Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Homecoming ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kurama is calm now, he said he only needed to
rest, he did fall asleep on me when we were talking so
I let him have his nap. I guess I did right because
he's staring to act like his old self again.

I've had time to think.

I decided to follow Kurama because I knew that he was
in trouble. How did I know? He tried pushing me away,
making me angry, trying to make me hate him. I know
that's not him, he trusts me and he generally likes
me. He wouldn't do those things unless he had a good
reason which could only be to protect me from
something he couldn't handle alone.

That night after he made it clear he doesn't want to
see me again. I did my business with Yusuke and left
for the Makai to get my things. Mokuro took one look
at me packing my bags and gave me those tear gems. She
understood something I didn't but since she's letting
me go without a quarrel who am I to argue?

I nodded my farewell, she just smiled and said "Your
always welcome here."

This afternoon when he got home after he met up with
Yusuke was very strange. I felt like I was talking to
a different person. I didn't know him and yet he was
Kurama. I can feel it deep inside that he is the real
thing, this was no mask or decption on his part.

But how can he be so different? Then he told me he's
always been like that and it's the human world that
chaged him. Could that be true?

If it is, I find that very intriguing. That's another
reason for me to follow him.

Maybe he is just tired, it has been a busy day, and
he had been preparing for this trip. I'm tired too, I
barely got any sleep last night, I napped for a few
hours on his floor because I couldn't stand lingering
psychic residue of that bastard Yomi.

I have half a mind to go to his place and make him
take his mark off Kurama but if I did go Kurama would
be gone. I have no doubt that that stupid fox will run
off on me the first chance he gets it. I intend to
remain by his side wether he likes it or not.

My patience for this day had worn thin as paper by
the time we were done at that government place. Only
the sight of Kurama's exhaustion kept me from

He was cautious and very helpful when we were buying
clothes. I can sense the flow of his emotions as they
cascaded over each other. Sometimes his quick mood
changes puzzles me. One minuite he's agitated the next
he's angry then he's sad and now he's... happy? His
hand in mine is warm and... comforting. I held his
hand because I saw humans doing that to comfort each
other, it somehow feels right to do that.

His hand is bigger than mine and despite the calluses
it's actually soft. Kurama may be a demon but his
Ningen mother taught him things that made him...well,

I've seen humans hug and kiss and hold hands but
generally they do not show it in public, apparently
this cab driver is not public because just a few
minuites ago Kurama held me and kissed my cheek.

It was that old feeling, and it was right. It wasn't
like when he put his arm over my shoulder on his bed
and asked me what I wanted. I felt nothing from him
back then except this cold assessment of my person. I
felt the ridicoluse need to cover myself. It annoyed

This time his left arm went around my shoulder and
his hand brushed very gently like a feather on my
cheek. It send the hairs up along my spine and I
wasn't afraid, it wasn't annoying. Then his lips
touched my cheek... I don't know what it was but
something passed between us, it wasn't an unpleasant
feeling but... I didn't know, it felt... warm and

When I opened my eyes, his face loomed over me, he
was too close. He backed off then and apologized a bit
later, I also learned that he cared for me. He was a
pretty shade of pink when he did apologize, and I
could not refused his apology.

Was that strange? I think it is... actually I don't
want to think about it. I want to shove it back there
with the rest of the unclassifiable emotions I'm
getting subjected too right now. I didn't feel this
way for Mokuro. Mokuro was like a sister to me,
something like Yukina, I feel a need to protect her
and help her. I feel the same way towards Kurama
but... with something else.

I find all this thinking exhausting. I should just
accept what Kurama is giving me. I sense no danger
from him, he is still open to me, and he has been
trying to protect me again.

And I want to... hell I want to make him mine and
that did not make sense. I can't make him mine because
nobody should be anybody's to possess. I'm not a big
fan of slavery even if it's a given in the Makai.

I care for him I know that for sure. It's drattedly
cold in the Ningenkai and I've been keeping him warm.
I think he's noticed this because he's making it
easier for me to warm him by being this close to me.
My shoulder is resting over his, his fingers twined
with my own, my thigh against his. I like this
closeness we share but sometimes it makes me
uncomfortable. I'm just glad that stupid fox knows
when to back off.

