Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One heart ,three minds ❯ The Not-so-divine intervention ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One heart, three minds

Chapter three: The Not-so-divine intervention.

Author notes: Umm… okay Now I might have Hiei a little OC here… if I do then I'm sorry, I DIDN'T MEAN TOO!! * cries* I luffles Hiei being himself, but sometimes I let him slip. >_< Okay, enough of that ^__^ enjoy next chapter, why? Cuz I said so! Mwahaha! Slowly but surely I am getting close to ending this fic, I promise I will ^__^V Now, Um read. Yea… like right now. ^__^

" So? Have you talked to him?"

" Me? No, he still thinks I'm unaware of his presence. He's been masking."

" Either that or he doesn't care. Wait, masking?"

" Yes, masking ki?"

"Heh oh yeah, well when did he get there? Yusuke and Kurama have been bugging me for the past couple weeks about his whereabouts."

" Hai, I know. Yusuke came asking where he earlier this week. He just arrived late last night."

" Should I send Botan to tell them he's there?"

" No, I want to talk to him. Somehow I know he wants me to find and talk to him."

" Eh, alright. I won't inform them. Even though they're going to threaten to kick my bottom if they find out that I've known where he was."

" They're big boys Koenma, they will get over it. Hiei, on the other hand, is troubled by something. I can tell he hasn't dealt with anything like this before."

^. ~

Hiei thrust his sword forward; skewing his imaginary enemy in the dark room only lit by the soft glow of candlelight. His body stood glowing against the darkness that enveloped his strained nerves. He turned sharply to stab again, destroying anything intent on a surprise attack from behind and growled as he landed softly. He stood silent for a long moment; he stared at his sword, held with strong and callused hands. Hands that had began to give birth to blisters and sores. With a loud clank of metal hitting the marble floor, Hiei fell to his knees, fighting off tide of emotions that he was slowly losing to. It was happening again.

" No… please…" Hiei pleaded to the floor below him. He ignored the screams of pain that radiated from his muscles, and ignored the feeling if sweat as it soaked his tank top, all he could concentrate on, was the pain in his heart.

For the past 3 weeks he had roamed Makai aimlessly, thinking and fighting the urge to see Yusuke and Kurama again. He slew any youkai that had the unfortunate pleasure of coming in the way of his path. He would see a youkai, ignored it if it so ignored him. But when one did seem to want to play, Hiei promptly introduced him to the edge of his blade.

Soon the act itself seemed mechanic, the sound of metal meeting flesh no longer suited his tastes. All he wanted now was just some relief. Relief…

" Hiei, your technique is getting a little rusty, slacking are we?"

Hiei looked up and over at the doorway to see Mukuro. Her feminine figure enveloped in the light of the hallway behind her, her good eye shielding a great deal of concern. He lowered his eyes to the ground once more before turning away.

" Hn, I am no slacker Mukuro. You wouldn't pick a slacker for an heir." He muttered in a hard tone. He hoped she would get the hint, that he just wanted to be left alone.

Mukuro wasn't having it. " Why Hiei, am I that predictable? So much so that you know what I would and wouldn't do?"

" No, I just know you very well." With slumped shoulders he rose to stand, his back to her. His arms lung limply at his sides and his head bowed low. With a raised eyebrow, she advanced towards the torn figure she knew as her heir and friend. Her concern no longer hidden, she placed a hand on his shoulder gripping it with slight pressure as she spoke.

" Hiei, if you know me as well as you claim you do, then you know why I am here." Hiei didn't move a muscle. The only detection of movement was the slightest furrowing of eyebrows, but nothing else. Mukuro silently waited for him to speak the silence thick in the air fogged around them and still Hiei remained silent. The hands at his sides balled into fist so tight that a small stream of blood leaked from between his fingers.

" Hiei…" Her soft voice shattered the looming silence.

" I…" He trailed off in his effort to defeat the rising urge to throw up his barrier, and shut out the only possible person he could confide in. Possibly the last person to understand. He abruptly spun around, staring at her hard in the face. In the calmest voice he could muster, he told Mukuro what had transpired between his former teammates and himself during his leave. He told her the wonderful feeling of being loved, and the torture of the thought that it was all a game. He told her how his heart was in a constant state of conflicting emotions, that he was sure that his heart would tear itself apart from the intensity. He lifted his heart up and showed her how it ached, and in what places it ached. And what it ached for. Only one emotion stood unvoiced, as it hide in the darkest recesses of his soul.

