Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Kirsune ❯ Into a New World ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch 1: Into a New World


In a small town in West Virginia, a teenage female goes through a seemingly normal break-up but it is much more than that. Her name is Kaela Star and she must say goodbye to her friends and family until she can fully control her new powers. Kaela is a typical 17 year old, high school senior. Her long dark brown hair and her unusually dark brown eyes make her very unique. She is off to Japan to find someone who can teach her to control her powers.


“Shuichi, a young lady from America will be here around 7pm. Will you meet her at the airport and show her around?”

“Yes, Mother. I’ll head over there now.” Kurama said as he walked out the door.

~*~At the Airport~*~

‘I’m sooo bored. Could this flight be any longer?’ Kaela thought after she woke up from a little nap. Just a little longer and they will land in Tokyo, Japan.

“Excuse me but how much longer until we land?” Kaela asked.

“Not much longer, dear. We’re just waiting for clearance.” the lady next to her replied.

“Thank you.”

“Attention please. We will be landing shortly. Please, return to your seat and fasten your seat belts and thank you for flying with Delta Airlines.”

‘Finally, I can get off this stupid plane.’

“Thank goodness for solid ground.” Kaela said after she got off the plane. “Now where am I suppose to go?”

She looked around for a little bit but she knew that she was completely lost. Pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket, she re-read the information on it.

“Okay so I’m suppose be met here by someone named Minamino? Well THAT’S a big help.” Kaela sighed, looking around once more then noticed a handsome young man looking at her. ‘It might help to ask someone and he looks like he might know.’

Kaela then grabbed her stuff and walked over to him.

“Excuse me. I’m looking for someone by the name of Minamino.”

“You must be the young lady from America. I am Shuiichi Minamino.” Shuiichi smiled at her.

“I’m Kaela Star. Nice to meet you.” Shuiichi took her bags and got the rest of her stuff.

The way to Shuiichi’s home was quiet. When they arrive, Shuiichi’s mom came out to greet them. At dinner, they mostly talked about Kaela’s trip and where she was from. After dinner, Kaela went to unpack her things. Her room was very nice and behind one of the doors was a bathroom.

All Kaela wanted to do was go to bed. She got into the shower and washed off. When she got out, she started to dry her hair but she could somehow sense someone in her room but didn’t think much of it, thinking that it was Shuiichi or his mother.

As she walked into the room, she saw someone sitting in the window in black clothing. His piercing red eyes watched her every move.

“Who are you?” He asked getting up from the window.

“Kaela, do you need any more blankets for your bed?” the guy froze at the voice of Shuiichi’s mother.

“No thank you. I’m fine. Good night.” Kaela said sweetly.

“Alright. Night dear.”

“You had the prefect chance to save yourself.” the guy said as he walked closer. Just then the door opened and in came Shuiichi.

“Hiei, what are you doing here?”

“You know this guy, Shuiichi?” Kaela asked somewhat confused.

“Yes, this is my friend Hiei. Hiei, this is my guest Kaela.” Shuiichi smiled.

“Hn. You could have warned me.” Hiei said as he sat back down in the window.

“Sorry about that. Kaela, Hiei usually sleeps on the window sill in this room and is gone by morning…”

“I don’t mind if he stays here as long as he doesn’t bother me.” Kaela said as she walked to her bed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m tired and would like to go to sleep.”

“Very well. Good night Kaela, Hiei.”

“You’re not going to stare at me all night, are you?” Kaela asked as she pulled the covers down and turned off the lights. She sat on the bed looking at him until he finally looked away. “Good night.”

‘She is a very strange ningen. She seems to have some demonic powers and aura. I’ll keep an eye on her.’ Hiei thought before he drafted off into a light sleep.

~*~Kaela’s Dream~*~

It was the middle of the night when a young kitsune youkai awoke. The kitsune was a little girl about three years old. Her hair, ears, and tail were black with silver tips. The young girl’s silver eyes looked around the den for her parents.

“Momma, Papa?” the little girl called, wiping her eyes. From outside the den, she could hear shouts.

Crawling over to the opening of the den and sticking her head out, she saw her parents in the youkai forms growling at human warriors that were trying to kill them.

“Momma! Papa!” the little girl shouted.

“Run child! Do not let them catch you! Change into your youkai form and run! Run and find Yoko! He will protect you!” her mother yelled knowing that the child would understand her.

“GET THE RUNT!!! DON’T LET IT GET AWAY!” one of the humans yelled.

Her father caught one of the humans’ legs with one of his nine tails. Both of the little girl’s parents had nine tails.

The little girl was so full of fear but she listened to her mother and change forms. She looked back and said, “I LOVE YOU MOMMA, PAPA!!!” Then ran as fast as she could away from the fighting.

Kaela shot up from her bed covered in a cold sweat and breathing hard. She looked up at the window and saw red eyes looking back.

“That wasn’t a normal dream, was it?” Hiei asked not really caring.

“I don’t know what it was.” Kaela replied truthfully.

“You should try to get back to sleep. You’ll have a big day tomorrow.” Hiei said as he got comfortable again.

“Hiei, will you train me? I’m a quick learner.” Kaela asked hoping he would say yes.

Hiei looked at her for a moment. “Hn. You’ll have to learn somewhere and I am the best around.”

“Does that mean you’ll teach me?” Kaela asked, smiling brightly.

“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you when it time to leave.”

Kaela smiled and laid back down instantly falling back into her dream.


The young kitsune ran until she was to tired to run anymore and found a space under some tree roots to sleep for the rest of the night.

When morning came, the young kit woke to golden eyes looking at her. She pushed herself as far under the roots as she could.

“Come out little one. I’m not going to hurt you.” the voice sounded male and she didn’t trust any strange male.

“Are you Yoko Kurama?” the kit asked, thinking that this may be the one see was suppose to find.

“No, my name is Kazu but I can take you to him.” the male smiled, he was a young kitsune youkai as well. The male had to be about sixteen youkai years.

The little kit crawled out of her hiding spot and changed back into her humanoid form. Kazu bent down and picked her up.

“Hold on, okay?”

The little kit nodded and off they went as fast as Kazu could. Soon they arrived at a castle surrounded by all kinds of plants.

“Yoko, look what I found.” Kazu said as he joined the others in the meeting room.

“Is this the young princess?” someone said, looking at the little kit.

“Where are your parents, little one?” someone else asked.

“I don’t know, sir. Humans attacked our home in the middle of the night. The last time I saw them, they were fighting the humans so I could run away and find Yoko.” she explain, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke.

“What is your name?” the silver kitsune at the head of the table asked. His golden eyes piercing into her soul.

“My name is K…”

“Kaela, wake up.” Hiei said shaking her.

“Umm…Hiei, time to go already?” Kaela yawned.

“Hurry up.”

“I’ll need to change and grab a few things. I’ll have to write a note so Shuiichi knows where I am.”


Kaela quickly changed clothes and pack a small backpack to take along. She wrote a little note saying that she is with Hiei and that she was going to train.