Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Homecoming part 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Homecoming part 4 (Tokyo 11-17-02)
By: Baby Nyx (Nyxrooke01@yahoo.com)

Disclaimer : They belong to Togashi-sensei. That's not my name last I checked.
Description: PG. Kurama POV Hiei's first encounter with the real Kurama.

I'm still full, I ordered a regular bowl of seafoood ramen and Yusuke's Otosan gave me a megabowl. I felt like a baloon of water rolling out of their noodlehouse.

Oh it was good, I've never had that good a ramen in so long, in my hungrier days I would have eaten more.

My flights been re-scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:00 am Narita to Hong Kong International. My bags are packed, I've said my goodbyes, I bought my supplies. The Pawnshop I broke into last night is in the news, the owner said that everything looked alright until he got to the open and empty vault. Nothing broken, nothing else missing, alarms active, cameras blank, a good job in short.

Why thank you Mr. Shopowner, it's been a pleasure.

I dropped by the local grocery store and bought the junkfood I remembered we liked. I bought extra cheesy Nachos and Cheetoes (I wonder if Yususke still likes that), Cajun pringles and wasabi flavored potato chips (that's Kuwabara's), Some Hickory smoked almonds for me, Wasabe mixed nuts (everyone likes that especially Koenma if he's coming), Hmmmmm, Chocolate covered Pretzels (Botan's undying love), what was Keiko's again? Ah Poky, lots and lots of Poky because Hiei likes Poky too.

Hiei and his Poky obsession. I can't help but smile as I remembered him holding 15 chocolate covered sticks in one hand while he nibbled delicately on another as he watched T.V. He looked so young then, so guiless. Then his arm wards sizzled when Yusuke tried to get one of his Poky...

I accepted the bitter wrenching in my heart because it's the truth. I've lied to my friends all day today, and I'm going to lie some more tonight, so accepting this heartache right now seemed just punishment.

I took to punishing myself with great relish as I bought other interesting junkfood.

Hiei eating Rice cracker getting crumbs all over his black cloak, Hiei and his love for Chocolate milk, Hiei pouting because I didn't bring spicy beef jerky on a trip to the Makai, Hiei gobbling the lemon sponge cake I baked for him thoughtlessly getting crumbs and sugar all over my bed. Hiei lounging in said bed trying to figure out the remote control for the T.V. before throwing it away frowning, he used his Jagan and after several minuites got the T.V. to work for him.

I was so amazed.

By the time I got to the register I was choking on a shaken cocktail of I-want-Hiei-I-need-to-get-rid-of-him over cubes of why-me? With a juicy slice of guilt mixed in. I was near tears, I want to scream at someone, I want to go to a corner and sulk.

I smiled at the cashier lady, paid for my purchase with stolen money and with my bags made my way back to the house. See how good my masks are? Unfortunately, I can't use them on Hiei, he sees right through them.

I tried to entertain myself with other thoughts but I'm on a roll. Everywhere I go, everything I see I remember him. That tree where he watches me on the way home from school, on that day, he beat up some bullies from another high school who were making fun of me because of my looks, they were inviting me to go to Karaoke with them.

Hiei beat them up with the blunt end of his sword and told me he was bored, and no one's allowed to disrespect me.

I sighed heavily, it's hopeless, I just have to hang-on, make sure I get home first before I go into my fit of self pity. I'm going to cry like a girl again, I can feel it.

That's the tree he was standing in last night, he smelled of Pine...

Almost there Kurama, hold it, calm down, deep breaths.

Nobody's home. Mom's at work with Dad, my brothers in school. I toed my shoes off and stopped dead in my tracks.

Someone's in the house, and it's not my family. Someone familiar enough to bypass my defenses. Someone who knew his way around this house because he's currently up there where my room is.

Fuck! Of all the time for him to show up! Dammit! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I gritted my teeth and pushed down all my prior reminiscing. The bags I left by the kitchen counter, and while I was there took my time to gather my defenses.

I don't normally curse but when it comes to him...

What does he want with me?

Perhaps if I ignored him and went out without going upstairs... no, he'll confront me in the middle of the street and that would be more embarassing.

I can't lie to him, legendary deciever that I am, he'll know the instant I lied. We share a connnection...

I can't handle this! Not right now I can't!


