Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Fire Baby ❯ Like killing two birds with one stone ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Finally Updated,

Chapter 3: Like killing two birds with one stone.

Darkness covered everything, it was like he was trapped in a room with no windows or doors. He sniffed around cautiously trying to catch on to any familiar scent that could possibly give him a clue as to where he was or where he could escape.

But instead he frowned when he could not catch on to any scent at all, it was like all of his senses were shut down. His crimson eyes scanned over the room and saw nothing but darkness, this was not good.

Normally the little demon was able to adjust his eyesight to see in the most darkest of places, but for some reason his eyes were not working to his advantage.

No one else seemed to be in the room with him, or at least that's what he thought.

A weak sigh came from behind him and he spun around ready to take out any threat, but instead he dropped his guard completely at the sight in front of him.

The room remained dark except for a very dim spotlight that focused on a chair set just a few feet away from him.

But it wasn't the chair that caught his attention, it was the person who sat slouched in it.

Hiei’s eyes widened as he recognized Kurama sitting in what looked to be a broken down school chair.

But this wasn’t the Kurama he knew, no, he looked way too beaten.

His long beautiful hair hung tangled, covering his handsome face. His rosy cheeks looked so dirty and his lips were so pale.

His regular school clothes were all ripped and barely hanging onto his body.

Violet colored bangs fell casting a shadow over his emerald eyes.

Hiei couldn’t believe it, Kurama looked to be just inches away from death.

“Fox? Wh...What are you doing here? Where are we?”

Kurama looked up as if just noticing that Hiei was there. His bangs parted, giving Hiei a good view of his eyes which didn’t have the bright gleam that the koorime
had become so accustomed to.

The fire demon walked forward until he was standing directly in front of Kurama who still hadn’t moved from where he sat upon the chair. Once Hiei had gotten close enough to look into the red head’s face, Kurama turned his head back towards the ground.

“I’m sorry....”

Hiei was barely able to make the very soft whisper that came from his friend.

“Hn...sorry about what?”

Before Hiei could react any futher, Kurama’s arms were wrapped around his waist. The boy buried his head into the fire demon’s chest as he continued to cry out.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry....I’m so sorry.......He’s going to hurt you, he’s going to make you his.....and it’s all my fault. Hiei please forgive me, I never meant for this to happen....”

Hiei grabbed onto Kurama’s shoulder’s pulling him back and looking into his eyes.

“What are you talking about? Who’s going to hurt me?”

Kurama sat back into his chair as his eyes began to widen. Soft footsteps echoed through the dark room and the red head already knew who was coming.

“He’s here...”

Hiei did not seem to notice the light footsteps steadily coming towards them as he continued to try and talk to Kurama.

“What are you talking about, who’s here?”

Kurama stared at Hiei, a lone tear slid down his cheek as he weakly reached a hand out to his friend.

“I’m sorry...”

All the little fire demon could do was watch as Kurama’s hand slowly turned to dust along with the rest of his body.... then along with the chair, collapsed to the floor.

Hiei, stunned, began to stumble backwards. He fell back and landed roughly against what felt to be a pair of legs.

“Careful, we wouldn’t want to get hurt now would we?”

Hiei looked up to find Youko standing over him with a sly smirk on his face.

“Its you....”

The fire demon turned his body around so that he was facing the tall fox. Youko bent down on one knee and cupped Hiei’s cheek into his large hand, stroking it gently with his thumb.

“I know, its been quite a while hasn’t it?”

Hiei unconsciously smacked Youko’s hand off of his cheek and stood up so that he was eye level with the still kneeling fox.

“No, I mean why are you here? I thought Kurama got rid of you...permanently.”

Youko smiled as he sat Indian style on the floor. He grabbed onto Hiei’s waist and pulled the youkai closer to him.

“Actually, it’s quite the other way around.”

Hiei blinked confused.

“What are you talking about....what did you do to Kurama?”

The fox pulled Hiei into his lap and gently rocked him.

“You’ll soon find out but, enough about him, it’s just me and you now.”

The fire demon stared at Youko, then began to push the fox away.

“What are you talking about, get off of me!”

The fox crossed his arms and pouted before grabbing onto Hiei once again.

“Aww, now you weren’t behaving like this when that spirit detective left his mark on you...”

Hiei immediately stopped his struggle and stared at Youko, surprised.
“How did yo....”

Before the koorime had a chance to finish his question, his mouth was being covered by Youko’s.

The fox slid his hands to the back of Hiei’s neck pulling him closer and painfully keeping him in place as his sharp claws dug into pale flesh.

Hiei began to struggle again as he tried effortlessly to pull Youko’s claws from his neck. But before he knew it, the fire demon was on his back against the floor with the fox on top of him.

The pressure caused the claws to dig deeper into his neck and Hiei could feel himself growing dizzy as another clawed hand scratched its way up his shirt across his small chest, leaving thin lines of blood across his torso.

