Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story is YAOI, and if you don't like it than I suggest reading another fic. Also, the main paring will be Yusuke and Kuwabara it's just taking a while. Prepare yourselves your major character OOCness, and there may be some offensive language. Lastly, I am terrible at grammar and spelling so try to over look the mistakes.
Chapter Eleven
He was nervous, it took a lot for him to be nervous, but he figured having your family and all those that you cared about met the man who could possibly be the one was something to be nervous about. It didn't make it any better that his own best friend thought he was a liar and some kind of traitorous freak. Kuwabara was really at a loss as to what he should be doing. The women wouldn't let him help with dinner, Kurama and Hiei were arguing about a crib and being gentle definitely not something he needed to know about, and Urameshi was nowhere to be found, that left him in his room. At first being alone was fine it gave him time to find the right outfit for dinner. When he finally found the outfit that would say welcome-to-dinner-this-is-my-crazy-family-but-don't-let- that-put-any-impression-on-me he was left with his thoughts, and all those thoughts were on Yusuke Urameshi.
He didn't think it was going to turn out the way it did earlier even in his worst case scenario it went better, at least then he was dead and didn't have to deal with the hurt he was left with now. Kuwabara knew he should probably try to understand were Yusuke was coming from, but in all honesty he didn't think he could have told Urameshi sooner. Telling Yukina had been an accident it could have been anyone even Keiko and he wasn't even that close to her. But telling Urameshi had always been the scariest thing in his life, he was so afraid of being left behind and alone that telling Yusuke was always left being undone. He couldn't change that, he tried, and it seemed to be one of his greatest weaknesses.
Now Yusuke knew and that weakness was gone, but it was replaced with the most awful feeling. Kuwabara never felt like this he couldn't even describe the emotion, it was mixed with betrayal, abandonment, anger, sadness, all together it hurt, it was something that he could feel in his heart and he didn't know how to get rid of it. What made it worse was that he had to deal with this atop of Sensui meeting everyone. Kuwabara wanted this to be special because it was special, he never brought anyone home, not for the fact that there wasn't anyone to bring home but because no one was ever good enough to do so. With Sensui Kuwabara knew he would be able to hold his own against everyone, and he felt Sensui was the right one to bring home. There had never been someone like Sensui for Kuwabara and now that he had him he wanted this family to know about him also. They hadn't said it but Kuwabara was sure he loved Sensui, maybe he was not in love but it was only a matter of time before that happened. It sucked that his feelings for Yusuke had to interfere with the dinner with Sensui; it wasn't the way it was suppose to be.
It was stupid the way he was sulking he was Kazuma Kuwabara if he wanted something fixed he was the man to do it. He wasn't going to let something like this get in between his friendship with Urameshi and he wasn't going to let this night be any less special. He was going to find Urameshi and beat some sense into him at least that was the plan until he opened his bedroom door and found his friend standing in front of him.
“Um…Hey Kuwabara.”
///////////////////////////////////////////////(scene break)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
After he left he Hiei's house Yusuke was in shock. Somewhere deep inside he knew Kuwabara and Sensui were more than business partners or even friends, but he ignored it. When Kuwabara told him he was gay he figured he had to deal with that first, but now that Sensui was in the open Yusuke seemed to focus his attention on him. Sensui made it more real, it made denying Kuwabara was gay impossible. His best friend liked men, it didn't sound too bad when he thought about it. It was something he could tease Kuwabara about, if saying the word vagina around Kuwabara would make him as red as an apple Yusuke could only imagine what saying lewd things about the male anatomy would do to Kuwabara. It would be easy to add Kuwabara's lifestyle into their lives it's not like anything would change since Kuwabara was already secretly doing anyway. So really Kuwabara keeping his secret was a good thing because it helped change Yusuke's world little by little without him knowing it. So if Yusuke looked at it like that he could deal with Kuwabara being gay he could even deal with being the last one to know, but for some reason the prospect of Sensui wasn't going over so well.
