Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Fire Baby ❯ MINE! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I want to apologize for taking so long to update. I've had a lot going on at school, but here is my second chapter and I hope it was worth the wait.
Chapter 2: Mine!
Hiei rolled off of Yusuke and collapsed onto the bed exhausted. The little fired demon pulled the blanket over him self and curled into a tight ball.
Yusuke fell onto his back still breathing heavily. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around Hiei pulling the little demon close.
“Well, that was better than I expected……. and here I thought you were an innocent little virgin.”
Hiei closed his eyes as he turned over and buried his head into Yusuke's chest trying to get warm. A simple “Hn” was the only response he gave to the spirit detective referring to the comment he had just made.
Yusuke smiled warmly and nuzzled his nose into Hiei's hair, breathing in his sweet scent. He couldn't believe that the little demon was actually here in his arms. Who would have thought Hiei and Yusuke would even be caught in the same bed together.
But Yusuke had to admit, he didn't mind having the small youkai next to him.
Just earlier that day him and Keiko had gotten into a heated argument in which she admitted to not wanting to be with him anymore. She said that she was sick of him worrying her to death because of his job as a spirit detective and she was sick of him causing so many problems at school.
Yusuke also confirmed that he no longer wanted to be with her. So after shouting out that their relationship was done, he had stormed out of the house to get some fresh air. It took all of his strength not to go back and slam her head against the stone walls of her small apartment.
“I can't believe that bitch after all we've been through.” Yusuke walked through the streets terrorizing anyone who even bothered to look at him.
“After all those years of putting up with her bitching and nagging she has the nerve to say that she is sick of ME!”
The spirit detective stopped in front of the entrance to the city park. He decided that maybe a long walk would calm him down……...But man was he wrong.
On the way through the park a couple of high school kids “accidentally” tossed their football at his head. Yusuke smiled as he turned towards the laughing bunch, he could use a few punching bags to help blow off some steam.
So after beating the shit out of the kids and popping their football with his bare hands, the spirit detective marched off to a deserted part of the park hoping to find a quiet place to think.
Yusuke tried his best to sit down and meditate but that didn't work. So he stood up and started swinging his fist around in a maniac way.
But just swinging at the air wasn't calming him down; he needed something hard to punch.
So he walked up to a thick oak tree and studied it for a minute……..it seemed strong enough to on a few of his attacks.
So the spirit detective began to repeatedly punch the trunk of the tree. The way the tree shook as if it were shivering in fear seemed to please him.
Many leaves started to fall from their branches and little animals, likes squirrels and birds scurried from the tree in panic.
Yusuke kept punching at the tree his fist making hard banging sounds. The spirit detective didn't notice the small dark figure that was slowly slipping from the tree until it fell to the ground and landed with a loud thudding sound.
Yusuke stopped his little punching tantrum to poke his head around the thick trunk of the tree. He stared down at a little figure on the ground as it began to stand up.
“Mind telling me why you were punching my tree?”
Yusuke smiled noticing that it was Hiei he had knocked out of the tree. He walked up to the demon and gave him a hard pat on the back almost knocking the still tipsy little demon over.
“Mind telling me why you were sitting in the tree?” Yusuke asked with just enough sarcasm to get beneath Hiei's skin.
“I was sleeping until some idiot detective decided that it would be a good idea to start punching random trees. So are you going to tell me why you were doing such a stupid task? Or do I have to beat the answer out of you?”
Yusuke smirked at the short tempered demon. This is just what the doctor ordered. A few rounds of sparring with Hiei would definitely tame his anger problem.
“Yo short stuff I dare you to even try.”
Hiei raised an eyebrow not expecting to actually have to kick Urameshi's ass just to get an answer. But he didn't mind having to do so, he needed the training anyway.
So Hiei removed his black cloak and tossed it to the side. He also removed his sword from his side and sat it against the trunk of the tree.
“If that's how you want it Urameshi then I don't mind having to teach you a lesson or two.”
