Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Mommy Kurama? ❯ ???? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I have no right to own anything. Not even YYH.
Thank you so much for those that want to know more about Niichi and Kiyoshi life in the future. This is not part of the story, though there many request what was happening before in the future.
Niichi use to hate Kurama, more likely to dislike Kurama. Rude and being very disrespectful toward Kurama. It takes 2 years for her, actually like Kurama as a mother. (In the story)
Kiyoshi was 2-year-old back then. Sorry everybody I do not know to describe Kiyoshi, so think about what he look like does not really matter to me, but is so cute to me.
Niichi is Mukuro's daughter. Hiei is her father. Kiyoshi is Kurama (female) change to Youko (female) son. Which make both Kurama and Youko a stepmother to Niichi? (They change form in the stories) Kurama can change back and forth, so I tried to make Youko a part of the family as well. My story are a mess hopefully it clear to you. I do not think when I am writing my fantasy story. I will go with what I do, not think when I relaxing, just do what I like to do. Now back to the story.
ENJOYED ~ ^.^ ~
At the Age of 4
“Mother, can I ask you something?” Niichi said hiding behind the huge door at an entrance to Mukuro's chamber. With a nodded from Mukuro, Niichi enter the room, walk towards the bionic woman.
“I wish to go to the human world to visit Kurama.” Mukuro looked at her daughter, knowing she is up to something. `She is so alike to Hiei, always gets what she wants.' Mukuro thought comparing Niichi to Hiei.
“Very well, you may go, but I need to know why.” Mukuro said, knowing that she would always try sneak into the human world. Over and over, she always gets caught by her mother guard.
“Well, I want to participate in a school, as the human would always do. It's an every day routine and I also want to play with other human kids like Kiyoshi would do and...” With that, Mukuro laughs a little, knowing her daughter wanted.
“So you want to be part of those pathetic human. Why do you need to go to school? Your smarts, strong, and powerful, why do you need to be one of them when you already one of us?” Mukuro said, asking her daughter in mysterious way, as she would always do when facing Kurama face to face.
“I want to experience different worlds and learn many subjects that I'm interest in. So, may I please go to the human world mother?” Begged her mother, Mukuro, pretending to be sad.
“You may go; I hope you enjoy yourself while you're there in their world. Kill them if you have to, and while you are at it, burn the living hell out of them for all I care.” Mukuro was joking around with her daughter; Niichi giggles then left the room. Mukuro looked at her daughter in her happy moods.
“Niichi.” After Niichi was out of the chamber, Mukuro call her back in. Niichi ran back into the room.
“Yes mother?” Niichi asked.
“You'll need a guard to lead you the way. Perhaps Shigure will escort you to the living world.” Mukuro suggested, with that Niichi nodded to her mother. However, Niichi then refuses her mother offers.
“Thank you mother, but I can get there myself. If you let me that is…”
“You may, but be on guard.”
“I will, Thank you mother.” Niichi reply bowing to her mother and then left.
In Ningenkai
“Where are you now Kiyoshi?” Kiyoshi was hiding under the bushes playing `Hide and Seek' game with his mother. Kiyoshi quietly giggles under the bushes.
“Kiyoshi this is not funny dear. Now come out this instant. Where are you Kiyoshi?” Kurama turn around noticing strong demonic energy near by. Demon energy was coming from behind the trees; a portal to the demon world was now open. Kiyoshi was walking toward the portal, but Kurama caught him in time and jump out of the way, before the demon could have harmed her child...
“Hey, how has it been?” Niichi grin at Kurama and smiles at her stepbrother, Kiyoshi. Both stand up from the green grass and greeted Niichi with their smiles.
“Hello Niichi, it very nice to see you. You did not sneak out of the palace again did you? Mukuro would be very angry with you, if you did.”
“No, I've have permission from mother to come to the living world.”
“Oh I see, I didn't mean to be rude, forgive me, my apologies; you have come along way here to the living world. You must be thirsty. Would you like me to get you something to drink? Anything you want.”
“A strawberry smoothie would be nice.”
“Yes, of course. How was your day in Makai?”
