Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One heart ,three minds ❯ Goodbye, hello, and goodnight. ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One heart, Three minds

Chapter 4 Goodbye, hello, and goodnight.

Author notes: Hiiii!! Wow, I got some great reviews for this… and now it has to come to an end… * sniff* I enjoyed writing this immensely and enjoyed getting responses and advice about my work. As I said before, I have a long way to go. BUT I WILL BECOME A MASTA WRITER!!! :-P hehe Oh! And in response to a reviewer SirpyschoSexy The reason I didn't have Yusuke say " Fuck" was because it would have ruined the romantic feel I was going for, but I did consider using it when I wrote it. Thanks for the advice and I look forward to reading YOUR fics ^__^ Mwahaha! Ahem * coughs* Maybe next time I'll make Yusuke and Kurama connoisseurs of the down and dirty. I did plan on making a one shot fic for those two, ANYWAYS, I've already said too much ^__^; You'll all just have to see what plot bunnies will pop up and get typed. * Looks as one passes her by* O__O GET BACK HERE! Umm as for you * Points to reader* You read and enjoy. * runs off with a net*

" Two aces."

" Three 2's"

" Three 3's"

" Bull shit!"

" Damnit!"

Yusuke grabbed the cards that had begun to pile in the middle of the table, frowning and his eyebrow twitching as Kuwabara celebrated his victory not so quietly.

" You know I'm gonna win Urameshi! Plain and simple." He looked at the cards in his hand. He smirked as he arranged his cards. " It's only a matter of time."

" Bite me." Yusuke spat back.

The afternoon was quiet at the Kuwabara residence, the only noise being made was the card game the boys where engaged in. After training for an entire day, Yusuke had decided to spend some quality friendship time with Kuwabara, seeing as all he had been doing lately was looking for Hiei or spending time with Kurama. Not that spending time with Kurama or looking for Hiei was a waste of time. But the urge to look for him and train was gone, and he was filled with tranquillity that only rattled his nerves even more. He should be worried, yet he was not, well at least not anymore. He glared at the orange-headed man across from him as Kuwabara laid down three cards.

" Three 4's" he stated.

He couldn't ignore the feeling that Hiei was going to show up soon, and he couldn't help but get excited.

" Two 5's"

Finally they would get answers. Why had Hiei left them without a trace?

" Four 6's"

Then there was the dread of Hiei rejecting them. His eyebrows knitted together in fustration that Kuwabara assumed to be because of his impending victory, but were in fact the inner fear of that thought.

" Three 7's"

But something inside him quelled that fear, something in his heart that fought off the doubt of his logical self.

" Four 8's"

" Bull shit!"

Yusuke smirked as Kuwabara scoffed and pulled the pile towards him. Kuwabara just waved a hand at him.

" You just got lucky Urameshi, dumb luck is all."

" Heh yea, well its dumb luck that's gonna help me kick your ass at this game!"

" Bring it on! Two 9's!" Kuwabara dramatically threw two cards down.

" Bull shit!" Yusuke cried, as he stared at all four nine cards in his hand. He looked up with a smile that nearly split his face in two. Kuwabara's beady eyes narrowed as he withdrew his cards back into his hand.

" Heh I love this game." Yusuke snickered. They played until, finally, Yusuke won the game. Kuwabara stomped off into the kitchen to get them some drinks, mumbling under his breath something about dumb luck. Yusuke grinned and looked out the window as the sun was subdued by a group of gray rain clouds. He turned to see Kuwabara return with two glasses of lemonade.

" Oi, Kuwabara, I'm gonna split, rain check on the lemonade?" Kuwabara nodded and set the drinks down on the coffee table. He looked at Yusuke with a curious expression.

" Ya worried about the shrimp?" Kuwabara asked, at Yusuke slight twitch he corrected himself. " Umm I mean, Hiei."

Yusuke sighed. " No not really, but hey ya know Hiei, he wont just leave things hanging in the air."