Yusuke smiled as he began cracking his knuckles, preparing himself for battle. “Well then what are we waiting for…….lets go!” With that said, Urameshi flew at Hiei with such speed that it could not be seen by the human eye.
But Hiei, being the speedy little demon that he is, was able to dodge Yusuke's swift attack and jump onto the branch of the tall tree.
Yusuke stumbled past where Hiei's small form was just standing and turned around glaring up at the fire demon.
“What the hell…….We're suppose to be sparring you little runt not playing tag.”
Hiei stood high on the branch of the tree as he frowned down upon the heated spirit detective.
“You're behaving like an amateur. What's your problem? You must be angry about something.”
Yusuke stomped up to the tree and began kicking its thick trunk making the whole tree shake as he attempted to knock Hiei out of it.
“Yeah, I'm angry because you won't bring your little short ass down here and FIGHT ME!”
Hiei raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side in confusion. “What's wrong with you? You're acting like a buffoon, worst than Kuwabara. I don't want to fight you when you're not at your full potential.”
Yusuke backed away from the tree. “I am at my full potential and to prove it I'll show you.” The spirit detective lifted his hand folding his fingers into the famous shape of his spirit gun.
Hiei smirked down at the now feisty Urameshi in a taunting way. “Go ahead baka waste your energy on a foolish move. I'll just dodge the attack.”
Yusuke smiled as he gathered just enough energy into his pointer finger and pulled the trigger.
Hiei shook his head as the blue orb of light flew towards him. He jumped off the branch of the tree just as the blue bullet was about to crash into his torso. The little demon landed gracefully on the ground before turning around and being knocked down by Yusuke.
The spirit detective had managed to predict Hiei's exact move. So after the small demon managed to dodge his attack, he used his expert speed and tackled the little demon to the ground before another move could be made.
Hiei's eyes widened in shock as Yusuke settled all of his body weight onto the fire demon's small abdomen. His arms were pinned down at his side by Yusuke's large hands and his legs were too short for him to kick the larger boy off.
“GET OFF OF ME URAMESHI!” Hiei began to struggle under the spirit detective's body but the most he could do was thrash his little legs about and shake his head from side to side.
Yusuke smirked down at the fuming demon beneath him. “If I get up then that means you forfeit.”
Hiei stopped struggling and frowned up at Yusuke. “I never admit defeat, especially to a loser like you Urameshi.”
Yusuke shook his head and laughed. “Ok!”
Hiei tilted his head to the side as he stared up at the laughing boy. “Ok? So what, we're just going to sit here like this?”
“I guess so because I'm not getting up until you admit defeat.”
“Well then I guess we're going to be here for a while huh?”
“I guess so.”
Hiei began to struggle again. “Come on Urameshi, you're acting like a child.”
“I'm not acting like a child, you are. You're the one who won't admit when he's lost.”
Hiei sighed as he turned his head to the side. The sun was beating down hard on him and to top it off, he had a big idiot sitting on his stomach. It was getting a little hard for him to breathe with all the weight settled on his lungs.
Yusuke looked down into the face of the small fire demon. He noticed that Hiei's face was a little flushed, giving him a light red blush across the brim of his nose and cheeks. A small bead of sweat dripped from under Hiei's bandana.
Hmm, I didn't know fire demons sweat. I thought they were used to the heat…I guess it's the Koorime half of him that can't stand the heat.”
Yusuke continued to stare down at Hiei. He studied the little demon's face carefully. He traced down his spiky black hair, past his white starburst, down to his fierce almond shaped red eyes. His little pointed nose fit perfectly above his now full but small lips.
Ha…I never noticed how attractive the little runt is. I wonder why so many demons call him ugly? Hmm, must be out of jealousy………Wait, did I just call Hiei attractive?”
Hiei noticed Yusuke staring at him and frowned. “What the hell is he staring at? I wish he would get off of me……actually I don't mind this position…WAIT NO…GET OFF! Damn he's heavy it's getting harder to breathe.”