“Boring I guess same as every other day in Makai at least.” Niichi reply disrespectfully to every random question Kurama asked. As Kurama, opens the door to the kitchen from the back of the house where the garden was. Niichi stands behind Kurama looking at Kurama as she walked into the kitchen. Niichi then entered the kitchen, looking at everything that was shiny and spotless in the house.
“Um… That seems nice. You can enjoy the nature around here while you are staying in the living world. Perhaps you can get to do fun thing while you stay here. ” Kurama said, smiling at Niichi as a warm `Welcome to the Ningenkai' smiles.
“Yes that would sound nice. Your house looks nice. Every thing looks so tidy, spotless, and shiny. Different from the last five month I've been here.” Niichi complemented as they walk to the kitchen.
“Yes. I change the furniture and clean very often.” Kurama said, replying softly to Niichi's complement. Kurama then walks into another room next to the family room. Leading Kiyoshi to his toys room and letting him plays with his toys. Kurama then walks back to the kitchen, open the fridge taking out a cup of strawberry smoothie.
“Here you go.” Kurama said, giving the smoothies to Niichi.
“Thanks.” Niichi said nonchalantly towards Kurama.
“Niichi be respectful to your stepmother.” Hiei said looking slightly angrily at Niichi for her indifferent attitude for her stepmother. As Hiei entered the kitchen and took his sits near the table, Niichi start to feel scare of her father and began hide her faced by looking down on kitchen floor.
“Hiei, it's alright… Actually, I am happy that she came all the ways here to visit. ” Kurama said as she turning around and faced Niichi.
“Niichi, why don't you go and play with Kiyoshi in the other room?” Kurama asked, defending her from Hiei. Giving a slight smile, Niichi nodded and left quickly.
“Before you get upset with her, let me explain. Hiei please understand that I'm only doing this to make her happy.” Pleading her husband as he settles down, Kurama then pulled a chair and sat closer to Hiei.
“Yes I understand. I am not upset; I'm just not satisfied with her behavior and the way she act towards you.”
“I know Hiei, I'm trying to make her happy, and I think this is more than enough for me if she is happy.”
“Yes, but she can not treat you like some…Some…Some…”
“Servant, slave, or anything that have to do with obeying the orders? Hmm…After all, she is the daughter of your and Mukuro, one of the rulers of `The Three Demon Lord of Makai' is it not?”
“Uh… Yes something like that, but…” Hiei says as a sweat drop forms, he looks at Kurama confusion.
“Well you don't have to…” Hiei said, but Kurama cut off, Hiei words again, Hiei was becoming a little angry with Kurama.
“But I can” Kurama said, putting her arms around Hiei's neck, pulling him closer to her chair.
“Will you…” Hiei got cuts off second time.
“You want me to stop cutting you off on your speechs or lectures?”
“Will you knock it off!?”
“OH…Did I make you mad?”
“Mad enough to kill me?” Kurama asked curiously wanting to know if Hiei would actually dare to kill her.
“Yes… Uh no, I would never…”
“Kill me, hit me, or even hurt me?”
“Yes.” Hiei replies looking at Kurama as she chuckling.
“You give up?” Kurama asked, enjoying the game to annoyed Hiei for a while. Trying to get him forget what he was mad at.
“Yes, of course I give up.” Hiei answers as she hugs him in a warm embraces. `I hate this, everything in this living world. Even the lousy game she played…' Hiei thought.
“Hiei, may I ask you why Niichi is here?” Kurama asked, looking at Hiei for a reason.
“She has wanted to go to a school like every human child would.” Hiei replies knowing Niichi has always got what she wanted.
“Hmm…Yes, the last time she was here. She seem a little interest in going to school. It might be a good opportunity for her to learn and make friends.” Kurama said with a bright smile.
“Yes, I supposed so. But which school is she attending?” Hiei asked smile mischievously facing Kurama.
“I have come up with a lot of school, and one of them might just be right to her to attend to.” Kurama said stood up and walked to the living room. Hiei notice there was a pile of papers in the drawer. As Hiei watched, Kurama bend down closer to take out a few pile, over at least 30 or 40 sheet.
