Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ Muted Child ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: obviously I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.


Author's note: recently I found that someone has copied this story from me off of another site that I post on. So I decided to put up the real thing since the original fiction is obviously better than the duplicate. Just a note to other authors out there…don't steal, eventually the other person will find out about it…and they'll be pissed.





It was going to be a very tedious day, the Lord Koenma knew, he not only had several documents to go over, but one very serious one that needed his immediate attention. "Niobi Montoya…" the toddler mumbled as he sat in his high back chair in his office. He didn't know much about this small child, except that she lived in the human realm. She had to be going on twelve now, maybe thirteen. The young lord thought for a moment, remembering the girls' mother. Nia had been a wonderful spirit detective, though not very bright, she was much better than his current one….

But the childish young woman had fallen deeply for a demon. She was soon pregnant without Koenma's knowledge, and she stole herself back to the human world. The demon father was no more concerned with her disappearance as he would have been with a fleas'. After somehow learning this, Nia tried to commit suicide for her and murder for her unborn child. Now, this woman had already had a son fathered by her human husband. Koenma fought hard to remember the name of the young lad who must now be seventeen years of age…he believed the name had been Erik. The boy and his mother had lived with an estranged uncle and the boy's father, obviously Nia's husband was wrought with anger at her being pregnant by someone else, though he most certainly didn't think that the someone else had been demon. Nia succeeded in killing herself, but miraculously, the Niobi child had lived to be cared for by the uncle and her brother's father. Before Nia had passed on to her afterlife, she had asked to see the Lord himself. Koenma could still remember the sadness in her eyes when she found that she had not taken her bastard child with her into death. But she had asked one favor and now it was finally time for Koenma to act on it.

Koenma sighed and sucked on the blue binkie in his mouth, sometimes rolling his tongue over the smooth hardness, making his entire body relax at his habit. It was time to call upon Niobi, time to take her and train her, time to protect her and…care for her.

In the human realm, the little Niobi was hardly aware of the fact that she was being thought of by a higher being. The very small girl was cuddling herself under her own bed in a room she could not see, listening to a voice she could not hear. She placed her slight hand on the hard wooden floors that were surprisingly not cold, and felt the deep vibrations of her brother's father's voice. It sent shivers to dance along her spine as she felt it shake the ground. Then she felt some firm and rushed steps go away from her. She stayed still for a little while longer, afraid that the heavy footfalls would quickly return if she came from her hiding spot. After long years, she had slowly learned to relate those heavy footsteps with pain that flew along her rear, back, and head when the owner of these steps had hit her. She had never seen his face or body, but for good reason. Besides his footfalls, there were two more in the house. One of the other heavy ones belonged to someone who liked to stroke her hair, rear, and legs, sometimes he would hit her, but not often. She didn't like these two heavy ones very much, they always made her stomach do flip-flops and she often hid when she felt them come around. But the third footfalls, they were less heavy and hands came with them that were very soft and gentle after her sessions with the other two. She always laughed when these footfalls picked her up and twirled her, and she loved to feel the rumbling in his chest when he too laughed. She knew this one to be `brother'. The one who liked to stroke her was `uncle', and the one who liked to hit her was `father'.

She paused for a moment when she felt strong vibrations. She backed herself even tighter under the bed, curling up against the wall. Her head was pounding harshly and her rear stung like fire. But she soon found that the steps belonged to brother. She smiled instantly and came out from under the bed when the footsteps came into her room and started to tap insistently. When she was fully out, she stood up and raised her arms above her head expectantly. Erik smiled at his tiny little sister. She was very beautiful when she looked at him like that. He gave into her silent request and scooped her up in his arms. He hated the way his father and uncle treated the small thing, but he couldn't stop them all the time, he just wasn't around enough. And even more, he was afraid of the two. But as soon as he turned eighteen, he would move out with her, they could find a nice little apartment and Niobi could get the help she deserved. He loved his baby sister with a vengeance and he had promised long ago to try and protect her when he could. She buried her warm face against his neck and nuzzled him, unknowingly making a purring sound come from deep within her throat. Erik hugged his tiny half sister tightly, she was such a small and delicate thing, and he could barely imagine that someone would actually want to hurt her.

