Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 25

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Jin, wake up,” Touya insisted from beside the slumbering wind serpent. Seeing his companion continuing to snore loudly to drown out his words, the ice master huffed irritably before focusing a great deal of frost power into his right palm. Placing his palm on Jin's shoulder, he managed to shock him awake. “About damn time.”
“Great Gods above!” Jin hissed angrily, jumping awake from the frost shock. Seeing that it was his partner, he bared his teeth. “What's wrong with you!” He exclaimed angrily. He recoiled away from his friend, his elfin ears back to show his dismay in the way he was awoken.
Touya crossed his arms over his chest, his sky-blue eyes shifting up and down as if to look Jin over. “You disappeared last night. Where exactly did you wander off to?” He turned his head inquisitively, watching as Jin nervously backed away from him. “Jin?” Touya pried once more, not getting an answer. “Where did you go?”
Jin was scrunched up in an almost defensive position. He was still angry that he was awoken in such a rude way, so the redhead continued to glare at Touya. “I just went to back to the Cormac Farm for a little bit.” He sighed at having to release that information, but he knew telling Touya the truth would only get him an earful of a lecture.
“Jin!” Touya hissed angrily, showing he wasn't pleased with his friend's choice. “What did I tell you about going back there!”
Sighing, Jin slithered the opposite direction of where Touya was standing to go about the day. “I just wanted to get revenge for what that knight did to Silver those many years ago.” Having to be reminded of it, he couldn't help but look angrily off to the side. He hated having to recall how Silver's body fell to the ground in pain from being stabbed in the chest by a human weapon. Shaking the thought from his head, he huffed slightly while ducking under a nearby tree branch to continue through the woods.
“Jin,” Touya began seriously, following behind his friend, “getting revenge on anyone isn't going to bring her back. It is just going to cause more problems.”
“I know,” Jin grumbled.
Touya shook his head with a heavy sigh, resting against a nearby tree for the moment. “It is best to move onwards from Silver. I understand how much she meant to you, but she is now part of the earth once more.” He pushed himself off of the tree to continue a decent pace behind Jin the wind master.
“I am aware!” Jin exclaimed this time, stopping in his tracks to turn around to yell at Touya. He found it frustrating to be told things he already knew. Witnessing Touya's shocked expression over his reaction, Jin shifted his gaze from his friend. “I am aware that it won't do any bit of good to take revenge, but I need to put this restless feeling inside of me to sleep.” Feeling the sun against his bare skin, Jin looked to the rising light. “All I know was I let her down. And I have to live with that every day I wake. I am tired of feeling like I failed her.”
Moving cautiously over towards Jin, Touya's serpent half crunched the small twigs and dead leaves beneath his body. He placed a reassuring hand upon Jin's shoulder with a smile to his friend. “You did everything you could that night. I am sure Silver understands.”
While a part of Jin knew this was true, he still couldn't find it within himself to subdue the angered part of him that refused to be caged by any means. He watched the sun continue to slowly come into the sky to light up the world around them, desiring to take it all in with hopes of forgetting the past.
The road further ahead began to rumble as a black mare suddenly stormed across the plains of Eytheria. Neda upon Black Rose's back, she hurried the horse to the market place, as she had promised to meet a friend within the protective walls. With the walls made of stone coming slowly into view just over the hills, she smiled widely. “Come on, Rose! You can go faster than this!” When the mare picked up pace, she threw her hands up in the air with her beige hair whipping about wildly behind her.
The drawbridge down for them to cross, the two made it past the guards without them prompting her to stop, as she didn't have any goods with her that needed to be checked. The guards at the front of the bridge usually only stopped people peddling goods just to make sure nothing illegal was within them. The horse's hooves clopping on the hard land, Neda managed to slow the creature down so as not to hurt her from running at a fast pace on such a rough ground. Pulling back on the reins a bit more, she recognized the surroundings about her. Looking about the crowd of people, Neda pinpointed the person she was searching for. “Nash!” She called with a wave of her hand, nudging her heels into Rose's sides. “Nash, over here!”
The winter elf looked over his shoulder to find Neda coming his way. He smiled in return to her, waving her down. “Neda,” he said in return, making his way towards her. “I didn't expect you to be here so early.” His white hair was quite long, reaching his knees. He kept it usually tied back in some fashion. That day he had some of the strands up front tied back in braids to keep the rest of his hair away from his face with a few feathers decorating his silver tresses. Nothing else changed over the years regarding his appearance.
