Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Mommy Kurama? ❯ Flashback and Future ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Flashback; Burning Within
Next morning
Niichi walking down the stair holding her brand new school backpack. When she reaches the floor, she then enters the kitchen. Kurama was next to Kiyoshi doing the school register form for Niichi, while Kiyoshi was eating his morning breakfast next to his mother.
“Good morning sister.” Kiyoshi said in a morning happy moods, smiling brightly to his sister.
“Do you want to eat anything before we go off to school? Today will be your first day at Asahikawa Elementary School. Anything you need, just call me alright?” Kurama said, making sure everything go according to what she have plan for Niichi. Niichi nodded replying to Kurama question.
Then they are off to Asahikawa Elementary School, after Kiyoshi finished his breakfast and Kurama finished the registrations form for Niichi elementary school.
At Asahikawa School;
“Interesting, I don't understand why you want this child to be in 5th grade. Don't you think it a lot difficult for her?” The principal asked wondering why Kurama putting Niichi in high level of education. Looking at the form repeatedly over, then stared at Kurama in confuse expression.
“Yes, I understand that it would be difficult, but my daughter here wished to be in a high and more difficulty levels. I would suggest this as a tryout for one day. If it does not work out, then we should lower the levels and bring her down to a grade that is more suitable for her. Is alright with you, principal?” Kurama asked suggesting like what Niichi always wanted.
“Very well, we will try.” The principal agree to what Kurama has suggested. Then, she led Niichi to the classroom, followed by Kurama and Kiyoshi. The principal then notices she has to do a report a council for the teachers meeting, looking around for an assistant to led Niichi to her classroom.
“Riho Miko.” She saw a sixth grader walk by, the principal then call the girl to led Niichi to the classroom. Kurama stand by, looking at Niichi as the girl leading her.
Kiyoshi tugged his mother long sleeve to get Kurama attention. Kiyoshi try pulls harder enough that had caught Kurama attention, Kurama bending down to the same height as Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi smiles and came close to Kurama ears and whispers.
“Can we leave? Sister left with that girl. We should leave too.” Kiyoshi whisper, Kurama nodded as Kiyoshi pointing at the direction that Riho Miko led Niichi to her classroom, Kiyoshi grabs Kurama long sleeve shirt as they walk to the car.
Niichi was walking home from school, fives older boys approached to her.
“So you're the new kids. I've heard you're pretty smart.” First boy said.
“Yeah smart, but you don't belong in this school. Not for a kids like you.” The second one said.
“Yeah, you don't belong here.” The third boy said.
“No, I belong to wherever I like. You can make me.” Niichi said to the boy, she starting to get upset.
“Oh… I get it now; you are trying to be tough, but you not all that tough girly.” The first boys reply to Niichi. This make Niichi really upset. The fifth boy took Niichi backpack, and then slams it to the ground.
“Hahaha!” The fourth on start to laughed and point at Niichi because she was beginning to cry, then all the boys join in laughing at Niichi. This upset and anger Niichi feeling.
“I'll burn you all till there nothing left but your ashes.” Niichi said clenched her fist tightly, all the fifth grader still laughing. Niichi charge at one of them, punching him, the second boy try to grab her long black hair, but Niichi move her head out of the away as the boy struggle to get Niichi off.
When Niichi move away, he gets up and accidentally punches the second boy who was trying to help him. The third boy and fifth boy join in and trying to get Niichi. The fourth boy was standing a little far away from the fight, he then notice the tree near by was on fires and the playground that they are standing on was surround by fires.
“Ah!” The fourth on scream looking for a way out of the fires, the other fours stop fighting Niichi. They then start screaming at the top their lung for someone to help.
“Now you will pay for what you did. You will not get out of here alive. NO WAY! You won't, because I'm going to burn all of you alive as a punished for what you did to me.” Niichi glaring evilly, did not care as the boys screaming 'Help'.
“Look who laughs now…HAHAHAHA!” Niichi laugh more evilly. The smoke start to darken in the sky as the sun approached. The air began to thicken and the boys needed oxygen. Niichi watch as they clasp on the ground needing air to breaths.
At home;
Kurama was cooking dinner, Kiyoshi practice his writing letter and alphabet.
“Mommy, do you notice there smoke out?” Kiyoshi asked pointing at the place were there smoke.
“Hmm… What smoke?” Kurama asked replying to Kiyoshi question. Walking to the window where Kiyoshi was pointing.
“Oh dear…” Kurama gasp at the place burning near their house.
“That must be the playground. I will go and help. Kiyoshi dear, you stay here. I'll be backs soon honey.” Kiyoshi nodded as Kurama ran out of the door to the park. Kurama ran and ran as hard as she could. When Kurama reach the playground, the park was surrounded by fire tenth yard away from where Kurama was standing.
“Someone help! There children's in there, hurry they need help.” The man with a bucket of waters, screams to the other neighbors when he saw some of the boys on the ground coughing, other faints.
Kurama step back a few feet away. Then charge through the fires and into the other sides. Kurama looking around for children, but only Kurama found Niichi standing. Then Kurama looked at the boys who were on the ground needing oxygen to breath.
“Niichi stop.” Kurama yells running toward Niichi.
“Why should I? You have no right to stop!” Niichi yelled back, when Kurama came near Niichi then slap Kurama faces with her nails. Kurama faces now were bleeding, Niichi was furious. Kurama did not care about the scratch on her face. Kurama walk to the other boys and help them.
“What has happen Niichi.” Kurama asked helping the boys.
“They were mean, I try to burn them, but I like it when they suffocate, pleading for help.” Niichi said did not care about the boys.
“Please stop this. I begging you, please stop this.” Kurama begged, Niichi did not look at Kurama, the fires began to slowly disappear into the atmosphere. The neighbor was relief to see Kurama and the children were safes.
By the time when the firefighters came the fire disappear, they could not believe what they have seen. The ambulances came as well, they got off there truck and ran toward Kurama and help the children's.
“Thank so much for saving their lives. Oh dear your face is bleeding.” One of the boys mother thanks Kurama. Then notice there was blood on Kurama faces
“It alright, it nothing really...” Kurama said. The mother of the two boys left to the hospital with her children with the other three boys. Kurama left with Niichi, Niichi ran home ahead of Kurama. Upsetting and angry at everything that has happen.
At home;
“Welcome home sister. Where mother?” Kiyoshi asked, Niichi did not say a word but shoving Kiyoshi aside. Kiyoshi fall on to the carpet floor. He did not cry but, stand up looking confused at his sister as Niichi walk to her room.
“Mother, what has happen back there at the fires?” Kiyoshi asked his mother when Kurama enter the door.
