Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Naomi, the Black Kitsune ❯ Meeting ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Diclaimer- Any one with half a brain already knows I dont own any of the Yu Yu Hakusho cast, only Naomi.

Naomi the Black Kitsune

She was destructive when angry, and judging on how much damage she caused in less than 3 minutes, she was downright
furious. Many homes were already burnt to the ground, and blood and human corpses littered the ground. The remaining villagers
were running in fear, trying to escape they're intended fate. 'This time no one will live' she thought as she gathered spirit energy
into a ball and threw it down a the village and its frightend inhabitants. The energy hit the ground exploding on impact. When it
all cleared, all you could see was a large crater where the village once was, and a young kitsune girl, smiling grimly at it.

400 years later

"Kuwabara, get your ass out here, now!" screamed an impatiant Yusuke Uremeshi. "Yusuke please, must you yell?"
Botan asked. "Well I wouldn't be yelling if that lazy, dumb a............." he was cut off when Kuwabara opened the door to his
apartment and walked out. "Finally, what took ya?" asked Yusuke. "I was brushing my teeth." replied Kuwabara. Yusuke and
Botan both sweat dropped at that. 'All that time wasted for his teeth' sighed Botan mentally. Yusuke was just about to knock
the tall red head senseless when Botan said "Alrighty then, if we're ready then lets go!" "Finally!" sighed Yusuke, as they set off
to the park where they were supposed to meet Koenma.--------15 minutes later---------- "Alright we're here, but where's the toddler?"
asked Yusuke. "Right here, and I told you not to call me that." replied a voice from behind. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan, jumped
and turned to see a teenage Koenma right behind them, and Hiei and Kurama behind Koenma." So where is this fighter we were
supposed to meet?" Yusuke asked. "Not here yet, obviously. She should arrive soon though." Yusuke opened his mouth to say
somthing but was cut off by Koenma. "But before she gets here there is somthing I want you to know," he said. "Try not to make
her mad, okay? She isn't a short tempered person, but if you make her mad she'll most likely kill you. She's also somewhat
fond of torture, so like I said, don't make angry." Kuwabara gulped loudly at this bit of information, and said "Doesn't sound like
she's to friendly, does it." "Depends on her mood." was Koenma's reply. " This girl better hurry up and get here. Doesn't she know
it's rude to make people wait?" Hiei wondered out loud. "Rude, am I?" came a reply from behind them. They all turned and what
they saw made a few jaws drop.......

******Okay folks that's it for now. I know it's short but the next chapters will be longer, trust me. I WANT REVIEWS!!! No mercy
people. But if you thought it was stupid, i don't blame ya, it is my first after all. The romance and limey stuff is coming up soon,
so be patient.