Hmmmm, so that Koorime's upstairs. Wonder what he wants. I was going to get an apple to eat but grapes seemed the better option, I can do wonders with vines. I've known this demon for quite a while, he trusts me, but I've lived too long without that.

So with my bunch of regular old red table grapes, I made my way up the stairs, down the hall and into my room.

Hiei is sitting cross legged on my bed with his arms crossed over his chest. He left the window open but the room is warm, it's so useful having a Fire demon around for winter ne? I smiled at him. And the stubborn bored look on his face faded into surprise.

I popped a grape into my mouth as I bumped the door close with my hips. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" I asked.

If possible his eyes grew bigger and his mouth fell open.

I'm in love with this guy? Me ? Youko Kurama desperately, head-over-heels, in love with a Snowmaiden/firedemon mix breed? Interesting...

"Hello? Anybody in there?" I asked when he didn't speak.

"W-who-." he stammered.

"I know you, you know me now let's cut to the chase, coz I'm kinda busy." I went and sat down next to him, before he got the idea to move away I put an arm over his shoulders "What do you want Hiei?" I asked as I plucked a grape with my teeth, showing him my tounge.

He swallowed and stared at me like I'm an alien.

I raised my eyebrow to ask that question again without words.

"I'm going with you. Where ever your going." I felt a thrill of hope at the back of my mind but Hope is another commodity I don't trust. I looked down at his black duflebag on the floor next to his feet, then back up at him, then at my open window contemplating the feasibility of just throwing him out the window bag and all.

A big fight, the mother of all fights that might destroy a big chunk of Tokyo, that's whats it's going to take to get rid of him.

I don't have time for that. And dying here is not an option, not after all the things I went through to get this far.

I sighed and made a single vine sprout from my grapes and in a delicate play of youki used it to feed me another of one of those sweet juicy globes. "Nope sorry buddy, I can't take you with me." I let my arm slip off his shoulders to wrap around his tiny waist, liking the feel of his warm hips through his clothes.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not." He said glaring at me now.

How obstinate and... how cute. His little nose, those small lips... he's handsome in his own way, big red eyes trying to cut through me, brows almost hidden by that ward on his forehead all crinkled up trying to figure out why I have changed so drastically from last night. I suppressed a chuckle because this is a potentially dangerous game I'm playing.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, on an airplane, you don't have tickets, you don't have a passport, you don't have any ID's, period. Your a fashion disaster, and your not coming, I'm leaving without you." I stood up and looked around my little room. I noted the wail of despair from the back of mind but left it there not daring to analyze it further.

Anyways, I've groped the little Koorime already. Nice ass...

I felt a brush of wind and suddently I'm on my back against a wall with a firedemon burning holes into me with his red glaring eyes. "What the fuck is wrong with you!!" He shouted at me in frustration. "Last night your as blank as a cement block and now your all... different. What the hell is happening Kurama? This isn't you."

"I've always been like this, I changed when I got born here." I replied leaning casually against the wall and made the vine feed me another grape. Seedless grapes are so convinient, but I'm missing out on good potassium and antioxidants. Sometimes these humans don't know when to leave things alone.

And there goes my grapes, swatted away by a child having a temper tantrum. "You didn't have to do that."

I never let my eyes off him, so I saw the point where he understood what I was talking about. Then something in his eyes hardened, he made a decition.

"I'm coming whether you like it or not, Ningen shit or non, no one can stop me." He said in a low voice before he let me go. He made his way back to his bag.

Damn, I knew he would say that.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling "Impossible, it takes 3 days to get a passport, tickets are easy, I'm not-" I stopped in mid-sentence to catch the thing he threw at my face. It's a black leather pouch, when I spilled it's contents I grinned at the pretty sight.

Hiruseki! Lots and lots of fat diamonds. This is worth a lot, is he bribing me? Does he have a reason to go out of the country too?

No, I can't take him. I really, really can't, he'll be a distraction, a liability to me. Sure he's powerful but he's also a huge emotional burden, see? There's that glimmer of Hope again... And dammit that warm feeling... I swore against that!

Twenty years was all it took to screw all the rules and disciplines I laid out and followed for 400 years?

That's just great Suiichi. Good job... (bleah) I wanna look at the mirror and throttle myself.

"You bribing me?" I asked my tone sour.

