Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story is YAOI, and if you don't like it than I suggest reading another fic. Also, the main paring will be Yusuke and Kuwabara it's just taking a while. Prepare yourselves your major character OOCness, and there may be some offensive language. Lastly, I am terrible at grammar and spelling so try to over look the mistakes.
Chapter Twelve
Shinobu Sensui is a successful, nice, hot man if Kuwabara did say so himself, but he could tell he was going to have problems showing this to his family already. Sensui of course came to dinner just a little bit early, after all that is how he and Kuwabara planned it. Kuwabara wanted a little time before dinner to make introductions and set a peaceful atmosphere, but really he should have known better. As soon as Sensui got through the door there wasn't anytime to take his coat since Keiko was already there taking it for him. Then as soon as he walked into the living room the men folk were staring at him like some kind of circus freak. Thank goodness for Kurama and his polite manners he kept the boys occupied with small talk till dinner was finished and they were called to sit. Now Kuwabara was wishing he never agreed to this dinner with the family. There he was standing beside Sensui in the front of the table with all six of his “family members” staring at them like vultures. Heaven above someone save him!
“It's nice to finally meet you all. Kazuma has told me much about you.” Thank you
Sensui for getting this all started, thought Kuwabara.
“Can't say I've heard too much about you, but that's my baby bro for you. I'm Shizuru by the way. And since it seems like my bro is frozen to the spot let me introduce you to the rest of the family. On my right here is Hiei. Next to him his wife Keiko, you met her a little earlier. And of course you met Kurama and Yukina already. And lastly that brat there is Yusuke.”
Okay handshakes and waves all around so far so good, c'mon Kuwabara get you butt in gear unfreeze.
“You must be the one Kazuma calls Urameshi. I always found it a little odd he would call his best friend by his last name.”
“Kuwabara can call me whatever he likes. We're best friends after all since kids ya know.
Know everything about each other.”
Geez Urameshi can you glare at my guy any more! Time to step in.A little kick under the table never hurts.
Sorry about that Urameshi, lost control of my foot for a moment.”
“Lost control my ass.” He mumbled.
“Anyway how about we sit down and eat. I promise it won't be that bad.”
“If I was you little bro I wouldn't be insulting my cooking especially since I do have baby pics and I'm not afraid to use them.”
“That'll be interesting.”
“Shut it shrimp! Anyway c'mon let's chow down.”
Dinner all in all was uneventful. There were little incidents here and there such as Hiei asking inappropriate questions about Sensui's sexual history and Yusuke's constant glaring, but they wouldn't be the Urameshi brothers if they weren't a little rude. After dinner everyone had settled in the living room for desert which consisted of everyone but Hiei and Keiko who went home early because Keiko nearly feel asleep on her plate.
“So Sensui what exactly are you intentions with my baby bro?” It seems Shizuru was going to start the after dinner grilling of Sensui.
“My intentions?” Sensui smoothly replied.
“Yeah you know what you want with him,” Yusuke sarcastically put in, “I mean one day Kuwabara's just fine and the next here you are without reason. I mean aren't you a little old for him? Or are you into that sort of thing?”
Urameshi! Just ignore him Sensui he's all attitude. I mean if I trust you that should be good enough, right Urameshi?
“I…” before Yusuke could defend himself Sensui cut him off.
“No it's fine Kazuma. I don't mind after all what is family for but to protect you're virtue?”
Yeah, Yusuke didn't like that sly smile that accompanied Sensui's statement. The guy was so greasy! He couldn't see how Kuwabara could want to be with him.
“As for my intentions I intend to date Kazuma. I intend to make him happy in any way I can. And I intend not to apologize for doing so. And whatever happens between the two of us is no one's concern but our own. Are my intentions clear enough?”
Kuwabara could not believe Sensui just said that. He basically told all of them to bud out. It was one thing to tell Urameshi off, he was being rude the whole night, but the others? Kuwabara really wanted the night do go perfect and if they didn't approve he doesn't know how he could still be with Sensui. He would still date him but it would be with guilt for defying his family's wishes.
“Sensui if you were trying to make a good impression on us that wasn't the way to do it.” Kurama finally intervened. “I know you're a responsible man but that doesn't mean a thing when it comes to dating Kuwabara. He's a part of our family. To tell you the truth he's our heart. And because of that I have no intention of letting you hurt him. I guarantee you I'm not the only one who feels this way.”
As Kurama looked around the room he could see he was right. Yusuke looked ready to beat Sensui into a bloody pulp. Shizuru looked like she just bit into one of her cigarettes, and even Yukina had a frown on her face. As far as all of them were concerned Kuwabara was theirs and if Sensui wanted even a minute of Kuwabara's time he was going to have to get through them first.
“Let's get something straight,” it was Kuwabara's turn to set some rules, “Yes you are my family, and yes I love all of you very much, but this is my life. Whatever happens in it is because of my decisions whether they are right or wrong. I like Sensui and I am going to date him. I'd rather you guys accepted him but if you don't oh well, I'm still going to see him. He didn't have to come here tonight, after all we haven't been dating that long. But he did and that should tell you how he treats me. Now if you don't mind Sensui and I are going to take a walk, when we come back we can talk some more if you want.”
