Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of Saints and Sinners ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 1
A loud ringing broke the silence of the room as Kuwabara Shizuru fell off the couch she forgot she fell asleep on. Reaching for the phone from her spot on the floor, she sat up with her back against the couch and ran her fingers through her disheveled hair. A quick glance at the clock hanging above the T.V showed that it was 10:40 p.m.
“Hello?” The voice of the twenty one year old came out as a hoarse whisper.
“Shizuru dear? Its dad.” The last sentence shook away all sleepiness from her mind.
“Dad? Is everything all right? Did something happen?”
“No, no darling. Everything’s fine. I just wanted to check up on you and Kazuma that’s all. How are you doing?”
“We’re doing good. Kazuma graduated from high school and I just got a new job. Are you sure everything’s alright? You sound kind of weird…”
“Yes darling, I’m sure. Look I’ll be in Japan in a few days and I wondered if you wanted to get some coffee? Maybe the three of us could go out for dinner? There’s something I’d like to talk to you guys about.”
“Umm, I guess we could. It’s been a really long time.” mixed emotions ran through her mind as she though over his proposal.
“Yes, it has. I’ll call you back with the details alright?”
“Sure. Bye dad.”
She put down the receiver and stared at it for a while before picking herself up from the floor and walking into the kitchen to make her self a cup of coffee.
She and her brother lived alone for several years. Their mother passed away when Kazuma was ten and she thirteen. Obviously, that came as a shock to their little family. The car accident was all over the news for a week, their tragic story selling a healthy amount of newspapers.
Their father worked for some pharmaceutical company and slowly climbed the ladder until his position required him to spend most of his time abroad, leaving Shizuru to live alone with her baby brother at the tender age of seventeen. Of course, the situation wasn’t as horrible as it sounds. She never had to work unless she wanted to because their father sent them enough money to take care of the living expenses as well as pocket money for both to do whatever they liked with. Besides, after the death of his wife he started working so hard to take care of the needs of his children it was almost as if they were living alone, so his leaving the country didn’t make such a big difference in the siblings’ life. For years, the relationship between them was kept through rare phone calls and rarer visits.
Shizuru was brought from her thoughts by the sound of the front door slamming and loud voices.
“Did you see how I sliced that motherfucker in half? The damned bastard tried to take a bite from my shoulder!” her younger sibling plopped himself on the couch that has been occupied by Shizuru not so long ago.
She walked into the living room, mug in hand, to see the four members of team Urameshi spread over the few pieces of furniture in the room.
“I take it you boys had fun?” she chuckled to herself as she sat down next to her brother and took a cigarette from the pack laying on the coffee table.
“Sure did. I could use a little work out and kicking the shit out of a bunch of lame demons sure does the trick.” Urameshi Yusuke said in a bored tone, taking his own pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his leather jacket.
“Hn. Those fools weren’t worth the time it took us to find them.” Hiei put in his two cents and got up to make his way towards the door.
“Well it's getting late. Shizuru-san it was nice seeing you, Yusuke, Kuwabara, I’ll see you around.” The ever-polite redhead known as Kurama amongst his friends got up from his spot in the armchair and followed behind Hiei as the exited the apartment.
“Kazuma I wanted to talk to you,” Shizuru said after Yusuke has gone off to ‘see if he could find someone to “play” with’.
“Sis can we do this tomorrow? I’m beat.” Kuwabara said while stifling a yawn.
“Dad called.”
“Huh? What did he want?” Kuwabara looked at his sister with a confused expression on his face, they haven’t heard from their father for six months at the least.
"Apparently he’ll be in Japan in a few days, he wants to take us out for dinner. He said that he wanted to discuss something…” Shizurus voice trailed off.
“Oh. Do you think that it has something to do with mom?” Kuwabaras voice came out barely as a whisper.
“I don’t think so. I don’t know why you still think they’ll find the guy… They’ve stopped investigating a long time ago.”
Kuwabara said nothing. Instead, he got up from the couch and walked towards the hallway that leads to his room.
“Oyasumi nee-chan.” He said before closing the door behind himself.
Shizuru sighed and walked into her own room, turning off the lights on her way.
10:55 p.m., ‘Where the hell is he?’
