Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstanding ❯ I'm Forbidden.... Even to you ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Agh! My updating is so slow I could kill myself! I bet all of you guys would like a piece of me too! *^o^* Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry over and over again… *nervous laugh* It's time for me to shut up cuz you guys have been waiting long enough!


Ch. 8: "I'm Forbidden…. Even to you"

A rustle.

Hiei instantly tensed and his mind and eyes (all 3 of them) surveyed the area. Hiei had just entered the Makai and had hoped for some peace to think. So, he had gone to a place he had found long ago-an abandoned clearing set deep into the Makai forest. He didn't know anyone else alive had knowledge of its existence. Whoever or whatever this was that disturbed him wouldn't be able to live to tell of his secret.


His eyes widened at the voice's familiarity. He sheathed his katana and stepped forward inquisitively.


"Hiei!" Yukina burst from the bushes with twigs and leaved entwined into her hair. Mud had dared to paint her lovely skin its ugly, brown color; dark circles of worry and exhaustion slept under her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Hiei asked suspiciously.

"Hiei!" she answered, "we are TWINS…. I can FEEL you….. This is why I knew you were alive. This is why I've searched for you all of my life! Please, brother, please accept my apologies!!!"

Yukina crumbled to the ground, her body tensed and shaked. And then, like a volcano, tear gems erupted from her face. Soon, she was surrounded by a pool of silver crystals; it was a magnificent sight to behold.

"Yukina!! Yukina!!" Hiei rushed to her side, wading through all of the tear gems. "What do you have to be sorry for? There is nothing for YOU to be sorry about. It should be me asking for apologies…."

"Oh Hiei! What are you talking about? I must have been a horrible, terrible sister for you to try to hide yourself from me! You were just too kind to tell me to get away from you, weren't you? All those visits…. " she looked up to his face, eyes forming tear gem after tear gem. "You were just trying to figure out a way to tell me to let go!"

Hiei, shocked from this speech, just sat there holding his sister, breathing in and out each breath… counting……. Counting…… the number of times he had tried to tell her… his secret…………. There were so many……. Every time he failed….. her adoring face…… catching the words in his throat….. always failing……. Always taking Kurama's scolding……

And he smiled. A kind smile. Something Yusuke and the rest of the gang would've given the world to see…. Something only he gifted to Yukina……. His beloved sister…… Who had finally found him….

Hiei stood up, still holding his sister and whispered out her name.

"Yukina…. There's something I have to tell you. It's something I've been trying to tell you millions of times before. I don't hate you. You are a beautiful, kind sister; you're a sister any demon, or human, would die for. I am your twin brother, the brother you have been searching for all of these years. I…. I…. I was right there beside you, taking on endless and hopeless journeys as you searched and searched for him. I was a coward. I didn't have the courage to tell you I was your brother because…."

"Because why?" Yukina knew. Kurama had told her. But, hearing it from her Hiei's lips made it more beautiful; she'll remember this moment forever.

"Because I'm a murderer." Hiei's gaze at Yukina's innocent eyes faltered. "Because I'm a thief and wanderer. Because every demon knows me and hates me. Because I, the Forbidden…" he spat out that name with all of the loathing in his heart. " ….Child has stolen something from him- a jewel, a trust, a loved one, or his life…."

He returned his eyes to his sister's. " I am Forbidden, Yukina. Even to you."

" Oh Hiei!" she buried her face into his chest, tear gems spilling again. "You are anything but Forbidden to me, brother. I wouldn't care if you were a god, or the lowliest patch of ground. You are my brother and that's all that matters. I….I…. I love you!"

"Yukina!" With her face hidden in Hiei's chest, Yukina could not see the look of shock and then tender love radiating from his face. How could he have ever thought this angel in his arms a burden?

"I love you, too."


O my Gosh. I hope the wait was worth it! Should this be the end? Please review and tell me! *^^* When you have the time…… Will you please review my new story, Just Anne? Thanks!