Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Beautiful Love ❯ Chapter Three: LEMON ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Opening Notes: Last chapter... Hope you all have liked this story I know I had a hard time writing it... Sense the last chapter was writen about 4 months before this one... Anyways... Go on and read the last chapter... ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho is the property of Yoshihiro Togashi if I owned it I wouldn't be writing this now would I? Plus I'd have a hell of a lot more money then I do now! Oh and this chapter contains sexual content that might not be suitable for children under the age of 18. I've always wanted to say that!


Chapter Three: Suzuka/Shishiwakamaru Lemon

Story Summery: Just a little love story of Suzuka and Shishiwakamaru, set before the Makai Tournament while Suzuka, Shishiwakamaru, Chuu, Rinku, Touya, and Jin are training at Genkai's temple.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

((Suzuka's Point of View))

Training with Shishi is pure torture. He trains in his humanoid form with out his shirt on, and I can't concentrate at all. I have to stop before I get hurt. I wonder if he even notices that I haven't thrown a punch or kick at him sense we started? When we stop for a break from our training I pull Touya a side and ask him switch partners with me. He agrees only after I explain that I was going to jump on top of Shishi and rape him right in front of everyone. He found that amusing but I knew he would.

Needless to say Shishi is not happy that I changed training partners. Actually he's completely pissed; his temper flares, fangs appear, and his horns pop up. Normally I would have found him even more attractive, but since his anger was directed at me I was more nervous then anything. I tried to calm him down, normally I'm the only one who can, but he just attacked me with his sword. Everyone must have been just as surprised as me, because they all just stood there with their mouths open.

He transforms the Banshee's Shriek and attacked me with those damned souls. I only had time to block but that didn't stop me from being blasted threw the wall and across the small garden to hit a giant oak tree. I must have hit my head pretty hard because even when I had my eyes open I could only see black.

Feeling a tinkle on my forehead I lifted my arm and whined in pain, I dislocated my shoulder when hitting the tree, I lowered my arm back to my side and sighed. Closing me eyes I could smell and feel the blood falling from my forehead. Yup I was right I hit my head. I can barely hear the guys screaming at Shishi to stop before it went suddenly completely cold. Touya must have done it to get me to stay awake, or in an attempt to stop Shishi, who I can feel standing over me, with his blade at my throat. He's talking to me; I can just barely here him. He thinks I've been toying with him? No Shishi it's not that. I can't deal with the pain any longer and I black out.

((No ones Point of View))

Shishi leaned down to Suzuka and tilts his head. He reaches out and waves a hand in front of his eyes. Touya, Chuu, Rinku, and Jin have come running over from the temple steps. Touya kneels down by Suzuka's body and checks his pulse. He stands back up and the surrounding area suddenly turns to ice, a sword of ice is formed over his right hand and he points it at Shishi's throat then speaks in a threatening deadly icy voice.

"He's still alive. You best have a reason for attacking him like that Shishiwakamaru because if you don't I will kill you where you stand."

Shishi turned away from him and started to head back to the temple. Jin flew up into the air and landed in front of him blocking his way. He glares at Shishi while the winds around the area pick up.

"Touya asked you a question Wakamaru you better answer him now!"

Shishi sneered at Jin and walked off to the left only to be stopped by Chuu, he turned and had to stop once more because Rinku was in his way. He narrowed his eyes and glared down at Rinku.

"Move or be moved!"

Rinku shock his head and held his arms out. Shishi went to raise his sword to Rinku's throat but was stopped by an icy hand on his wrist. He turned and came face to face with the icy depths of Touya's pupil less eyes.

"What is your problem Shishiwakamaru? Are you too much of a man to admit your true feelings for someone? So to get rid of the problem of admitting to Suzuka you love him you try to kill him? Is that it? You're pathetic did you know that? You are truly the biggest idiot I have ever met and trust me I've met plenty. Suzuka loves you so much that it's been eating him up in side and you go and try to kill him with the weapon he slaved over to create for you? Did you ever ask him how he was able to create a sword that could control lost souls at will? I bet you didn't. Well let me enlighten the great Shishiwakamaru. He had to give up most of his life to create that thing. Slaving away for years to get just enough power to be able to control that power. And he gives that power to the sword so you could have it. I've never been more discussed by anyone or anything in the three worlds in all of my life."

Touya closed his eyes and went back over to Suzuka dragging Chuu with him. Rinku followed slowly behind and Jin stood in place. He looked up into Shishi's eyes, a look of true sadness on his face.

"You really have no idea do you Shishi?"

