Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Homecoming ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Homecoming p3 (Tokyo 11-17-02)
by: (Baby Nyx :Nyxrooke01@yahoo.com)

"Congratulations Yusuke!" Kurama exclaimed, he was genuinely happy for his friend who was now grinning from ear to ear.

"Finally after all these years huh? Tee hee hee. He made up for his tardiness just fine dontchathink?" Kuwabara gave Yusuke a slap on the shoulders "Congratulations man, that's great, if I get a son or a daughter we can arrange them to get married."

"Get lost Kuwabara, besides, before you can make that kind of proposal to me and my kids you have to get a wife to have the kids with." he said dishing out the tiny cups of sake.

"Congratulations, Yusuke," his father-in-law came out of the kitchen wiping his hands on a dishcloth "Ha, I'm a grandfather. Good job son-in-law, I'm so exited! Ha ha! Grampa!" He patted Yusuke's back heartily the grin on Yusuke's face was shamelessly ear to ear. The old man took the cup Urameshi offered him and downed it. "They will be home in an hour or two. Can I ask you to stay until they are back? We seem to be having a big day. If we have 4 for brunch lunch will be something."
"Of course Otosan, I'll stick around." he refilled Kuwabara's and Kurama's cups "You guys are having lunch on me, your not leaving hungry."

"Yusuke, I cannot-" Kurama began.

"Don't even think of refusing me Kurama. That's rude." he said with a wink.
"Yes Kurama-kun I'd think it rude too if you refuse." Old Yukimura said his arm still draped over Yusuke's shoulder.

"Hey free lunch! Yum!" Kuwabara rubbed his hands together, Yusuke's otosan chuckled.

Kurama had no choice he smiled for them "Since you put it that way sir."
"Back to work now, lot's of customers." he said to Yusuke as he went back into the kitchen.
"I know!" Kuwabara piped in "Let's have a party tonight to honor Yusuke's kids and at the same time let's make it a sending-off party for Kurama."
"That's a great idea moron, the thing is Kurama is leaving this afternoon." Yusuke said.
"Awww c'mon, Kurama, cancel your flight, go tomorrow, we'll have the entire gang in the party. Hell, even Hiei if we can find him. Koenma would love to come. It's been along time since we last got together."
"Yeah...very long time, well I can offer my place as a venue." Yusuke said over his shoulder putting a ceramic bottle of warmed sake on a tray and the tiny white cups that went with the set. He visited the tables one by one offering the free sake, accepting their thanks and congratulations.
"Urameshi's mom moved to a bigger condo, it's really nice and we go there for parties, she dosen't mind." Then in a loud whisper he added " Atsuko-san found this really...uhm rich guy who has a missing finger and said he'll take care of her expenses and shouldered some of Yusuke's college fund. I think it's that guy who helped get Yusuke in Tokyo University."
"What are you whispering for Kuwabara? I can hear you from here." Yusuke complained

"Tee hee, exactly."

Kurama thought about this, on one hand he has to get out to keep them safe, on the other hand he needs to make it look like he's not running. The party was a good idea suddenly, anyway it will take about a week or so before Yomi realizes he's not coming back with his treasure and by that time he'll be long gone. If Yomi himself decides to investigate... he knows he's in the Ningenkai and it would be suspicious if he just ran off as fast as he could. And there is the matter of his still healing wounds...
"I'll have to see if they have a flight open for tomorrow, it's not peak season and there are a lot of vacancies so, I think I'll go."

"Yes!" Kuwabara clapped his hands once "I'll bring the beer and whiskey."

"Don't worry, mom has lots, just bring the beer." Yusuke said as he rejoined them at the counter.

"I'll bring some food then." Kurama volunteered.

"Yeah chips, nuts, stuff." Kuwabara pulled out his celphone "I'll make the calls now, it's tonight right? Your place? At what time?"
"I'll skip gym, I'll be home by 7 or 7:30." Kurama raised an eyebrow at Yususke, saying his displeasure without words and Yusuke imitated him giving him his answer without words. He smirked then punched Kurama's shoulder playfully as he turned around to go behind the counter. He didn't see how Kurama gave a silent open mouthed gasp of pain.
Kurama shook his head and congratulated himself. He was lucky Yususke didn't see his reaction and Kuwabara was too busy with his phone. It's best for them not to know, they'd only worry. Besides, he'd already lanced those poisoned wounds and they're healing just fine. They're just a little tender, and Yusuke is damned Yusuke, even if he play punches it still hurt.

"Cool, hey Kurama you have a celphone?"
"Of course." he reached into his pocket for the unit.

"I hope you got the global roaming kind because we want to keep in contact."

"Yes as a matter of fact it is." He remembered how he spent almost all day marveling and asking questions about the newest techie toys in the shop.