"You're so good Niobi," he whispered. The girl only replied to the rumbling his voice made in his throat. She loved the small vibration and she hugged herself tighter against him.

"Someone's gonna come for you, little thing, I can feel it. And I won't be there with you anymore…I had that dream again last night, Niobi. The one where someone came to take you from me…." Erik knew his words were falling on deaf ears, that his sister would never be able to understand him. But it always made him feel better to talk to her.

He carefully took her small hand in his own and kissed it. "My beautiful baby girl…." He gently began to slow dance with the tiny child in his arms. She smiled and wrapped her legs more firmly around her brother's waist as he spun in slow circles and quick steps.

"My angel…." He closed his eyes as the child leaned back in his firm grasp around her hips. She arched her back and let her hands down as his spinning increased in speed. He smiled lightly and spun even faster, intent on prying her perfect laughter from her lips.

"My love…." She smiled and giggled loudly, feeling the air twist her hair into a frantic swirl around her face. Erik stopped suddenly and pressed his half sister firmly against his broad chest. She quieted her laughter and snuggled her face into her brother's clothes.

"My life…." He hugged her even tighter against him, trying to stop the tears that fell along his cheeks. "I'm going to make it right, okay?"

She said nothing.

"Dad won't hurt you anymore. And neither will uncle, I'll make sure of that."

His sister remained quiet, burying her face in his shirt as she took a deep breath in. He held her for a few minutes longer before putting her back down. She sat at his feet and put her soft hand on one of his sneakers. A smile was laid across her pristine lips of ruby red that youth had provided her and her gentle grey eyes stared off into nothingness warmly. He bent to cup her pale cheek in his large hand. She leaned into his touch and only a few minutes later, he had left again.

She sat on the floor, very alone in her room. But she was usually alone, so she was okay with it. Niobi had never really had the experience of being around many people anyway. In fact, she had spent a large portion of her eleven years in this room. The only time she could remember being outside where the wind blew, was when brother had taken her after father and uncle had left for their work. The small child had absolutely no contact with the world outside.

Niobi petted her own hair, pulling her hand through the silken black locks, the premature grey going quite unnoticed by her as she sat.

"This is what you wanted us for? What are we? Babysitters?" cried a bitter Yusuke Uremeshi into his small communicator.

While he and Kazuma Kuwabara glared in a haze of confusion at the toddler on screen, Hiei and Kurama stood just a polite space away. Hiei's eyes narrowed fractionally at what he heard. Kurama just kept his usual disarming smile attached to his lips, not really bothered by the interruption.

The four boys were in the Makai world, tracking an escaped demon. It had been monotonous from the very beginning, the demon wasn't very strong at all but it had proven excellent at evading them.

The Lord Koenma spoke again through the communicator, "Yusuke, this is far more important to me. I want you and the others to handle it…and, please, be very careful with her. She's only a child."

With those solemn words said, the hand held device went black. Yusuke stared at it for a moment, wondering at the toddler's morose tone.

"Why do you think this kid is so important?" said Kuwabara.

Yusuke shrugged, "Who cares? All we have to do is get her to Genkai, then we can get back to real work."

Hiei made the smallest of growling noises in the back of his throat, only audible to the fox at his side. Kurama smiled lightly before saying, "We should leave before Koenma decides berate us even more."

Yusuke nodded and led the group to the same portal they had used to get to the Makai.

In a dark house in the very dead of night, the little child was wrought with pain she didn't understand. Earlier, uncle had come into her room. She had immediately hid under her bed, clutching her knees to her chest. But uncle had gripped her ankle and dragged her back out, laying her on the bed. He started as he usually did, stroking her legs and hair and rear, patting her carefully rounded butt appreciatively. Then he had done something he had never done before. She felt his rough hands pull away from her and she sighed in relief. Niobi had frowned when they came back, gripping her firmly to the bed and turning her onto her stomach, binding her wrist together above her head and tying them to a bed post. She tried to wrench herself free of the painful bite of the thin fishing wire, but only proceeded to unknowingly flash her uncle, giving him secret glances between her thighs.

