Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ A Head Of Hair ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One: A Head Of Hair
The darkness of the night swept over the young girl. It was a bitter cold that she tried to erase from her mind as she wandered purposefully down the busy streets in the middle of the city. Her eyes scanned the crowd for a glimpse of black hair. Of course; she was surrounded by black hair of all kinds, but she knew the specific head of hair she was on the look out for. Her brother's hair was unique. Again the winds picked up and swept across the girl's body, whipping against her chest and legs. She wore a pair of faded blue jeans that were brand new and a small black t-shirt, which showed off her curves so she could get anyone's attention and then their information. People looked at her as she passed them on the street. In the darkness, she was a glowing ghost walking in the city. Besides her normal attire, she wore a black pea-coat and a black bow in her soft golden hair. It whipped in front of her face occasionally. She was truly a sight to behold in the busy hours of the night; a gothic dressed angel.
Teens went in and out of the stores with grace and ease, each one unaware of a life that was run by everyone else. She shivered slightly in the night, rubbing her black mittens together to create some friction. The teens walked by her, looking back at her to check her out. She was unaccustomed to the smiles on their faces as they wandered around without a care in the world. As a young orphan, she had been given to several families, and when she was old enough to survive; she ran away to find her brother. She knew that no one wanted her; even her own parents had abandoned her. She was nothing. Invisible to the naked eye.
A tear slide down her cheek in the cold of the winter. She brushed it away and looked up just in time to spot a familiar shade of black along the streets. The hair was sleeked back with what looked like an entire bottle of cheap hair gel. She laughed, but followed the head eagerly, not knowing what she would find. Her heart raced as she let herself hope that it was Kenji. He would have to love her; he would sense the pain from when she was thrown out and he would be just as guilty of abandoning her. She would use that to its full extent. Nothing was going to stop her from finding Kenji. Nothing or no one.
The head bobbed quickly through the crowd, moving at an almost un-human pace. She followed it though, careful not to get too close. The head of hair made its way to a solitary temple that stood set back from reality. She looked at the temple and chuckled. Slowly, she pulled off her right mitten and dug into her pea-coat pocket for a crumpled piece of paper. Yes, she was at the right temple anyway. She looked the temple steps over carefully. It seemed that the temple belonged to a physic; a powerful one at that. She noted the details of demon wards and charms. The wind whipped against her already cold body as she stood admiring the temple and the unknown fighter who was certainly not her brother.
“Damn.” She whispered into the blackness of night. Her brother couldn't have gotten past the demon wards, not without them going off. The boy was not Kenji; she had met a dead end. Almost, she reminded herself. This was the place that she had been directed to go to for shelter and for help. She certainly had hoped it wouldn't come to this point, but she didn't have a choice. Her body refused to move onto the premises, but in her head, she wanted nothing more than to meet the boy who carried a head of black hair like her brother's.
“May I help you?” a voice enchanted from her side. She turned to her left and found herself staring into emerald green eyes. Each one had plenty of depth and a sense of manners. Her body froze in the already cold weather.
“I…uh…I…” She stumbled over her words, trying not to sound stupid. So much for that. The boy noticed that she was nervous as he looked directly at her. His crimson hair was long and it relaxed over his shoulders. She watched as he smiled at her; a sense of humiliation on her face.
“Are you a friend of Yusuke's? Perhaps an admirer?” The boy asked. She shook her head and laughed. The night was getting chillier; she knew she should probably ask to see the head of the temple.
“Not really, I need to see…” She looked down at the crumpled piece of paper. “I need to see Master Genkai.” She said confidently. The boy looked at her, confused as to why she was inquiring about the Master. Her toes wiggled in her boots to try and keep warm.
“What is your name?” The boy asked. He eyed her suspiciously, and she wondered if the paper was some really bad joke. She didn't know if she was supposed to give a fake name, but honestly, she couldn't think of one at that moment.
“Mika.” She replied. The boy looked at her and sighed. He seemed to understand the implication that her name held. Mika looked over his gentle face and felt an instant rush of heat run threw her. She hoped that she hadn't sounded stupid the last few minutes.
“And you?” She asked, being polite. The boy smiled, forgetting his own manners.
“Kurama. Call me Kurama.” Kurama added in, following her with his gaze. She was beautiful, like no other person Kurama had encountered before. Her long flowing golden hair dripped down her back. She was a gothic angel dressed in black with sweet honey colored hazel eyes. Kurama tried to remember what Genkai had told him earlier about their possible visitor. He snuck a look at her eyes once more and saw how bold, yet emotionless they were.
“Genkai's been expecting you for a couple days now.” Kurama said as he motioned for the girl to follow him. She was smooth when she walked, an air of tight confidence around her. He worried that maybe she had been staying on the streets…Or worse.
“I went to visit a friend. Koenma told me to drop by when I got over my own attitude.” Mika replied. Kurama laughed when he thought about the toddler telling off this girl. The two of them made it to the top of the stairs quickly; neither out of breath. When Kurama turned to look at the girl, she was looking up at the moonlight that broke through the clouds. Her entire being glowed in the night, like an angel.
“Come in, I'll call on Genkai for you, Mika.” Kurama said. Mika turned to him and nodded. Her hands were tucked in her pockets defiantly, and Kurama could tell that she hadn't wanted to call on Genkai at all. He opened the temple doors and Mika walked right in to the chaos.
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