Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 11

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Blood and pain in this chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 11

Hiei walked through the forest, this time with a specific destination instead of just wandering around. She heard about an item that could help her search for her sister but it was rare and very powerful. And dangerous. But danger or no Hiei sought out that item and found out where to find it. It was dangerous because most people don't live through it. Actually no one has lived through the experience of having one. Hiei spent most of her money just getting the name of the item, the feared Jagan, the Third Eye.

Hiei came to a cabin with ramshackle walls and a roof that looked like it would fall down any second, ivy grew up and around the building. According to Hiei's informant this was the place Hiei was looking for. Hiei walked up to the door and banged on it.

"What do you want," asked a voice inside the cabin.

"I want to see Shigure," said Hiei through the door. "I want to speak with him."

"You may come in," said the voice and Hiei opened the door. In front of her was a man with long black hair in a pony tail with his back turned. "Do you have an appointment," asked the man.

"Are you Shigure," asked Hiei.

"Depends," said Shigure, facing her. His face was covered with earrings and a surgeon's mask hung around his neck. "Do you have an appointment?"

"I wish to have an operation," said Hiei walking in further.

"I do many operations," said Shigure. "Face lifts, plastic surgery, witch of gender . . ."

"I wish to have a Jagan," said Hiei impatient for it to end. Shigure looked at her and turned around.

"I don't do that profession anymore," he said.

"I need that Jagan," said Hiei. "You don't know how much I need it."

"I won't do that operation anymore," said Shigure turning back to her. "Too many people have been lost during the operation."

"I'm strong enough to control it," yelled Hiei. "I can accept the pain."

"It's not about accepting the pain," said Shigure as he stood up. "It's about if it will accept you."

Hiei stood there for a moment, not knowing about what Shigure meant. If it would accept her? What did that mean? Accepting the pain? If she did she'd die for sure. Did he mean the Eye?

"Are you saying the Eye is alive?" asked Hiei.

"In a way. The reason why no one has controlled it, or even lived through the operation, is because it is alive. It has not accepted a wielder yet for the ones who have tried did meet its requirements. Are you saying you do?"

"I can try! I'll pay anything!" Hiei dug in her pockets and threw down all her money on the floor. Shigure looked at it once and turned away.

"I don't want your money," he said.

"Then I'll pay with this." Shigure turned around to find Hiei's face cast to the side as she held out the fox figurine. Hiei promised herself she would never give it away but for Yukina she would do anything.

"And where did you get this," asked Shigure picking up the figurine.

"My sister bought it for me at a trader's cart," she said hesitantly. "That's all I have. Please take it."

Shigure looked at the figurine, then at Hiei and nodded.

"Come with me," he said and Hiei looked up sharply at him.

"You mean you're giving me the operation?" asked Hiei and Shigure scuffed.

"I'm not making you sing and dance," he said. "Come with me before I change my mind and keep the figure."

He walked into a room and Hiei wasn't far behind. Inside the room was metal table and lots of operating equipment. In a jar set carefully on a table was what looked like a turquoise orb floating in some yellowish liquid. Hiei walked closer to inspect it and saw that it was the Jagan, probably as big as a baseball and a snake like iris.

"Is that it," she asked as she looked at it.

"That's it," said Shigure.

She didn't really hear him because she was still gazing at the Eye. She became lost in the jaded color of the Jagan, like she was drawn to it. She had this sudden empty feeling as she looked at it, like it didn't belong in the glass jar. Like it was caged and just wanted to be free.

"You still want to do it," asked Shigure and Hiei nodded. She lay on the table as Shigure strapped her around the arms, legs, and waist. Hiei tested if the were straps were tight enough and they were. "They straps are so you don't claw out your eyes. Last chance to chance to back down. If you agree there's no turning back."

"Let's just start and get it over with," growled Hiei and Shigure nodded. He took off his earrings and put the mask on. Shigure reached onto a tray and grabbed a scalpel.

"I will need to cut through your skin and muscle to get to your skull," he said.

"I don't care how you do it," yelled Hiei. "Just do it!"

Shigure reached down and pressed the scalpel against Hiei's forehead, cutting into it. Hiei screamed as Shigure cut a swift diagonal line across her forehead and continued till he could see the bone, then used hooks and tape to keep the skin open and sponge the blood away. Oh Enma, it hurt! Ever had been bitten by a dog or had your limbs tore off? Yeah, it was like that. Hiei could do nothing but scream as she tried not to pass out from the pain. It ran through her nerves and brain. She couldn't shut it out. She bit her lip to try and keep from screaming but it didn't really help. She tasted something bitter and coppery and it took her a moment to realize it was her own blood, from her bitten lip and some from the blood running down her forehead. It ran down her face and in her hair and eyes. She wished he would wipe it away but he was busy making sure everything went right. She bit down harder.