It would be perfect if that twice dammed scent isn't
lingering on him. I don't like that smell of Yomi in
his hair, on his skin, he said he'll tell me how to
get rid of it when the time is right. I want this
party over with so I can ask him again, if I have to
smell Yomi on him any longer than necessary I'm afraid
I'd just burn the scent off him. I do not want to hurt
Kurama, I won't hurt him.


"Hn?" he's concerned. I'm squeezing his hand too
tight, I released him slowly.

"We are almost there." he said.


"Are you okay? You seem, pissed." he asked, I looked
at him, at his fresh green eyes that remind me of
spring and clean things. He was curious, and I felt
happy seeing his eyes so alive again. Not empty, not
cold, not guarded, just him looking at me with
curiosity and concern. This is right, this is how it
should be.

"Why can't we just stay at your place and get rid of
that smell. It's annoying me." I said and he looked at
me with surprise and then he laughed softly raising
his free hand to cover his mouth. "What?" I asked
irritated at him for mocking my concerns.

"Oh Hiei, this is important, our friends want to
spend some time with us before we leave." he leaned
closer to my face, so close I could feel his warm
clean breath wash over me. I leaned away a little
"We'll have all the time for that, but we only have
tonight to reaffirm our friendship with Yusuke and the

"Hn." I looked out the window and the multitudes
walking the bright streets. So many people in this
city too many scents. I felt his lips brush my hair,
he took a deep breath and sighed. He's happy and I
feel better now that he does. I can feel his body
close to me but not touching, I remmebered how nice it
was to lean against him, so I did.

If the old fox still had his tail I bet it would be
wagging right now. I snorted, imagining the the great
silver white Youko, as terrible and as beautiful as
the full moon wagging his tail like a happy puppy.

"What?" he asked a bit of humor coloring his voice.

"Nothing." I could tell that he was going to press
then I felt him moving away with a of grunt of
frustration. It appears we have arrived.

He let my hand go and reluctantly left my side when
we finally arrived at Yusuke's place. I carried one of
the bags of 'junkfood' Kurama brought along. And
looked up the tall building as Kurama paid the cab.

"32nd floor." He said behind me and led the way. I
followed him a few paces behind watching his back,
marking the entrance and possible exits, he led me to
the elevator and I was pleased that we did not have
make the climb all the way to the 32nd floor. The
elevator was mirrored making it look deceptively
larger that it really is. I noted an exit on the
ceiling and the smell of several ningens, motor oil,
machinery and the familiar scents of 'the gang'. They
must be there already.

Kurama is looking at me from the mirror, a sad smile
is on his face. He always smiled like that so I let it
pass. He was dressed in a black pair of pants and a
red cable knit sweater, a black wool coat that reached
his knees and a red black and white plaid scarf. Ha!
I'm learning human dress-speak.


"Aa?" What now?

"There's going to be a lot of drinks in Yusuke's
party, I suggest you stay-off the more alcoholic
ones." he said. He couldn't tell me more because the
car stopped and a couple of ningens stepped in, we
faced the blinking numbers waiting for our floor to
come up.

I was busy thinking about the idiot Yusuke and his
moronic sidekick Kuwabara. Kurama's right to maintain
alliances with them specially with Yusuke. He's an
upper class S, Reizen's heir, I don't want to have to
fight him. Not that I don't have a chance of defeating
him,just that... we've been through a lot.

I don't have many friends. And even if Kuwabara
infuriate me to no end I guess I'd rather trust him
than the next human or demon that comes along. Will
Koenma and Botan be present? I can smell Yukina she
used this car and Kuwabara was here as well as his

My mind was preoccupied with these thoughts and
thoughts of Kurama when the elevator stopped. Kurama
gave a polite 'Sumimasen' before he passed the two men
in the car with us. I made no such excuse. I was
surprised by the hand that dared to catch my shoulder,
I turned as I slapped the hand away.

Two humans, dressed well, adults big jewellry. Looked
cocky as hell. One of them glared down at me and I
noted that the hand I slapped away was missing part of
the little finger. Both of them carried guns and have
used them recently, I can smell gunpowder. "You have
no respect for your elders boy." he said in a
threatening way. One of them put a hand to the
elevator doors keeping them from closing.

I would have clawed that stupid look off his face
with my bare hands if I hadn't sensed Kurama's
protective prescence surround me. He stood besides me.

