Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Violence and bad language in this chapter

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 12

Kurama growled as he paced the cell and tried to get the smell from his nose. Inari, did it stink something fierce! It smelled like rotting eggs, decay, mold, and a million other things Kurama didn't want to think about. He cursed himself for his stupidity for getting caught. Mukuro had replaced her soldiers with Hunters and nothing can stop them except fire and ice. Kurama cursed himself again for using his only fire plant on the last Hunter. Those things were hard to come by.

Kurama sharply looked up when he heard a door open and the jingling of keys. Someone was coming. He walked toward the cell door and looked out the small window to see a guard leading another prisoner to his cell. The guard shoved the prisoner in and walked back to Kurama's cell, smiling as the kitsune looked at him with a glare.

"Thought you were smart, huh, Youko Kurama," sneered the guard. "Mukuro's gonna have a lot of fun executing you. She's got a special beast saved for you."

"If you don't let me out now I'll skin you alive and stuff your dick down your mother fucking throat," growled Kurama. He was letting his anger out on the guards since they were to blame.

"I've heard that too many times," said the guard who didn't seem afraid.

"Okay, how about this," said Kurama smirking. "I'll strap your body to a table and full pf spikes and stretch you till you scream. Then I'll cut off your toes one by one. Then I'll do the same to your fingers. Then I'll cut off your limbs, starting at the joint. First I'll cut off your left foot, then you left knee. I'll switch to your right foot and your right knee. I'm very precise, you know, and I have to have things in order so I'll cut off your left hand and your left elbow next and switch to your right. Then I'll cut off your thighs and your shoulders. Then I'll cut off your balls . . ." By then the guard was running down the hall and Kurama was yelling his threats after him, lucky that the corridor was very long and the guard heard every word, ". . . and slice your dick in two and stuff your balls down your throat and make you eat them!"

Kurama laughed when he heard the door close shut. Yup, he still got it and he didn't even get to the best part. He stopped laughing when he heard a groaning sound and looked outside to the cell next him.

"Man," said the demon in a ghetto accent. "You're sick!"

"And you're a moron," countered Kurama. "You let yourself get caught."

"So did you," yelled another demon down the hall.

"Mine was a technicality that will soon be rectified," yelled down Kurama. He walked away from the door and looked around the cell, trying to find a crack in the mason or soft dirt that he could dig in be he found was nothing. The people who built this place were smart, no way to escape, and the guards tended the cells regularly, not cleaning it but making sure everything intact.

"Smart guards," he said as he lay on the cot. "Didn't see that one coming."

He wondered if that girl was okay. A nice demon only goes so far in the Makai and she wasn't very powerful in the defensive area but her offensive was substantial. If she wasn't careful she would be taken and made to do horrible things.

`She smelled like a Koorime,' thought Kurama. `But they never leave their Island. Why would she? Oh yeah, to find her sister but still why would a Koorime leave her city?'

Deciding not to give it anymore thought he went to sleep. Demons didn't really dream but whenever they did it was a nightmare. Kurama had one.


He was running trying to out run the demons behind him. He was no more then ten years old and made a mistake by leaving his caretaker. Now he was trying to get away from a group of demons that wanted his fur.

One on the demons threw a met at him and he tried to dodge it but tripped and fell. The net fell on him and he struggled to get it off, but it wouldn't. He was laid down! He looked up and saw the ugly demons leering down at him and reached down to grab him. He screamed in his high childish voice.

"Leaf Blade!" yelled a vice and Kurama looked up to see a kitsune with black and white hair leap from the brush and strike the demons with a Leaf Blade, the roots wrapped around his arm to sustain it longer.

"Tanuki," squealed Kurama in joy as he beheld his caretaker. He screamed again when a demon picked him up and started to carry him away.


Tanuki grew a bamboo spear and threw it. Kurama's ears rang at the whistling sound it mad as it flew and squealed when it landed with a thud in the demon's back, right next to his head.

Tanuki walked up to Kurama and set him out of the net.

"You're in big trouble, littl'un," he said and Kurama whimpered. "Let's go home."

They started back toward Kitsune Valley when it happened. The next few seconds were a blur to Kurama as he heard a shot and Tanuki's body covering him.



Kurama woke to someone banging on his cell door. He opened his eyes to see a guard open his door and throw in bread and water. The bread was moldy and fell apart as on impact when it hit the floor and the water splashed on the floor in the bowl it was in, yellow in color and Kurama wouldn't be surprised it was urinated in.

"Eat up," said the guard. "Cause that's the last meal you'll get." And the guard closed the door.

"I'll have you for dinner instead!" yelled Kurama. "Nicely seasoned with some wild carrots and done just right so you're tender and juicy. Or maybe well done! Would you like to be well done? I'll let you pick!"

The only answer he got was the door slamming shut and someone vomiting in the other cells. Kurama smiled as he walked back to his cot, kicking the slop away, and laid back down on the cot. Well, he had his fun for the day but how was he going to get out? They put up wards so he can't use his ki and the lock was outside. They got smart but where there's a will there's Youko Kurama!

An hour as the guards came in with that slop they called food another guard came in with a warded shackle and wrapped it around Kurama's ankle. Kurama growled at the tight, cold metal pressed against his skin and blocked his youki.

"Come on," said the guard. "Time for our entertainment. And for you to die."