He had grabbed her roughly then, forcing her butt in the air and pushing her face into the pillows. After that, there came a sharp and unbearable pain as something was shoved into her rear with vigor.

The middle aged man watched with drunken pleasure as the tiny girl screamed and cried, twisting her body to try and relieve herself of the toy he had bought for her. He laughed gruffly as she squirmed in obvious pain.

"You like this toy? I got it just so I could shove it in your tender little virgin ass."

She tugged her wrists futilely, only causing the fishing wire to cut and mark her pale skin. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cried out again, not knowing what was causing her such hurt.

After an hour, she lay still on the bed as the large man above her watched her and touched her legs. When he left, she pulled her knees up to her chest, turning on her side as she tried to ease the pulsing pain. Uncle had left that toy inside her, leaving only to get more liquor. He would be back soon. But until then, she was left in the dark of her room, very much alone.

"This is the address," said Kurama as he and the other three stood in front of a lovely home. Kuwabara squinted in the dark, trying to make out the numbers on the mail box.

"Well? What about it, Kuwabara? Feel any spirit energy from in there?" asked Yusuke, already very bored.

Kazuma closed his eyes briefly, straining to reach out with his own energy to sense anything.

"Yeah," he nodded. "But it's really weak."

Hiei scowled, "Half demon or not, it's still a child, of course they would be weak."

Kurama watched the house, his brow carefully furrowed.

"I think I hear something," said the fox.

Hiei cocked his head, focusing his sharp ears, "Someone's screaming."

"A child," Kurama said as his voice hardened.

At that moment, a tall man with charming looks came out of the front door, whistling a silly tune to himself while heading to the car in the driveway. He didn't seem to notice the four boys as he quickly drove off.

"The screaming stopped," said Hiei.

Kuwabara stared off at the disappearing taillights, then took on a grim look.

"I don't feel so good about this," he said lowly.

Yusuke nodded curtly, "Let's just get this over with before that guy comes back, I don't like his look."

The four boys made their way quickly into the house, not needing a key when they had a fox thief with them. Yusuke and Kuwabara searched the first floor of the house, while Kurama and Hiei searched the second.

Kurama headed in the direction of the father's room, while Hiei went toward her room. He walked down the hallway, carefully sniffing the air. The smell of semen was overpowering this way and he could only imagine what Kurama would say. His nose wrinkled in thick disgust as he followed the smell.

He paused outside of a bedroom door, listening intently. Someone was moving just slightly in that room. He came in, leaving the door behind him. The stench of sperm almost made him reel and he covered his sensitive nose. He instantly spotted the tiny girl on the bed, curled up in a fetal position with her underwear pulled down to her feet. His heart gave an unexpected lurch to see the small thing.

She was dressed only in an oversized shirt that was pulled up over her head and she was facing him with her eyes dutifully closed tight. He blinked at her state and swallowed thickly, averting his eyes for a moment to glance about the sparsely furnished room. He made his way over to her slowly, thinking that she was asleep.

Hiei shifted uncomfortably before reaching out his hands and pulling her shirt back down, covering her newly forming breasts. The instant his skin touched hers, she jerked her body away, breathing sharply and cringing.

He snapped his hand back, wanting desperately to call out to the fox so that he could dress her. But he didn't want her seen like this, it was too degrading and vile. Swallowing again, he quickly yanked her shirt down and began slipping on her underwear. She squirmed and cried out softly as she turned.

Hiei's eyes narrowed in confusion, then utter and complete disgust. He saw something where it shouldn't be. The small child still clenched her eyes shut as she cringed, twisting her body desperately against her bound hands. Her rear flashed to him again and he bared his teeth, wanting badly to harm the man they had seen leave earlier.

"Stay still," he said lowly.

The girl continued to fight the fishing wire around her wrists and Hiei bit his tongue as he carefully grabbed her around the waist and reached to the foreign thing buried inside her rear with great distaste. He loathed the way she instantly froze in his grasp, obviously expecting to be hit if she moved.

He growled before reaching for the base of the toy and pulling it from her. He threw it across the room and went to untie the poor child.

As soon as she was free, she dove off the bed and scampered underneath it, whimpering and crying as she did. Hiei fought not to heave in his revulsion at her reaction.

