Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Fire Baby ❯ Broken Heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters.
My Fire Baby
Summary: Kurama has finally realized his love for Hiei. So he decides to tell the fire demon, but when he finds Hiei he finds his the little demon with Yusuke. Kurama's jealousy gets the best of him, so he decides to let Youko out in order to try and win Hiei over. But, Youko takes it a step too far.
Warnings: M/M Lemon, language, rape
Chapter 1: Broken Heart
Kurama sat in his classroom staring out of the window. The teacher was writing problems on the board, which Kurama could have sworn he'd learned in third grade. But everyone around him had peeved looks on their faces showing that they didn't understand.
Kurama didn't care though he had much bigger things on his mind. For days he hasn't been able to sleep much, because his mind kept wandering to certain youkai.
Just the name sent chills up his spine. Kurama had been having mixed feelings about his fighting partner for a while and always ignored it. But, now it seemed that those feelings were only getting stronger.
Kurama looked up just as the teacher asked him a question that no one else in the class could seem to answer.
“The answer is four Sir.” Kurama answered correctly before getting lost in his thoughts all over again.
He continued to stare out the window, wishing that Hiei were out there waiting for him, waiting to explain to him these feelings that seemed to plague his heart.
A deep sigh escaped the handsome boy. He looked up at the school clock the bell would ring any second now.
Good…. he needed to get out of there, he needed to go somewhere and think
His prayers were soon answered as the bell rang. Kurama hopped out of his seat, making sure to grab all of his belongings. He was planning on going to the park, maybe Hiei would be there sitting in his usual tree. Kurama got excited just thinking about seeing his friend, but his plans were postponed, as the teacher called to him.
“Shuichi, can you hold on a second. I would like to talk to you.” Kurama groaned, he was ready to just make a dash for the door, but was not known to disrespect a teacher's wishes.
So he slumped back into the classroom, while the rest of the children ran out happily, being glad that their day of “hell” was over.
“Yes Sir?” Kurama asked wanting to end this conversation soon.
He watched as the tall man cleared his throat, and then used his index finger to push his large glasses up off the tip of his nose.
“Look, I don't want to keep you long, so I'll just get to the point. For the last couple of days, I've noticed that your mind hasn't quite been in the classroom. I don't know if it is because of personal reasons or what, but I need you here, do you understand?” Kurama nodded, already losing interest in this conversation.
“You are the smartest kid in this school, and the last thing we need is for you to lose focus. So what ever problems you may be going through, should be solved sooner rather than later, you understand?”
“Yes Sir, I understand perfectly.” Kurama answered.
“Good, so I'll see you Monday, and hopefully you'll be back to normal?” Kurama responded with a nod, and ran out of the classroom.
City Park:
“He's right. I need to get rid of this problem, if only I knew what it was.” Kurama thought, as he walked through the deserted part of the park, where no children were known to hang about. He walked up to the tree where the boy who ran through his mind often sat.
Kurama yelled as he peered into the tree. No answer was heard, so Kurama called a few more times before finally realizing that his friend wasn't there.
The red headed beauty sighed. He really had his heart set on seeing Hiei. Well at least now he had the time to sit and think without being interrupted.
He took a seat under the tree and began to talk to himself.
“Hiei, if only you knew how I felt, if only I could tell you my true feelings.” A yawn escaped Kurama's lips, as his eyelids became heavy. The sun beat down on him, giving him a warm glowing feeling. He was getting tired and maybe a nap under the tree would help to straighten out his thoughts
He continued to talk to himself as his head rested against the base of the tree. Images of Hiei flashed through his mind, images of him holding the little demon, kissing his warm lips, and running his fingers through his gravity defying hair.
“Hiei, my dear fire baby, I love you…….”
Kurama's head snapped up as he realized what he just said. “I love Hiei?” The words seemed foreign to him, but they sounded so right. “I love Hiei.” Kurama thought about it.
“I love Hiei. I do, I love him.” He repeated this over and over again like a mantra. He smiled as he stood up. “That's what was wrong with me. I'm in love. I'm in love with my best friend.”
The red head laughed happily as he ran through the park. He had to find Hiei, he had to tell him. He had to tell his friend the truth………. that he was in love with him.
Kurama was so happy about this new discovery that he didn't stop to think. “How will Hiei feel about this?”
Kurama stopped in his tracks. “How will I tell him? What if he doesn't feel the same way?” These questions plagued Kurama mind as he walked out of the park.
“I need advice! I need someone to help me. Someone who can help me explain to Hiei how I feel. Someone who I can trust………but who?”
Kurama stopped by the park gates wondering who he could possibly go to for help.