With that Kuwabara grabbed Sensui's arm and walked him to the door. Once they were a few blocks from the house Sensui took Kuwabara's hand and lead him off threw a groove of trees. Kuwabara didn't know if he should be nervous are not. He was just letting the heat of the moment carry him when he gave his speech. How would Sensui react to it? Did he say too much? Was he out of line? This whole dating thing was starting to become so complicated. Finally Sensui stopped and let go of Kuwabara's hand. He was quiet for too long Kuwabara was about to break the silence when suddenly he was shoved against the nearest tree and was attacked by a pair of lips on his own.
He knew this man was dangerous. All that beauty had to be dangerous, it wasn't natural. And here he was, this dark handsome man named Sensui, kissing him regular nothing Kuwabara. And Kuwabara would never give his spot up for anything. Sensui's lips were soft and full and perfect The man had experience, he knew what he was doing and damned if he didn't make Kuwabara weak kneed.
Kuwabara was so breathless he could barely manage to whisper his name.
“Sensui..what? I mean why?”
“Forgive me. That was a little spontaneous of me. But it could not be helped. From when I first saw you tonight all I've wanted to do was be alone with you. And after that just a while ago I can't help myself. Kazuma do you have any idea how passionate you looked? It makes me wonder how you'll look in other passionate moments. When I'm curious I get determined to find my answer. Will you let me Kazuma? Will you let me find my answer?”
Just hearing him talk was making Kuwabara pant.
“Sensui I never. I mean I don't know what…”
“It's alright. You don't have to do anything. I just want to enjoy you. Will you give me that pleasure?”
Gasping Kuwabara barely managed, “Yes anything you want Sensui. Please!” before Sensui's lips were once again on his.
Kuwabara didn't know how Sensui knew where to touch and what to do to make him gasp and tremble the way he did. He lips on his where so wonderful and when Sensui's tongue swiped over his lips how could he not let him enter? His tongue was wet and warm against his that he went on instinct he took what he wanted. Kuwabara took Sensui's tongue for his own and started to suck on it with fervor. Both of them moaned out loud and with out warning Sensui pulled away.
“Sensui…” Kuwabara whimpered.
“Shh.” Kuwabara didn't have time to process words, Sensui was on him again. His mouth descending to Kuwabara's throat sucking and laving him until blemishes appeared. He didn't stop; Sensui continued a line down, kissing over his clothes until he got to the waist of Kuwabara's jeans.
“Anything Kazuma? I can have anything?” Sensui exhaled over his waist.
“Yes! Please, anything! Sensui!” Kuwabara shouted not caring if he was heard.
“Good.” He smirked before unbuttoning the close of Kuwabara's jeans. Sensui drew down the zipper with his teeth while keeping his eyes on Kuwabara's face. He was gorgeous when consumed by lust. A fine blush swept across Kuwabara's face and the moans and gasp coming from that mouth were almost enough to make Sensui finish early. He wanted this boy to scream his name so everyone knew who he chose. Sensui liked at Kuwabara's cock threw his boxers till the fabric was soaked. The red head tossed his head back against the tree pushing his hips towards that heavenly pleasure. He wanted it so bad; he didn't know how he managed to wait so long to get to this boy. He was his now and he was going to make sure Kuwabara knew it.
“Kazuma tell me you want this. Tell me how much you need it.” Sensui called while pulling both jeans and boxers down to his thighs. Sensui wanted to hear his boy beg.
“Sensui more please more.” Kuwabara was beside himself with pleasure; he would give the man anything to finish him off.
“Tell me Kazuma, more of what?”
He could scarcely form a sentence, “Y-y-your mouth! Please I want it! I want your mouth on me!” Kuwabara begged.
That's all he needed. Later he would get the red head to say more, to beg him more but for now that was enough. Sensui took the tip of the boy's cock and sucked. He knew he wouldn't last long but he was going to make sure it was something Kuwabara would never forget. He swirled his tongue around the crown while stroking the base and shaft. Kuwabara's excitement flowed from his slit freely into Sensui's mouth. Sensui swiped his tongue from Kuwabara's head to base, going down farther to kiss his sack before taking each of his globes into his mouth. With one hand holding the boy's hips the other gathered pre come on the tips of his fingers and traveled down behind his testicles rubbing circles on the skin, later he would tease his entrance but for know Sensui wanted to keep Kazuma wondering. Once Kazuma's orbs were thoroughly wet Sensui decided it was time to hear his red head scream. He took his cock to the root. It was unexpected; Kuwabara never experienced such heat before. His dick was melting in Sensui's mouth. It was too much he could feel himself falling, and suddenly with a shout of “SENSUI!!” there was nothing but pleasure. Kuwabara felt like his life was pulled from him; bliss unlike any other overtook his body. Sensui could feel Kazuma's end. The boy's hands tugged on his hair urging his mouth to go faster, for his throat to suck harder when all at once he heard his scream and his warm creamy fluid slid down to his stomach.
It seemed to go on forever but at the same time it stopped too soon. When Kuwabara became aware of his surroundings his pants were already pulled up and Sensui was nipping on his neck. He felt like he was in a daze but one thing was on his mind. Kazuma's hand slowly slid down from Sensui's chest down to his waist but before he could reach his destination Sensui grabbed his hand.
“Sensui?” he heaved.
“No Kazuma. I said it was for you and I meant it. Later we'll have a time for both of us. A time where I'll be able to enjoy you fully. But for now let's get back to your home; the others are probably waiting for you.”
“Okay. Sensui?”
“Thank you.” Kuwabara kissed him and took his hand leading them back into the world.
A/N: Yes I know it wasting the best love scene out there but I tried >_< Hope it was ok.