He was scared. He was very scared.

Mukuro stood silent as Hiei spoke. She studied him as he struggled to tell the story without giving in to the urge to sob helplessly. His hands that were stained with blood remained at his sides and the luster of ruby red eyes never left her face.

" And that's it." Hiei finished in a barely audible whisper. " Are you happy now?"

Mukuro couldn't help the small tug at the corners of her lips, and Hiei could only scowl. She thought this was amusing!?

" Hiei, Gomen nasai. But this is just so… what's the word. Cute." Mukuro smiled wide at Hiei's face, as it openly displayed his disbelief at what she had just said.

" Gomen, Hiei but… have you really thought about it?" Hiei's scowl softened. " Well, lets think now shall we?" Mukuro placed a hand under her chin, rubbing it as she paced back in forth. " Did they ignore you afterwards? Treat you any different?"

He opened his mouth to answer, only to realize… he hadn't stayed long enough to really find out. The moment he had woken up that morning, he had left, assuming Yusuke and Kurama's intentions where not to his liking. He hadn't stayed behind to even speak to them. The realization thundered over him like a tsunami.


" Ah I see." Mukuro mused. " See Hiei, you tend to think the worse case scenario in all situations." She smiled softly as she walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. " Unless you go back and talk to them, you will never know."

Hiei stood numb as the words sank in, his mind opening doors and making connections to what had happened. The thought swelled in an overwhelming sense relief that almost crushed him and made him cry. " I…"

He hadn't given them a chance.

He looked up to see Mukuro heading towards the door, Hiei's sword in her hand.

" Oh and by the way," With a flick of her wrist she threw the sword, pointed end first towards Hiei. He didn't flinch when it impaled the ground just inches away from his feet. " Raizen's heir stopped by looking for you. So I assume by his entrance that sent 20 of my guards to the hospital wing, that he misses you." She smirked just beyond the doorway, she added. " And I'm serious Hiei, your technique is getting rusty." And with that, she was gone.

`I am not rusty…' Hiei thought bitterly, watching the doorway and then looking down at his sword. ` Just ask any of the youkai I've slaughtered in the past two weeks.'

He stood there, then noticed how direct to the point Mukuro had been about everything. He shook his head, just like Mukuro. Always straight to the point.

^. ~

With a small smile on her lips Mukuro made her way back to her chambers. The sound of her footsteps was rippling through the extravagant hallway with its draperies and artwork. She nodded to the guards as she past and shortly arrived at her double door bedroom and opened them. Inside a large bed occupied the center; the blankets and comforters shown like silk in the soft glow of the torches on the wall. She walked over to her bed and sat down, almost beside herself in her giddiness.

A voice interrupted her thoughts, " So? What are you so happy about?" She reached into the folds of her robe, grabbing what looked like a communicator and opened the little compact. On the tiny screen a face appeared.

" Wouldn't you like to know ne Raizen?" she smiled. The demon on the screen chuckled. His worn face hiding amusement.

" Hai, I would actually."

She sat cross-legged on her bed. " Well, our little `push' worked after all." She smirked.

" The lust spell?"

" Hai, it was probably wrong to cast it, but they where taking so long."

" I agree, hopefully they won't hate you for this later."

" Of course not," She shook her head. " Hate me? Hey! It was your idea too."

" Well, we just wont tell them that."

Mukuro rolled her eye. " Well, it shouldn't matter, their love it true, we all know that."

Raizen looked contemplative. " But we couldn't wait forever."

" And we're not going to be around forever either." Mukuro added.

" Exactly."

" So now with my heir, yours and Yomi's together, they will most likely join the kingdoms together."

" We just made played match maker Mukuro, you think we should be butting in?"

" As I said, it was a little `push' to help them along. And now the Makai won't be separated. We all agreed that it was for the best. For both the Makai and the boys, I want them to be happy." Raizen nodded as Mukuro cleared her throat.

" Hai, now, our little threesome is having some trouble." She brushed her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. " I think Hiei sensed the lust spell, but he doesn't know it, Maybe subconsciously he did, and that's way he came back to my fortress."

" But wouldn't he be able to sense it anyway?"

"The spell I casted was very low in ki signature, and I masked it very well."

Raizen rubbed his chin. " And what of Yusuke and Kurama? How are they reacting to Hiei's absence?"

Mukuro bit her bottom lip. " They miss him, Yusuke-san came by and well… to put it bluntly, almost trashed the place looking for him."

