Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ Trouble Maker ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two: Trouble Maker
Mika stepped into the chaos that was a Friday night at the temple. The gang was sitting down at the table playing cards and throwing objects and insults at each other. Kurama led Mika the other way before anyone noticed she was there. Before he led her away, Mika could see the black haired boy laughing at another boy. His eyes were warm and confident; not to mention brown. Not Kenji at all. Kenji's eyes were weak, lost, and of the blazing blue variety. But I knew it wasn't him already, she told herself.
“Mika, this way.” Kurama said. She followed the boy down a lit hallway till he stopped and knocked on a door. Footsteps were heard on the other side of the door. It slid open to reveal an older woman with fading pink hair. She looked Mika up and down and motioned for only her to step in. Kurama walked away as the door shut.
“You must be Genkai?” Mika asked. Genkai nodded, pointing to a cushion on the other side of a small table. Mika sat down and Genkai waited patiently for the girl to say something more. When she didn't, Genkai decided she should tell her.
“I have to warn you ahead of time; there are never normal humans here. All of those who come here know the worlds and have been between them. You are free to speak of any of it if you want.” Genkai said as she poured the girl a cup of tea. Mika began to warm up and she pulled off her mittens and her pea-coat. Genkai marveled at the intensity of her aura. Her body glowed with a shimmering golden light. So Koenma was right.
“I wasn't going to really talk to them anyway.” Mika replied. It was good to know that her secrets were safe guarded in case. So the boy with the black hair was special; just like her. She felt the bile churn in her stomach. Her parents had called her special, they had called her perfect too; then they sent her away.
“Well, I'll have Kurama show you to your room.” Genkai looked at the door and Kurama opened it. Mika was shocked that the boy was standing out there. It didn't seem like it was much fun to wait on other people.
“Thank you for your generosity.” Mika bowed before she left the Master's room. She didn't know what to expect. The entire temple was filled with people who knew the secrets of each world.
“Pssh, what ever.” Mika said out loud. Kurama looked at her, letting his gaze divide her into categories. Mika could feel the boy's stare on her. It made her feel light headed and insecure.
“Your room.” Kurama said as he opened a door. Mika nodded and walked in, looking around. It was better than sleeping in a tree or under a bridge. She'd never done that before, but she didn't want to start now. Mika could feel the boy's presence at the door as she looked out of the window.
“Do you have anything sleeping clothes?” Kurama asked the girl. She turned to him slightly, just craning her chin over her right shoulder. It was a soft pose for her, and it caught Kurama off guard. His chest tightened and he could feel the girl's aura tug at Youko's senses.
“No. I don't.” Mika replied. I didn't think about that before I stormed off, she laughed at herself. The boy held his hand up in protest to tell her to stay put. Mika had no intentions of leaving the room. It was small, but it had a very nice window that let in the moonlight. She could even see the flecks of snow.
“Oi, Kurama, is that y-” A voice said from the door way. Mika turned her head and saw the boy with the black hair. His face gave away his thoughts. The brown eyes had a comfortable radiance to them, and Mika found her self genuinely glad that this boy wasn't Kenji. I will find him though.
“Who? How? What the hell?!” Yusuke said as he marveled at the blond haired girl sitting in one of the guest rooms. Her back was towards Yusuke, but she turned a bit to meet his gaze. A hand tapped Yusuke's shoulder gently. He turned to his left and saw Kurama holding a pair of black pajamas. Yusuke backed out of the way as Kurama entered the room and the girl turned herself around to receive the pajamas.
“If you feel up to it, we will all be in the dinning room.” Kurama reminded the girl. She just turned her head back towards the window, where a gentle blanket of snow flecks was falling. Kurama could feel the sugar sweetness of her aura tingle in Youko's (now awake) senses. The kitsune was starting to get hyper in the presence of the girl. Kurama pulled himself away and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Yusuke looked shocked and surprised.