“No, nothing wrong Kiyoshi?” Kurama answered, came closer to Kiyoshi to see any mark or scracth.
“No mommy I'm fine, oh momma your face.” Kiyoshi reply, smile bright and saw a scratch on his mother faces. Niichi then came down the stair with her backpack including her clothes and other thing she brought from yesterday.
“Niichi, where are you going with those?” Kurama asked looking at the angry child of Mukuro.
“I'm leaving, I hate this human word, you know. I thought it would be fun to be friends with these human but their all just a worthless living creature.” Niichi said runs out through the door and into the Makai portal, which was still open from yesterday.
“What happen to sister momma?” Kiyoshi asked after the door slams hard, making the door fall down onto the ground.
“She just upset sweetie. Don't worry she'll be fine.” Kurama said unsure what to do with Niichi now.
In Makai;
“You're back early, so tell me what upset you Niichi?” Mukuro asked as Niichi past her mother chamber.
“I hate the human, their stupid, and not very intelligent. They said to me that `you do not belong here' and then they start to picking on me.” Niichi said still angry with Kurama and those human boys. Mukuro shock by Niichi looked of how it resembling to Hiei anger moods.
“Oh? Then what did you do to those boys?” Mukuro asked.
“I surround them with fires, and decide to burns them all alive in the circle of fires. However, them I decide to let them suffocated in the fires. Kurama made me to stop, and I did, so I was mad at her too.” Mukuro looked at Niichi not very plead with Krama.
“I'll speak to Kurama tomorrow.” Niichi bowed to her mother and left the chamber.
One month passed;
After the week in last month, the scratch mark began to heal. Kurama then got another slap from Mukuro while having a conversation about Niichi situation. Niichi did not care, but satisfy with the way her mother handle Kurama. Niichi choose stay in the Nigenkai with Kiyoshi and Kurama.
Few days later;
“Mother, are you going to be alright?” Kiyoshi asked as his mother lying on the bed with a fever.
“I'll be fine, it nothing bad Kiyoshi.” Kurama pat on Kiyoshi head, smiling at him with her white pale face. Kiyoshi now is three year old and taking care of Kurama fever. Hiei working with papers and profile in Makai. Mukuro at the council, Niichi is in Nigenkai.
Few weeks later; Night times;
“Hey Kiyoshi, you want to play with me?” Niichi asked her little brother who was busy carrying the wet tower into the bathroom. Kiyoshi then came out and run to Kurama bedroom, putting a new cold wet tower on Kurama forehead, this make Kurama smile a little at Kiyoshi.
Kiyoshi smile back at Kurama and then climb onto Kurama bed and wait till the tower is no longer cold. Niichi walk to Kurama room, seeing Kiyoshi lying on top of his mother as Kurama eyes were to close.
Niichi walks in the room and stand still looking at Kurama white faces. Feeling guilty, she then approached to the bed where Kiyoshi was. Both Niichi and Kiyoshi have not eating anything all day while Kurama was on the bed. Niichi want Kiyoshi to play with her, Kiyoshi want to take care of his mother fever, and Kurama want to take cares both Niichi and Kiyoshi, but she had a fever.
“Kiyoshi, are you hungry?” Niichi asked whispering to his ear. Kiyoshi crawl of the bed and sway his head in a `NO' position. Kurama woke up after hearing Niichi voice, and then remember that Kiyoshi and Niichi have not eating anything this morning and till now.
“You kids hungry?” Kurama asked, Kiyoshi swaying his head saying `NO' to his mother. Niichi nodded up and down saying `YES'. Kurama sit up from her bed, she felt dizzy, but she trying her best to stand up from her bed. Kurama and Kiyoshi walked to the kitchen, Niichi was right behind them following. When Kurama reach the kitchen, she opens the fridge to see what the children can eat.
“Thank Kurama.” Niichi said walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth and went to bed, still feeling guilty.
After Niichi left the kitchen, Kurama clasp to the floor. Kiyoshi still has not touched his foods. He got scare so he jump off the chair and jump to his mother side.
“Mother, are you alright?” Kiyoshi asked worrying about his mother, but Kurama did not say anything. This made Kiyoshi terrifies and even more afraid to lose his mother, he did not cry but giving some of his life energy to heal Kurama. Niichi was fast to sleep. Kiyoshi gives more life energy to his mother, then went closer to her chest to see if the heart still beating. Kiyoshi then felt his mother hand on his shoulder.
“Good. Very good, you did well Kiyoshi. I think you passed this lesson of saving other lives.” Kurama said almost in a whisper to Kiyoshi.
“But momma, are you going to be alright?” Kiyoshi asked, and Kurama nodded with a slightly faint smile. Kurama then turn to her fox form.
“Of course mother Kurama will be alright.” Youko said, hugging her son as she stand up tall.
“Momma-Ko, how can you change form now? Aren't there suppose to be an item that helps you to change form?” Kiyoshi asked, remembering that his mother use the potion to transform into her demon form.
“Yes, but I don't need it no longer. You see I can come out when Momma- Kurama need someone to take care of you.” Youko said bending closer to hold Kiyoshi tiny hands. Kiyoshi looking up at his mother demon form and smile in relief.
“Your Mother Kurama asked me, to take care of you while she is trying her best to get better.” Youko said hugging Kiyoshi, as Youko leaned her forehead down so she was nose to nose with her son.
Both mother and son stay up late, it was past Kiyoshi curfew, but Youko did not care about it. They both play video games, having pillows fight, drawing each other, fake faces like scratch mark or wound on Youko and a fake scar and black eye on Kiyoshi, and they were having a great time laughing and giggling.
Niichi woken up by the noise, she got out of her bedroom, and walked downs the stairs. While Youko pretend to punch Kiyoshi's face, Kiyoshi fall on the ground with a black eye that was draw by his mother. Kiyoshi then went into his room, took out the top hat, and gave it to his mother.
“Here Momma-Ko, you can be the bad man from England, heehee.” Kiyoshi giggle as Youko put on the top hat. Niichi was watching the Kiyoshi having a great time.
“Why don't you join us sister?” Kiyoshi said, laughing as they continue throw pillows at each other faces. Niichi nodded, and then join in with Kiyoshi and Youko. The three of them had a great time playing video games adventure together. Niichi never knew how fun her stepmother could be with her stepbrother. She realizes that she was having a great time with her stepmother and brother.
12:14 Midnight;
“Well, is getting late. Why don't you go to sleep?” Youko asked looking at Niichi and Kiyoshi eyes. They were tired and sleepy.
