons to believe that her feline heritage was that of a leopard demon. They had no idea what other demon she was mixed with and probably would never know. She was also severely undernourished, far worse than Toushi ever was, her bones extremely visible.

When he managed to get one of the fire demon’s T-shirts on the girl, Kurama breathed a sigh of relief. “Koi?” He leaned in and gave his lover a light kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for your help. I never would have been able to do that without you. Can you do one more thing?”

“Hn?” Hiei grunted, but he nodded.

“Can you get us all something to eat?”

“I’ll be right back.” Hiei quickly let the tent.

Kurama looked down at the toddler he held and smiled. The little girl was very cute and not nearly as feral as first thought. She actually grinned up at him and reached out with both hands a best she could.

“You’re just begging for love, aren’t you little one?” Kurama whispered, touching the hollow cheek. “And now you’ll get it. We can’t keep calling you little one either, so Hiei and I must come up with a name for you.”

“E…e…e…,” the girl giggled as she tried to reach out again.

“Now don’t scratch me, baby. I‘m going to untie you some.” Kurama slowly manipulated the vines, not wanting to startle the child. It wasn’t long before the little girl’s clawed hands were free. The fox watched the baby closely, waiting for any type of attack. He tensed up when she moved quickly, wrapping her little, thin arms around his neck.

“Hn, she is already fitting in.” Hiei smirked slightly as he fixed the flap on their tent.

“Yes, she is.” Kurama whispered, gently hugging the child back. “She obviously can’t tell us her name, if she even has one. So what do you want to name her?”

“I think we should name her what you wanted to originally name a girl when we had one.”

“You mean Rose?” Kurama smiled as the baby settled back into his lap. “Are you a Rose?” He asked, tweaking the little girl’s nose.

“R…r…r…,” the baby giggled, batting playfully at the hand.

“Rose it is.” Kurama laughed, letting the tiny hands catch his. He looked over to his mate when he felt the fire demon sit down beside him. “That was a good suggestion, Koi.”

“Hn……..Why is she only speaking in syllables?” Hiei asked, setting the tray of food on the make shift bed.

“Not sure. I haven’t tried looking in her mouth yet. She might bite my finger off.”

“True enough, Fox.” Hiei laughed, picking up a piece of Ningen apple. “Maybe we can get her to open wide.”

“Maybe,” Kurama quickly took the piece of fruit and held it in front of Rose. The baby’s yellow cat eyes widened and she reached for the food nervously. “Go ahead and take it.” The fox encouraged the child.

Rose snatched the slice of apple from the fox and practically inhaled it coughing a great deal. The fox picked up another slice and held it up above the girl’s head. The baby reached up for it, but Hiei quickly caught her hands. Rose looked at him and then at the apple. She rose up towards it mouth wide open. What Kurama saw made him shake his head. He handed the fruit to Rose before looking sadly to his lover.

“All that garbage and rodents she has been eating has caused a major infection in her mouth. She’s even missing a few baby teeth already. The infection is so bad her tongue and gums are badly swollen. I don’t know how she’s even forming these syllables, much less how she’s managing to chew the apple.”

“She’s hungry, Fox. She’ll eat despite the pain.” Hiei shrugged slightly, watching the toddler snatch another piece of apple from the tray and gobble it down, coughing.

“I wish there was a way for us to give her some milk.” Kurama said, patting her back even as he handed Rose yet another slice of apple. “It would probably do her good.”

“Hn, we have two lactating females in this camp that could nurse her as well as yourself. Though Nina’s milk would even be better for her.”

“No, I couldn’t ask that of them. Nina just recently had her baby and her milk hasn’t come in fully. Siaira’s milk is in, but she’s having trouble with her own child. Both of them haven’t had enough to eat. Plus Rose here could easily bite them, causing damage to their nipples.”

“You could always,” Hiei began, but his mate cut him off.

“No, Koi. It would almost be the same problem. I don’t want to get bit either. We’ll just have to mash up the food for her. Though I might give her bottles of my milk when he get back to the fortress.” Kurama replied quietly before he picked up a piece of Ningen banana and a couple of blackberries. Here in the Makai, the fox made sure his family had plenty of fruit which he grew himself in a large garden back at their fortress. He began to slowly feed the child, making sure she wouldn’t choke on the food.

