Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Mommy Kurama? ❯ Niichi? Where are you Niichi? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own YYH for the rest of my life.
~”.”~ Who care? Back to the story, hope ya all enjoy this. Thank you so much for all the read that read my story and review it. Yeah I hate Kuwabara and that I want to kill him, but it would be so funny to see Niichi and him argue.
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“Welcome backs everyone.” Yukina greeted them; Niichi was behind Kurama back, hidden. So she would not argue with the big carrot head (Kuwabara).
“Did you find the orb?” Botan asked, she then notice a little girl behind Kurama, hiding. As if, she is afraid of someone or something.
“No. Not even one clue or trace of the orb, but a little girl. She calls Kurama her `mom'.” Yusuke said in disappointment that they have failed the mission to be complete. `They're on a mission to look for an orb, which is a boring mission. Hmm... Maybe I should help them…
“Well I gotta go home, see you guys tomorrow.” Yusuke said leaving the temple. Yusuke then stop when he reaches the steps.
“Hey Kurama?!” Yusuke shouted running back toward the gangs.
“What are you going to do about the kid?” Yusuke asked.
“She can stay here with me and Yukina, the rest of you go home and rested. You will continue the search tomorrow.” Genkai said, coming out of the door from behind Yukina and Botan.
“Thank you Genkai. Well now that take care of, I will gonna to leave now's.” Yusuke said ran to down the steps.
“I gotta go too. See you tomorrow my love.” Kuwabara said frenzy, and then he left.
“Well I'll go and take a rest too; I'm getting to olds for this. Yukina would you please show the little girl the room to where she is staying.” Genkai said weary.
“Yes. Of course, umm…” Yukina reply as Genkai left. Niichi ran to Kurama.
“Well… I must leave now. Take care… Huh?” Kurama looking down at Niichi which she was grabbing one of Kurama legs tightly.
“Don't leave Momma, stay here with me please?” Niichi's said, asking Kurama to stay with her at Genkai temple.
“Uh… Sure, though I needed a phone call to my mother.” Kurma said bending down to give Niichi a pat on her head.
“Hiei?” Kurama said (Hiei still in shocking position).
“Kur…Kurama. We need to talk. Alone.” Hiei said looking toward Niichi as she approached Hiei and Kurama. Niichi stopped approaching toward Hiei and Kurama after hearing the words `Alone'. Yukina was next to Niichi side watching her brother walking into the dark night sky with Kurama, and then they both disappear.
“What your name?” Yukina asked tenderly to Niichi.
“I'm Niichi.” Niichi said without looking at Yukina , but watching her mother followed her father into the darkness.
“Niichi? What a lovely name. Niichi, let go inside now. It is getting chilling outside. Comes, I will show you to your bedroom.” Yukina said holding Niichi hand. Leading her to the bedroom to where she staying for the time being.
“Ms. Yukina?” Niichi asked still looking around the bedroom, 'this place seem odd. It smells the same. The same way, mommy used to smells.' Niichi thought, smelling the room.
“Yes Niichi? Do you need something?” Yukina said laying the cover to keep the child warm.
“No Ms. Yukina, the scent. The room smells familiars.” Niichi said, smelling the room once more.
“Oh? This room use to be where my brother stays. He does not really mind if a child stays here. Kurama often visit him, here and ah… Let's not talk about those things that adult do, alright?” Yukina does not goes on to the part where they have make love in this room.
“Uh huh…” Niichi nodded, smiling at Yukina. `Hmm, she seems to know a lot of thing. I wonder…What else does she know?' Niichi thought.
“Thank you very much Ms. Yukina.” Niiichi said to Yukina as she walks out of the room.
“You're welcome Niichi.” Yukina reply walking back to her room.
“What to do now? Hmm…” Niichi asked her self.
“Mommy and papa have gone quiet along time now? I wonder what their up to. Hmm...” Niichi asked her self once again. She then disappears to the night.
“Who's that little girl? Why is she calling you her mother? Isn't there something else you're not telling me?” Hiei asked, angry toward Kurama.
“Hiei…I…You know I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you.” Kurama said softly to Hiei.
“Oh? So why the hell does she calls you that?”
“Hiei? I believe she is from the future. It seem that you're her father,” Kurama said unsurely how to explain to Hiei.
“What?!” Hiei asked.