“I thought I would race against time just to see how early I could get here,” Neda explained, as she dismounted her horse thanks to Nash's help. “Besides, I know Rose is really good at running. I just want to see her put those legs of hers to the test.” Handing her horse over to the local stable keep, she grabbed the fabric of her dress to make way for her brown boots. “So, what do you have in plan today?”
“I found exploring these human places to be fascinating,” explained Nash, as he guided Neda through the northern area of the market place. “But as I was exploring, I came upon this one place to the north that consists of a small room for people to dance with one another.”
Neda gave Nash a rather weird look at hearing of such a place. “Dance? You know I don't dance well…actually, come to think of it, I don't dance at all!” She never gave much thought into dancing. It made her feel weird having to follow a man around on a floor in fancy attire.
“If you're ever going to attend anything regarding the palace, you might want to learn a few things,” Nash insisted with a brief chuckle. The door of the place coming into view, he looked up at the swinging sign made of wood. There were no words on the sign, merely a design of a couple dancing. Opening the door, he directed Neda on inside. “Ladies first.”
Chuckling softly at his gentleman attitude, Neda took his escorting hand and walked on inside of the building. “Thank you, kind sir,” she spoke jokingly, even if he was being sincere in his actions. Stepping inside, she found the interior to be mostly an open space for people to practice dancing upon. It was made of wood and on the outer areas of the room there were places to sit upon. “If I make a fool of myself, it is on your head, Nash,” she mumbled, upon noticing the other people there.
He muffled his soft laugh against his fist, turning Neda around to direct her hands on the right places of his body. “You won't make a fool of yourself, because I am here.” Holding her right hand, he placed his other upon her hip to guide her about the room in a graceful rhythm. “All you have to do is follow my footsteps.” He could tell she was nervously trying to keep up with him as it was. “Just pretend like you're following me about the town. Dancing can be that simple—,” here, he spun Neda outwards before pulling her back in. “—with a few added moves, of course.”
“Where does a winter elf learn to dance like this?” Neda asked curiously, keeping her eyes on his. She felt her feet nearly dragging around the floor, as she was trying to anticipate his every move.
“Even us `barbarians' need to have some form of class,” Nash insisted with a shake of his head. “I promise our society isn't all tactless.”
She could tell in some of his words she had offended him. “I apologize, Nash. I guess I just never get the chance to learn much about you and your people except from the books here,” she explained, as she was spun away from the winter elf again only to be pulled gracefully back.
“And those books are written by the narrow minded.” His tone was a bit spiteful. “If you ever desired to, I could easily take you to my clan.” Seeing the shocked look upon her face, he shrugged slightly against her hand, which was upon his shoulder. “It would do you some good to see what our people are actually like instead of reading it from people who view our ways as barbaric.”
Neda was so caught up in his suggestion that she wasn't paying attention to her feet anymore. They were actually keeping up with Nash's as her mind wandered. “I do suppose it is a thought,” she said nervously. The dance between the two soon ending with the song being played in the background by the musicians, Neda stared long and hard at Nash's narrow, piercing blue eyes, which looked right back at her with a neutral expression. She knew he was serious about his comment, but was unaware if she should consider it. The applaud breaking her concentration for the moment, she pulled her hand from Nash's to watch as the spectators were applauding those who showed what they had on the dance floor. With being brought back to reality, she took in a deep breath and hurried out the door.
“Neda!” Nash called between them, watching as she made haste for the exit. Hurrying after her, he made it back out into the cobblestone streets to find her trying to make it back towards the stable, so she could grab her horse and go home. “Wait! I didn't mean to startle you with such a proposal!”
Stopping in her footsteps, Neda looked over her shoulder at Nash. She frowned at him, her fists firmly at her sides. “I just…that is a big thing for you to ask,” she explained. “I know all of those books can be one-sided, but I would feel like a complete outsider.”
Nash couldn't help but lift one brow at her. “You mean like how I feel here everyday?” He inquired matter-of-factly. When Neda went quiet, he walked up towards the young woman. “I promise, if you ever went to my tribe, you would see probably some interesting things, but nothing too different from what you witness here.” Upon seeing her consider it in her movements and expression, he smiled tenderly. “You don't have to consider it right now but just think on it.”
“You always know how to throw in a surprising act, Nash,” said Neda, as they headed on their way through the town.
“I have my moments. Besides, it would be good for you to see how we actually live.” Turning the corner up ahead, he headed towards the western gate, so that they could head outside for a moment at the very least. “I promise we are nothing like those beasts they portray us to be.” The suns rays beating down on him, he walked down the stone walkway, which led to the grasslands about the western gate in hopes of finding a nice, relaxing spot.