“Oh, Ok.” Both reply to Youko. Niichi walked to her bedroom and felled fast asleep. Kiyoshi climbed onto his mother lap and fell asleep, Youko held Kiyoshi tightly in her arm as he felled asleep.
One year passed, 8 month, three weeks and nine days have passed;
Niichi began to understand Kurama for what she tried to do. Niichi appreciate everything that Kurama has given her, Niichi now have loves, happiness, friendship, and loyalty from the human whom she once called `Worthless Human'. Niichi begin to like Kurama as her stepmother and understand the love Kiyoshi have for his mother.
Kiyoshi is now four-years-old, as for Niichi, she now sixth-years-old. So now, everyone is happy with the way family life is going. Niichi attend to fifth grade at Asahikawa again, this time the boys stay away from Niichi as far as they can.
Niichi did well in school, she also make friend with Rune, a fifth grader. Rune was about Niichi age, she genius student from America transfer to Asahikawa school by her father from Japan. Niichi and Rune was happy walking home with each other everyday; their house was next to each other. It has been years since they know one and another, both get along very well with each other
At home;
“Welcome home Niichi.” Kurama greeted her.
“Hi mom, you don't mind if Rune stays do you?” Niichi asked as Kurama washing the dish.
“I don't mind. You're more than welcome to stay as long as you like Rune.” Kurama chuckle, smiling at Rune, Kurama know that Rune does not speak much Japanese. She only knew the basic greeting and replying that Kurama had taught her.
“Arigato Minamino-kun.” Rune said nervously; Rune became interest in Kurama of how she is so kind, beautiful and all.
“Hello Rune.” Kiyoshi greeted Rune in English.
“Hello Kiyoshi.” Rune said reply in English. Kiyoshi smile then ran to the sink to wash off his muddy hands. Hiei enter the back door to where Kiyoshi has entered to the kitchen.
“Konnichi wa Kurama anata.” Hiei said speaking in Japanese, looking at Rune as the Niichi lead her to her room.
“She here to stay for awhile, she are neighbor who just move here from Ameri-kajin (American).” Kurama said.
“Yup, by the way papa, aren't you supposed to be at the Mommy-Kuro (Mukuro) council thingy, or something?” Kiyoshi asked remember last week Hiei told Kurama that he would not be back until months after Mukuro councils.
“Yes, about that council Mukuro and I discussed. It just that this…” Hiei stop and looking down at Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi looked up to his father, smiling at Hiei so he would let Kiyoshi stay and listen to the conversation.
“Kiyoshi go and study honey.” Kurama said giving Kiyoshi the book to study for the test. Rune and Niichi both walk down the stair for some snacks in the kitchen. Both of the girls over heard Hiei and Kurama talking about demon, Hiei and Kurama both stop the conversation when Niichi and her friend comes into the kitchen.
“Kamoshirenai-ai hanashi tame uchini shiritsu? (May I speak to you in private?)” Hiei asked.
“Hai saranari anata. (Yes of course dear.)” Kurama answered. They both nodded and left to their room. Niichi led Rune to the fridge; they take the cream cheese, taking out a bag of cracker in the counter.
“Your stepmother seem nice, your father is kind though he is very quiet. So where is your other mother?” Rune asked, whispering to Niichi ear. They both giggle while eating cheese cracker, as Kiyoshi was in the room studying for his test.
“Oh my mom is well… she live down south from here. However, the road is long. I usually came here to visit my stepbrother, Kiyoshi, but I stay here now with my step-mom. I probably stay here for year or so, whose know.” Niichi said biting off a pieces cracker.
“Well I won't be here long, I have to go back to America and live with my mom. So I will be going back and forth, I might visit you someday.” Rune said have to giving Niichi sad news that she is going home back to her mother.
“Is alright, I know we'll meet someday…” Niichi answer giving a friendly smile.
Up stair bedroom; 5 minute have passed, subject Niichi;
“Niichi seem to more and more fond of you everyday.” Hiei said, as Kurama give a light kiss on his cheek.
“Yes I suppose so.” Kurama answered, Kurama came closer to embrace Hiei in her arms by the windowsill.
“She not being rude to you or anything, is she?” Hiei asked knowing Niichi really hate Kurama as her stepmother.
“No, not at all, she is beginning to like me as her stepmother.”
47 minute later, subject Kiyoshi;
“How is Kiyoshi doing?” Hiei asked looking out the window only to see threes bird stop by their nest to feed their young, and then they flew off to find more foods.
“Kiyoshi is doing very well on his education. He is getting better than before.” Kurama answered, walking to the desk. Taking out a small bag of seeds, put her hand in the bag only to take out a small amount of seeds, and gave it to the parent before they flew off.
1 hour and 58 minute, subject Nigenkai;
“Is that idiot still around to bother us?” Hiei asked, hating Kuwabara was his only thought.
“No, Kuwabara does not know our address.Yusuke and the other are doing well with their family.” Kurama smile, as the parent were on her palm to eat the seeds that was giving.
“What about Yukina?” Hiei asked worrying about his sister being with the idiot husband of her.
“She is well, everything is going very well. Your nieces is fine too, they love Kiyoshi to play with them.” Kurama answered, the parents were off to find foods for their young's one.
3 hour and 17 minute, subject Makai;
“What were you and Mukuro discussing about?” Kurama asked. Hiei then gave Kurama the report he has written.
“Read it, sorry but, I do not have time to explain it to you. I have to go.” Hiei said hurrying out through the window. Kurama grab Hiei cloak, she came up behind Hiei and wrapped her arms around his. Kurama captured Hiei's mouth in a wet kiss. For a while, both then depart from their kiss.
“I love you Kurama.” Hiei wave his hand, then he disappear through the window. After Hiei left, Kurama read the report.
“Blaze the wolf demon. Heyna and Hyena their both sister, Sunset is the sun dragon, along with Ghost and Kimba. Who are these peoples?” Kurama asked herself. Kurama looking out the window, then put down the letter and walks down stair.
When Kurama reach the living room, both Niichi and Rune were watching movies.
“Oh no… I must leave.” Rune said looking at the time on the clock; she stand up packing her book bag.
“Your house is just next door, why worry?” Niichi asked.
“Well I must go home and packed up.” Rune reply a friendly gesture, she was in a hurry.
“Oh…ok. It has been fun, hope to see you someday.” Niichi said as Rune putting her books in her backpack.
“Um… Hai arigatou. Taishite isshiki, ai beki taishutsu imasara, doumo arigatou gozaimasu taishite isshiki. Minamino-san. (Yes thank you. For everything, I must be going now, thank you very much for everything.)” Rune said bowing to Kurama and left.