The young demon clenched his eyes shut painfully, as he took one last feeble chance and swung his fist as hard as he could at Youko’s head.



Hiei opened his beautiful red eyes as they adjusted to the bright light in the room. He sat up quickly trying to figure out where he was but instead bashed heads with the person sitting above him.

“Damn Hiei, what’s your problem?”

The demon’s vision began to come back to focus as he recognized Yusuke standing on all fours above him, rubbing at a large bump on his head.

“Oh right, I spent the night with Urameshi....”

He began to remember all the events of the night before and blushed uncharacteristically as he recalled what had happened between him and the spirit detective.

“What made me react like that with Yusuke. Since when did I take interest in this baka?”

Hiei was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt a hand gently cup his cheek.
He looked up to see Yusuke still above him, smiling gently.
“I see you’re feeling a little better.”

“What do you mean?”

The spirit detective rolled off of Hiei and laid on his side, next to the demon.

“Well, I woke up because you were talking in your sleep and it looked like you were having a bad dream, so I tried to give you a kiss to wake you up or at least calm you down. But all that seemed to do was make things worse, because you fucking punched me in the jaw.”

Hiei sat up and stared at the detective who was playfully rubbing his sore jaw.

“I did?...I mean, what made you kiss me?”

Yusuke raised an eyebrow as he laid his head against a pillow.

“Hey, you seemed to have enjoyed it last night, so I thought, what the hell.”

Hiei again blushed as he looked down at his hands.

“That dream felt so real but it was just Yusuke...what about Kurama, he was there too, was he trying to tell me something? Everything felt like it was really happening...”


The demon shook his head as he glared at the spirit detective.


Urameshi stood from the bed and walked over to a pile of clothes.

“I said, you’re bleeding...”


“Your neck...”

Hiei reached around and felt the back of his neck. He pulled his hand back and stared down at the crimson liquid on his finger tips.

He looked up to see Yusuke handing him a towel.

“What happened? Why did you start bleeding?”

Hiei shook his head as he began to wipe away the blood.

“I don’t know.”

“Wait, isn’t this what happened in my dream? His claws...”

Hiei dropped the bloody towel onto the bed as he pulled back the blanket that was still covering the top half of his body.

Yusuke’s eyes widened when he saw the lines of blood that dripped across Hiei’s chest.

“Hiei! What the hell happened?”

The fire demon stood from the bed.

“My dream...”


“In my dream...he did this to me! It was real!”

Yusuke walked to Hiei and grabbed onto his shoulders.

“Calm down now, what dream are you talking about?”

“The dream I had last night. I was in a dark room and no one was there, but then Kurama came and he was...wait...Kurama?”

Yusuke watched as Hiei began to grab his clothes off of the floor. The demon pulled on his pants and flung his shirt over his shoulder as he grabbed his sword from where it sat against the dresser.

“Wait Hiei, where are you going?”

The fire demon buckled the three belts on his pants and began to put his shoes on.

“I have to go see Kurama, these wounds on my neck and chest didn’t just come from some dream. So if everything that happened to me in my dream really happened in reality, then that means that Kurama might be hurt too.”

Yusuke tilted his head in confusion.


Hiei rolled his eyes as he opened the bedroom window.

“Just forget it.”

He hopped outside of the window and looked in the direction that he was about to run.

“Hiei wait!”

He turned around to see Yusuke putting on his pants.

“I’m coming with you.”

The fire demon smiled as the spirit detective climbed out the window with his shirt still in his hands.

“You can explain everything to me on our way to his house.”

“Look Urameshi, you don’t have to come. I’m sure Kurama’s fine, but I just want to make sure.”

Yusuke bent down and gave Hiei a light kiss on the lips.

“I know, and I want to make sure too.”

The little demon blushed as he pulled his own shirt over his head. He hopped onto the fence next to Yusuke’s house and looked again in the direction of Kurama’s home.

“Fine, then lets go.”

Hiei hopped from fence to fence with Yusuke right behind him. Neither of them noticed the tall form that stood on top of Urameshi’s house, watching.

Youko laughed as he jumped from house to house keeping just a few paces ahead of Hiei.
“That’s right my little fire baby, come right to me. I’ll make you mine and rid of that spirit detective all at once. Hm, it’ll be like killing two birds with one stone.”


Damn, I know, I know, I haven’t updated in a few months and I apologize. From now on, I’m gonna try typing shorter chapters so that I can at least get a couple up every other week if I can. But don’t worry I’m not only shortening the chapters in this story, but all of my other stories too.

And for all of you who thought this story was through, ya wrong lol. It might have taken me a while but I haven’t ended it, I have too many ideas to just stop right now. So until my next chapter, which you and I both hope doesn’t take another few months. R&R!