In the distance, Jin was slithering around cautiously to watch as Neda made her appearance once more. He had been tracking her smell since after his breakfast and noticed that it had gone into the human market place. When he could sense her coming outside, he quickly hid off to the side in the tall grass. “A winter elf?” He said to himself mostly, hurrying over towards the rock formation to the right of him to get a better look and hide himself more. “What is one doing all the way out here?” Jin had better knowledge of races other than humans, as most weren't hostile towards serpent demons. He had known of the winter elf race for some time; especially since one clan almost mistook Touya as some form of god.
“I guess a lot of our literature is one-sided at times.” Neda watched the trees shake gently from the subtle wind about them. For a moment, she was lost within nature's beauty.
Nash smiled, looking down upon her. “It is wise to take such a thing like that into consideration. Not every race in Eytheria is barbaric though humans place such a judgment, as they do not understand. And while some things may appear aggressive, usually they are for reasons.” Looking up at the positioning of the sun, Nash sighed heavily. “I do suppose it is time I head back to my clan. It'll be nightfall by the time I get there.”
Locked in thought by what Nash had just said to her, she turned around to watch the elf whistle for his steed. He rarely ever gave it to the stable keep in the Eytheria Market Place, as Nash explained he never trusted the guy. The white horse with black speckles on the coat trotted over to his master. “Thanks for spending time with me, Nash,” Neda finally spoke, watching Nash mount up on the horse.
“Anytime, Neda. Just be careful going home tonight.” His heels meeting with the horse's side, the steed took off into the distance.
Neda knew she might as well get out of the market area herself. She wasn't in a desire to go home, but anytime she was within town, it made her nervous that she may very well run into Thane. While she was able to stand the knight to a degree thanks to him saving her life that night, she still found it very hard to speak with him.
With her horse soon retrieved from the stables, Neda set off not towards home but to a nearby riverbank not too far from the castle walls. Stopping Rose just inches from it so the mare could graze, the young woman pulled out her pad and paper to sit down at the bank to start sketching in solitude, or so she thought.
Jin slithered in the background quietly, making sure he didn't startle the horse or alert Neda to where he was. There wasn't many places to hide given the plain atmosphere. He made sure to try and stay low in the grass, watching from just around the hillside. Inside, he couldn't help but feel relieved many times over that Neda was all right. “I cannot believe how fast humans grow,” he said to himself in the distance. “It has been so long since I last caught the smell of the other sister, I don't know if she is even around anymore.” The thought was bothering him a little. He had promised Pearl he would make sure they were both okay, and he was hoping he put them both in the right hands.
Neda looked up from her piece of paper she was drawing on with her pen. She felt as though someone were watching her at that moment, causing her to turn around to find nothing out there but Rose grazing contently. “Hello?” She called, getting to her feet to make sure. “Anybody out there?” With the wind moving about the grass contently, Neda felt a bit eased by it all. “I guess there is nothing there.” Hearing a slight thundering in the distance, Neda looked over her shoulder to see storm clouds bellowing in. “I guess I better hurry and get home.” Putting away her paper and pen in the bag she had hanging over her shoulder, Neda hurried towards Rose to swing herself on top of the horse.
Jin watched from where he was hiding as Neda ran off in the direction of the woods. “Foolish human! Why would she run through there!” He growled to himself, hurrying after her, knowing it wasn't safe.
Neda felt the fastest way back home was a shortcut she often took through the woods. She knew on occasion it wasn't safe; especially if a storm was approaching, but she felt it was her best bet at the moment. The thundering getting worse and the lightening striking the ground, Neda tried her best not to glance over her shoulder. The sounds frightening her, the farm girl could feel the rain tapping upon her body soon enough. “The rain is already upon us, Rose,” she breathed heavily down to the horse, feeling a bit frantic inside to get back to the farm. “You have to hurry!”
The pounding of the hooves alerting the nearby serpent demons, the narrow eyes of the demons pierced through the darkness to catch the human female dashing by. One in particular couldn't help but smirk in delight at the current weather and the woman's position. Raising his middle finger to the sky, he beckoned to the lightening, causing the bolt to strike down in front of the horse to startle the poor creature and cause Neda to go flying from the mare's back. When the woman landed in the dirt with a heavy thud, the demon made his appearance beside her. His primary scales made of almost a golden color and a pink underbelly. Using the tip of his tail, he touched the unconscious Neda to make sure she was out for the time being.
“It is so easy to get these poor beasts off course,” the demon snickered, slowly guiding his serpent body about her in hopes of crushing her bones and squeezing the life out of her.
Jin coming into view, he quickly reached his hand out with a shake of his head. “Suzaku—STOP!”