Kurama growled as the other guards picked him up by his arms and carried him out. Kurama kept growling as they walked down a long hall and came to two double doors. The guards opened the doors to reveal an arena much like the Roman Coliseum and very full of demons of every kind yelling insults and jeers at him. Mukuro sat at the very top of the arena, her scarred face hidden in the shadows. She held up hand and everyone in the arena became silent as she stood up. The guards with electric poles came up and shocked him, the electricity ringing through his nerves and his ears. He grunted and fell to his knees, surprised by the shock that ran through his systems, and looked loath fully at Mukuro.

"Youko Kurama," she began, "you have been charged with many things in the Makai and here you've been charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, theft and . . ."

"Well, you got two out of three right," said Kurama and he felt another shock for his mouth. He growled back at the guards as Mukuro continued.

"Your crimes all over the Makai have been of theft, murder, unlawful conduct, assassination on loyal citizens . . ."

"Hey, everyone has to have a hobby," said Kurama again. "But I made their graves pretty."

"With ravenous plants that ate anyone going near them!" yelled Mukuro and Kurama chuckled.

"You didn't think they were pretty?" And got shocked again. Kurama growled and leaped at the guard, grabbing his shirt and lifting the guard high in the air.

"Shock me one more time and I'm shoving that stick up your ass," growled Kurama and the other guard shocked him. Kurama whipped around and growled at the other guard.

"Same goes for you too," he yelled at the guard and dropped the one in his hands. Mukuro cleared her throat before she continued.

"Your punishment for these crimes is death," she said. They heard a roar and almost everyone cringed and some screamed. The two double doors opened for a cage being pulled by two large horses, straining with the weight of the cages occupant. Inside was what looked like a giant tiger with purple and black stripes, a foot or so taller then Kurama and its incisors showed from its mouth two inches below its chin and gums. Its claws were as long as daggers as it swiped through the cage and its body lithe and slender, its tail like a whip. Kurama didn't turn around as the creature came out and the horses and guards were removed. He kept his eyes on Mukuro as she pressed a button and the cage opened.

"Let the game begin," she yelled and, as if on cue, the tiger leapt from its cage and charged at Kurama. The silver kitsune didn't move as the tiger ran closer and closer, and he quickly ducked under the creature's feet and it kept charging till it hit the wall with a crunching thud. Kurama watched as the predator picked itself up and shook its head to clear it. It turned its head and roared a challenge at Kurama and the fox ran. He couldn't go in a particular direction since the arena was a circle so he ran to the wall and turned to look at the tiger charging him.

`At least I'm not tied up,' he thought then remember the shackle on his leg. `Oh yeah, have to improvise. I hate having to improvise.'

The tiger neared Kurama and at just the right moment the kitsune ducked out of the way again and ran in another direction as the tiger hit the wall. The tiger kept charging at Kurama as the fox dodged every time, and every time the tiger hit the wall. After the twelfth time Kurama was out of breathe and had to slash across his chest from a near miss.

He neared the wall, running as fast as his feet could, and leapt. He jumped high to the top of the wall; grabbed and electric pole from the guard stationed there, and pushed off from the edge of the wall to somersault and land behind the tiger as it hit the wall again. This time the tiger was so dazed he couldn't see straight.

Kurama pressed a button on the pole till it was to maximum and pointed it at his ankle. S bright yellow light shot from it and broke the lock on the shackle, singing Kurama's skin a little. He looked around to see the creature charge at him again, out of its daze. Kurama ran from it and into its cage, the tiger not far behind.

"Idiot," yelled someone from the stands "I thought he was smarter then that!"

Kurama smiled as the crowd watched him dodge the tiger's swipe as he tried to get out of the cage. He didn't have his seeds with him; they took them away when they captured him. The creature raised its paw again and Kurama ducked under it, sliding under its belly and out of the entrance and slammed the door till he heard a click that meant it was locked. The tiger roared as it tried to escape but the metal bars kept it in. The crowd booed, screamed and hissed at him for ruining their fun.

"Kill him!" yelled Mukuro and about twenty guards surrounded Kurama, weapons ready to kill him.

"Sure that's wise?" said Kurama pointing his weapon at the cage.

"You'll just hit the beast," said Mukuro and Kurama fired the weapon. Smoke enfolded the cage and the beast as Kurama smirked at the lady Lord.

"I wasn't aiming for the creature," he said and pointing the staff at the wall. People screamed and tried to get away as Kurama fired twelve shots at the wall and it crumbled to reveal a way out. Kurama heard a roar an knew the creature had gotten over the shock that was conducted through the bars as he ran out of the arena, stumbling through the rubble and getting lost with the spectators. He looked behind to find the tiger slashing left and right at the others not fast enough to get away. Some guards were trying to get it under control but ended up with the other victims as other ran away from them.

Kurama jeered and ran out of the city.


Like? Hate? Want to kill me? Please send comments through your review. I'm actually proud of this chapter because I got more into Youko's character. *giggle* Yep, every one has to have a hobby! And for chapter 10, if you guessed Yukina, you are correct! I just wanted a little mystery there. One person asked if Yukina and Kurama hook up and that's a no. I state the pairings at the beginning of every chapter and I'll stay with it! Ja ne!

Thankies to . . .


Shessha's Crazy




BlackRose Assassin


Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl

Hiei's Shadow