“Botan would tell everyone before I even got a chance to talk to Hiei. So she's out of the question. Kuwabara, I'm sorry to say can't even give Yukina the right hint and I really don't feel comfortable telling any of the other girls……… so that just leaves Yusuke. Yea, he's good at keeping secrets. I don't know about his love life, but he's my best choice right now.”
Kurama nodded his head, agreeing with his decision, and quickly took off towards the Spirit Detectives home.
Yusuke's House:
Kurama was out of breath once he got Yusuke's home. He stopped out side of the door to catch his breath and put his hair back into place, before he calmly knocked on the door.
No one answered, so Kurama decided to knock a little harder.
This time the door creaked open just a bit. Kurama stuck his head in the door and looked around.
“Ms. Urameshi?……..umm Yusuke? Is anyone here?”
Kurama walked slowly into the dark messy house. He found Yusuke's discarded shirt on the floor, and figured he was probably in his room. Kurama checked the rest of the house first to make sure, and then headed towards Yusuke's room.
As he walked down the hallway, he noticed more of Yusuke's clothing thrown on the floor.
“He could have at least taken his clothes into his bedroom.” Kurama thought as he walked closer to the spirit detective's door.
As he got closer, he could here a faint noise coming from behind the cracked door. Heavy breathing and soft mumbling could be detected as the red head reached for the door knob.
An unfamiliar stench seemed to be coming from the barely cracked door, and something told Kurama not to go any further, but his curiosity got the best of him.
“Yusuke?” he whispered before slowly pushing the door open. He poked his head into the dark room, and looked over to Yusuke's bed. The sight before him was forbidden, but he couldn't find it in himself to look away.
“Ahhh…….Yuuuusuke please harder Mmmmmm.” A small voice could be heard from under Yusuke's large body.
His lower body was covered by a light blanket, and his naked back was being clawed by small hands. The red lines on his back were proof that they had been at this for a while.
“You…want me……. to go…….harder huh?” Yusuke moaned as he rocked back and forth into the body beneath him.
“YES, HARDER NOW!!!” The small voice shouted impatiently, as the pair of hands pushed at Yusuke's back trying to get him to speed up.
Kurama could feel his pants tightening, as he continued to watch the scene before him.
Yusuke laughed at the bossiness of the little person, not noticing the door to his room had been cracked open.
“Mmmm, then beg for it.” He moaned slowing down, to tease the one beneath him.
“Pl….please, harder. Give it to me harder Urameshi.” That was all the spirit detective needed to hear, as he slammed harder into the small body.
Kurama bit down hard on his bottom lip, he could just imagine himself doing that to Hiei.
“AHHHH…….YES YUSUKE, MORE DON'T STOP!!” The loud screaming was overpowered by the sound of bare flesh slapping together.
Yusuke's loud panting only got louder as he rolled onto his back, pulling a small body on top of him.
Kurama's jaw dropped as he recognized the small figure on top of Yusuke. “Hiei?” was all he managed to breathe.
The little youkai pulled Yusuke up so they were chest to chest, as he passionately kissed the detective.
Yusuke's right arm wrapped tightly around Hiei's small waist, while he was able to get his left hand tangled into soft, flame shaped hair.
“Oh…Hiei, yes my fire demon.”
Yusuke continued to slam Hiei's small frame down onto his hard shaft.
Hiei threw his head back in pure ecstasy as he was nearing his climax. Yusuke took this as an opportunity and attacked the fire boy's neck, nipping and sucking at the pale skin. He left dark red marks all across Hiei's neck, before reclaiming the demon's lips.
“Mmmm” Hiei moaned into Yusuke's mouth as he reached between their sweaty bodies, and grabbed his own leaking erection. He pumped on it hard, as he bucked his hips hard against Yusuke's body.
The young fire demon broke the kiss between them as Yusuke grabbed his hand, helping to tug at the boy's erection
Hiei threw his head back once again as he shouted out his orgasm.
“YUUUUUUUUUUSUUUUUUUKEEE!!!” His hot seed shot across both of their chests leaving the white substance to drip everywhere.
Hiei buried his head into Yusuke's neck, his breathing coming hard and raged. He whimpered softly, while Yusuke continued to slide in and out of his sore anus.
Kurama had seen enough, he couldn't take anymore of this. The one he loved was fucking someone else, right in front of him.
The red headed fox turned his back to the sight in front of him and after taking one last look at his love, he ran towards the front door.
Kurama was able to make it out the door before Yusuke shouted out his own climax.
The red headed boy couldn't stop the tears that escaped his beautiful emerald eyes as he ran home heart broken.
So what do you think? Poor Kurama, please review and I'll see about continuing to the next chapter. What will Kurama do about Hiei? Is his fire baby really in love with Yusuke? If so how will he break them up? I'll never tellll at least not until my next chapter. So please review.