One week and 3 days later;
Rune have left the neighbor and went back home in America. Niichi is now in Makai training with Mukuro. Kiyoshi is at Genkai temple, playing with his cousin. Kurama receive a message from the company managers, their looking for someone with high skill of knowledge and technology. So far they found Kurama, they even begs Kurama to work for their computer company program, after they have looked through Kurama educational result from high school and college. Kurama accept their offer and now she work there in her office.
Flashback; Rivals and Enemy
In Makai
“How was the investigation?” One demon asked his warrior as she approached him. As she entered the caved from the entrance, grumble and complaining about her, assign duty. Their hideout was near the sea.
“Horrible. I cannot believe I spent 3 hour just to listening on them! They talks and talks! Do you know how long it was?” The second yelled, asking the first demon and complaining about her assignment, in German accents.
“So… how horrible can it be just to watch those two love bird talks, Hyena?” The first demon asked as thought he does not care about her complaining while yelling in front of him.
“How would you like to go and investigated on those two. For three hour, listening to them talking, Blaze!” Hyena argued while yelling back at her leader.
“Yeah, she right. You should do it for once Blaze.” A demon with pure white glass wings flies down from the sky and joins in with the conversation.
“Who ask you Ghost?” Blaze asked trying to defend himself, `Soon, I will get rids of that little brats, the Spirit World and their so call Spirit Detective.'
“Fine, fine, I'll do it, it not even that hard. Just to listen to those to talk whatever they were talking about.” Blaze reply to Ghost, then walks a way from the teammates.
“Huh. That what you think.” Hyena shouts out, stand on the ground looking at Blaze, as he walking away from Ghost and herself. Suddenly Blaze turn around.
“By the way Hyena, I would like you and Ghost to go look for Kline and Sunset. She lives in the Nigenkai. I'll be back here as soon as I see what that Kurama is up to.” Blaze shout, giving the information to Ghost and Hyena for the search. Blaze then tuck his hand into his jacket, turn around and left at fast paste without another words.
“I don't suppose he ever change, does he.” Ghost asked turned herself to Hyena.
“Yeah, I suppose so. I cannot go and look for Sunset. I have some other important thing to do.” Ghost did not know what to says, but nodded toward Hyena with a smile.
“Oh… I understand .Alright I will go look for Sunset. Good luck Hyena, to whatever you're doing.” Ghost said, with that Hyena nodded and left.
In Nigenkai
Sunset was cleaning her room when she felt she was being watch. “What Ghost?" she asked with out turning around. Ghost laughs a bit.
“What do you want?" Sunset asked looking at Ghost pale wing.
“Blaze wants you." Ghost said, entered the room.
“What does he want this time?” Sunset asked, putting the book back on the bookshelf in alphabetical order arrangement.
“We're going to kill the spirit detective and get rid of the demon lord daughter.” Ghost said, looking at the room. Sunset turned and frowned at Ghost.
“No, I'm sorry, but I can't joint this mission.” Sunset replies, Ghost blinks a few time at her.
“What do you mean you can't?” Ghost asked not believing what she just heard, from Sunset.
“You heard me; I'm not going to be part of this mission.” Sunset said, angrily.
“Oh… Ok then, I'll go find Kline then.” With that, Ghost then left.`Blaze what are you up to now?' Sunset said quietly in her mind.
“WAIT!” Sunset yelled, through the window before Ghost disappeared.
“Yes?” Ghost asked, flying back.
“I'll join the team. Sorry I wasn't thinking.” Sunset said, looking up above her.
“Okay, I'll let Blaze know, it good to have you on the team.” Ghost said, and left disappeared into the night sky
In Nigenkai at a bar;
Hyena enter the bar, taking her sit at the bartender. The bartender looked at Hyena for a few minutes, then walk up to her.
“Hey there missy, what can I get cha?” A bartender asked looking at Hyena with his warm welcome smiled.
“Do you know anybody name Haynes?” Hyena asked, giving the bartender the picture of the person she looking for.
“Hmm… Yes, she is over there on that stage. She's quiet a jokers.” The bartender said, looking at the picture, he then pointed to the stage behind Hyena.
“Hey, what does the rabbit say to the hares?” Haynes asked the audience. One guest from the audiences waved his hand, to answer the riddles.
“Yes sir, you there in that blue shirt.” Haynes picked her audiences.
“You're hairy?” One man said, moving in a drunken movement.
“Well… close sir, thank you though.” Haynes replies, giving thank to the guest and audiences.
“The rabbit says. “You are my worse nightmare.”” Haynes answered to her riddles. The audience applause their hands, to the wonderful performance Haynes has put up.
“More joke missies.” One of the audience yelled, Haynes smile and continue with her jokes.
“There were three famous celebrities; Hillary Duff, Lindsey Lohan, and Brittney Spear. All three were in a room.
Hillary Duff said, “Something smells.”
Lindsey Lohan said, “Yeah.”
Brittney Spear said, “Oops I did it again.”
The next day Hillary Duff said, “Something smells.”
Lindsey Lohan said, “Yeah something smells.”
Then Brittney Spear said, “Stronger then yesterday.” The audience laughing and clapping at the same times Haynes bowed to thank them.
“Oh ok. Let see now…A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender for some crackers. The bartender explains that the bar does not have any crackers.
The next day, the same duck walks into the bar and asks the bartender for some crackers. The bartender again explains that the bar does not serve crackers.
Sure enough, the very next day, the duck again walks into the bar and asks for some crackers. The bartender screams at the duck, "If you come in here one more time, I'm going to nail your beak into the wall with a hammer and some nails!”
A few days pass, and then the duck walks into the bar again. The bartender notices the duck and says, "I'm warning you!"
The duck replies, "Do you have a hammer?"
The bartender replies, "No!"
The duck asked, "Do you have any nails?"
The bartender replies, "No!"
The duck grins and asks, "Do you have any crackers?" Haynes said, with that the audience laughed hard. Some have tear in their eyes. Some clapped their hands while laughing.
“This is a last joke for you ladies and gentlemen's. A man walked into a bar and ordered up ten shots of whiskey, then sat there and drank them one after another.
The bartender commented, "When a man drinks like that, he must have something on his mind."
The man replied, "Yep, I just found out that my oldest son was gay!"
A couple days later, the man returned to the bar and ordered up twenty shots of whiskey.
"What's the matter now?" asked the bartender.
"I just found out that my other son is also gay!"
A week later, the man again returned to the bar and ordered up thirty shots of whiskey.
The bartender remarked, "Doesn't anyone in your family like pussy?" (It means a female part of the body, between the legs.)