He paused for a moment, regaining his composure before calling out to the fox.

"Kurama, she's in here."

The fox came through the door, with his hand clamped over his nose at the strong smell. He looked to Hiei, then let his eyes trail to the entire room. There were no lamps, no lights, and no mirrors. Only white stains and a bed. He shuddered as the strong thoughts of what could have gone on here went through his mind.

He shook his head once and stared at Hiei. The mixed breed demon looked as normal and unforgiving as he always did as he motioned under the bed.

"She's under there," he growled.

The fox nodded and went toward the bed, bending down to see this girl for himself and to get her out. He wasn't surprised that Hiei's appearance and demeanor might have scared her into such a hiding place. He paused at the other demon's low voice.

"She had that thing pushed into her rear, Kurama."

The fox looked up, startled, "What?"

Hiei shifted and nodded in the direction of a far corner. Kurama recognized the thing as a toy used for sex. He blinked and nearly gasped as the realization of what Hiei had said came to him.

"I didn't want the idiots to see her like that," ended the demon.

Kurama nodded and swallowed thickly before bending down again, taking a look under the bed.

A very small girl was huddled under there, as close to the wall as possible. She was half dressed and tears streamed from her grey eyes. Kurama felt his heart lurch abruptly and he turned his face away.

"Inari save her," he muttered.

He took a careful moment before turning back again. She had closed her eyes and her tiny hand was laid flat on the floor.

"We won't harm you," said Kurama softly.

The girl didn't respond. He saw her wrists, red and bloodied where she had obviously been tied.

He straightened and went to the window quickly, throwing it open and breathing deeply.

"There's nothing downstairs but some porn magazines, did you guys find her?"

The fox turned at the sound of Yusuke's voice at the door. The Spirit Detective came in, followed closely by Kuwabara. They stopped as they saw the two demons in front of them, both looking very aggrieved.

"Did you find her?" asked Kuwabara.

Kurama turned back to the opened window, not being able to answer. Hiei nodded toward the bed.

"She's under there," he said.

Yusuke walked to the bed slowly, eyeing the two demons as he did. He kneeled down and stared under the bed. The undersized child was there, curled into a tight ball.

"What happened?" he asked the two.

Kurama shook his head, "She was tied to the bed. And…she had been abused."

Neither Yusuke nor Kuwabara asked for more detail. The Detective looked under the bed again.

"Hey, you can come out now kid, all the bad people are gone now."

She didn't move.

He shifted closer, trying to fit his larger body further under the bed. He reached out a hand and carefully went to hold her hand. She let out a heartrending cry as he touched her. Yusuke instantly snapped his hand back as if it had been burned.

"What did you do?!" barked the small demon beside him.

Yusuke shook his head quickly, "I barely touched her."

"Calm down, Hiei," said the fox.

Kuwabara came over to Yusuke's other side, bending down to look at the girl.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked.

Kurama swallowed the bile that had risen in his throat and said, "I think she's in shock."

They stood for a few minutes, each wondering what to do. The small thing whimpered quietly to herself and the boys suddenly had to look in different directions as their faces contorted. Kuwabara spotted the `toy' in a corner, he squinted at it before recognizing it.

"No wonder she's in shock…" he muttered.

Yusuke looked up and followed the taller boys' glance to the thing on the floor. His eyes widened in shock and he balled his fists tightly.

"That…was that in…" he tried to ask, but couldn't.

Hiei nodded.

"But she's a kid!" cried Kuwabara.

Hiei glared down at the floor, trying to hold himself back from breaking something in his anger.

The four were so lost in their own dark thoughts, that they didn't notice Erik returning home. The brother stood at the open doorway, not at all surprised to see the strangers in his sisters' room.

"She won't come out," he said softly.

The four jumped and stared at the new boy with darkly charming looks, but tortured eyes.

"Who are you?" spat a small demon.

Brother seemed to shrink at the harsh voice even though he was larger than the others by at least a head.

"I-I'm Erik," he stuttered softly.

Hiei turned his face, suddenly realizing that the abuse must have been given to this kid as well.

"Why won't she come out?" Yusuke asked, eyeing Erik.

Erik stared at the ground, shuffling his large feet.