Yusuke continued to stare at Hiei not noticing that he was cutting off the young demon's air supply. “I guess he is attractive. I mean it's alright for a boy to think another boy is good looking…without being gay…right? YEAH! I mean I'm not gay, I've been with that rotten bitch Keiko for how long now? Oh yeah…we broke up. But that still doesn't mean I'm gay…………Damn it! I guess there's only one way to find out……I'll kiss him, just a quick kiss and if I like it then……I guess I'm gay. BUT if I don't like it……then, I'm not gay and I'll just threaten the little runt into not telling anyone and forget this ever happened…yeah.”
Yusuke bit his bottom lip not sure if his plan would pan out the way he wanted it to. He looked down at Hiei once again and decided that it was worth a shot, so he leaned in closer to the little demon. 
Hiei looked up after noticing how close Yusuke's face was to his. “What the hell is he doing?”
The spirit detective tightened his grip on Hiei's arms and took a deep breath, before leaning down and capturing the small demon's lips with his own. It wasn't a deep kiss, but the way their lips touched caused Yusuke to melt into Hiei's mouth.
The little demon's eyes widened in shock as Urameshi continued to devour his mouth. “What the hell……Why is he…… has he lost his mind...But I guess this isn't so bad… I just wish I could breathe...”
Yusuke noticed how relaxed Hiei seemed, his reaction encouraged the detective to continue. “I guess he likes it too…at least I'm not the only one.”
The kiss continued for what seemed like hours before Yusuke finally pulled up for air. He stared down into Hiei's face and realized how red the little demon's face was.
Yusuke smiled softly thinking that Hiei was embarrassed.
“What's wrong?”
Hiei stared into Yusuke's eyes. “I…..”
“I can't….breathe.”
Yusuke rolled off of Hiei's stomach and watched as the little demon sucked in a deep breath of air. His chest rose up and down trying to retrieve back the oxygen it had lost.
Yusuke laughed as he grabbed Hiei and pulled the small demon on top of him. “So…did you like that?”
Hiei frowned and stared down at Yusuke. “Besides the fact that I couldn't breathe….what do you think?”
Yusuke smiled and pulled Hiei down into another kiss thinking.
“Who needs Keiko anyway?”
End Flashback:
After that kiss all Yusuke remembered was bringing the little demon back to his house and entering his bedroom.
The spirit detective stared down at the now sleeping fire demon in his arms.
I still don't understand how this happened………I never knew I could feel this way about another man and even so, who would have thought it would be Hiei. I would have expected Mukuro or Kurama to try and claim him…not me… But I guess it doesn't matter……because now.... he's MINE!”
Kurama's House:
Kurama collapsed onto his bed. His bedroom was a mess, books were thrown all over the place, his clothes were torn from his closet, and his plants were thrown onto the floor.
Good thing his mother wasn't home she probably wouldn't understand why her son was behaving this way. But even Kurama was surprised at the way he was handling the situation.
He had never lost his temper over anything and now here he was, behaving like a little child who did not receive the toy that he'd repeatedly asked for.
“I guess this is how love makes you act.” Kurama spoke into his pillow. He did not want to see the damage he had caused to his once organized room.
He rolled onto his back and stared up at his white ceiling which was covered with beautiful rose vines he had just recently put up.
“I just don't understand…Why doesn't Hiei want me?”
Because you're not good enough for him…”
Kurama propped himself up on his elbows after hearing the voice. It sounded familiar but he didn't know where he had heard it before.  
“Who said that? Who's there?”
The voice laughed as it spoke again. “Don't tell me you've forgotten already.”
Kurama looked around his room noticing that no one was there. He stood from his bed and walked over to his window. He quickly drew the curtains back and looked out at the dark sky….no one was there either.
Come on Shuichi…I know you're smarter than that. If you keep thinking logically then you'll never find me.”
Kurama spun around to search his room and yet again he saw no one. The voice seemed to be speaking in his head and the only one he could possibly think of to do that is….