" Ah I see, they do love the little Koorime ne?"

Mukuro nodded and her smile widened. " Indeed they do."

" Now we have done our part, I will inform Yomi of the current events."

" Of course, I bid you a good evening."

She closed the compact with a grin and stood up, stretching her arms high over her head. She yawned and looked at her clock.

" It's been a long day…" she flopped back onto the bed, blowing the fallen strands of hair from her eyes. She sighed and closed her eyes. " I'm getting to old for this…"

^. ~

Hiei remained in the training room for some time. Not training, but just thinking on what Mukuro had said to him. He replayed that nights events over and over in his head, a smile tugging at his lips every time he did so. Why had he gotten that feeling that to Kurama and Yusuke, it was in the heat of the moment type situation? And Mukuro was right; he really didn't have any evidence to proof that hypothesis. So what was he to do now?

` Talk to them?'

Yes, he owed them that much at least, and the tug on his heart worsened with each passing moment. He stood and placed the sword on its wrack, along with many others, and grabbed a towel to wipe off the cold sweat from his body. He had decided after a nice bath, and a good night of sleep, that he would visit his fox and detective.

^. ~

Yusuke threw punch after punch at the training dummy, sweat jetted off his skin due to his rapid movement and his knuckles, despite the dummies being soft, began to get sore. He gave the dummy a round kick to the stomach, then kicked it repeatedly in the face with frustrated grunts.

" Take that…" He mumbled and kicked the side of the dummies head. He didn't know why, but he felt like training, granted someone had to force him to train sometimes. But this time was different, he needed to train. It was the strongest feeling he had ever experienced, just out of no where in particular. He stopped after a series of kicks that, if the dummy had been living, would have left its temples permanently caved in. He grabbed his water bottle on the way to the bench, drinking greedily.

` Man, I haven't trained like that since Genkai passed away…' Yusuke sat down, smiling a little at the memory of his mentor, as he always did when he came to her temple. Yukina had taken over the place, but kept the temple just the way Genkai did. It gave Yusuke an overwhelming sense of peace. He remembered the days when she trained him, and was amazed at how far he had come. He was knocked out of his reverie as Kurama entered the room, also, by the looks of it, ready to train.

" Kurama? You too?" Kurama smiled a little and nodded. Yusuke smiled widely at the kitsune's smile, no matter how small it was.

" Hai, I've just got the biggest urge to train. I can't explain it."

" Heh, me too. But that's weird the way it's happening to both of us."

" I have to agree… but why?"

" I dunno, but I do know it helps with stress. And that's something we really need right now."

Kurama nodded, he was still worried about Hiei, and training would take his mind off things for a change. " I'm so glad I got a vacation off of work, its such a relief to not have to worry."

Yusuke stood up and reached out to touch Kurama's arm gently. " You wanna spar?" he asked.

Kurama smiled " Sure, on what terms?"

Yusuke rubbed his chin, his eyebrows furrowing and looking contemplative. " How about loser treats winner to sodas."

" Deal." Kurama laughed, setting his things down. He started stretching his limbs and got into his fighting stance, smirking as Yusuke settled into his.

" Oh, and by the way Kurama…" Yusuke began. " I like Rootbeer." With that he launched himself at Kurama, starting the explosive sparring match.

They sparred for the rest of the day, their moods no longer darkened, but brightened by an unknown sun in their souls. The thought of Hiei still lingered in their minds, but the doubt of Hiei ever coming back had vanished. It was as if they knew he was coming back, and very soon. So today, for the first time in a long while, they will play and not worry about a thing.

End of chapter! I know its short… deal with it ^_^ the next chapter will be * DUN DUN DUN* the last chapter! O_O Wow that will be 3 completed fics! * gasps* Cuz you see… sometimes shadowbrat doesn't finish her fics… * coughsilentcriesofbetrayalcoughcough* ^__^;;; So yea, you can review now… like right now… please ^_^

Next time!

Our lovely threesome reunite! But on what terms, if you wanna know… just sit there staring at your monitor for a couple months until I update ^_^ lol j/k. I'm not THAT evil… I'll try to update sooner, granted school has mercy on me. * shakes a fist* I will not be a victim of the system!! ^-^;;; Anyways, review please, if you do… then… that would make me very happy, and emails work too. I likey emails, why? Because I have no life. Okay? I ADMIT it! Does anyone know where I can buy one at a good price? On ebay maybe? Well ja peoples, and BE COOL FONZIES!

~ shadowbrat