"Gimme it." Kuwabara said grabbing the phone from Kurama's hand and began punching in numbers in his right hand while his left hand auto dialed his contacts. "I'm making the calls now." he said and stepped out of the noodle house.

Kurama sighed and looked after Kuwabara's retreating back.
"Are you alright Kurama?" Yusuke asked from behind the counter.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

"You look spaced-out. You look like the way you did when you got that mirror and wanted to wish for your mother's life."

"Hn." he snorted.

"That's Hiei's line." Yusuke smirked, and watched as his friend face went from rueful to blank.
Kurama looked at him, realizing he wasn't flawless in his performance, he asked himself if he dared to lie again under the direct scrutiny of his trusted friend. He decide a partial truth will have to do "Just burned out I guess, Yomi's been sending me to get rid of the class B and up, I'm just tired." he said with a heavy sight.
"Oh, so that's why you almost killed Kuwabara back there." Yusuke replied matter-of-factly.

Kurama winced "Do you think he noticed? Yusuke, I'd never harm him, you know that."

"I do, I dunno if he noticed, I bet he did and just chose to ignore it. You got me back there old man, I was afraid for him."

"Gomen, please accept my apologies."

"Hey nothing happened so that's okay, got me thinking though, that baka Kuwabara, if someone messes with him, he's messing with me. Same goes for you and even Hiei. They mess with you guys they mess with me. And the gods know I can't stop Kuwabara from joining in if it turns into an all out brawl." he grinned.
"Yusuke." he said not really knowing what else to say, he lowerd his head.
"If you need help man just ask." he slapped an open palm on Kurama's other shoulder "What are friends for ne?" he turned to leave the counter and began collecting noodle bowls from the tables.
Kurama watched him as he bowed to some customers and picked up bowls to place on the counter. He swallowed a ball of tears in his throat, he'd have done the same thing for Yusuke, he'd fight for him too. If what Kuwabara said was true, Yusuke is doing well financially he dosen't even need to work in the noodle house. And that image of him will remain in his minds always. Yusuke in his white apron and jeans and white t-shirt and white bandana and that oval wooden tray bowing to customers, picking up noodle bowls with that happy content smile on his face.

Kurama could not have refused him anything.

"Yusuke?" he said when he was back behind the counter "The 3 year term is almost over, don't worry about me I won't do anything foolish. But I suggest you visit your kingdom soon."
"That bad huh? Wanna clue me in on what's really happening?" he said leaning over the counter to listen to him.
"Yomi is gathering his resources, his plans are to create an army and take-over this little part of your kingdom, he's contesting an old feud with your dad."
"Hmmmm, that's almost the same thing the runt told me except for that part about may part of the kingdom he wants to take. You sure about this Kurama?" he asked for verification leaning close to the red-haired fox.

"Don't worry, it's just a plan and not an outright attack yet. Visit Mokuro too, she'll want to keep the balance. He's been training really hard with me and 2 other class S allies of his. And don't tell anybody what I told you please? He never told this to a soul not even to me."

"Then how'd you find out?"

Kurama blushed to his ears, he closed his eyes, swallowed hard and said "I sleep with him, dosen't take a genius to put the pieces together."
"You what!!" Yusuke shouted 2 inches from Kurama's face. Kurama held his hands up and scrunched his face at Yusuke's outburst.
"Please, settle down, he and I are...well was lovers, I don't want to be his anymore, I was never his to begin with." He looked down at his lap because Yusuke had already put away his bowl. A long silence passed, where-in Kurama wondered what his friend would be thinking about that revelation. He just practically told him that he's gay, although that would be inaccurate, and he was screwing Yomi himself who defeated Yusuke in the last tournament. Kurama waited for his judgement, he knew Yususke wasn't a jerk about this kind of things, but still... will that change how his friend will look at him? So he was holding his breath when he heared the grin in Yusuke's reply.
"Better not tell Kuwabara that, you'll never hear the end of it." he looked up and saw the mischief that went with the grin. "Hehe, blackmail material." Kurama let go of the breath he was holding, Yusuke didn't care, nothings changed.
"I know." he said too relieved to say anything else. A customer interrupted them Yusuke took her order and went to the kitchen service window to push the paper in.

"Oi, might as well order it's 11:00 and aren't you suppose to make that call to cancel your flight? I want you to be in that party k? I have a lot of questions to ask." Kurama nodded his acceptance, to be sure Yusuke leaned in again and with a smug grin said "Or else..."

Kurama couldn't help the smile on his lips, Yusuke's using the supposed trump card already. He knew Yusuke would never do such a thing but he's being as bad as Kuwabara about it. "Don't worry Yusuke, I'll be there."