“What are those?” Hiei asked looking at the huge piles of papers that Kurama had set on the table.
“This is private school location; some of these papers are schools for kids from kindergarten through out high school. Some of this are colleges I've have attended to, it special for top students with excellent educational.” Kurama said pointing to each school location, Hiei felt dizzy and fell off the chair.
“Are you alright Hiei?” Kurama asked, helping Hiei up on his feet.
“What are you trying to do?” Hiei asked looking at the pile.
“Well some of these schools are for student that does excellent in their education.” Kurama replies to Hiei with a smile.
“So which of these schools are the best for her educational?” Hiei asked not facing Kurama, too busy looking at each location in search for the finest school for Niichi.
“I have been researching for the best of the best. Sorting them out and putting them in order. Only twelve's school remain, and that this twelve's school have the finest education. However, the price much more expensive for students, that attends those school.” Kurama said giving every detail and information of the twelve's school best education. Hiei seems spaced out after hearing everything.
“And how much does each of those twelve's school cost?” Hiei asked.
“Over a thousand or so, but I'm fine with it actually. I was planning to let Kiyoshi go there some days. I've been there during college years.” Kurama said, on the other room. Niichi was listening to every conversation between her father and stepmother. As NIiichi was, listen to the conversations, Kiyoshi walk closer to his sister and began pulling on her shirt, wanting her to play with him.
In Kiyoshi, toy room
“Sis play with me.” Kiyoshi asked tugging Niichi shirt.
“No. Not now Kiyoshi, I'll play with you after father and Kurama finished their conversation.” Niichi whisper with her ear was up against the door, Niichi turn around then bend closer to Kiyoshi and give him a kiss on his forehead.
“Oh ok…” Kiyoshi reply then went back to his building blocks and making cars.
Back in the kitchen
“Which of this twelve's school will she be attending to?” Hiei asked settling back onto his chair.
“Nishizaka Elementary School, Kamishutoku Elementary, Tomiiso Elementary School, and Kafukai Elementary School, Toyotomi Elementary School. Okajime Elementary School, Kushiro Elementary School it attached to Hokkaido University of education, Asahikawa Elementary School attached to Hokkaido University of education, and Sapporo Elementary School attached to Hokkaido University of education. In addition, the Hakodate Elementary School attached to Hokkaido University of education, Satsuma Elementary School attached to Ochanomiz University, and last Takehaya Elementary School attached to Tokyo Gakugei University. It takes weeks to separate and put them in order. Well, what do you think?” Kurama have read all the name of the finest school for Niichi education. Hiei have been spacing out while listen to Kurama, `How did Kurama end up like this?' Hiei asked himself in deep thought.
“Hiei?” Kurama said putting her hand on his shoulder blade, shaking him off from his thought.
“Huh? Uh yes of course.” Hiei replies randomly to Kurama question, and was unsure what Kurama have asked him.
“Alright, tomorrow I'll bring Niichi to see her school that she would like to attend to.” Kurama said Hiei shook his head and smiles.
“Well, I hope you too get along. What about Kiyoshi?” Hiei asked worried about Kiyoshi being alone.
“He'll be going with us too. However, he will be home schooled from now on.” Kurama said remember how the school started going up in flames. Kurama looked at Hiei with a slight smile and uncomfortable face.
“It was Kiyoshi wasn't it?” Hiei asked shrugged his shoulder.
“Yes, he didn't want me to leave. Then, Kiyoshi cried which might have caused the fire to start it by using his energy. The fire trucks and ambulances came before the whole school gone up in smoked.” Kurama said, looking at Hiei gesture in the way he moves on his chair.
“The school was half burn down; I apologize for the incident and pay the school. However, the teacher would not accept the money to restore their school.” Hiei nodded understanding why Kurama want to home school Kiyoshi. After Kurama finish the conversation with Hiei, Niichi walked out of Kiyoshi's toys room. Both parent turn to face Niichi. Kiyoshi walked out of the room, and then ran toward Kurama and hug her tightly.
Thank you everyone.
I promised that the next chapter is not too far behind, please be patience.
Thank you.