Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Once again I own nothing and this includes Nora Roberts work.

A/N: So it's a new year, and yes I know it's been new for awhile. In case I might have any fans out there (which I seriously doubt) I kept my promise and I did write two fics in 2003. If anyone has seen my favorite stories then you must know that I am pro yaoi. So I've decided that my first story of 2004 will be boy/boy love. That is your warning!

Title: My Friend, My Brother, My Lover

Pairing: Yusuke/ Kuwabara

Rating: R (For right now it's because of language)

Story type: AU

Summary: This is an adaptation of Nora Roberts book Tears of the Moon. This does not mean it will be plagiarized. Two friends spend an eternity with each other. They know each others secrets and past, in fact many consider them brothers. In a small town where anything can be expected two boys learn that love can be found in any package, even in one's best friend.

Chapter One

In between two great oceans and massive lands hides the town of Ardmore. A place where the people know never to expect the ordinary, and that nothing is ever what it seems. The mysteries that happen in Ardmore aren't meant to be analyzed because everyone in Ardmore knows that Ireland is full of magic. In this place of fancy Yusuke Urameshi will finally become a believer of Ireland.

It was everywhere no matter where he turned. It wouldn't have been bad if it was just the normal pairings, but no it had to be the tourist season. Once more it was spring break so not only would he have to see old couples fawning over each other, but couples his own age too. The old saying must have been true, love does bloom in spring unfortunately for Yusuke Urameshi it not only bloomed in his family hub but it also lived there.

"Hey, snap out of it Yusuke. You know we do have customers."

"Huh? Oh, you mean all these lovey dovey slops? If you ask me Kurama, I don't think they'll be ordering anytime soon. They all seem kind of busy, if you know what I mean." And if he didn't the wink after his statement should've gave some insight.

"Little brother I don't know what you have against love. It really is one the most magical things in the world, maybe you should give it a try. You never know you might like it."

"You know what Kurama I would, except I think you forgot I don't believe in magic. So how about this I'll leave the whole love is a magical experience to you and Hiei. After all with Hiei married to Keiko and with a kid on the way, it's safe to assume that the Uramish name won't die. And if they end up having all girls and no boys, well let's just say that from the sounds I heard from your room last night it's only a matter of time before Yukina's pregnant too."

"And what about you, Yusuke? What happens when all your brothers have families and you're sitting alone in your room above the hub, huh? Hiei has already moved out, and after Yukina and I are married we'll move out. It's very doubtful that mother and father will move from Boston just because their baby boy is lonely. Family is supposed to spread Yusuke, and that can't happen without love."

"Sheesh, Kurama you make it sound like I have to be married tomorrow; don't forget I'm only eighteen. Besides while my two favorite brothers are busy spreading their family, I'll have to be the responsible one and take care of the family business. I swear this family would fall apart if it wasn't for my level head."

"Like hell Yusuke. If it wasn't for me and Hiei this place would have gone bankrupt ages ago. All you do is cook."

"Hey! I'll have you know it's my cooking that has the customers coming back in the first place."

"You know we appreciate you Yusuke, but don't act like you can do without us. Just because I said we have to spread our family doesn't mean we forget about the family we first started out with. Look I have tables and you need to pick out a special. All I ask is that you think about what I said, okay?"


Here he thought he could escape another lecture from Kurama. He knew his brother meant well, but for Christ sake did he always have to be someone's conscience. If he didn't know better he would have thought his brother was gay, hell for all he knew Kurama probably was bi. It couldn't be helped he was always saying mushy stuff about love. At first he thought it was because he was so enamored with Yukina, but after Hiei got with Keiko that's when he first suspected. It didn't really matter, Yusuke knew Kurama wouldn't toy with Yukina's affections after all they where engaged.

Just think about what I said. Well what about it? When it came to actual life Yusuke knew he was the odd man out in his family. Both of his brothers had goals in life. He would bet his life they already planned five years ahead. He bearly had an hour from now planned. As for the whole "love" thing it just didn't interest him. Or should he say he hasn't found any girl of interest. Sure he dated, he even lost his virginity, but it never seemed right. He wanted what his parents and brothers had if it wasn't that then he didn't want it. After a while he just stopped looking, he was eighteen after all, and if he was meant to fall in love than he would. And if he wasn't than like he said he had the pub.

Kurama was wrong. If it was just him and the pub he wouldn't be lonely. He would have the regular customers, not to mention he would have dozens of nieces and nephews to spoil. On the off chance he did get lonely he could always get a dog or something. No he didn't need love to be happy besides with his luck there wouldn't be anyone anyway. Yep, that's the way it would be besides if he did get married than he wouldn't be the black sheep, and if there was one thing Yusuke Urameshi hated to do it was to disappoint. People depended on him to be difficult it made everyone else look normal. When the Urameshi brothers where younger people thought the middle child, Kurama, was going to be the odd one. After all the oldest, Hiei, and the youngest, Yusuke, looked like brothers. They both have the same short jet black hair, bronze skin, and deep brown eyes the only difference between the two is that Hiei is 5'3 and Yusuke is 5'8. As for Kurama, unlike his two brothers who took after their American father, he took after his very much Irish mother. Kurama was envied for his long crimson red hair, wide emerald eyes, and his seemingly perfect milk white skin, not to mention he was a height of 6 feet. When it came to looks Kurama was the oddest compared to his brothers, but as they grew it came to be Yusuke who was the black sheep.

When ever Yusuke looked at his brother, Kurama he couldn't help but think that he would look more accepted if he was his best friend's brother instead. Most people did mistake Kurama and Kuwbara to be related in some way or another. Speak of the devil.

"Oi, Kuwbara over here."

"Hey Urameshi, how's it hanging?"

"You know same as every other day. What are you doing here, dotcha have a home to build or something?"

"Nah, Shizuru gave me the day off. Plus I promised Hiei weeks ago that I'd help out around the pub when spring started."

"Whoa you actually promised Hiei something. What were you on that day?"

"Shut up Urameshi! You know I can do stuff just to do stuff if I want to."

"So in other words you were tricked."

"Well…um..it was either wait tables or roof houses."

"Yeah I knew it. Well come on slave I have some pots that need washing."

"Who put you in charge? I said I promised Hiei not you Urameshi. And I ain't nobody's slave."

"Shut up and follow me. I know you get lost every time you come here. Poor little Kazuma can't even find his way to the restroom. I'm in charge until Hiei comes in at twelve, so you see you are my slave."

"That only happened once Urameshi, and I was five, and it was my first time here so there. Now where are those damn dishes."

A/N: And this concludes chapter one. It might be a while until chapter two is out, but it'll be out later this month. Please forgive my errors and expect them throughout the story. Little things that I didn't put up is that Hiei is 24, Kurama is 22, and I won't be naming the parents. And one more thing Hiei and Yukina are only going to be related through marriage. Next chapter will be more about Kuwabara. Bye 4 now.