Hearing the all too familiar voice, the demon serpent, Suzaku turned his head to meet eye to eye with Jin. “Jin…my little brother.” Here he smirked evilly with a toss of his wild, blond hair, which was now getting soaked in the downpour. “How long has it been?” He bared his fangs with an annoyed hiss and added growl. “You left my nest forever ago, brother. Why dare show yourself in the parts where I live?”
“Let the human go,” Jin demanded to his elder brother, knowing how stubborn the lightening user could be. “She doesn't mean any harm to you.”
Suzaku looked over at the passed out woman with a sneer before gazing back at Jin through the lightening flashes, which persisted throughout the clouded sky. “So you've come to love these horrible, fragile creatures, have you?” He could see it in Jin's eyes from where he was standing. “I guess that old alpha of yours let you get too close to them.”
“Leave Dustin out of this one, Suzaku.” Jin hated having to think of the demon he felt he betrayed and let down. “Only the higher power can say what a better brother he was compared to you!”
Not phased by the comment, though the others in his clan threatened to attack, Suzaku raised his hand to silence those in his nest. “And here I thought you didn't believe in any higher power. Fascinating.” His serpent half still tightening about Neda's body, he grinned darkly. “Attached to this creature, are you?” Showing Jin his sharp nails, he moved them down to Neda's exposed neck. “I think you have forgotten what was decided years ago, my brother. If any human was to be spotted, they were to be killed on sight.”
Jin watched nervously as Suzaku moved the flat part of his nail against Neda's throat. “I am aware of that fact,” he answered coldly to his brother. “But for personal reasons, this one is off limits to that law.”
“Is that so?” Suzaku's eyes narrowed, as he than used his nail to pierce Neda's skin to cut a long line across the side of her neck to cause her blood to bubble forth and flow from the cut he created.
“Suzaku!” Jin yelled angrily with a hiss. “I understand what anger you have for the human race, but this girl shouldn't be part of that!” He stopped inches from his brother's face knowing that if he got any closer, the others would attack him. “Let her go, and I will leave you be, but if you dare kill her in front of me, I will attack you all, and I will kill you, brother!” Jin warned Suzaku in a very low and angry tone.
The lightening demon knew that his younger brother wasn't kidding. He scoffed at Jin's attitude, releasing his hold on Neda's body to toss her at the wind demon. “So damn soft, as always,” he grumbled aloud, moving away from Jin. Slithering back off of the dirt trail, he nodded at his nest to continue onwards. “If you don't watch what you're doing, Jin, you're going to get yourself killed, and I will refuse to hold that on my shoulders. If you die, that's your own fault.”
He could hint a bit of worry within his elder brother's tone, but he knew most of it was just Suzaku wanting to wash the thought of it from his hands and mind. Jin shook his head at his elder brother, looking down at the injured Neda. “I need to get you out of this rain.” He sniffed the air around him, not smelling anything that would give him any indication that the farm was near. “We may have to stop somewhere for the night.”
Jin managed to find a rock formation not too far away that had enough cover for him to hide Neda within. Making sure her body was completely out of the rain, he moved her long, fawn colored hair out of the way to look at the wound Suzaku had intentionally placed upon her. “With the amount of sleep toxins his nails no doubt put into your system, you should be out for awhile, I would hope.” Hearing the leaves crunch about nearby, Jin got on alert. “Who is there?” Nobody answering back, he remained ready to attack with his poisonous teeth bared until relaxing at seeing his friend come into view. “Touya? How did you find me?”
Touya made his way inside as well, sheltering himself from the rain. “You're not the only one who is good at stealthily following someone around.” He sighed with a shake of his wet hair. “I've been following you since you left earlier in the day to track down this woman.” Smelling and spying the blood, he hissed irritably. “What happened? What did you do!”
“Suzaku,” Jin merely mentioned, his eyes narrowed with anger and hate.
“Suzaku?” Touya looked around the area confused, smelling of the air as well. “He isn't around anymore, is he? What was he doing all the way out here?”
“No, he left sometime ago.” Having to be reminded of his brother was a bit painful for Jin. He didn't wish to continue onwards with the conversation.
“I can see he left his mark on her.” Touya placed his cold hand on Neda's neck. “He didn't bite her, did he?” Seeing Jin shake his head, the ice master was relieved. There was not much that could be done if a serpent demon bit a human if it wasn't treated right away. “Wait right here,” Touya demanded, making his leave momentarily.
