Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Wish ❯ Debriefing ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Last Wish
Chapter 4: Debriefing
Heaven Sent Tenshi
Yusuke's eyes shifted from the picture in Koenma's hand to his face, “wha'dya mean she doesn't know it yet?”
Koenma nodded. “Myleen is… well, she's on a bit of a hit list, so to speak… There's a group of demons who plan to kidnap her and bring her here.”
Kuwabara frowned. “Here? Where is she?”
“Well…” Koenma sighed, looking up to the ceiling. This was going to be the most difficult part to explain. “You see… she isn't… from this dimension…”
Silence fell over those who were unaware of this tidbit of information. It hung thick over the room before Yusuke broke it.
“Great… first there're other worlds, now there're other dimensions too? How much more confusing do you have to make this, Koenma?!”
“I'm not trying to make it confusing, Yusuke; the universe is a very complex thing, especially when you deal with the dimensional planes. And it isn't my fault; there have always been two parallel dimensions, one of which we live in; so you can't blame me. All you can do is try to follow along…
“This other dimension is like a sister universe to ours. The only difference is that they don't have a demon realm.” The naive occupants, consisting of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei, looked up suddenly. A world without a demon realm seemed quite strange and foreign, especially to the latter two. “Somehow, when the two dimensions were created, the Demon World was… omitted. I'm not sure how that happened, exactly, but I think it had something to do with a choice made by those in that dimension.” Koenma shrugged. “That's the only difference, besides the people who live there. Without a Demon World, things changed slightly; this in turn altered the lives of those there.”
“What of folklore?” Kurama asked. He knew that every civilization told some sort of story or believed in some sort of myth; that was all apart of the human psyche. Without a realm that few knew of, where would those stories come from?
“It still exists,” Koenma proceeded, “but, in a different manner. Here, we know those stories can have truth to them; there, they do not. Instead, they have come from other sources. I'm not too sure of what those sources are, but I believe they have something to do with the physical pathways between the dimensions. I think there are some people who are able to peek into our world and see what is truth to us, but fiction to them.”
“Odd,” Kurama murmured. He rested his chin in his hand as he began to sort things out in his head. “So, it's possible that we're being watched at this very moment?”
“Yes… but it's highly unlikely. Whatever the case, though, the one watching us wouldn't believe in it, they'd think it was a dream or… a strike of inspiration…”
“Inspiration?” echoed around the room.
Koenma paused. “I've observed the other dimension… and… it seems they use what they see to create stories, sometimes…”
“So, does that mean we're actually in a book, right now?” Kuwabara questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“No, you idiot,” Hiei began, speaking for the first time since he'd arrived, “it means they've made a book based on us.”
“I never said that!” Koenma hissed. He paused again before going on, “It's not a book… it's a manga…”
“Please don't tell me it's popular…” Yusuke muttered.
“And they made it into an anime… with a couple of movie off-shoots…”
The teen rolled his eyes as he plopped down onto the couch next to Kurama. He leaned forward, grabbing the huge stack of paperwork. “And what does that have to do with our assignment?” he asked, thumbing though the pages.
“Well, I want you guys to be prepared when you go to get some strange looks. You might even have to disguise yourselves, we're not sure.”
“We're going into that dimension?” Kurama questioned. He hadn't thought they would have to go so far as to travel to a world as foreign as that.
“Yes… which brings me back to your assignment; Myleen.
“Now, every once in a while, two beings, one from each dimension, will be created around the same time; they're called dimensional twins. When one of the twins comes into the other's dimension, they become them. Essentially, they are the same being, but in a different world. Because of this, the living environment may differ, causing the twins to seem completely different; however, they become quite alike when thrust into the other environment. There haven't been any cases of this, though, so we don't really know all of what will happen…
“You see, Myleen has a dimension twin… or, at least, had a dimension twin… who lived in our dimension, but died ten years ago.” Koenma produced another picture out of thin air. He held this one up for them to see as well. The picture was very dark, but from the shadows printed there came the figure of a young woman. Her skin was much paler than Myleen's, which nearly seemed impossible. Her hair was akin to Myleen's; black and sleek, though it disappeared into the background. Her eyes, though, were shockingly white. There was no pupil visible and it was difficult to distinguish between the iris and the sclera. The highlights of her hair gained attention as well, every color of the rainbow seemed to radiate from them. “Myleen's twin was a demon, and a very special one at that… her name was-”
“Miryn.” All eyes turned to Kurama. He sat staring at the picture with an air of disbelief hanging thick about him. Hiei scoffed in his usual manner, not at all surprised by the fox's response.
Koenma nodded. “Did you know her?”
“Not personally,” Kurama began, “but I'd recognize her anywhere. I've never met so many demons looking for a single person. I was offered quite a bit of money if I could catch her, but I turned the offers down; I knew she was impossible to capture.”
“What are you talking about, Kurama?” Yusuke asked suddenly, quite confused.
“He's talking about the huge search that took place during Miryn's entire life.” Koenma stepped forward, taking the stack of paper from Yusuke. He thumbed through it until he found the sheet he was looking for. He pulled it from the stack and held it up; it was a poster with Miryn's name across the top, her picture in the middle, and a reward near the bottom. “This was one of the thousands of Wanted posters aimed at catching Miryn. Hundreds of demons were looking for her before she died.”
“But, why were they looking for her?” Kuwabara had asked the obvious question.
“Because of the prophecy,” Hiei murmured, his eyes closed and his arms crossed. A faint smirk danced across his lips for a split second. “The Human World will fall to its knees,” he recited, “but only to the demon who requires the daughter of the sun and the moon.”