“I know it hard to tell, but she admits that your name was her father. If you don't believe me, see it for yourself.” Kurama said giving Hiei the tear gem Niichi had shead, `this is going to be even harder to explain to him' Kurama thought, looking at Hiei taking out his blade and then put it next to Kurama neck. Kurama is more confused now then ever. `He going to kills me, for this'.
“Papa what are you doing? Point at Mommy… Like that?” Niichi asked point at Hiei blade next to Kurama neck. (Hiei definitely shocking and stiffen still as cold ice).
“I think were all tired for the night.” Kurama said patting Niichi head.
“Uh huh.” Niichi nodded. Kurama lead Niichi back to Hiei room. They both turn around and start pulling Hiei back to the temple. `This is just keep getting added up'. Hiei thought as both Kurama and Niichi pulling him.
Morning approached. Kiyoshi awoke be the light shinning through the window shades.
“Hmm…” Wondering where his sister is. `Sissy has gone very long. I have missed her'. Kiyoshi wonder, then he felt a soft fur next to him. An animal with nine tails sounded asleep next to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi crawl to his foxy mother side, playing with her tails. Youko has awoken by a little hand grabbing her tails. Getting up as the light shine brightly at Youko, she then closed her eyes and opened up again.
“Kiyoshi.” Youko said looking at her son still playing with her tails as she bends down and sniffing his scent. He smells like his father (Hiei future).
“Yes Momma-Ko (You(ko)? It was along time since you come out and play with Niichi and me Momma-Ko.” Kiyoshi said cheerfully in the morning, holding his mother tail tightly cuddling the tail as it waggling from side to side on the bed. He then climbed up to her back.
“I have missed you too, Kiyoshi. Now would you please get off my back, Kiyoshi dear?” After hear his mother pleaded, he climb off her back.
“My dream last night was really, really odds and sis was in it too.” Kiyoshi was hugging his mother, he felt really safe and warm in his mother arms.
“Hm? What is your odds dream that you dreamt?” Youko asked as Kiyoshi lean on Youko chest. Youko put her hand on Kiyoshi head, patting him gently at his white starburst.
“Guess?” Kiyoshi asked looking at his mother pale face. `She's sick? Wow her looking really ill.' Worrying about the illness on his mother faced
“I'm sorry sweetie. I am not in the mood to play guessing game with you Kiyoshi. There a lot of thing going on in my mind, right now… I must go and cancel my work for a few week to look for something I need to find” Youko want to play with Kiyoshi as always, like before. It is not the same anymore without Hiei or Niichi to playing with. Youko climb out of the bed and walk toward the desk to make a phone call and cancel the paper work, which were supposed to send early on Friday.
“Oh… I want to go to!” Kiyoshi cheerfully jump out of the bed and ran to his mother, begging her to let him go on a scavenger with her. Looking up at his mother, he watch her talking to the lady on the phone at her work.
“Yes. Yes of course. I'll be needing one month off.” Youko said to her worker, imitating the human voices of her self.
“What!?” After hearing, the one of her worker yells in the phone. Youko take the phone away, from her pointy ears. Kiyoshi was looking at his mother ears as it lies on her head.
“You can't take one month off. We need you, it you performance of executive duties as our management. You just cannot leave us like this. What about all the paper work? It will be due soon. What about all the working profile that I haven't been finish and, and…”
“…” Youko was speechless to worker.
“I your duties as our management and…” Youko hang up the phone and simply take that as a `yes you can take one month off.' `Doesn't she ever stop nagging and begging for my help? Human are so pathetic and such a pain these day. What a worthless humans.'
“About that odd dream of you're… Would you mind tell me what you see when you dreamt of Niichi?” Youko asked, looking for clue that might help to find Niichi.
“Niichi was in an odd place in my dream Momma-Ko.” Kiyoshi answer his mother question. Youko understand a little about what Kiyoshi, she too has the same dream.
“Was Niichi in the garden at a temple?” Youko asked.
“Wow Momma-Ko. You really are good at guessing. It was the place look different from our time Momma.” Youko now realize were Niichi exactly is.
Tat- Sorry everyone, it took so long to came up with this idea.
Mit- Yup for now she will do her best.
Tat- About the early info on chapter 2 I think. Anyway, I was not thinking about what I was writing. So if you want me to clearly explain the whole story of my thought earlier about Niichi and Kiyoshi. I will do it if ya vote. In addition, for those that wants to kill Kuwabara? Go right a head and KILL HIM for all I care.
Mit- Don't worry Kuwabara is not too special. Why kill him when ya can torture him by the two person whom he called `SHRIMP' in the story.