Shishi closed his eyes and fell to the ground limp. Jin kneeled down to him and placed his hands on his shoulders.

"It's not to late you know? Touya's good with healing so he can heal Suzuka's wounds but your going to have to apology for what you did, but I doubt that will be enough to heal his broken heart. Come on lets go and check on him."

Jin held out his hand and stood. Shishi took the hand and left his sword on the ground. Jin smiled softly and helped lead Shishi off to Suzuka's bedroom. Shishi sighed and stopped in his tracks once they reached the door. Jin looked at him and frowned. Shishi had turned back into the little bird demon and was floating just above the ground. His face held an expression of someone who just lost his soul. Jin picked him up and opened the door to the room.

((Back to Suzuka's Point of View))

Everything's still very fuzzy. Touya told be that I hit my head pretty hard and he even showed me from the window what happened to the tree. It was bent completely in half. Genkai was not going to be happy about that. I looked up and Touya and frowned slightly.

"What did I do wrong Touya? Everything was going great and then, I just don't understand what happened."

I can't believe how weak my voice sounds, but I know Touya won't care. Touya didn't get the chance to answer me though as the door just opened. It was Jin and in his arms cuddled tightly to his chest gripping it for dear life was Shishi. When did he turn back into his true form? And why did he look as if his soul was just sucked from his body? Jin and Touya are talking and I notice now that Shishi is staring at me. I smile weakly and Shishi bounces out of Jin's arms and into mine. He's crying. He's really crying, saying he's sorry over and over again. Why is he apologizing? I hold him close to me, my body is still sore from the impact into the tree but I don't care. Touya and Jin have left so it's just my beautiful birdie and me.

"Suzuka I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

He sounds so far away. Maybe it's because of the head injury I just got. Maybe it's because he's so sad. I've never heard him talk like that before. So depressed so lost.

"No that's a lie. I was upset because you changed training partners with me. I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore so I flipped. I'm so sorry."

I don't know what to say to that. I really don't, so I just stay silent and cuddle him to my chest. I lower my self into the bed and run my fingers threw his hair it's so soft. He sounds like he's purring but I know he's not. Birds don't purr. But still it sounds like a purr. I find my voice finally and it kind of scares me.

"Don't be sorry Shishi. I just didn't think that it would be wise to continue to train with you. You were all sweaty and without your shirt and your hair down. I was about to jump on top of you and ravish you right in front of everyone."

I sound so pathetic. He's probably thinking the same thing. I just want to hide under a rock. But he's laughing. Why is he laughing? This is not a funny matter. Is it? Maybe I missed something.

"Suzuka I wouldn't have cared if you knocked me down and raped me right in front of everyone!"

He wanted me to do that? Oh not good to tell me when you are laying on top of me. He smiles up at me then changed back into his humanoid form. His body on top of me feels like it's burning me. But I don't care. It feels to good to complain. He lifts his hand up and runs it threw my soaked hair, Touya wet my hair down so he could get the blood out of it. Shishi kisses my neck softly and it tickles but feels so good. I wrap my arms around his neck to bring him closer but he moves away. Must have moved to fast for him. Wait he isn't a…

"Suzuka I've never done this before."

Oh dear Enma. He's a virgin. His voice is so soft and he's shaking slightly. I hold him close to me and run my hands threw his hair. I kiss his head and he lifts his head up to look in my eyes. He's blushing. How cute.

"Your not mad at me?"

Am I mad? No but you must be for thinking such a ridicules thing. I laugh softly and kiss him softly. He moans and leans into the kiss trying to get me to deepen it. I trace my tongue along his bottom lip and he lets me enter his mouth. Our tongues do a sort of dance trying to memorize ever inch of the others mouth before we need to pull away for air. When we do he's blushing even more. He runs his hands down my chest and they stop at the bottom of my shirt. He lifts my shirt up and pulls it up and over my head. He's blushing again and he softly says that I'm beautiful. I want to tell him that I'm nothing compared to him but it comes out as a moan in stead. His mouth is traveling down my chest and he's sucking on one of my nipples. Where'd he learn to do this if he's a virgin? Fuck I really don't care it feels so good. My head feels like it's spinning, he's making me feel things I've only ever dreamed off. I know I'm panting and probably looking like a dog. But he's smiling.

"Suzuka, am I doing this right?"

His voice is so soft and I can barely hear him. I can only nod slightly and he smiles and pulls my sweat pants down. He doesn't even stop to take them all the way off before he engulfs my member in his heavenly mouth. I arch my back and I have to force myself not to thrust into his mouth. I don't want to choke him. Sense I'm sure this is his first time. I hear him moaning softly around my length and I can't help up arch up into his mouth. Though he's making that hard by holding me down. And his nails, or claws, are digging into my hips, I can feel the blood trailing down my hips, it's probably going to stain the sheets and Touya'll yell at us. Sense it's his chore to wash all the clothes and linings.