“And you would know that prophecy very well, Hiei…” Koenma muttered. When he received two blank and confused stares, he went on: “There was a prophecy made a long time ago about an ancient demon able to destroy and enslave the entire Human World and give it to the Demon World…”
“How original…” Yusuke muttered. Koenma ignored him.
“But… the demon, who we've named Hakaisha, requires a sacrifice in order to do so; the daughter of the sun and the moon… Miryn. When I said Miryn was special, I meant it. She was a half-breed, the likes of which have never been seen; she was half light and half shadow demon. Light and shadow demons have never gotten along, very obviously, so we have no idea how or why Miryn came into being… but she was never accepted anywhere she went. Because of the prophecy, she was being hunted down in the Demon World; because she was a demon, she wasn't accepted here in the Human World; and because she was part light demon, she wasn't accepted in the World of Shadows…” more puzzled looks urged him to explain, “a world where only shadow demons may reside… Anyway, Miryn drifted from world to world and never stayed in one place long, so the demons looking for her never found or captured her.”
“So, how'd she die?” Yusuke questioned.
“Well, Miryn never liked being hunted down,” Koenma continued, “and she knew that as long as she was alive, she'd never be left alone and she had no place to hide. So, to finally give herself the peace she wanted… she destroyed herself…”
“It was very sad…” Botan murmured, sorrow in her voice. Nearly everyone had forgotten she was there, having not said anything, so a few people jumped. “She only wanted solitude and eventually got it through death…” Koenma nodded.
“The demons who wanted to summon Hakaisha were furious when they found out… weren't they, Hiei…?” The price glanced back at said demon, who scoffed at him. Hiei was growing tired of his pestering. “Miryn had completely destroyed her body, the only thing Hakaisha needed. So, obviously, many of the demons kept looking for a way to bring Miryn back and use her. They've all failed, however; except one…”
Koenma pulled a file from the stack. Paper clipped to the file was a picture of a silhouette. There were no real distinguishing features, other than the long, slender ears. “We have no decent pictures of him… but his name is Kargon. He is the leader of a group of various demons, all of whom he treats like slaves. This is all we know, really, beside the fact that he's been after Miryn since the beginning. He's probably the most adamant about it. And he is the biggest threat to Myleen. He knows about the fact that Myleen and Miryn were dimensional twins, and he knows that if he brings her here, he can still fulfill the prophecy.”
“So, basically,” Yusuke murmured, “you're telling us that we have to make sure this Kargon guy doesn't get to Myleen so he can't fulfill this ancient prophecy and unleash the Hakaisha thing and destroy and enslave the whole human race… right?” Koenma nodded again. “Fine, when do we start?” Yusuke asked, rising to his feet.
“Well, there's another thing you should know about Myleen…” Yusuke sighed, falling down onto the seat again. “Miryn tried a couple different things before she was finally able to die… one of which affected Myleen when she was born. You see, she has a blood born disease which renders her… well, weak, to say the least. Her muscular systems were nearly torn apart by the disease, leaving her unable to do much. Her lungs were affected so heavily that it's dangerous for her to do anything physically stressful. You have got to be careful when you go; if you stress her out, she's liable to stop breathing, and it's possible her heart may give out.”
“Ok, so we just can't freak her out.” Yusuke stood up again. “Can we just get this over with?”
“Yusuke,” Kurama began, “Koenma hasn't even told us what to do.”
“Sure he did, we just have to make sure Kargon doesn't get ahold of Myleen and bring her here to feed her to some demon.”
“Yes, but we have to figure out how we're going to do that.”
Again, Yusuke sighed in deep frustration before sliding down onto the couch.
“This can't be rushed, Yusuke, even though time is short,” Koenma imparted to him, as well as the others, “you first have to get into her dimension, which has proven difficult for Kargon to do. Then we have to get you to her hospital and get her out. We have got to bring her here where we can keep an eye on her.”
“Isn't that contradictive?” Kurama asked, confused suddenly. “If she comes here, you said she would become Miryn, which is what Kargon wants, isn't it? All he would have to do at that point is kidnap her from us.”
“Yeah, but if we keep her on her side, things may get hectic. Remember, you'll be recognized right off if anyone sees you, not to mention the fact that people will freak out if they see you use any of your powers. It'll be safer for you guys if we bring her here.”
“What about Myleen, though?” Kurama continued, “She'll be in harm's way, won't she?”
“Actually, it might work out for her, as well. Like I said before, we don't know much about bringing a dimensional twin into the other's dimension, but I think her physical health should improve. If all goes well, she'll turn into Miryn, and her sickness will be left behind. And, if we're lucky, she'll gain Miryn's powers, which will only help you in the long run.”
“You never did tell us about that…” Yusuke muttered. “What sort of powers did she have?”
“You'll see… for now, we need to work on getting you boys into Myleen's dimension and bringing her here. We've only got a few months to do this, and I'm not sure how far Kargon has progressed since I last received word.”
“Wait…” Kuwabara looked up, “only a few months? Wha'dya mean?”
“The sickness Myleen `inherited' from Miryn left her terminally ill… her doctor has no idea what to do about it or how to stop it; he's even asked other opinions on the matter, but they haven't been able to isolate anything. It's left them confused. And now she's been given three months to live.” A silence befell the group again as no one said anything for several moments. Soon, Koenma sighed. He then began to explain to them the best way to infiltrate not only the dimension, but the hospital in which Myleen lived.