Jin did as he was asked this time. Turning to the sleeping Neda, he placed his hand on her forehead to move some of her stray hairs away from her face. “It has been so many moons since I last saw you.” He admired the way she looked in her new elder form. In a way, he was almost reminded of Pearl with how she was sleeping. It brought a painful reminder of Pearl reaching up to him before she died. Shaking the horrible memory from his mind, he cupped Neda's head with his tail.
Touya hurried back with all that was needed to make sure Neda was going to be okay. “This should help her injury heal.” With him, he had a paluu tree leaf with some kind of berries on it. “Since I last got to know Kurama back at the old nest, I was able to learn a few things from him, as well as learn on my own afterwards. These voltru berry juice will subdue the pain she is feeling if I apply it on the injury. It'll help her heal.”
Looking down at the dress Neda was wearing, Jin ripped a part of it off at the bottom to give Touya something to apply it on. “Here, try this.”
“I could have used the tree leaf with honey to keep it in place,” Touya suggested with a confused shrug.
“I know, but this is more of a human way to do things. The last thing we need to do is wrap her up in our way,” Jin explained. “Just wrap the fabric gently about her neck after you put the berry juice on it.”
Touya wasn't about to argue, so he took the fabric from Jin and began to do what he suggested. When the juice met with Neda's injury, he felt the girl tense and moan from the pain of the reaction at first. It caused Touya to pause in his actions. “She is out cold, right? You said Suzaku did use his nails, yes?”
“She isn't going to wake up for awhile,” Jin assured his friend. “Suzaku's nails must have pumped a good bit into her system.”
“I just hope he didn't overdo it.” Touya placed his hands upon Neda's cheek. “She is quite warm. Being so soaked, she might get sick.” He knew what it would lead to, but a part of him felt uncomfortable doing it. “I can make a fire if need be but, seeing as she is your charge, you're going to have to remove her clothes.”
“Remove her clothes?” Jin asked a bit confused, twitching his elfin like ear. “You mean…all of it?”
“All of it, or she will get sick!” Touya added, scurrying out of the area to find what he would need to make a fire.
Jin took in a deep breath, as he reached for Neda's dress. He knew he had to remove her for her sake, even if he was nervous in doing so. Helping her out of the soaking wet attire, he felt her body begin to tremble. Knowing she was just cold, he moved her closer to him while wrapping his serpent body about her human form cautiously to try and keep her warm. “You're going to be okay. I promise,” he whispered in her ear.
When the fire was soon in place thanks to Touya, Jin made sure that Neda was close enough to it, so she could get dried off. Her trembling did eventually stop upon her body and hair drying. Jin moved the palm of his hand carefully about her face to make sure she remained asleep for the time being. “Even years later, you still manage to find your way into trouble,” he chuckled at the relief of her at least being okay. “The way her hair flows reminds me of Silver almost…”
Catching Jin's words over the crackling of the fire, Touya shook his head. “Jin, don't go there. I know what you're thinking, and that is a bad idea. Not to mention, it is impossible given who and what you are and her feelings towards your kind.”
“Just once I'd like to be able to walk around and see what it is like to be a human. See what the world is like through their eyes,” Jin explained. He felt the desire was innocent enough. He was tired of being hunted by human weapons and feel as though the world didn't belong to him.
“Given that chance, you would still be an outsider!” Touya exclaimed quietly between them. “Jin, you know nothing about their world.” He was quiet for a moment before finding his words again. “I know you're upset Silver died by their hands, and I know there is no replacement for her, but you need to go searching for your own kind.”
“But where?” Asked the redhead with a somber sigh. “After that attack, most of the serpent demons were either wiped out or I am forbidden to even go see. There are no females left around here. If there are, I would be lucky to find one not but a carcass!”
Touya knew Jin was right. If any female serpent demon were ever left alive, a knight would always find her and kill her with ease if they had no mate to protect them. “Do you really want this silly wish of yours to come true?” Seeing Jin not really respond to it, Touya rolled his eyes. “Look, after we drop the human off later in the night, we will stop by Suzuka's house. That man works for human and demon alike, and he has created the most amazing potions and weapons I have ever known of. He may be able to help.”
“I just want to try this one thing,” Jin insisted quietly between them. “Maybe I won't resent the humans as much if I try seeing things through their eyes. Or better yet, maybe I can enlighten them as Lily and her father once tried.”
“All I ask of you is to be careful,” said Touya. “If Suzuka can really make such a potion, I worry about what it may do to you and your body.” Deep down, the ice master couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach over the mere thought of it actually working and Jin remaining as a human permanently. Sighing out his frustrations, he removed himself from the fire. “I will return shortly with food. Just watch over her till I return.” Wishing to take his mind off of things as well, Touya made his way out into the woods to be alone.