Kuwabara shuffled on his feet uncomfortably. Yusuke had told Kuwabara the events of that night, only sparing him the details. He had asked for it when Yusuke was in his depression and Kuwabara bugged him into telling. Kuwabara being raised in the conservative family he was born into, he didn't agree with Yusuke's choice, but respected it all the same. " Whatever makes you happy." He had said.

Kuwabara broke their silence, " Well catch ya later Urameshi, good look findin' em."

Yusuke gave him a thumb up with a side grin. " Thanks pal, see ya later."

Yusuke left the house, whistling under his breath as he made his way over to Kurama's. The sun light ebbing away as it set behind the city line. He was starting to get tired, with a yawn he decided to spend the night with Kurama tonight. He had unusually high spirits as he made his way to the redhead's home.

" Gaaah!"

And he found out why he was feeling so light hearted, as a black figure pounced him unceremoniously into the ground.


` No the answer is D. D! You idiot! Its D! That has to be the easiest question! My little brother could answer that! No… don't use up your lifeline… see they didn't know either! Its D… Nooo! I told you it was D… baka…'

Kurama shook a fist at the television that depicted the quizzing show with the supposedly intellectual contestants. The contestant just got the question wrong in which they needed to know the translation for Carpe diem. Kurama could not believe the contestant not only used up his remaining lifelines, but they didn't aid him in getting the correct answer, so it was a complete waste. No one had even made it close to winning the million dollars.

Kurama simply pressed the button on the remote beside him, not attempting to move any other muscles in his tired body. His legs were propped up on a pillow on one end of his couch while an even larger pillow cushioned his head on the other end, which was closest to the glowing television, the only source of light in the room. His long training session left him exhausted, for a lack of a stronger term. He could hardly believe how strong Yusuke had gotten, and he had to put a real effort into keeping up with him. And he was still recovering his strength a day later. He supposed Yusuke did train when no one nagged at him about it. Perhaps whenever he was lazing around, the brown-eyed boy would hear Genkai's voice shout at him from a not so distant memory in his mind.

Kurama smiled and finally shut the television off, opting to read a book instead. He reached over his head towards the lamp that lay on the side table, his finger curling around the knob. He turned the lamp on and not long after he had done so, he could have sworn that he saw a pair of crimson eyes, looking at him through his living room window…

`Nah… it couldn't be…' Kurama looked in awe at the window for several minutes, wondering if his mind was suddenly playing tricks on him. `Impossible…'

But was it really? To hope that Hiei had finally returned after that one night that seemed to be ages ago?

With his fatigue forgotten, Kurama rose and walked to stand by the window. He searched the darkness for those blood red eyes, but all he could see was the inky blackness of the night. He resigned to the thought that his mind was playing tricks, and was a result of a hard day training. He walked towards the kitchen with his book in hand. His plan was to get a snack, and fall asleep reading his book.

Before he could make his way up the stairs, a soft knocking on his door stopped him in his tracks. He knew before he reached the door that it was Yusuke.

He opened the door to see the raven haired s-class, beaming at him. " Yusuke…" Kurama whispered. He took note of Yusuke's good mood, but didn't dwell upon it much. The thought soon vanished in the warmth of Yusuke's lips.

" Hi." Yusuke said as their lips parted. With a smirk he looked beyond Kurama's shoulder into the dimly lit house. " Can I come in or what?"

Kurama smiled and stepped aside to let Yusuke in. Yusuke kicked his shoes off at the door and strode across the threshold of the living room and into the lit kitchen, where many of the cupboards where still open. " I see you were raiding your kitchen ne?" Yusuke chuckled.

" Actually…" Kurama drew out the word sensuously, " I was just about to settle down for the night…"

Yusuke's smirk grew wider, and in mock innocence. " Oh, but Kurama! The nights still young. Sure you wouldn't wanna do something else…?"

