Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Origins of the Darkness Flame ❯ Testing One's Might ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. II: Testing One's Might


"My mother is the creator of the same technique you use Hiei," she said looking at the fire demon.


Yusuke crossed his arms in confusion, "So why do we need to go after her?"


Saya looked to her father, and nodded her head like she acknowledged with him.


"Since before I was born, my mother has been controlled by the Dragon. Yes, the dragon has a consciousness. I only know what my father has told me. He has told me that when my mother used the dragon on my grandfather it took hold of her soul. Slowly it began to take complete control of her."


"So the dragon is `alive'?" Kuwabara stupidly asked.


"We don't have time to explain. We need only to know her name. Her name is Amatera, and from there we will search for her in the Demon world. Koenma wants her alive, but I differ."


"What?" Yusuke asked.


"His father wants Ami alive so he can contain her, and maybe find a way to take her power. He sees the Dragon as a threat, but also he wants that power too. Knowing Enma like my father does; Enma is arrogant enough to think he could contain it. No one can control the true power of the Dragon.


"Now we need to head to the Demon world. There are two entrances I have marked for us to go through to make sure she hasn't slipped through. Once we get through the two entrances will end at one place, and that is when we will meet next."


Yusuke unfolded his arms and smile came upon his face, "Alright now we are getting somewhere. Kuwabara and I will take one way, and the rest of you can take the other."


The group divided into two groups. Rai left Saya with Kurama and Hiei, and he returned to the Spirit World alone. Yusuke and Kuwabara made access to the Demon World through an abandoned store downtown; while Kurama, Saya, and Hiei made access through a small park in the south. As the three demons made there way through the dark tunnel to the Demon World Kurama was alone ahead of the other two. Several times he looked back to find Hiei walking right behind Saya almost like he was examining the young demon.



Hiei could only ponder the thought of who this demon really was, and also her mother. Saya caught his full attention when she said that her mother was the creator of the Dragon. What baffled him was the fact that Saya wanted to kill Amatera. Not that it really mattered to him anyways.


After a while they made it through the tunnel, but they were not in the Demon World yet. It was a forest, and it contained demon and human souls everywhere. The plants and trees were all from the Demon World. Yusuke and Kuwabara came from the east. When they all came together Yusuke folded his arms once again with confusion over whelming his face.


"This is not the Demon world."


Saya spoke in response to his confusion, "No we are not in the Demon world. We are in the Spirit Forest. It is a place between the Spirit world, Human world, and Demon world. This is where my power is strongest, and I am the night here; while my opposite is the day here. Here is where all Demon and Human spirits go before going to the Spirit world. Sometimes souls get lost between worlds, and this is where they go. Tonight we will rest here. It is unsafe for us to venture into the Demon world at this time. So please enjoy your stay here, and I will find you all tomorrow morning when we need to leave."


She moved away from the group, and disappeared into the forest. Yusuke and Kuwabara went off like they knew there was something else in the forest they had already found. Hiei disappeared into the treetops, and Kurama followed the wolf demon.



Saya knew she would be followed by the kitsune bishonen, because he had many questions that needed to be answered. He followed her lead to waterfall and spring that seemed to give off an aura of strong spiritual power. She sat down at the edge of the spring as Kurama stood right behind her.


"You can sit along with me. I won't bite Youko," she said innocently.


"You can call me Kurama," he replied as he sat down next to her.


"So what do you want to know? I do have some answers, but not all."


"Ok, well to start who are you; like where do you descend from?"


"Hmph. That is pretty hard to explain. You see my mother is cousins with Koenma, so I am part wolf demon and part of Koenma's family. My grandmother was the Wolf Queen that you spoke of."


"So how old are you?" Kurama continued to ask.


"Let's say I was born centuries ago, but I just woke up only four years ago," she quickly replied.


"Oh," was his only response. He really didn't want to ask the young woman, because it already bothered him about her ability to use the dragon.


Interrupting his thoughts Saya began, "This spring has the ability to draw out the demon in someone. Revealing their inner hatred and desires. If you step in Kurama you will turn into Youko, because he is your inner demon. Being that I have taken on a human form; stepping in here will reveal my true identity. Do you want to try?"


Kurama only looked at the spring, and it seemed quite tempting. Water is the element of life, and life was important to him. Before he could say anything Saya dived into the water, and she disappeared into the mist the spring gave off; the actual energy of the water was the fog. When he saw her head begin to come up he saw two red wolf ears upon a set of purple hair. As she came out of the water she was not longer human, but rather now she was in her demon form; a wolf demon. She looked like Youko, except her fur was red instead of silver. Her eyes held the same color of gold like Youko, and her beauty made Kurama short of breath for a moment.


He had decided to join her in the spring, and jumped into the water right next to her. Within moments Youko rose from the misty water, and it was no longer Suiichi Minomuro in control, but now the aged fox demon. His demon senses over whelmed him, and all he wanted to do was over whelm the female wolf demon. As he swam closer to her, she began to move away. He moved even faster, but when she reached the edge of the water she suddenly was out of the water and in the trees. Her leap out of the water into the high trees was amazing. Then he realized her right arm, the one without the dragon, began to glow a greenish color. From her arm a plant shot out and went out towards Youko. He was able to dodge the attack quickly, but it puzzled him what her motives were in all of this. He leaped out of the water, and onto the ground. He looked up to her, and she only smiled.


"What is the point?" he asked coldly.


"Simple, a test to prove to me your human emotions hadn't clouded your demon thoughts. I would have been highly disappointed in you if it had. If that was true then you would have been dead now," she replied in pride.


Leaving the fox demon Saya left in search of the other demon she hoped to understand more of. As she went along she knew Youko didn't follow her. As she searched for Hiei little did she know she was being followed. Finally the watcher decided to catch her, and he did. In lightning motion he was able to grab her, and they both fell from the treetops down to the bottom of the forest floor. When she landed she realized it was Hiei who attacked her. She turned to face him, and his look seemed to never change. As she would of expected in him; he lived the life she had. Cursed and gifted with the treacherous Dragon of the Darkness Flame.


"Why are looking for me?" Hiei asked quickly.


"To give you answers to the shadows and the nightmares that have haunted you since the day you received that third eye of yours."


Before Hiei could even react after her words she drew his face to hers and kissed him in a deep embrace. As she kissed him, Hiei could feel the energy of her life passing to him. It seemed they were now connected by this death wish that seemed to plague them both. All he could was reply back to this wondrous, passionate, deadly kiss. Right now he didn't want answers from her, only to fulfill the desires that seemed to scream in his head the moment he saw her. Now in her demon form she was even more exotic to his demon senses.


Little did the two realize that the world around them was disappearing, and being replaced by the world in which the dragon they both possessed lived in. The shadows of their lives and future deaths surrounded. It appeared their arms that carried the dragons glowed with a darkened power, and from those arms two auras appeared. They took form of the dragons they held in themselves.


To continue…