"Hiei." he said with caution and then to my surprise
he bowed to the waist before the two arrogant ningens
and apologized "Gomenasai, my friend is not from the
city, he came from the countryside. Please excuse his
behavior elder."

I was too stunned to do anything, the hand that was
halfway to my katana, fell. I stared at him and then
at the men. They were nothing more than humans...
Something else is happening here that I don't know
about. I grunted and let Kurama handle it. He knows
these things I glared at Mr. Four Fingers and sensed
another prescence come up behind us, I knew who it was
so I didn't bother to turn.

"Hey Kurama! Hiei! You guys are late." Yusuke marched
over and threw his arms over both of us then he said
to the two humans "Sorry Tori-Sama, these guys
bothering you?" he said with a goofy grin. His breath
stank of something.

"These your friends Urameshi?" he said glaring down
at me. It ticked me off, I glared back then I felt
Kurama's hand tug on my coat from behind. I suppose
they want me to back down because I could feel the
tension in Yusuke despite the I-don't-care attitude he
was trying to cultivate. Who the hell is this Human?

"Yeah, Kurama just came in and Hiei here is from
faaar away, he's the one in that passport I asked for.
Anyway, we are having a party elder," he straightened
out from between us then and gave a bow from the waist
"You would honor us if you join our party." My jaw
almost fell. What the hell is going on?

The man remained silent for a few breaths then he
shook his head "No we are in a hurry to meet with
someone. Thank you for the invitation." he inclined
his head, and gestured to his assistant who let the
elevator doors go "Teach that country boy how to
behave in front of their elders." he said to Yusuke as
the door closed looking at me like it was beneath him
to address me. Of course that pissed me off.

I grabbed my sword out, I intend to gut that elevator

"Hiei!" Kurama cried his hand over mine trying to
keep my katana in it's sheath.

"Who the fuck was that arrogant son of a bitch! Start
talking Yusuke or I'll teach him manners." I growled
at him.

He snickered "That's our Hiei." I shoved Kurama's
hand away and growled lower at him pulling my katana
out half way.

"Relax man!" Yusuke said raising his hands in a
warding gesture, then he put his arms over our
shoulders again and started leading us to his place. I
was pissed my sword ready to slice anything in it's
path including him and he throws his arm over me like
I wasn't a threat. If he hadn't started speaking I
would have began hacking things. He's so annoying

"That was Tori Teshiro, he's Yakuza."

"Thought so." Kurama said softly besides Yusuke.

"What the hell is Yakuza?" I muttered darkly.

"Hiei, they're just humans, they have no powers or
anything but they rule Tokyo's underground. He's the
reason, we got your passport really quick." Kurama

Yusuke nodded an affirmative "Also Kuwabara's
accusations are kinda true." he began, "My mom got
involved with one of the bosses, well, she's being
well taken cared-off and I want to keep things that
way." We stopped at the door of his condominium." I
could kill all of them off easy Hiei, but if Akira
Sama wants to take care of my mom and I won't have to
worry about her and I can get into the best university
with my grades." he shrugged. "As long as they think
I'm a good for nothing noodle house goof, and they
don't try anything funny on me and my friends and
family, they're safe from me. Besides, my mom's happy
right now, I don't want to ruin that for a few days of
Mafia hunting."

Kurama chuckled softly.

I felt myself go red, I suddently don't want to be in
this party.

It's alright, trust me next time." Kurama said
touching my arm lightly.

I nodded what else is there to say. That was foolish,
my temper got ahead of me again, I guess I've been
underestimated so many times it rankled. And it
annoyed me that that man treated me like I was a boy.

And I admired what Yusuke was doing. It took a man
sure of him self and his abilities to bow to his
inferior just to get what he wants in life. The noodle
house, Keiko, the way he goofed around. A minuite ago
I saw the King of Raizen's kingdom when he explained
why he bowed to that jerk. I was ready to kill or just
hurt him when he snickered and put an arm over my
shoulders, he had fearlessly pulled me to his side, it
diffused me, it was the last thing I expected. Brave,
sneeky, self-assured...

But now, Yusuke the moron is back his grin wide and
cocky. He grabbed the bags from us and pushed the door
open and shouted to the people inside "Hey everybody
the chips are here!!!"