Kurama chuckled softly under his breath, as Yusuke drew closer he idly wondered if he should mention what Kurama had thought he'd seen. But once again all his thoughts dissipated when Yusuke's lips met his own, and when his tongue ran along his bottom lip teasingly.

" Well now, what did you have in mind then?" Kurama asked against Yusuke's lips. Yusuke rolled his eyes towards the window swiftly and quickly returned his gaze to Kurama.

" A game." He said simply and stood back as Kurama had just started wrapping his arms around the younger boy. He looked startled at Yusuke as the raven-haired boy opened a lower cupboard and pulled out one of the kitsune's handkerchiefs. Kurama smiled, idly noting how well Yusuke knew his way around the kitchen as if it were his own.

Yusuke walked towards Kurama with a secret grin plastered on his face and his fox looked back at him, his head slightly cocked to one side as he observed Yusuke curiously. The S-class moved to stand behind him, lifting his arms to wrap the handkerchief around the fox's inquiring green eyes. Kurama shivered in anticipation as his vision was overcome by darkness.

" Are there rules to this game Yusuke-chan?" Kurama chided playfully, getting to very much like the idea of playing this game. Yusuke moved at stand in front of Kurama, grasping his hands firmly in his. He leaned forward to whisper in Kurama's ear.

" Just follow me…" he whispered and started leading Kurama towards the stairs. " You do trust me ne?"

Kurama nodded and smiled softly, following Yusuke's lead towards the flight of stairs that lead to his bedroom. Yusuke chuckled to himself as he slowly climbed the stairs, still facing Kurama and trying not to trip on the steps. When they reached the top of the stairs, Yusuke pulled Kurama into his darkened bedroom. He didn't bother with turning the main light on. Instead he let go of Kurama, and with a whispered " wait here" he set off to light the candles that where always present in Kurama's room. The scent of jasmine filled the air, and the soft glow of candlelight set the mood for Yusuke's little game. He returned in front of Kurama and took the fox's hands into his once again, leading him towards the vast bed.

Kurama couldn't help but smile as he sat down on his bed. This was the last thing he would have expected from Yusuke, because he just didn't strike him as the romantic type. Then again, Yusuke had been surprising Kurama a lot lately. He didn't think that he would be with one of the two people he loved more than anything else.

Once again Yusuke left him to accomplish another task, this one involving the window. He could feel the cool night breeze caress his face and blow through his hair as Yusuke opened it.

" Yusuke…?" He inquired softly. He suddenly felt the window being shut once again and wondered why he had opened it in the first place…

"It was a little stuffy in here…" Yusuke explained, " but its still kinda chilly outside, don't want ya getting cold…"

Yusuke let the sentence drift as he approached the youko, the red head leaded back on his hands and waited with a wavering patience for what Yusuke had planned. Yusuke smirked and leaned down in front of him, capturing the fox's lips once again this time his lips demanding.

Kurama moaned as Yusuke slowly leaned over the kitsune on the bed, Kurama lay on his back, grasping Yusuke shoulders and silently begging him to continue as Yusuke ventured away from his kiss swollen lips and marked a trail of kisses and nips to his neck. Kurama purred something appreciative when his lover's hands started to wonder under his white cotton T-shirt.

Callused fingers hovered over the milky skin enveloped over the hard muscle of his abs. Kurama panted and moaned as Yusuke slowly peeled his shirt off, wishing he could see the look of love and lust that he would no doubt find in his chocolate eyes. Yusuke sat up on the bed, looking down at Kurama's supple body.

" Fuuuck." Yusuke whispered under his breath as his gaze raked over the kitsune's body. " Kurama you're too damn sexy for your own good…"

Yusuke looked over to a darkened corner of the room, his lips fixing into a grin as he brought Kurama up on his lap as he sat cross-legged on the bed. His hands roamed down his smooth back and Kurama moaned as he felt something protruding from underneath Yusuke's jeans. The younger boy worshiped Kurama's chest in kisses and would take a lick at a nipple, making Kurama gasp.

