Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Mommy Kurama? ❯ Hey Kurama! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:I do not own anything, so don't sue me. I just like writing that all.
If you do sue me, well you are just a big idiot. (I did not mean that for those who does not sue me for my writing.)
Hiei open the window to the bedroom. The doorknob turns.
“Welcome home Hiei.” Kurama said standing near the door holding a box full of papers work. Without a word, Hiei enter from the windowsill.
“Where is Kiyoshi?” Hiei asked, looking around the room for his son after shutting the window behind him.
“Kiyoshi is at his friends' house. He staying for the invitations party he just receive, from the friendly neighbor down the street.” Kurama smile at Hiei, and putting down the papers work on the computer desk.
“I have to go.” Hiei said climbs out of the room to the trees near the window. Kurama grab Hiei leg before he disappears in to Makai.
“Why?” Kurama asked tenderly.
“Why leaving so soon? You have just gotten here. Please stay for awhile?” Kurama pleaded, pulling her husband to the chair near the computer desk.
“Well…I…I kind da have you tell you something very important.” Hiei said did not want to tell Kurama that Niichi, their daughter is missing.
“Yes? Go on.” Kurama said. Turn around, sitting in a chair in front of the computer, facing Hiei and waiting for an answer from her husband.
“Niichi…Niichi is…” Hiei said not looking at his wife.
“Yes? What about our little Niichi?” Kurama asked, turn around and starting her papers work.
“She is missing.” Hiei said, Kurama then stop her work and looking at Hiei with a pale face.
“Why? Wh...Why is she missing? I thought she is fine being in your care.” Kurama asked, wanting to know if Niichi is alright.
Kurama held her son tightly on the bed, crying herself to sleep in bed by her son.
Back to the Presence time
“My papa name is Hiei.” Niichi said, Kurama was stiffen after hear the name of Hiei. `This little girl…is Hiei and I…our child?' Kurama thought.
“Hiei? Hiei and I am your parent?” Kurama asked did not know what else to say, but ask the little girl.
“Yep. I want to show you a special place; we could watch the moon and seeing firefly flying around.” Niichi smile at Kurama.
“Of course, but where is this place you speak?” Kurama asked.
“The Night Forests'. It a very beautiful there. During night times.” Niichi said , after answering Kurama question. She turns around and opens a portal to the Night Forests'.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
“Hey! Kuwabara! Have you found anything?” Yusuke asked standing in the bushed looking for the orb.
“No, nothing here.” Kuwabara said, still looking carefully for the orb.
“Hey Hiei! Wouldn't it be the best time to use your jagan by now?” Yusuke asked, begging Hiei to use his jagan for hour ever since they got to the Night Forest.
“No. I will not use my jagan eyes.” Hiei answer, refusing.
“Spirit gun!” Yusuke shout. Shooting his spirit gun at the taget after felt a demonic energy near by. It seems like it coming toward them. Yusuke spirit gun some how deflected right back toward him.
“What the…” Yusuke said, did not quiet understand a strong blast can be deflected back toward them, by some weak demon.
“Hey! Watch where you shooting that gun at, you big meanies. What did I ever do to you?” The little girl said pointing at Yusuke. Kuwabara ran toward Yusuke to see what was going on.
“Who are you? Aren't you supposed to be home with your mommy?” Kuwabara asked. `He's seemed so annoying' Niichi thought. Hiei was about to hit Kuwabara for his stupidity.
“My name is Niichi. This place is supposes to be private only.” Niichi said almost sounded like her father. “Wow, she sounds a lot like Hiei.' Kuwabara thought.
“Hello Kuwabara, Yusuke, Hiei. What are you three doing here?” Kurama asked.
“Kurama!” All three was surprised Kurama was here, well except for Hiei which he did not care to bother.
“You know them Momma?” Niichi asked, Kuwabara and Yusuke laugh. Hiei was shocked, staring at Niichi who just call Kurama `Momma'.
“What so funny about that? Don't you two have your `Mommy' to be with?” Niichi asked narrowed her eyes at Kuwabara and Yusuke.
“Ok. That was not funny *shrimp*.” Kuwabara said, did not realize he just had call her a `shrimp'.
“Now, now. Can we just all get along with each other? Kurama asked, trying to stop the fight.
“Who are you calling a shrimp? You big carrot head man.” Niichi was not giving up and want to fight back with her words.
“Umm… Kurama ? That little girl just calls you her mommy. By any chance are you a wo…” Kurama stop Yusuke form saying one word Kurama does not want to hear.
“Yusuke, don't you dare say that again. I do not want to hear it.” Kurama asked.
“Ok. Let us head back. I'm getting tired.” Yusuke said sleepily.
“No way, meand Mommy are staying.” Niichi said grabbing Kurama arm. (Hiei still has not said a word after hear Niichi say the word `Momma' or `Mommy').
“No. He is leaving with us shrimp.” Kuwabara said arguing back at Niichi.
“No. You big headed carrot. She is staying.” Niichi said.
“Why you shrimp!” Kuwabara take out his sword and ready to fight Niichi.
“Hn. Bring it on you big carrot head.” Niichi was ready for battle with Kuwabara.
“Come on now. Let's get along with one another.” Kurama said before Kuwabara doing anything to hurt Niichi. On the way back to Nigenkai, Kuwabara and Niichi still argue. Hiei still in shock, but follow the team and deep in thought. `She calls Kurama her mother. Kuwabara… Why do I care of what Kuwabara said? She sounds a little like me.'
Tat: Well that was long. Kindda I guess.
Mit: Yup.
Tat: Next one it going to be… Well I'm not sure.
Mit: Sorry everyone, for those who request the sexual between Future Kurama and Future Hiei. This is Pg-13 not rated R.
Tat: Yup, but we will write about it on our new story.
Mit: After we finish with this one. K?