“Will you be able to stop the infection?” Hiei asked as he mashed up more fruit while the fox kept feeding the toddler.

“It’s severe, but I believe so.” Kurama answered softly. “I’ll start her on something in the morning that should help. Though she has loss some baby teeth, her child teeth haven’t started coming in yet so they could be undamaged. As for her talking, we’ll have to start with very small words and work up from there.”

“Is she going to call us father and dad or Hiei and Kurama?”

“She will call us father and dad, because I now consider her our child. I tell you now; I will not have her taken from us by some estranged parent that decides to pop up. If I’m putting the work and love into Rose then I’m keeping her.”

“I agree,” Hiei smirked. “And I’ll change laws concerning foundling children when we get back.”

“Thank you again, Koi. You’re being awfully sweet. I’ll make sure your thank you is sweeter later after Rose goes to sleep.” Kurama leaned into his lover.

“Hn, I’ll be looking forward to it, but I have a feeling she’ll be sleeping with us.”

“Probably, here you try to feed her.” Kurama smiled, slipping the child into his mate’s lap. For several moments Rose was startled, her eyes switching back and forth between the two demons. She was very unsure, but when more food was presented to her she quickly settled down.

“Fine,” Hiei didn’t hesitate to start feeding her the smashed up fruit. He had learned long ago how to feed a baby. Kurama moved around getting ready for bed. He had only brought boxers to sleep in if they were needed. So they would have to do.

After putting on one of his mate’s black tank tops, he went back to the bed and took Rose from his lover. Hiei got up and dressed into a pair of boxers that the fox had laid out for him. He remained shirtless though. He went back over and sat down beside the red head and picked up a slice of tomato. He took a bite before holding the slice out to his lover. Kurama smiled, opening his mouth. He took the offered food, letting his tongue lick slightly at the fire demon’s fingers.

The moment lapsed into silence as Hiei slowly fed himself and his mate while the fox gently rocked their new baby to sleep. When they finally finished eating, Rose was in dreamland, snuggled into the fox’s cloth covered chest. Kurama went to lay the little girl down, but she began to mew and clutch at him. After a few minutes he tried again and got the same results. He sighed, looking to his mate.

“Let her sleep with us.” Hiei sighed too, before crawling over to his side of the bed. He pulled the sheets down and waited patiently until his fox was situated. He then pulled the sheets over all of them. He moved closer putting an arm over Rose and his mate.

Kurama snuggled into the light embraced, leaving a kiss on the child’s head between her cute ears. He looked up and pursed his lips, waiting for his usual good night kiss. Hiei chuckled lightly, leaning in and giving his fox what he wanted. When they pulled apart, he kissed the back of the baby’s head. Rose giggled in her sleep, snuggling as close as she possibly could to the fox.

Kurama winced when he felt the girl’s claws scratched at his chest, but relaxed when she did. He debated on whether to untie her completely, but, he chose against it as he needed to keep Rose legs bound incase she tried to run away.

“Are you going to be okay until morning?” Hiei asked quietly. Kurama glanced down and then back up.

“I don’t think so. I’ll probably have to wake you up during the night.

“Hn, that’s fine. Just be careful as well. I don’t want our little Rose damaging you either.” Hiei stated quickly, glancing down and trying to judge if his fox really would hold out for a while.

“I’ll be very careful. I promise.” Kurama smiled reassuringly.

Hiei only grunted again, letting the subject drop. He lay there, watching his fox drift off to sleep. Hiei didn’t know when, but it had become a habit. He loved watching his mate sleep. Kurama seemed to know he was being watched as well. He even had made a couple of comments about it.

The fox though let it happen. He didn’t care if his lover watched him sleep. It actually made him feel safe like he had a Ningen guardian angel. After about thirty minutes, Hiei fell asleep too. He held his fox the best he could despite the current situation. He set up a nice dream for them and quickly met up with his mate, not knowing or suspecting what awaited them the following morning.




Well, that is it for this chapter. I know what I usually write here, but I won’t even ask anymore.