The one and only…”
Kurama raised his fingers and began to rub the side of his head. “This can't be…how are you here? I got rid of you.”
Tsk tsk tsk…I thought you knew Shuichi. You can never get rid of me…I'm who you are. I am the real you and until you realize that you'll never get what you want…and I am talking about Hiei.”
Kurama frowned. “How did you...”
Oh Shuichi please……You've had feelings for that little fire baby longer than you've even known. But it seems that you've realized it a little too late.”
“How do you know that I'm too late?”
Well…I saw just as well as you did. Our little fire baby was all over that spirit detective. But don't worry with me here we can win him back.”
“How…how can you be so sure?”
Because I know Hiei just as much as you do. He's a demon and demons don't usually respond to a show of weakness. Face it Shuichi you're too soft and that is probably why Hiei doesn't give you the time of day. But if you let me control the situation then you'll have what you want in no time.”
Kurama thought about….He would do anything to have Hiei be his but if he let Youko take charge then there was a strong possibility that he would use pure force to win the little demon over and Kurama didn't want to take the chance of getting him hurt.
“How do I know if I can trust you? You'll probably hurt Hiei and then just keep him for yourself and I can't let you do that.”
Shuichi…..Kurama. How can you not trust me? What you're telling me is that you can't trust yourself...... because in case you've forgotten you were Youko Kurama before you became Shuichi Minamino. You're trying to be something you're not. You're forgetting who you really are. You may think that you're human but your past tells a different story. When you look in the mirror you may see a human boy, but that's not who you really are, just look at your shadow.”
Kurama frowned and turned his head to look down at his shadow. It was being shown in the light that was reflecting from the moon, which shined brightly in his window. Kurama's eyes widened at the sight of it.... There he was the outline of his true self, his inner demon, the one he wanted to forget.
His shadow was the outline of Youko Kurama. His fox ears were perked up on top of his head. His hair flowed down his back in a messy yet elegant fashion and his tail swung lazily at his side.
Kurama looked across his room at his bedroom mirror. He was still himself he was still Shuichi Minamino, his shadow was wrong. He was still Shuichi…but is that who he really wanted to be?
I bet Hiei misses the old you. I bet that's why he doesn't want to be with you because you won't admit to the demon within you. You're always going to remain a weak human in his eyes unless you change……I can help you change if you let me out. Let me take over.”
Kurama continued to look between his reflection in the mirror and the shadow of Youko that remained in the light. He stared down at his shadow once again and sighed.
“If it will make Hiei love me, then I'll do it.”
Good choice.”
Kurama let down the cage in his mind in which he had trapped the evil Youko. He knew this was a bad idea, he promised himself that he would never let Youko loose. But he was desperate to win Hiei's heart, no matter what it took.
Kurama's head began to throb as Youko began to take over. The shadow of the demon at his feet began to grow larger and larger until Kurama's whole body became engulfed in the black mass.
The red head's body collapsed on the floor and the room became quiet. Outside a dark cloud covered the moon stealing its bright silver light and taking Kurama's shadow with it.
Once the shadow was completely gone Kurama's room came back to life. His body stood from the ground, but the once red head, now had long beautiful silver hair. His innocent emerald eyes were now a fierce shiny gold. He obtained a pair of fox ears and a long silver tail to go along with his taller more masculine body.
He was no longer Shuichi Minamino, but he was now Youko Kurama.
The handsome fox demon walked over to the bedroom mirror and studied his reflection proudly. He raised a large clawed hand and ran it through his long silver hair.
“Hmm…It's been a while since I've actually been able to look at myself.” Youko smiled seductively at his reflection as naughty thoughts of a certain fire baby ran through his mind.
“You better be ready for me little one because before you know it you'll be MINE!”
Well that's the end of my second Chapter. Once again I will apologize for taking so long to update. I'll try to get my third chapter up much quicker but I can't make any promises because I have to study for my finals this week. Please Update and tell me what you think and I'll continue.