Kurama felt guilty that he was receiving most of the pleasure, and started groping for the button on Yusuke's jeans blindly. But before he reached them Yusuke grabbed him gently by the wrists, and guided them away.

" Nuh uh." Yusuke whispered. " It's my turn this time…"

Kurama smiled and thought back to the last time they had been together and that he did indeed remember that he was the last to be dominant. Kurama nodded and Yusuke set back to into rhythm by jabbing his tongue at one of Kurama's pink nipples. Kurama wound his fingers into his raven hair and groaned deep in his throat as Yusuke began to suckle. The kitsune began to rock his hips slightly in Yusuke's lap, wanting more and more friction every moment, and didn't know weather he still wanted to play. That was until another pair of hands were laid on his back…

He started but Yusuke's mouth was more than a good distraction, Yusuke's fingers were gingerly unbuttoning his pants with one hand, while the other traced the bulge of is evident arousal through the fabric of his khakis. The extra pair of hands were now massaging his shoulder blades, a single finger tracing them along his skin. One hand pushed Kurama's fall of red hair to one side, kissing the back of his neck as he exposed it, and continued trailing kisses down the side of his neck, nipping softly with a pair of tiny fangs…

Only two people knew that Kurama's neck was extremely sensitive and in the recesses of his mind he knew that both of them where now in bed with them, sharing his body and continuing to worship it in tender caresses and kisses. He slowly raised his hands to take the handkerchief from his eyes, but he hesitated. He didn't want to ruin Yusuke's game…

" Go on Kurama…" Yusuke said in between his kisses at the base of his neck. " Take it off…" Kurama then untied the knot and let his eyes slowly open. As he did so Yusuke turned him around in his lap, letting the youko face the other person in the bed.

Hiei sat there looking back at him, in nothing but his black pants, a small grin fixed on his lips and his crimson eyes looked deep into his. His mouth hung open and his eyes never left Hiei's face, he was almost afraid that if he looked away, that he would disappear. His reached out to touch his bare chest, his fingertips barely touching his skin as he trailed them up to his face. In a sudden burst of happiness he launched himself at Hiei, leaving Yusuke's lap and laying atop of Hiei.

Kurama kissed Hiei's lips, his face. Everywhere his lips could reach. He kissed the jagan behind the white bandana, and murmured incoherent words of happiness into Hiei's ear. Kurama's hands went immediately to Hiei's pants, and were lucky to find that the only thing holding them up was a little red drawstring. Yusuke sat up on the bed and reached over to the bedside table, grabbing the tube of lubricant that he had only bought just yesterday. He watched with love as Kurama molested Hiei in the most delicious way, and decided he was going to have some fun too.

Yusuke set to finishing his task of removing Kurama's pants. He reached over to the fox and grabbed his hips, reminding Kurama that he was behind him. He could hear Hiei purr as Kurama suckled his neck, he could feel the air they where breathing grow warm, and he could feel a raging hard on struggling against the material of his confiding jeans.

" Mmm Yusuke, what are you waiting for?" Kurama whispered. He began tugging Hiei's pants down his strong, narrow thighs, licking his lips at the site of a certain koorime's arousal.

Yusuke chuckled and hooked his fingers at the top of the kitsune's pants, pulling them down slowly. He enjoyed the almost annoyed tone in Kurama's moan when he finally slid them past his hips and his erection sprung into view. Yusuke ran a hand over the perfectly round globes of flesh, kneading them with both hands. Kurama turned from Hiei for a brief second to grab the lubricant from beside them and push it into Yusuke's hands, his eyes saying all that needed to be said before he turned back to the mewling fire demon below him.