Shigure pressed a button and watched as a machine whirled down toward Hiei's exposed bone. She groaned and screamed as the cutter cut a circular hole in her skull and Shigure took away the marrow. She growled and it her lip harder as she watched Shigure reach into the glass jar and carefully took out the Jagan. She blacked out as he fitted it on her forehead.

(Freaky scene change)

Where am I thought Hiei as she looked around. All she saw was a vast darkness, fog drifted around her feet.

A girl this time said a voice and Hiei turned around. But then, you're not just a girl.

Where are you yelled Hiei then gasped. She wasn't really talking! No words came from her mouth but how can she speak?

Baka onna said the voice. You don't need to speak here. In spirit form everything is open.

Where are you? asked Hiei looking around again. She couldn't seem to find the owner of the voice but it sounded so much like her. Like an echo.

I am here, said the voice and then laughed. And I am everywhere.

Where is here?

So many questions! Here is here there is there. There's no more then that.

Who are you? Hiei asked her first question again and this time the being chuckled.

I am the Jagan said the voice and Hiei gasped. The Jagan was with her? Why would it want to visit her in spirit form?

I saw you said the Jagan, out there. Hiei supposed it meant the operating room. I liked you. You intrigued me. I haven't seen a girl try the operation before.

You mean I'm the first?

Yes, and like I said, you're not just a girl.

What do I have to do for you to accept me?

Fight me.

What?! I can't even see you! How can she fight something she can't see! All she could see is darkness.

As she looked in the dark she saw many turquoise pin pricks begin to glow and move closer to her. Soon a demon materialized a male with green skin and eyes all over his body. His spiky hair was split in two halves with a white starburst in the middle. He looked sort of familiar.

Fight me repeated the Jagan and pulled out a katana similar to hers.

This is how you'll accept me asked Hiei, by fighting you?!

Fight me! yelled the Jagan and charged at Hiei. She barely had time to dodge when it, he, attacked again. It was then she realized she was naked, as was the Jagan fighting her. She blushed at her vulnerability toward the image.

I can't fight you, she cried as she dodged another attack. I'm naked!

Nothing is kept hidden here, said the Jagan. No secrets are kept. Fight me or die!

The Jagan swung again and Hiei cried as the sword pierced her side and flung her to the ground. Blood ran down her side and through her hands as she tried to stop the bleeding. The image the Jagan made was faster then she was! Shigure said it was powerful but she didn't know it was this powerful. She knew she could never defeat it so she might as well accept her own.

I can't fight you, she gasped. She knew she was beaten before she fought. The image stopped his swing sort and smiled at her.

You have admitted your limits. You know where your strengths lie. I accept.

What?! Hiei was confused. How could she have won when she didn't even fight?! Wouldn't that mean she lost?

You learn more by defeat then victory, said the image.

But winning is better then dieing, said Hiei as she stood up and the image nodded.

That is true too. The Jagan held out his hand and she took it.

(Again freaky scene change)

She groaned and opened her eyes to Shigure wrapping a bandage to her forehead. She flinched when he touched a tender part of her skin.

"You awake," he asked.

"I'm alive," she countered with her own.

"Well, you're not dancing your way to Reikai now are you?" he finished the bandage and tied it tight. "I suggest you sleep.

She grunted and closed her eyes, exhaustion from the operation and the experience she had with the Jagan. She never told anyone but she learned more that day then she ever did.

When she woke she found herself alone and her forehead and waist bandage. The swipe she took from the Jagan's image must have hurt her physically then just mentally. She walked over to a mirror and looked at her forehead. It felt weird to have a bandage around her forehead and she could actually feel the Jagan in her brain. It was a comforting feeling and it didn't hurt at all. She gently touched the Jagan under the clothe and gasped at the tickling feeling.

"It will hurt now and then," said Shigure at the door with her backpack. "You'll be able to take the bandage off in a few days."

"Everyone else fought it, right," she asked and Shigure nodded.

"Damned fools they were." He threw the pack and she caught it. "Make sure everything's in there and leave." And he left. She looked inside and found everything was in. it was mostly clothes and even her tear gem was set in there. She put it back on as she continued to look. She opened the front pocket and her eyes widen in surprise when she saw what was in there. Her fox figurine, the one she used to pay for the operation. Why did he give it back? Maybe he saw how important it was to her. What ever the reason she had it back.

Closing her bag she put it on her shoulder, wincing at her gouged gut, and walked out.


I don't know what happened when Hiei got the Jagan so this is speculation. So don't take it seriously. But it was good wasn't it? R&R please!

Thankies to . . .




Shessha's Crazy





Hiei's Shadow