"She doesn't…."

The rest of his words went unheard as he mumbled.

"What?" Kuwabara said.

Brother shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans, almost shying away from the four.

He stuttered, just barely getting out, "Because she doesn't trust you."

Kurama took a ginger step forward, "Erik, we were sent here to take her."

Brother nodded, "I know. I dreamt about you guys. You're going to take care of her, right?"

Yusuke blinked in surprise before saying, "Yeah, we'll take care of her."

Erik smiled and carefully reached his foot out, tapping the wooden floor boards incessantly. A slight scrambling noise was heard and the girl squirmed out from under the bed and stood, bringing her hands up in the air. Erik's smile brightened incredibly and he swooped down on the tiny girl, picking her up in his arms and twirling her once.

Her laughter flowed from her lips and fell on their ears like rain as she hugged her half brother. Erik buried his face in her dark hair and carefully pulled her shirt down lower when he saw she wore no underwear.

Yusuke took a step closer to the siblings and stared at the girl, "Hey, Niobi, right? You feel like coming with us? I promise we're the good guys."

Niobi gave no response.

Erik mumbled something incoherent as Yusuke tried again.

"Hey! Kid! You're gonna come with us, okay?"

Kuwabara raised an eyebrow as the girl ignored Uremeshi.

"Is she…mentally challenged or something?" he asked.

The grip on the little girl's body tightened as brother stepped out of reach, glaring at Kuwabara.

"No!" he snapped.

Kuwabara nodded quickly, "Sorry."

Kurama stared at the child, "Is she…is she deaf?"

Erik blushed and nodded.

"And blind," said Hiei bluntly.

Erik nodded again.

"Blind and deaf…" muttered Yusuke looking at her.

Brother clutched her to his chest and kissed her neck.

For a moment, they stayed like that. Then she reached down and pointed to the floor. Erik instantly set her on the ground and she sat there.

Erik smiled at the other's confused expressions and said, "Just tap your foot."

Hiei shifted a foot forward and gave it a brief tap against the wood. Niobi smiled and started to crawl to him. She sat at his feet and held her hands in the air expectantly.

Hiei hesitated before picking her up and holding her at arms length to examine her. She was almost smaller than Genkai, but she was a lovely child. Hiei found himself staring deep at her grey eyes as she smiled serenely at him. He blinked suddenly and carefully pulled her closer to him. She placed her hands on his face and gently began tracing his features.

He smiled on only slightly as she did this.

Erik grinned easily, "That's how she knows you, she has to feel your face like that."

There was a short pause before Yusuke said lowly, "I think we'd better get her to Genkai's now, the old hag's expecting us."

Brother's smile disappeared in a flash.

"Can…can I hold her for just a little longer, please?" he asked softly.

The girl was handed over and Erik kissed her cheek as she giggled at him. He pulled her tight against his chest and she quieted her laughter as she felt small wet drops fall on her shoulders. She wrapped her slender arms patiently around brother's neck as he cried silently into her dark hair.

He said in a low, child-like voice, "Can I hold her and walk you guys to the door?"

"Sure," said Yusuke.

The large older boy cuddled his little sister closer to him as he turned to the door. He stopped and froze when the door started to open.

In the doorframe stood a very drunken uncle.

He swaggered into the room a few steps, then looked up as he seemed to just notice his nephew.

Brother was stuck where he stood, he wanted to move so badly, but his body couldn't. He only stared wide eyed at uncle as the man watched him.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" he spat.

It did not go unnoticed by the gang as Erik slowly began to shrink away. His sister was held in his arms tightly and was laying her head on his shoulder, not knowing uncle had entered to continue what he had started with her.

The large man sneered when his eyes lay on the girl.

"What's this? You wanna watch?" uncle laughed at his own joke.

Brother held onto the tiny child as he glared at the floor, biting his lips as he fought not to cry. He hated his uncle so much it scared him sometimes.

Uncle reached for Niobi and the gang made ready to intervene. Erik jerked back, breathing so fast he was almost hyperventilating.

"Don't touch her," he mumbled.

Uncle glared and suddenly stepped forward and gripped the tiny thing by the back of the neck. He tossed her to the floor and she banged her head sharply against the wall before laying there in a slump.