"No, ask Yusuke, he may know someone who can be paid to get what's necessary for me to leave this country legally, unless you want me to hack up all those ningens just to stay by your side." He smirked darkly at me.

I get this picture of stewardesses trying to restrain Hiei in their pointy heels, before he blasts them away with his pet dragon... there won't be an airport left if I don't do as he say.

Dammit! He just outwitted me didn't he? Why that little son of a...

"How very romantic." I gritted out frowning at the sparkly tears in my hand. I took my seat at the desk and began wrapping the diamonds individially in bits of tissue paper. "Diamonds are the hardest substances on the planet, the only thing that can scratch them are other diamonds, you could seriously devaluate this fine collection."

"Ch, There's more where that came from." I spared him an eye as he approached me and stood close behind my back.

"And how did you come across such a fine collection?" I asked still pissed at him for cornering me like this. Seems fitting that these tears should be inside kleenexes ne? Same as regular human tears shed in the movies or in the privacy of a bedroom.

"A Group of Koorimes from the village I came from banded together to get rid of me because their goddess said so. They said I'm an abomination and musn't be allowed to exist because I violate the natural laws and is sure to bring disaster to all of them." He leaned over at the back of the chair to watch what I as doing, I can feel his warmth raidiating into me. "They're blaming me for the thaw that happened to another village and the warming of theirs." He shrugged "I have no idea what's wrong in their places I never bothered with them."

"And those poor maidens paid dearly for their brashness I bet?"

"Heh, Mokuro and I made sure we profited from their stupidity before we... released their tortured souls." he said with a cold smile.

I smirked, it's fitting, stupid onnas calling this cute warm little demon an abomination. I would have done the same if I came across a lone Koorime. That's why they banded together into those frozen islands in the skies, they made sure their ambient temperatures will freeze your lungs the instant you breathe their air, that way it would be too much trouble to bother them.

It's a disaster if their island thaws, because the temperature becomes managable enough for outsiders to come in. And that's what they're trying to avoid.

I finished what I was doing and closed up his pouch of diamonds. "Thirty seven assorted flawless white diamonds ranging from 1 carat to one that's approximately 2.5, congratulations Hiei, your a millionaire." I said pressing the pouch back into his small delicate calloused hand.

"Hn? What about you? I intend to share this."He pressed it back into my hand. "You keep it."


Slap me someone, I can't make my mouth work...

I put the pouch on the desk and rested my chin on my hand. Did he just bribe me? Did I just get bribed into this?

The picture of Narita International going up in jet fuel and black flames made me think about the 'bribed' issue and added 'threatened' next to it.

I failed to ditch him. He- I shuddered involuntarily when he lifted a handful of my hair, I heared him take a sniff of my locks.

"Ch, I'll give all of that if it will get rid of this smell." He snorted clearing his nose "Is there anyway to get rid of that? I feel like that bastard is in here."

Uh-oh... is that my hanyou heart beating a mad tango? Or is it my Youko hormones yelling at me. Dammit I swore against this!

I realized that this trip is a true disaster in the making. A disaster for me because half of me is already madly in love with him and here I am getting ready to fall for his brusque charms.

I don't believe this... I don't fucking believe this... and to top it off he asked me if there was anyway he could get rid of Yomi's prescence in this body, he'd volunteer his diamonds to get rid of it, he just as good as volunteered himself for the effort.

I failed. Miserably.

I've been soundly defeated by a mix breed.

I chuckled because I defeated myself too, I let myself get cornered. I'm doomed, and considering what I'm running from, I find that ironic.

"What?" he asked annoyed because he thought I was laughing at his question.

"There is a way Hiei, but we don't have time for that now, we need to get things ready, but I promise I'll tell you how when the time is right."

"The sooner the better." I noted his displeasure at my decision but accepted it anyway "What now?" he asked.

"First we need to call Yusuke, then we get you some money by selling one of the gems, you need clothes, I have nothing against black but we need to blend in and you stick out in those. We should be done before 7 because Yususke made me promise to go to his little get together or else. That's just about it for now." I leaned back on my chair to lay my head on his chest, he didn't move just stayed there and looked down on me. He's so close his warm breath washed over my cheeks, his rich scent comforted me in ways I remembered from long ago.

This will destroy you too Hiei, this trip will tear you apart in the end.

I smiled up at him. He looked sad when he said. "Let's do it."

See? Told you my masks don't work on Hiei.