Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Kirsune ❯ Dream World ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch 2: Dream World

Once they left Shuiichi’s, Hiei told Kaela to keep up then took off running. Kaela ran as fast as she could. To her surprise, she kept up quite well. Hiei started at a human’s normal speed and kept speeding up every so often.

‘Where is he taking me?’ Kaela thought after an hour or so of running. Suddenly, Hiei took off at his top speed. Kaela looked around a little bit not for sure what happened. Not seeing Hiei around, she stopped. Kaela wasn’t tired at all to her surprise.

Kaela finally realized that she was in a wooded area near a road. Not far from her were steps. She walked toward them and saw how many there were. At the top of the steps was Hiei.

‘What are we suppose to do at a shrine? Pray?’ Kaela thought as she walked up the steps.

“Master Genkia, are you really going to help train this girl?” a young female voice reached Kaela’s ears as she walked up the last couple of steps.

“Yes. If what you think is true, Hiei, then we will need to unlock it.” an old looking woman said.

“Excuse, unlock what?” Kaela asked walking up to them.

“Yukina and Genkia are going to help you unlock the meaning of your dreams.” Hiei stated. “I’ll return within three months.” He then disappeared.

“Come. Let us drive into your dreams.” Genkia said as she turned to walked back into the shrine.

‘The sooner this is done, the sooner Yusuke can have her. This girl cannot stay here longer than is needed.’

Just as Genkia thought that, a breeze swept around Kaela. Yukina was watching her closely and saw Kaela close her eyes. When she opened her eyes, they were silver and were glowing with power.

Kaela blinked, ‘Something’s not right.’

“Follow me.” Genkia said and started to walk toward a forest area. Kaela followed and Yukina walked a few steps behind. “You will go into the forest. You must mediate and live within there. There is a waterfall and fruit trees but there are creatures in there that will try to harm you.”

“Let me guess, I’ll have to fight those creatures and try to stay alive.” Kaela asked.

“That’s what I was planning for you to do.” Genkia said looking over her shoulder slightly.

When they reached the edge of the forest, Genkia and Yukina stopped. Kaela just stepped over the rope and went into the forest.

Kaela walked for almost an hour before she came to a huge tree. Next to the tree appeared to be two graves. She sat her stuff down and got into a meditative position. It didn’t take her long to go into a meditative state.

~*~Meditative Dream~*~

“It is nice to meet you, little one. My name is Yoko Kurama.” The silver haired kitsune said as he stood from his seat at the head of the table. Yoko walked over to the young kit. “Would you like to go and see your parents?”

“Can we?”

“Come. I’ll take you myself.” Yoko and the little kitsune went to her home. What they saw made the little kit burst into tears. Yoko hugged her to him.

What they saw were her parents bloodied and half burned. Yoko made graves and headstones right next to the tree had they lived under.

“Let’s go, little one. There is nothing more for us here.” Yoko watched the young kit as she made flowers grow around the graves.

“I love you, Momma, Papa.” A tear fell from her cheek as she stood and walked over to Yoko, looking back only once.

Years passed and the little kitsune grew. Yoko had taken her under his paw and raised her like she was his own and now he must make a decision. Either make a new life for her or get her killed for something he has done. Her skill has become great but she was still young.


A twig snapped and brought Kaela back to reality. Her eyes were silver for a second after she opened them. As she looked around, a little white kitsune kit looked out from a nearby tree root.

“Hello, little one. Come here. I won’t hurt you.”

The little kit walked over to her slowly. Kaela just smiled at the kit. “Why are you here?”

Kaela looked around for the voice then looked back at the kit. “Did you just speak?”

“This place is sacred. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Where are your parents?”

“I’m an orphan and all alone.”

“Not anymore. I’ll care for you.” The little kit’s ears perked at that.

Over the next three months, Kaela learned much about her past and the little kit, Water-lily, grew very fond of Kaela.

Kaela grew more powerful mentally and physically. Fighting with the local youkai has made her stronger.

“Water-lily, come on. Its time to go.” Kaela said as she finished packing her things.


Before they left, Kaela made flowers grow around the graves.

~*~At the Shrine~*~

“Genkia, where is Kaela?” Kurama asked as he reached Genkia’s shrine.

Genkia was sitting outside drinking some tea. “She’s in the forest. She’s been in there for three months.”

“WHAT?!?! She is only human. She could be dead by now.” Kurama ran for the forest.

~*~Within the forest~*~

“Water-lily, get in my pack. Someone is coming.” Water-lily nodded then climbed into the pack.

“KAELA!!! Kaela there you are. Are you alright?” Kurama asked as he ran up to her.

“Aww, Shuichi. You were worried about me. How sweet.”

“Come on. Let’s get you home. Mother is worried.”


Most of the way home was in silence but when they reached Shuichi’s home, they saw Kuwabara standing outside.

“Hello, Kuwabara. Were you waiting for me?” Shuichi asked as they walked up.

“Yea. Something came up and we have to go. Oh and who’s the beautiful lady?” Kuwabara asked drooling like a dog.

“This is Kaela. She’ll be staying my mother and I for a while. Kaela, this is my friend Kuwabara.”

“Nice to meet you Kuwabara but if you’ll excuse me I need to take a shower. You will be home in time for supper, won’t you, Shuichi?” Kaela asked as she walked by Kuwabara, who was still drooling.

“I’ll try.” Shuichi smiled as he dragged Kuwabara off.

“So what’s going on?”

“Koenma needs to speak with us about a new youkai.”


“Okay. So what’s going on now?” Yusuke asked as he and the others walked into their special meeting room at Kuwabara’s.

“Sources tell me that a thought-to-be existed race of kitsune youkai has returned. This race was very powerful but one little kit was suppose to be either the savior or destroyer of the realms.” Koenma explained once everyone had a sit.

“So it’s a kitsune. Big deal. We’ll just kick ass before anything can happen.” Yusuke said, only half paying attention.

“Hn. Why not ask Yoko?” Hiei said from the window.

“Yea that’s a good idea, Shrimp.”

Kurama concentrated and allowed Yoko to come forth. “What can I do for you, Prince Koenma?”

“What can you tell us about the Mystic Kitsunes?”

“The Mystic Kitsunes?” Yoko asked somewhat surprised but at Koenma’s nod he continued, “The Mystic Kitsunes were a proud and powerful race. None could defeat a clan. The last couple that survived the war, tried to make a new clan but humans killed them before they could get to far.”

“You said that they’re dead but Koenma said that there is one that is still alive.” Yusuke said after a moment.

Yoko’s eyes widen slightly then went back to normal before anyone could notice. “You must stay away or you could destroy everything you care about.” with that said, Yoko disappeared and Kurama returned.

“What did he mean by that?” Kuwabara asked for everyone.


“Well, well, well. So they know. We’ll just have to do something about that, won’t we?”