Short green painted nails drummed on the surface of the kitchen table. The owner of those nails was the seventeen years old Watanabe Kai, who at that moment was not a happy camper. Her boyfriend, Tatsuya, was late again. They made plans to go out clubbing that night and Kai has been waiting for him no less that half an hour. Boy was he in for it.
Just then the chorus of ‘Pour some sugar on me’ by Def Leopard could be heard from the somewhere near her. She looked around to see her cellphone lying on the chair next to her. To her dismay, it wasn’t her boyfriend with an explanation as to why he was so late, but the only person she could never be mad at.
“Madame Antoinette’s house of pleasures, how may I assist you?” she spoke into the phone with a thick French accent.
“Yes, I was wondering, are you hiring?”
The girl on the other side of the line was Kobayashi Amaya, Kai's best friend.
It took only a second for both girls to fall into a fit of giggles.
“Babe where are you?”
“I’m still waiting for Tatsuya to pick me up. I swear to god if he isn’t here in the next five minutes he’ll have hell to pay.” Kais voice was laced with malice.
“Holy shit! Kai, Will you promise me to try and stay calm if I tell you something?”
“I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises. What’s wrong?”
“Well Tatsuya is here. And I think he has a slut attached to his tonsils.”
“What!?” came out the furious cry. Sparks were almost flying out of Kai’s grey eyes. “I’m gonna go and catch a cab. I’ll see you in twenty.” And with that she hung up not even waiting to hear Amaya’s response.
‘That ass fucking son of a bitch.’ Kai made her way out of the small apartment she and her mother shared and walked out of the building complex in confident strides.
As promised, twenty minutes later she was at the entrance to the club she and her friends have made a habit out of hanging out in these past few months. The bouncer smiled at her but she walked past him and right to the bar where she knew Amaya could be found.
“Where’s that bitch?” She spat at her best friend, who right now seemed angrier than she herself was, if that was possible.
“Over there.” A delicate finger pointed across the room where the bleached blonde hair of an unknown female shined in the fluorescent lights.
“Hey Kai! What can a get you?” the barman yelled at her in an attempt to be heard over the loud music.
“A shot of vodka and a baseball bat.” She said turning around to give him a glare.
At first, he looked at her confused, but as he followed Amaya’s gaze his face turned into a stone mask.
“No problem.” For a second he disappeared to the small room behind the counter and when he came back, he indeed carried a baseball bat.
When Amaya saw that, she burst out laughing. “Oh that’s priceless! I didn’t even know you kept one back there!” turning around to look at her very angry and hurt friend she said in a softer voice “Honey, you want me to go over there and break his knees?”
Kai shook her head, reached over to the shot glass infront of her, and threw it back. Taking a deep breath she pushed herself off the counter and started walking to the back of the room zigzagging between the moving bodies on the dance floor.
Amaya made a move to follow her but was stopped by Toya grabbing her arm. “She’s a big girl Amaya, let her do this alone.” Before she even tried to free her arm he added “You can’t protect her from everything.”
“Ugh, fine. But if she’s crying when she comes back, I’ll kick your ass right after I send his to the hospital.”
Kai stopped directly behind Tatsuya, who was completely engrossed in everything but screwing the girl glued to his body. Tapping on his shoulder she politely waited for him to turn his attention to her. Tatsuya turned around, looking like he was ready to yell at the person who interrupted him in the middle of a hot and heavy make out session, but that look quickly melted into one of surprise and guilt.
“Kai I-uh-I can explain! I-uh…” he stammered, quickly pushing the girl away.
“We’re through.” Was all Kai said before turning around and walking away from him.
“You alright?” Toya asked as Kai returned to the bar. He slid another shot her way and waited for her to drink it before refilling the glass and pouring one for himself and one for Amaya.
“C’mon, let go trash his car!” the honey blonde exclaimed nodding towards the bat still laying on the bar beside Toya.
“Trash his car? Isn’t that a bit much?” Kai raised her eyebrow at her best friend.
“If you don’t want to it’s okay…But then can I have a little chat with him?” Toya asked, always eager for a fight and moving his head from shoulder to shoulder to work the knacks out of his neck.
Grey eyes jumped from Amaya to him, mischief lighting up in them. “Well…he earned it, right?”
“Well, actually Toya’s talk could be more efficient…” Amaya began, but before she could finish her sentence Kai had the bat in one hand and Amaya’s hand in the other.
“C’mon, before you suggest we hire a hit man!”