The man replied, "Yes, my wife!" The audience roared with laughter. Haynes smiled and waves her right hand at her sister, Hyena, waves her right hand back at her in return.
“A lady tells her husband to go to the store to buy some cigarettes. He walks down to the store only to find it closed. Therefore, he goes into a nearby bar to use the vending machine. At the bar, he sees a beautiful woman and starts talking to her.
They have a couple of beers, one thing leads to another, and they end up in her apartment. After they have had their fun, he realizes its 3 A.M. and says, "Oh no, it's so late, my wife's going to kill me. Have you got any talcum powder?" She gives him some talcum powder, which he proceeds to rub on his hands and then he goes home.
His wife is waiting for him in the doorway and she is pretties angry. Where the hell have you been?", "Well, honey, it's like this. I went to the store as you asked, but they were closed. Therefore, I went to the bar to use the vending machine. I saw this great looking girl there and we had a few drinks and one thing led to another and I ended up in bed with her.", "Oh yeah? Let me see your hands!" She sees his hands are covering with powder and..., "You God damn liar! You were playing pool again!"
Moral of the story:
Always tell your wife the truth. She will not believe you anyway. At least your conscience is clear.”
“A man walks into a bar and asks for a beer. After drinking it, he looks in his shirt pocket and asks for another beer.
After drinking that one, he looks in his shirt pocket again and asks for another beer. This happens about another seven times before the bartender asks him, "Why do you keep looking in your pocket?"
The man replies, "I have a picture of my wife in there. When she looks good enough, I'll go home." Well thank you all for joining me today. Thank you and have a good night.” The audience has clapped their hands, some whistles loudly using their hands. Other laugh really harder than before
In Spirit World,
“Alert, there are invaders in the castle. Eliminate all who apposed us. Protect Prince Koenma AHHHH.” One of the Spirit Defend Force said, but he was kill when he giving alert to the other in the Spirit World.
“Kianu this Xiao from team 2, do you reach me?” Xiao asked, hiding behind black wall. While Xisa and Jue knock, each and every one of the ogres' and spirit defend force out of their ways.
Xiao was about Keiko height, she wore a white shirt with a hood, blue jean with her partner, Xisa. Xisa is same height as Xiao a little bit taller. Black hair, short tempers and love killing other demons. Jue is the same as Xisa, but enjoy playing music, scavengers, while Xiao like to hacks into other computer mainframes.
“Kianu here, yes we've reached you. Now shuts down every main system, blocking all entrance and every system.” Kianu replies, a demon with visibility power to go through solids object and entering dream, he can turn dream into their worse nightmares. Along with his partners Kakemono, Kamemon, and Kameko attack the chamber where the King Enma keep his treasures.
Kakemono using his guan dao, an ancient cavalry weapon, wooden handle, and semi flex steel with it. He about 6 feet and 7 inch feet tall, same height as Kamemon and Kameko, Kakemono was slashing every Spirit Defend Force (SDF) with his guan dao. Bloods spilled everywhere, as Kamemon attack Captain of SDF with his double hook swords. Kameko and Kianu were to enter the king vault and steal the object, that they were assign to steal.
“Hey, can you shut down the security and unlocked it, here in the vault chamber as well?” Kamemon asked through his communicator to Xiao and Xisa.
“Yup, I'm on it.” Xiao answered, pushing the unconscious green ogre off his chair and sit on it. Xisa got the office, looking for Koenma.
“Damn. That Koenma escapes!” Xisa yelled to Xiao. Xiao has hacks into the computer; she then shut down the mainframe system, the security to the vault chamber is now unlocked.
“Forget about the toddler, he won't get that far. Kumiko and Kina are outside for back up, just incased if the toddler escapes.” Xiao said, not worrying about Koenma while hacking into every security and blocked them. Outside the castle of spirit world, Koenma quietly tip toeing his ways out of danger and to Nigenkai. Right behind him is George the blue ogre.
“Koenma sir, why are we sneaking out? Were we supposed to tell Yusuke about this? And Botan is in the Nigenkai, we should have told her about this too.” George asked, pulling on Koenma red cloak.
“Quiet you idiot, if we get caught. There is no way Yusuke knows that Spirit world is being attack”. Koenma replies as they continue sneaking out to Nigenkai.
“Kianu, Xisa, we've spotted the toddler and that blue ogre's.” Kina said through her communicator, hiding behind the trees. Her blonde-haired flew in the air as the gust of wind blow through her faces. Koenma did not notice the blond hair flew in the wind, but kept on going quietly.
“Let's go Kina, Kamikaze.” Kumiko said, walking away from where Kina stands. Her brown hair swing from side to side, as she walks fast toward Koenma and George.
“Well, the toddler is leaving his based.” Kina said looking at Kumiko walking away. Kumiko then approached Koenma from behind. Kumiko approached them from behind, she then punch Koenma in the eyes. Koenma felled to the ground, Kumiko grab Koenma and brought him to their hideout. Kina dragged the blue ogre's who was trying to escape, to their hideout as well along with Kamikaze right behind them.
“Mission accomplishes!” Kina said loudly through her communicator, it make everyone's to take their communicator out of their ears before they become deaf by her loud mouth.
In Makai; Hideout
“Come out.” Blaze calls forth his warrior, while sitting on the tree with one leg hanging loosely, looking down. All ten-warrior comes forth by Blaze calls. Kianu step forward from the shadow. He then gives the battle strategy to Blaze; their plan was to defeat the Spirit Detectives now that they have Koenma as bait, which they already capture Koenma.
“We've stole the treasure from the king vault like you said, and here it is. The Mandate of Heaven and the Imperial seal, just as we're assign to.” Kakemono said, shown the treasure to their leader.
“This should be good. Three's Lord of Makai and the Spirit Detective has no power going up against us, now that we have the Mandate of Heaven and the Imperial seal.” Kamikaze said, all nodded in an agreement.
“But first thing first, we need to get rid of that Kurama.” Xiao said biting her lip knowing Kurama would have plans to backfires theirs.
“Xiao right, that Kurama can become quiet a threat to us. We must do something about it.” Xisa said, sheathing her sword.
“The fox does know how to backfire our plan. After all these treasures were once from her homeland.” Kakemono said, smirking at the other.
“We're going to the presence time, eliminate the Spirit Detective, and killed the demon lords as well.” Blaze said, having the Mandate on his side is superior for him to win. All of his warrior nodded in an agreement, and then left after the meeting in their hideout, in the cave near the sea.
“Thank you for everything mother.” Niichi said, waving her hand in farewell. She then enters the portal through Makai.