He couldn't see what Kuwabara would want with the guy. He was old beyond reason, he looked plain, he probably couldn't get it up without taking some pill, it couldn't be money Kuwabara wasn't like that, and he couldn't see the guy as having some kind of great personality. Yusuke only met the guy once and he already knew Sensui was all wrong for Kuwabara, he could feel it in his soul. Usually Kuwabara could feel these things too; after all he was the first to call that him and Botan wouldn't make it, and so he didn't see how Kuwabara would waste his time on Sensui. If that wasn't enough the guy was going to dinner, that meant something to Kuwabara, and Yusuke knew it was a mistake. Sensui was bad for Kuwabara, if Kuwabara couldn't see it now he would see it eventually, and when he did there was no way in hell Yusuke was going to let some old bastard tear apart his friend. If anything he was going to be there for his friend he just had to tell him that, not about Sensui being wrong for him that would make it worse, he had to tell him that it was okay and that he was sorry and all that other good stuff to get back to the way things were, luckily for him his feet took him to place he wanted to be on their own. It's amazing the way the subconscious works. Before he could loose his nerve he went straight into the Kuwabara home, perk of being best friends since childhood no knocking required, and went to Kuwabara's room without pause. Just as he was about to open Kuwabara's door he was face to face with his friend, it was like they were on the same friggin' wavelength.
“Um…Hey Kuwabara.” Great way to start a serious conversation by the way.
“Hey Urameshi.”
“Guess you're going somewhere then?”
“I was going to find you, but since you here, come in. I think we need to talk.”
Yusuke was one nervous boy. It's not like he's never been in Kuwabara's room before but now seemed different. Not different like the time they discussed the birds and the bees when they were nine but more like in the we-just-had-a-huge-fight-and-god-is-there- a-lot-of-tension-in-this-room kind of different. The fact that both of them were standing on different sides of the bed facing each other didn't help, Yusuke could imagine the old western music playing in the background waiting for the showdown to begin.
“That's why I'm here I think we need to talk too, Kuwabara. More like I need to talk and you listen kind of thing.”
“Uh hum. I don't know Urameshi I have some things that need to be said too and this morning when you talked it was a bunch of crap.”
“Yeah I know that's why I need to talk now.”
“You know?”
“Yeah. Look Kuwabara I'm sorry. You know I'm a moron from time to time and this morning was one of those times.”
“Urameshi I should have…”
“No Kuwabara it's my turn to talk alright?” He had to get his point across, he had to make it better, and hopefully waving his hands through the air would cut Kuwabara off if his words didn't.
“I talked with Kurama and Hiei and they told me about tonight. You know up until they motioned the importance of the dinner none of what they said was getting through. But knowing that you have someone makes it more real you know. And I can't deny what you told me. It was stupid the way I acted and I don't know how to make it up, but I just want you to know I am sorry. And that I know that you are the way you are and I won't try to deny it anymore.”
“And what am I Urameshi?”
“Well you know.”
“I know but since you started talking you haven't even said it once.
“Does it matter?”
“A little.”
“Fine. Kuwabara you're gay.” It shouldn't have been as hard to say it as it was, but that was something for Yusuke to think about later.
“Yep I am. Do you think you can handle that Urameshi, in an accepting way?”
“It's not like I wasn't accepting it before, I just didn't know I was. Kurama said it's apart of you and if you've always been gay then I guess I've always accepted it.”
“Good enough I guess. Now that it's all done how about we stop talking like a bunch of girls and go watch some football.”
“Kuwabara you hate football.”
“I know but I thought something manly needed to be said.”
“How bout we go down stairs and talk about three legged cribs with Hiei and Kurama. And we'll wait for your…uh…guy.”
“Are you ready to meet him?”
“Sure I am. Besides I can't wait to see what Shizuru does to him.”
“God I hope it's not too bad.”
“We'll see.”
Bring it on Sensui, there was no way Yusuke was going to let him hurt Kuwabara.
A/N: So I got two reviews one from AFF and another FF, plus a bunch of hits so I had to put this out. Thanks a lot.