Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Beautiful Love ❯ Chapter Two: Shishiwakamaru PoV ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author Opening Notes: Sorry about the cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter. So here's the next chapter... Enjoy! <Pouts cause he has nothing cute to say.>

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho is the property of Yoshihiro Togashi if I owned it I wouldn't be writing this now would I? Plus I'd have a hell of a lot more money then I do now!

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Chapter Two: Shishiwakamaru's POV

Story Summery: Just a little love story of Suzuka and Shishiwakamaru, set before the Makai Tournament while Suzuka, Shishiwakamaru, Chuu, Rinku, Touya, and Jin are training at Genkai's temple.

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So pushing Suzuka away and storming out of the temple isn't the smartest thing I have ever done. I mean I do care for Suzuka; he's my best friend and all but I was just so pissed off. He always protects all of them. I have no idea why either. One thing I do know is that he followed me out of the temple. He always does. But today it's going to be different. I head to the garden, okay so I always do that. I like the garden, thanks to Kurama it's always in bloom so the sweet smell of roses and lilac is always in the air. I walk to my normal spot on a mat by this fountain, it's of an angel and water is flowing from two small jars she's holding. I like to meditate in the morning. I'm not a morning person at all. I hate the morning. It's way to bright, but Suzuka likes mornings so I try my hardest to get up to spend the mornings with him.

Back before the dark tournament Suzuka and I lived together in this little cabin in the Makai. It wasn't that great of a place really but it worked. Any ways, some times I would wake up early in the morning and just sit with Suzuka up on a small hill watching the sunrise. We'd never talk just sit there in silence and watch. I liked the fact that early morning sunlight brightens his eyes. Sometime I thought I could feel his eyes on me, but that is just wishful thinking.

Anyhow, I sit on this mat and start to meditate. My sword, my wonderful beautiful sword that Suzuka made just for me, was resting by my side. I heard his bare feet pat across the fresh cut grass and he sits down in front of me. He's never done that before, normally he sits on the fountain and stares up at the sky until Touya comes out and tells us it's time to train. I'm thrown off by his small difference but of course I don't show it. He clears his throat, he wants to talk, and I keep my eyes closed tightly. I don't want to talk. So many things are running threw my mind. What if he found out that I fell in love with the most beautiful demon in all the three worlds? Was he going to laugh at me, tell me I'm pathetic and weak and then walk away forsaking everything? Our friendship our trust in each other the love I have in my heart? Maybe he wants to tell me that he has felt the same way. I push the happy thoughts away. Suzuka, the beautiful demon that is sitting in front of me clears his throat again a small laugh coming from him. Was he laughing at me? Could he see my emotions on my face that easily?

I slowly open my eyes and look into the most breath taking eyes I have ever seen. They are glowing slightly because of the sunlight reflecting in the. My heart is racing and I'm finding it very hard to breath. Please any gods that are listening don't have him turn me away now. I can't bear to be with out him. I need him. That's a laugh, the great Shishiwakamaru admitting that he needs someone. Then again it's all in my mind, no one will ever hear me say that out loud. I'll never vocally admit that I need this beautiful demon that is sitting in front of me. He's looking at me weird, mostly because I've spaced once more. Focus Shishi focus!

"Shi we need to talk."

His voice, for the love of Enma that voice, is like the song of angels. I need to breathe, I wasn't even aware that I was holding my breath until I exhaled. He laughed at that. Oh dear Makai he knows. I know he knows. He's closing those beautiful eyes of his, no damn you don't close them. I can't look at them if they are closed. I can't drown in their deeps, swim in the endless ocean that are those peaceful glistening glowing eyes. I hear my own breath catch in my throat and it makes a horribly pathetic noise. Those eyes of his snap out and he frowns. I don't like that look. He looks hurt, what if he does know and he's going to, no don't be negative. No more negativity Shishi. You can do this.

"What did you want to talk about Suzuka?"

My voice is so fucking pathetic that I want to smack myself. He must have heard it too because he's moving closer to me. He's holding my hand running his thumb over the back of my hand. His skin is so soft, how can he touch my calloused hands? I want to pull away tell him not to touch me like that but I look into his eyes and I can't. I'm stuck, like I am glued to my spot unable to move even the slightly bit. I think I've stopped breathing, that isn't good right?