“Have a save trip home.” Kurama said waving back to Niichi.
“Bye sis.” Kiyoshi smiled, waving toward his stepsister. Niichi then left to Makai.
In Makai
“Kamikaze you wait here for that Niichi, with Kakemono. And here, this devised well bring you to the presence time after you've capture that girl.” Blaze said entering the time space the Xiao has created with her technology system. Both nodded, Blaze then entered the presence time with his other warriors.
“See ya, on the other side.” Jue and Kina said giving a farewell; they both entered the time space after the other. Kamikaze and Kakemono waved a bid farewell to his teammates. Niichi then existed there portal from Nigenkai, then there was a darkness surround her, but she reflected from the attacks that was cause by Kakemono.
“Who are you two?” Niichi asked, preparing to self-defend and ready to fight back.
“We don't have time to fight with you little girl. But you'll know soon enough princesses.” Kamikaze said, grabbed Niichi by the arm before she even notices him. He tied her up in a long ropes and carried her through the times space, followed by Kakemono. After Kakemono and Kamikaze got to the presence time, they drop Niichi to a different dimension in Makai.
***Nigenkai 9:05 in the morning
“Wow! Momma-Ko. You really are good at guessing games. It was the place look different, like a past's from our time Momma-Ko.” Youko now realize were Niichi exactly is… kissing Kiyoshi forehead and sniffing his neck, which make him giggles and tickles around his neck, grabbing a fist full strand of silver hairs and gave his mother a hug, then letting go oh her hairs as they apart each other from the hugging.
“We're going back in time. Wherever that may be… that is.” Youko said, looking at Kiyoshi sitting at the edge of the king size bed, smiling at his mother. Youko then turned back to her original form.
“Oh…um…yup...” Kiyoshi said, trailing off while biting his fingertip. Looked at his mother open the closet, Kurama then picked out light green with white striped roll tab shirt and a light blue flood pants. Kurama looked for something else within the closet, then turn to look at Kiyoshi still sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for his mother.
“Kiyoshi honey… why don't you go and brush your teeth honey?” Kurama asked taking out the boxes in the closet. Kiyoshi nodded and went to the bathroom, he reach for his toothbrush he, then brushed his teeth after putting toothpaste on it. Kurama take off the lid and take out a devise within the box.
“Hmm…” Kurama wondered looking at the devises, trying figuring out what to do. Kiyoshi walked out of the bathroom after 10 minutes later, looking at his mother confusedly. Kurama walked into the bathroom and come out 5 minutes later.
“Momma, what is that little thing?” Kiyoshi asked, looking at the small metal object on the computer desk.
“It a key for the space ship, Arias. Kiyoshi dear, go and get all supplies that you'll be needed.” Kiyoshi shook his head, as Kurama looking for data's and location on the computer. She then takes out a blank piece's of paper and starts writing, and then looked at Kiyoshi shook his head.
“Nope, I think our Arias have everything we needed Momma.” Kiyoshi said, looking at the data on the computer system next to Kurama, as Kurama writing a note.
“Let's go.” Kurama said, standing up after shutting down the computer. As they walk, Kiyoshi followed Kurama to another room holding his mother hand. Both entered the room, the light automatically turn on. Kiyoshi pushed the green button on his right, the door on the left of Kurama open, revealing an elevator.
Both then entered the elevator, which transport them to the underground. The underground connected to their house, which was design by Kurama technology year ago.
Kiyoshi ran to Arias, Kurama was putting up a security around their house, just incased intruder breaks in.
“Yay!” Kiyohi cheerfully said, as he steps into the space ship followed by his mother.
“Welcome.” Computer said, responded to Kiyoshi.
“It has been awhile Arias...” Kurama said, Kiyoshi turned around to his a mother giggled.
“Heehee, I know. Can we please go now?” Kiyoshi pleaded with his cute ruby eyes, sitting on the right in the front of the ship. Kurama smiled, ran her hand through Kiyoshi black hairs and white starburst of his forehead, both walk to the front of the ship taking their sits.
“Arias, prepared for launching.” Kurama said, taking her sit in the front on the right, next to Kiyoshi.
“Affirmatives, ready to launch.” Computer's replies, prepared launching into space. Both Kurama and Kiyoshi buckle their belt for safety as Arias ready to launched into space.
“Wow! What is that Momma?” Kiyoshi asked, pointed a little red light far away' from Arias, after they have reached into space after 10 minutes or so.
“That nebula dear, it million of light year's far away from the Earth.” Kurama said programming the system for the time's space warping.
“Computer, please analyzes the planet Pluto and Mercury, just the how far they are from the Earth.” Kiyoshi asked, as the Arias scan the stars and gave the kilometer of light years to Kiyoshi. Kurama sigh as her son fooling around with the space ship system, while smiling, looking at Kiyoshi as he watch the rock hit the Moon making it a huge holes.
“Kiyoshi…” Kurama said, still programming the system to the time's warp.
“Heehee, yes Momma.” Kiyoshi replies, smiling while looking at the kilometer.
“Let's track your sister down?” Kurama asked, sighing as Kiyoshi nodded his head and smiled back as always. Kiyoshi eyes start to glow in red; he then closed his eyes and waiting till an image appeared in his mind. Kiyoshi opened his eyes. After that, he has then looked toward his mother, who was waiting patiently for his replies.
“What do you see?” Kurama asked, her son smiled and turn to his left and looked out into space, closing his eyes and after a few minutes later, he then opened it once more.
“Years 2000 are in the 20th century Momma.” Kiyoshi replies, as his kitten, Mil climb onto his labs and purrs softly. Kurama smiled happily to Kiyoshi and typed in the years. (I do randomly, sorry ^_^)
“Computer prepared the time's warping, year 2000's location 50 mile away from Mushiyori City in Japan, ready for launching.” Kurama sighted, Kiyoshi giggle as his little kitten was on his shoulder looked around. Arias right now in space, as Kurama turn to notice Mil was on board to the past times as well.
“Kiyoshi…” Kurama said, disappoint as the little kitten purrs around Kiyoshi laps.
Hehehe… sorry mommy, Mil will be real good… I promise.” Petting his pet, he giggles.
“Arias, how long does it take to get to the 20th century?” Kurama said, handing Kiyoshi the communicator with data's base enemy, info on each planets and even game Kiyoshi wanted to plays.
“Approximately within 127.2 hours till we've reach our destination.”
“Hmm… That would be within 5 day and 3 hour away. Is it not Momma?”
“Yes dear, for now why don't you play with Mil, nor do something to keep you entertain while we get there.”