Thinking is becoming harder; Shishi is making sure that my thoughts are all focused on him. And if I don't stop him soon this all is going to end. I don't want it to end so quickly. So sadly I put my arms on Shishi's shoulders and push him back. I groan at the lack of his mouth but I know it'll get better soon. He looks like someone just ran over his puppy. I tell him that the fun has only started and he smiles slightly. I know he's scared but it'll be okay. I don't want to hurt him.

Shishi starts to strip and soon he's lying on his back on my bed completely naked. He's blushing slightly. I never took him to be the blushing bride type. I run my fingers up and down his chest and he closes his eyes making purring noises. I know birds don't purr but hell it sure sounds like it. I lean down and start to kiss down his chest. I don't take the time to tease his nipples like he did to me. I continue down to his waiting member. He looks like he's in heaven. I couldn't be any happier, knowing that I am the one causing all his pleasure.

I press two of my fingers to his lips and softly ask him to suck them. He blinks a bit, probably trying to clear his mind. He opens his mouth and starts to suckle on my fingers. I can't help but moan softly. Once my fingers are good and wet I pull them out of Shishi's mouth. He looks scared. I tell him that it was going to be okay. I moved my fingers to his opening and gently pushed one in. He hissed in pain for a moment before he started to relax. I kissed him and told it to take a deep breath, when he did I pushed a second finger in. He hissed again and a few tears fell from his eyes. I leaned down and licked them away.

"Am I hurting you? Do you want to stop?"

Shishi shook his head and moaned softly pushing back on my fingers. I scissored them slightly and started a slow pace preparing him the best I could. When I touched that special spot inside of him he moaned out loud and I had to kiss him to shut him up. I didn't want Jin or Rinku to come in bitching at me for hurting him. Those two are so naïve sometimes. I remove my fingers from his gently and he groans and glares at me.

"If your going to fucking tease me Suzuka you can just stop."

I can't help but laugh at him a little bit and I kiss his lips gently. I tell him I wasn't teasing him and that I was preparing him. He looks scared again. I kiss him while I position my self at his entrance. I know it's going to hurt at first. And I hope he can take the pain. I gently push in still kissing him. He pulls back and hisses in pain. I feel bad that I'm hurting him but I know that it's going to get better. He tells me to quit fucking around and just make love to him. I push in all the way and he moans even louder then before. I know I've hit his spot dead on cause when I pull out and push back in and hit the spot again. He growls at me and tell me to stop messing around.

I speed up my thrusts and I have him panting and begging for more in no time. I know it won't take much for the both of us to reach our climax. I reach between our bodies and wrap a hand around Shishi's weeping erection. He's biting his bottom lip and fisting the sheets so I know he's getting close. Even though I wish I could make this last so much longer, he's so tight and I can't help it. Moving my hand in time with my thrusts I have him coming in no time at all. And feeling his inner walls clench around my member I cum soon after.

I don't hear much; I don't even hear him moan my name as he comes. I don't hear myself scream out his name either, but I know we screamed. I know cause Touya is now standing in my doorway with a smirk on his face. The bastard loves this. I growl slightly which makes Shishi, who might I add looks like he's about to pass out, laugh. I take one of my shoes that are lying on the floor next to my bed and I throw it at Touya's head telling him to bug off. He laughs shakes his head and leave. I lay down next to Shishi who curls up into my arms and lays his head on my chest. He closes his eyes and mumbles an I love you. I yawn and close my eyes, running a hand threw his hand and twirling it around my forefinger.

"I love you too, my beautiful love."



Authors Ending Notes: I've always wanted to say that... Owari means The End for all you out there who don't know... I've wanted to say that for a while now... and I just might be able to do it two more times... Once for Ireland... My other Yu Yu Hakusho fic... It was suppose to be apart of this one... but it grew into a much bigger and better story... at least I think so... And of course my other fic Shuichi's Bored Writings... stupid title but as my lovely reviewers... who I love... who tell you it's a good story... some would say they love it I hope!... Any anyways... this fic is done... Read my other two and review them... Oh and I might be making a Kurama/Hiei fic soon too... That goes with my YYH Favorite pairing Stories... Okay I'm ending my this note here... Hope you all enjoyed it! PEACE OUT! <Waves and walks back to his bean bag chair to try to write the Kurama/Hiei fic.>