“Kitsune, who is THAT!?” Yusuke asked. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was as if Koenma had dropped some black-clad angel at the Temple's steps. Kurama felt his breathing return to regular the moment he left the room.
“Her name is Mika. She is Genkai's guest at the request of Koenma.” Kurama said as the two boys walked back to the commotion. Kurama kept replaying the image of Mika's gentle posture when she turned to see him. It made his heart race.
[Back Inside Mika's Room]
Mika let her hands wander over the pajamas. Her skin tingled when she felt the cool silk. The color was suited to her taste, and she wondered if Koenma had mentioned that she never wore much color. Stupid toddler, who does he think he is?! Telling me that I need to be baby-sat?! Serves him right that I show up a few days later! Maybe it will give him a better sense of manners! Mika thought to herself. The view outside was serene and it didn't make Mika feel any better about following that boy. He looked at her like she was a natural phenomenon.
“Better call the cranky cat.” Mika reminded herself. She dug into her jeans pocket and pulled out a sleek, black cell phone with a tiny cat charm dangling off of it. She flipped it open casually and held down the number 2 button. Speed dial was the second greatest technological invention, she thought. The first is the coffee maker. The phone rang, and on the third ring, a girl picked up the phone.
“Is that you, Mika?!” The voice was eager, and angry. Mika sighed and rolled her eyes. She hadn't answered any one's call in a few days. Not since she was dragged to the Reikai and forced to become a charge under Master Genkai.
“Yeah. It's me Kohana. Chill out. I made it to Master Genkai's.” Mika said, trying to assure her angry friend that she was safe. The line was quiet for a moment, but the results proved that Mika's attempt was futile.
“YOU STUPID GIRL! I THOUGHT YOU WERE HURT!! I WORRIED MY ASS OFF, AND FOR WHAT!? SO YOU COULD RUN AROUND JAPAN AND ALL OF IT JUST TO PISS THAT STUPID TODDLER OFF?! HONESTLY, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GROW UP!!?? I WAS SO SCARED!!” The voice yelled through the phone. Mika held it away from her, staring at it like it was something dead that came back to life. She waited until there was a pause before she said anything.
“I didn't run around Japan.” Mika pulled out the ribbon in her hair and let the golden locks fall around her shoulders. The other line of the phone was silent.
“If that was your apology, it was bad.” The girl said. Mika chuckled softly, and so did the other line. There was a definite sigh from the other side, and Mika knew that her best friend had other things to do then to listen to Mika's adventures.
“You know me. I'm not real good with all that stuff. But I do need to ask a favor. When I left, I didn't grab my stuff. It's all at your place, oh, and at Aki's. Can you grab it for me and bring it over? Please pretty kitty?” Mika asked. A hiss rang in her ears and she laughed. She knew her best friend hated to be called that.
“Just promise me you won't run off and give me another anxiety attack. Please?” The line asked. The voice was sad and nervous; a sort of motherly-tone to it. Mika nodded.
“Yeah. I think I can do that. At least for a few days.” She laughed. The line was silent, but she could sense the worry was still there. “Relax, I'm going to stay. I'll let you know what's up when I see you.” Mika reassured her best friend. The girl sighed on the phone and Mika could almost see her friend rolling her eyes and nodding. I do make her give that expression a lot. I should be used to it.
“Alright. See you tomorrow.” The line replied. Mika thought of Kohana and the way that she mothered everything that Mika did. At least one person loves me. That thought pained her and she hung up the phone with out saying good bye. It was a frequent thing for Mika; her inability to actually say farewell without getting upset.
“Ugh!” Mika hung her pea coat over the bed post and laid her mittens over the small dresser she was provided with. She felt the crushing pain in her stomach from not eating. The night was still young to her, and she wondered if there was food in the kitchen. What a dumb thought, of course there is food. There are a bunch of people here…Mika walked towards the door and opened it slowly, checking to see which way the laughter was coming from.
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Chapter 2 done! WOOT!