“Ok.” Kiyoshi said, excitedly start playing the Mahjong games (sorry. lol, I love play Mahjong tiles ^_^) right away on his communicator that he receive from his mother. Kurama smiled, gladded that Kiyoshi have something to do while they gets to the 20th century.
“Computer, what is the axils tilt of the Earth 20th century extreme seasonal weather?”
“About, 35 degrees as data resulted.”
“Anything else, that might occur on planet Earth?”
“Yes, SW (Spirit World) was established in order to protect the planet with the developing civilization, high probability of greatly influencing the course of history and less with undeveloped places within Makai. All individual and organization belong to the SWF section are required, unless faced with clear dangers to life's and livings creatures…” Kurama smiled as she looked over at Kiyoshi still playing Mahjong as his kitten, Mil, were on his laps.
“Alright, conventional engines, full power… course 156, mark 286. Complete course entries. Speeds are at maximum… program activates.” Everything is now set up, systems are ready to launch back in time.
“WOW!” Kiyoshi looking out side the window at the stars as many of stars past them, as Arias speeded to maximum power.
“Computer, please inform us if anything approached this direction.” Kurama asked, Kiyoshi still try to beat round sixth of Mahjong as Kurama write a note's and stuff, 5 hour's later Arias report.
“...” Kiyoshi was confused, `it must have been something reported.'
“What time are we at Arias?” Kiyoshi asked.
“The year 2000's in the 20th century.” Arias replies.
“That was fast, we're in the year 2000 already?” Kiyoshi asked, looking at the map.
“Yes dear, we're in the year 2000. Computer, is there a safe place for us to land in?” Kurama replies and then asking, looking at the map as Arias ship approached the Earth.
“There an opening spotted near a temple. Not too far from Mushiyori City.” Computer said, analyzing and giving Kurama data of the spot near a temple. `Hmm… A temple huh, perhaps they'll let us stay.' Kurama thought looking at Kiyoshi who was scanning for Makai land.
“The Makai has life form their, lots of plants and demons too…why can we land there Momma?” Kurama looked at Kiyoshi and chuckled a little.
“Kiyoshi dear, if we land there, there might be a chance will never get back to our time. Demon might wreck space ship functioning and system if they ever find Arias.” Kurama smiled while chuckling. Kiyoshi hold out Nil in front of Kurama face, Mil squeak.
“Nil doesn't think so.” Kiyoshi said, Kurama again patting Mil gently.
*** Nigenkai, in the morning
“Hmm?” Yukina wondered, as a quick's dark figures disappear and then reappeared next to Yukina with knife next to her neck.
“Brother?” Yukina asked, as she approached the dark figures.
“Yukina!!!” Kuwabara yelled, after seeing a demon with his weapon next to Yukina throat.
“What with the screaming Kuwabara… who are you?!” Yusuke yelled ready to attacks the demon and rescue Yukina, Hiei and Kurama both came out after hear both Yusuke and Kuwabara yelling at the top of their lungs.
“If you don't want this maiden to died, then do as I said Detective's.” The demon said, looking at all four Spirit Detective. Niichi came out with an angry face's after hearing both Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled.
“You, your Blaze aren't you?!” Niichi said, yelled at the same time. Blaze smiled, gladded that Niichi still remember him.
“You know him?” Kuwabara asked, turned back looking toward Niichi. Niichi nodded, and glaring her eyes angrily toward Blaze with Yukina next to his blade. Then came out of nowhere, there were an explosion on Blaze right size.
“We're stuck?!” Kuwabara scream.
“It his ability's…to paralyze his opponent.” Niichi said, struggled to moves. Blaze smirked without looking at Niichi.
“What?!” Blaze yelled looking up at the sky, and then came out of nowhere; there were an explosion on Blaze right size. Niichi smiled, and smirk at Blaze.
“Computer, prepared for landing.” Kurama said, program ever system as Arias preparing for landing. They were still high in the atmosphere of the Earth.
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
When the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone
Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ahhh
Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah Ah-Ah
I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone .” The music was turn on and the volume was at minimum.
“Kiyoshi turn the off dear.” Kurama said, standing up from her sit, she walked toward the door on the back of the space ship. Kiyoshi nodded, and then turn the music off.
“Kiyoshi dear, you're in charge of Arias.” Kiyoshi nodded, jump over to where Kurama sit and pilot Arias, as Kurama open the door. A gust of wind blows against her, she then jump out of the air on to a tree near by, quickly without Blaze knowing. Blaze looked up in the sky, Arias ship seems to be heading toward him.
“KURAMA!!” Blaze yelled again, `What the… what is she doing here?! How did she know where that little rat is?!” Blaze thought, as Arias approaching. No one could believe what Blaze has yelled; surely, Kurama was right there next to the gang…
“Kiyoshi, aim toward Blaze. Fire on the right, do not aim to close….” Kurama ordered through her communicator, Kiyoshi nodded and locked Arias on target toward Blaze.
“Arias are lock on target, Momma.” Kiyoshi said, looking for a launching button.
“Ready aim… Fire!” Kiyoshi shoots missed and, then stopped for his mother next commands through his communicator.
“You're lucky brat, but next time you won't be so lucky.” Blaze said letting go of Yukina, after letting go of Yukina then he felt a sharp blade right behind his back, it was Kurama (well another Kurama) weapon; the *Nether Realm blade*, F*Kurama ready to pierces through his back.
“Blaze?” F*Kurama asked looking at Blaze, he then run away from the temple, into the forest and disappears.
* I think I should try to get Kurama using a new weapon, the *Nether Realm blade.
+ I have had few attacks I have known from using this kind of weapon back in Japan, it a long wooden pole with a blade at it end.
It lights weight and a little heavy with a scarlet colors on it. (Though it not really a Nether Realm blade, it actual name was just scarlet blade *I'm just fooling around, don't take me serious. I really like the whip and all, but something is up so I'm changing the whip to a stick.)
Similar to the Guan Dao, though it pretties much different techniques while I've watch myself practicing this weapon last year's back in Japan.
I realize it would be fun for Kurama (future) to use this kind of weapon, so yeah that pretty much what I've had in mind.
Ok everyone, I know this suck. Nevertheless, I am running out of idea, you will just have to wait a while for me to update another one.
Until next time guy's.
PLEASE REVIEW, I do not mind if you do not review… your choice.
Ja! By the way, I don't really know what to say about this, but THANKS to all that reading this.
I did proof read this but I may have some errors...please forgive them, there should be few or lot of error (come on guys and gals… no one is perfect, if you are then you must be a god or goddess or something to be that perfect.) Later to all. ^_^
Name: Blaze (The leader)
Age: 24
Height: 6ft 2'
Weapon: Sovereign of blades
Rank: A
Race: ???