Yusuke read Kurama perfectly and didn't blame him for his hastiness, or for his ravaging attention to Hiei. When Hiei had jumped Yusuke on the way over, he had to refrain from ravaging the koorime himself, but he thought it better that for them to be together to reconcile with a round of mind blowing, loving sex together. He squeezed a general amount of the clear cool gel onto his fingers, gently rubbing against the hidden pucker of his lover. Below him Kurama hissed his discomfort slightly, but the pain was quickly subdued by the pleasure. He pushed one finger in, stroking his sensitive inner walls and gradually added more digits. He had three fingers moving easily around in the loose ring, conferring that the fox was more than ready. He added more of the slick gel to his fingers and leaned over Kurama, his erection at Kurama's entrance as he felt down to find Hiei's.

Hiei was panting and groaning under Kurama's mouth when Yusuke's fingers entered him. He didn't make a sound at the stinging intrusion, but when Kurama nipped at one of his nipples, sore from Kurama tweaking them unmercifully, the didn't even feel the stinging slowly dissipate. When the probing finger began stroking him from the inside, he sobbed happily, grabbing Kurama's hair as the kitsune began to suckle. Kurama moved his hips back against Yusuke's weeping arousal. The s-class moaned through gritted teeth as he now had three fingers moving freely within Hiei's passage.

Leaving Hiei's entrance he took hold of Kurama's cock, giving it three long stroked with his lubricated hand, and placed his hand on Kurama's hip. He kissed Kurama's back all the way up to his neck with a scowl, worshiping every inch of Kurama's soft skin, as he fought with little Yusuke, who was just dying for him to push into Kurama. Kurama looked down at Hiei, his eyes half lidded and his lips parted. He looked down and grabbed himself, guiding his penis to Hiei's entrance.

" You… you ready…?" Yusuke choked with barely repressed need for Kurama's heat, when Kurama didn't answer him, he grunted as he summoned the last of his coherency to speak again.

" Kurama? I asked ya if…. Shit!" He cried when Kurama pushed his hips back hard, burying the head of Yusuke's penis into him, and then moved back up and Yusuke slipped back out.

With what seemed to be a countdown that they could only hear. Kurama pushed into Hiei, delving into the intense heat of his body. When he pulled out Yusuke pushed forward, cursing under his breath as he felt the delicious friction as Kurama pushed forward.

Hiei gasped and grasped Kurama's shoulder's as Kurama began to thrust, and Yusuke adjusted to the rhythm. All three of them moaned and Hiei could be heard purring loudly. It only grew louder when Yusuke reached down and started stroking his unattended need with a callused hand, spreading pre-come over the reddened head of his cock. Kurama closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip, savoring the pleasure he was receiving from both ends. The tip of Yusuke's penis was abusing the lump of his prostate again and again, and Hiei was so tight around his own arousal that he had to fight with himself to keep from reaching completion too soon. A light sheen of sweat coated all three lovers as the movements and thrusts became more frantic. The bed rocked violently against the wall as they strove to reach their peek.

Finally, after fighting it for what seemed to be eternity, all three came explosively, their cries echoing through out the empty house. Yusuke's hips jerked as he came hard against Kurama's prostate, sending Kurama off the edge and spurting his seed deep within Hiei. With a hoarse cry Hiei came, coating his and Kurama's stomachs with semen that came in thick ribbons. For what seemed like several minutes that might have been seconds, they paused, before Kurama and Yusuke collapsed on either side of Hiei, totally exhausted. Hiei could hear both of their ragged breaths, as their hearts struggled to calm down to a normal rate. He moved to stretch, but before he could move another muscle, both pairs of arms where around him.

" No, don't leave again…" Kurama whispered, his hushed voice held undertones of inner torment and pain. Hiei glanced from Kurama's face to Yusuke's, both eyes were pleading, begging. Both faces looked hurt, and he couldn't help but wonder… had he caused it?

" I… I wasn't… I wouldn't…" Hiei said as his gaze settled into the s-class's chocolate eyes.