"I want to talk about us Shishi."

He's shaking. Why is he shaking? Could it be that he's scared of something? Scared of his feeling like I am mine. Oh for the love of the three worlds he is. I nod slightly. I still can't breathe, come on Shishi you have to breathe. Is my heart even beating anymore oh I hope it is, it's just has to be or I'd be dead right? He's taking a deep breath now too trying to calm his racing heart. Maybe I should try that too. It works! I can breath again. Oh wait he's going to talk. I have to stop thinking and listen. Speak to me in that beautiful voice of yours and open your damn eyes Suzuka.

"We're friends aren't we Shi?"

WHAT!? That's what's he's so scared about? ARE WE FRIENDS? I can't believe this. Okay breathe Shishi; maybe he's building up for something. Still what the hell kind of question is that? Are we friends? Duh of course we are you big beautiful dope. Wait I can't say that. Um think so something. Oh man are those tears? He isn't going to cry, he's never cried in front of anyone. I don't think he's ever cried and as long as I'm alive he won't. I won't have those beautiful eyes shed any tears.

"Best friend Suzuka."

My voice is so soft; I don't even think I heard it. Maybe it was in my head. No couldn't have been just in my head because he's smiling. Oh for the love of the Makai I can't breath again. His smile is ever more breath taking then his eyes. I close my eyes to try to help restart my heart. It stopped again, or it's going so fast that you wouldn't know if it stopped or not.

"I see."

Was that disappointment? What did he want me to say? I want to jump on top of you and make love to you until our hearts stop from lack of breathing? Something tells me I'm going to have to be the one to spill his guts first. I hate being so open about my feelings to anyone but myself. But this is Suzuka, he'll understand right? He's standing; he's going to head back into the temple and leaves me to my own world. I've been silence for to long. I have to stop being such a chickadee, I am a bird demon you know and I don't care for chickens, anyways. I have to do something. So I do the first thing, well not the first thing but you get the fucking picture right? Or do I have to draw you a picture. I jump to my feet fast; it would have made Hiei proud I guarantee you that. I grab his arm and turn him to face me his face showing nothing but pure shock. It looks far too sexy on his face, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. Perfect! Those beautiful eyes of his are even wider and I guarantee you that they just widened more for my lips have connected with his harshly. His lips are so soft I knew they would be. I deepen the kiss some more and he's going along with it. He tastes like mint and chocolate. I moan softly as his hands find themselves tangled in my hair pulling me closer to the hot body in front of me my hands are gripping his bright yellow shirt in a death grip as if my life depended on it. We break apart for air both of us breathing hard. I open my eyes and stare into those bright shinning blue eyes. I see love in those deeps the same love I'm feeling in my heart. I step back from him and flip my hair back; I hadn't realized it had fallen over my shoulder must have happened during that kiss. I smile up at him and turn my back to pick up my sword. I tie it back to my belt and I think I hear him whimper. I shake my head and turn and walk past him stopping and looking over my shoulder.

"You really are something my beautiful Suzuka."

I heard him laugh and shake his head turning to walk with me up to the temple. If Touya sees us I know we wont ever live it down. But someone should ask if I really care, to tell you the truth I really don't I have what I want now and no one is ever going to take him away.

I feel him wrap his arms around my chest and pull me to him resting his head in the crock of my neck whispering to me.

"No my beautiful birdie you are. And tonight I'm going to show you just what that something is."

He kisses my neck gently and I feel a shiver run down my spine. He laughs, the most beautiful song in the three worlds to me. But I can't get any words out of my mouth; my voice is caught in my throat. He shakes his head and heads up to the temple just as Touya walks out. He looks surprised to see us both standing there, must have threw him for a loop too. I know I am doing some mad loops right now. He tells us that it's time to start and Suzuka and I both nod. I guess I'll just have to wait until tonight to see what Suzuka has planned. Something tells me I'm in for the night of my life. And I couldn't be more excited!

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Author's Ending Note: You see the notes on Adult Fan Fiction .net were alot funnier cause this fic was posted by my cousin and me... But I took them out cause well... I was the one who wrote the story so I won't give my cousin as much credit for this story here... plus... I don't think they were that funny anyways... <Nods.> Oh and the next chapter is the lemon... and the ending... Just a short sweet fic no?