"Don't touch her?! You fucker!" the large man yelled.

He sneered wildly at Erik as he said, "You wanna take her place? I gotta finish what I started."

Brother jerked, "What you started?"

His gaze suddenly found the toy in the corner and he almost cried out, "No! Please no!"

Uncle grinned, "Yep, I stretched her tight little pink ass all over that toy."

The gang was now in something of a shock, they had of course known what had been done, but they hadn't expected the man would sound so damned proud about it.

"I had to prepare her for the real thing, you little bitch. You wanna take her place?!" uncle yelled.

Erik started to shake where he stood, cowering in front of the larger man in fear.

Uncle grinned broadly and brought his hand up to cup brother's cheek. The younger man shook violently and his eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, you remember those times, don't you? I don't think I've ever heard anyone scream so loud. You were a great fuck, little boy," leered uncle.

Erik collapsed on the ground then and curled his knees tightly to his chest, rocking back and forth as he did.

The others had had enough.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" said Yusuke clenching his fists in rage.

Uncle narrowed his drunken eyes in confusion, as if just noticing that the four boys were there.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man slurred.

He turned to Erik.

"Are these your little fag friends? What? You all came over to fuck that girl?"

Brother shook his head violently, "No! They're going to take her away!"

Uncle laughed gruffly and stood right beside Erik. The kid froze again as the mans' hand fell on his shoulder.

"I tell you what, since you're such a good little boy, I'll only make you suck me off after I finish fucking your sister's tight cunt, how's that?"

"Don't touch her!"

"And who's going to stop me?! You?!"

Erik fought not to whimper as he averted his eyes from his uncle's harsher ones.

The man laughed and walked to the tiny girl, "See, now you've made me mad and I'm gonna have to fuck her real hard now."

Before any of the four boys had a chance to act, Erik had thrown himself at his uncle and started hitting him over and over again.

"You won't touch her!" the young man yelled repeatedly.

Uncle was under him, taking each and every blow, shocked that Erik had actually fought back.

"What the hell is going on in here?!"

Erik sprang back and panted roughly at the sight of his father in the doorway.

"What the fuck is this?!" the man roared as he helped his brother from the floor.

"They're going to take her away from here," the young boy said as if he were in a daze.

Father looked furious as he rushed the boy. But he stopped, rooted to the ground, when Erik pulled a small handgun from his pants pocket.

Erik laughed and swallowed quickly, "See? I promised I wouldn't let them hurt you anymore, Niobi."

The unconscious girl made no move to reply.

Brother licked his lips nervously and motioned to the two larger men.

"Go downstairs and sit on the couch," he said softly.

The men didn't move and Erik took a step forward with the gun pointed and they backed up into the hallway.

"You guys take Niobi now, okay? It was nice meeting you," he said almost pleasantly.

Hiei instantly went and scooped the tiny girl in his arms, holding her tightly in his grip. Brother looked over at him and smiled warmly.

"Now you have to take care of her."

Hiei gave quick nod and watched as Erik made his uncle and father go out of the room, down the hallway and stairs, and into the living room.

The gang stood in silence for only a moment before the little mixed demon followed with the tiny thing held gingerly in his arms. The others walked after him and no sound was made as they passed the living room.

Father and uncle ware sitting on the couch, staring at the gun held by brother as he stood over them.

Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara halted at the front door, not wanting to leave Erik alone with his tormentors and a gun.

Hiei muttered lowly, "He won't…I heard his thoughts."

The other boys relaxed at the little demons' words and proceeded out the door, closing it softly behind them. They went down the street and many others before breaking out into a slow run, looking for their portal.

Hiei gently moved the girl's shirt down so that it was covering her lower half again.

He hugged her even closer to his body, breathing in her scent and wrinkling his nose at the smell of semen and blood on her.

The portal was just ahead, hidden in an empty warehouse. The boys ran to it.

Hiei was the only one who heard the two gunshots. He nuzzled the tiny girl's throat when the others weren't looking, trying to cover up the stench with his own scent.

The others stepped through the portal and the last thing the small demon heard before he went through was a third and final gunshot.