Location: South of Makai (He once works as a soldier for Mukuro territory)
Bio: In hatred of Mukuro, he vows to kill Mukuro and take over her land…which bring him to the ideas of invading the Spirit World and steal the Mandate of Heaven and the Imperial Seal to destroy Mukuro and her territory.
Distinguish himselft with his unerring jugdment and cool head on the battlefield. He became the leader of his groups.
Name: Kianu
Age: 23
Height: 5ft 7'
Weapon: Sword with long blade
Weapon name: Setsuna
Rank: A
Race: ???
Location: Valley in Magnavox of Makai
Bio: Famous for his lighting quick strikes and ability with his blade, he was merciless to his enemies and generous to his allies. Kianu simply agree to Blaze, and take over the whole Makai.
Name: Kamikaze
Age: 19
Height: 5ft 6'
Weapon: sabers swords kind
Weapon name: Prodigal
Rank: B
Race: Eliot
Location: ???
Bio: Kamikaze, a gentlemen's whose every action was motivate by duty, though known for his temper, he took excellent care of his allies. Blaze was amazeby his skill, and later he agree to join up with Blaze.
Name: Kakemono
Age: 18
Height: 6ft 6'
Weapon: Sword like blade
Weapon name: Wind Sabres
Rank: B
Race: Eliot
Location: ???
Bio: His tireless sense of duty on the battlefield earned him admiration from friends and foe alike. He then join Blaze after Kline, he like to have a challenge with her… their deal was if he win, Kline has to tell everything about her identity. But if he's lose, she want him to jump in the lake and drown. Both are not a couple, but Kakemono does like to make joke about her.
Name: Kamemon
Age: 22
Height: 5ft 9'
Weapon: Long elbow sword
Weapon name: Demon Slayers
Rank: A
Race: Eliot
Location: On the East side near Gandara
Bio: Mysterious man whose does not show much affection to anyone, love to kill demon ever since he was a child.
Name: Kameko
Age: 22
Height: 6ft
Weapon: Sharp metal blade with long claw
Weapon name: Infernal Talon
Rank: B
Race: Ails
Location: ???
Bio: ???
Name: Kina
Age: 16
Height: 5ft 3'
Weapon: Flute
Weapon name: Dark Moon Flute
Rank: A
Race: ???
Location: Near Gandara
Bio: ???
Name: Hyena
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 4'
Weapon: Spring Steel Sabres
Weapon name: Dark Spirit
Rank: A
Race: Klaus
Location: ??? (Hyena and her sister travel a lot. They do not stay in one place at all.)
Bio: Older sister of Haynes, she was a pragmatist who never loses her composure under pressure. She always protective of her little sister, after what they been through their childhood. After hearing the plan from Kianu, she agrees to join up with Blaze to take over Makai.
Name: Haynes
Age: 19
Height: 5ft 4'
Weapon: Spring Steel Sabres
Weapon name: Demon Spirit
Rank: B
Race: Klaus
Location: ??? (Haynes and her sister travel a lot. They do not stay in one place at all.)
Bio: Hyena little sister… she love joking around, though she averse to hatred and war, she put on a brave front for the sake of her sister. Surviving is that most difficult of her sister and herself live in Makai, mother and father died from being slaughters by countless demons. Like her sister say “In order to survive, you must fight. We are too a demon and we are no different from them. If they were to kill us, we have no choice but to kill them. That is how we should survive from now on.” She and Hyena always stand by each other and fight for each other lives. She joins Blaze along with her older sister, after the agreement.
Name: Jue
Age:??? (Older than Hiei)
Height: 5ft 5'
Weapon: Ice blade
Weapon name: Celestial light
Rank: B
Race: Koorime
Location: ??? No longer, live in Koorime City
Bio: She left shortly before Hiei was born; she wasn't exactly being exiles or anything. Though she left without any reason to why she left Koorime City, though she has one unaccomplished missions to be finish. After accomplish the mission, she returns to her homeland, Koorime City. Jue then rethink whether she wants to return to Koorime City. Kamemon came and pursuing her to join up with the team, for they will rule the whole Makai lands.
Name: Xisa
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 6'
Weapon: double hook swords
Weapon name: Phoenix Wing
Rank: A
Race: Klaus
Location: In the north 25 mile away from Gandara
Bio: Xisa is cheerful woman who hate to losing. She took a strong interest in martial arts and always looks forward to the frontline during battles. She always expects a strong opponent during the battlefield.
Name: Xiao
Age: 15
Height: 5ft 4' cm
Weapon: Double Daggers
Weapon name: True Beauty
Rank: A
Race: Luscious
Location: Near Demon grave yard in the north of Gandara, far away from
Bio: A spirited young girl who's unknown to her ability. She always being mysterious, her hobby is hacking to system mainframe, known for her integrity and sharp wit in battle... She a bit naive in battle sometimes, she treated battles as a types of diversion. Though she enjoy accompanies her best friend Jue and Xisa into battles. Soon after, Xiao join up with Blaze and his groups.
Name: Kumiko
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 7'
Weapon: Maces
Weapon name: Muse
Rank: B
Race: Claudius
Location: in the northland
Bio: A woman of peerless beauty, although she a capable warrior, she was admonished by Blaze for her lack of scholarship and became an avid pursuer of learning. Her unassuming personality earned her the trust of many peoples. After hearing new from her closet allies, Kakemono, she also despite all three ruler of Makai… that lead her to agreeing of joining up in Blaze group.
Name: Sunset
Age: 19
Height: 6ft 2'
Weapon: Steel fan
Weapon name: Fatal Grace
Rank: B
Race: ???
Location: enjoy living in Nigenkai
Bio: A friendly young woman whose despite all mankind, after learning about Hyena and Haynes past… with pity she advise them to live in Nigenkai, the human world is more safe than Makai though every day lives isn't so easy. With that both sister refuse, but thanks her for the kind offers. She joins Blaze, after being force by Ghost. She and Ghost are close, though she knows nothing of Ghost identity.
Name: Kline
Age: 18
Height: 5ft 8'
Weapon: Sabres tooth hooks
Weapon name: Lightning Twister
Rank: A
Race: ???
Location: ???
Bio: ???
Name: Ghost
Age: ???
Height: ???
Weapon: sword
Weapon name: Swift Rapier
Rank: ???
Race: ???
Location: ???
Bio: ???
(All of Blaze allies gather many demons within Makai, from the present time. Now they are ready to battle with their forces against Makai ruler.)