" But you did." Yusuke said simply. Suddenly a panic started to rise deep within the koorime, and for a fleeting moment he thought of running again, but he fought it off. He did not come just to run away again, to hurt his loved ones again. He came back for a reason, he came back for many reasons, and he would not leave until everything was out in the open.

" I… I was afraid." Hiei said, he closed his eyes tight, trying to gather his thoughts that he had prepared on the way back, but they seemed to have scattered again.

" After that night, I ran. You see, I thought what we shared was just something that happened, happened by accident. I wasn't meant to be there, I stopped by without notice, if I hadn't it would be you two, and not me."

He paused to take a breath, but before one of this bedmates could comment he spoke on.

" So I didn't come back, I didn't think you could feel for a worthless half breed like me. I convinced myself you two would be better off without me, so you wouldn't have to put up with me. But I couldn't. I couldn't get you both out of my mind, so I came back, and I ask you this now. Do you…?"

He paused and looked from one face to another, the rest of his question burning in the embers of his crimson eyes.

Yusuke let out a chuckle that turned into a full out laugh. His grip on Hiei didn't loosen despite his laughter but it tightened slightly. Kurama smiled and leaned down to kiss Hiei's shoulder.

" You dummy!" Yusuke said through his laughter, Hiei scowled and crossed his arms.

" Yusuke, don't be so mean." Kurama scolded playfully, even though he knew the only thing that sprung Yusuke's laughter, was extreme relief.

" I… I'm… not!" Yusuke giggled. " I'm… Just…so frickin' happy!"

The scowl from Hiei's face vanished as he watched Yusuke laugh even harder, his chocolate eyes leaking stray tears of happiness. He looked into Kurama smiling eyes, and found himself smirking a little in turn, a small lift at the corner of his lips. Yusuke finally calmed down, sighing as he buried his face in Hiei's neck.

" Your our friend Hiei, you can kick and scream as much as you want, but no matter what we will always care about you.' Kurama said against the starburst in Hiei's hair.

They laid in the comfort of each other's arms for several blissful moments, talking about Kurama and Yusuke's training session that Yusuke couldn't help but boast about. Hiei mentioned his "activities" while in the Makai, as well as someone's hidden agenda…


Kurama's eyes grew wide at the words Hiei said.

" Yes, it seems that she Raizen, and Yomi have played match maker with us. I heard her talking to Raizen about it."

Yusuke stared at the wall for sometime before he hit the top of the sheets with an open palm.

" That's why we transformed that night! Maybe it was a side effect!"

Kurama looked at him, completely astonished with Yusuke's theory.

" Yusuke-kun… you could be right!" He looked down, his eyes wide.

" Hn, wow, that must be the first time in a long while. Oh, I'd say the last time being in ningen medieval times?"

Yusuke punched him in the arm half heatedly as he mumbled "shut up", under his breath. Hiei chuckled as Kurama looked over at both of them, a warm smile lit by candlelight gracing his face.

" Well, I guess we will have to thank them someday ne?"

" Yeah, but, we can pretend we're mad at her for a while?" Yusuke said with a wink. " I wanna see her squirm, ya know?"

Hiei and Kurama laughed and nodded. " Yes we should punish them for a little while, teach them a lesson. Even though it would have happened eventually."

Hiei sat silent for a long moment, the question he never finished flashing across his mind, but before he could ask again, Yusuke gently pushed two fingers against his lips.

" Yes Hiei…" Yusuke began as he smiled at Kurama knowingly. Kurama smiled back as he settled more comfortably into the bed beside his lover. All the tension and doubt vanished in the light of their love, and as if right on cue, Kurama and Yusuke whispered in unison:

" We love you…"

TA DAHHHH!!!! I'm done!! I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done! WAAAIII!!! So happy! So there it is! Done, finished, completed, and LOOKY! A happy ending! * glomps the hot bishies* Ahhh, so there ya go. Review and be happy! Ja ne!

Completed: Feb, 9th 2004