Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.

Ryuusei no Solitude

By: Koritsune Dragonrider

Rating: PG-13

Warning: A lot of other unpleasant things

Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the Yu*Yu Hakusho series.

Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!

Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara

Chapter 13

Hiei rested against a tree as she examined what she could do with the Jagan so far she had incredible physic powers and increase in power, though her youki decreased during the operation. How that worked she'll never know.

What else can I do, she thought as she looked at herself in a pond.

Wouldn't you like to know, said the Jagan. Ever since the operation Hiei's been able to hear the Jagan in her mind. It felt sort of good to have company with her even if it was an eye on her forehead.

Hey! yelled the Jagan under the bandana. I heard that!

I'm just kidding, Eye, she said. What am I supposed to call you anyway? "Jagan" is what you are. Don't you have a name?

The Jagan was silent for a moment.

"Jagan" is my name, it said. I can't explain it more then that.

They named you what you are?

Don't your people?


Then why are you complaining?

Who created you?

I don't know.

You never met him!

I was told I was always here till the person strong enough came to me. You did.

I was the first to wield you?

So many questions, little one. Are you that curious?

I only want to know about you so I can use you to my fullest extent.

So you want to know what else I can do?


Then take the clothe off, close your eyes and look.

How can I look with my eyes closed?

You just can.

Hiei shrugged and did as she was told. Taking off the clothe she closed her eyes as the Jagan opened. She didn't know how she was going to look if she had her eyes closed. You need eyes to see something around you.

Silly, said the Jagan as it chuckled, you forget, I am an eye.

Sorry, she said

That's okay. Now just concentrate on me. With time it will become instinct.

Hiei pictured the Jagan in her mind, the size, shape, and color, everything she knew about the Jagan, and gasped. What she was seeing was incredible! Everything was in blue but the colors! Everything around her seemed to have its own color. The trees were green and the grass was brown. The rocks around her were grey and the water was blue. She put her hand in front of her face to find it enveloped in a bluish black color. What is that?

It's your aura and the others around you, said the Jagan. Your life force. You can find anyone or anything from their life force.

This is amazing! she said as she looked around. I can't believe I'm doing this!

That's not all I can do. I can tap into hidden abilities too.

What do yo mean by that?

Did you know you're a hermaphrodite?

Excuse me? What the hell is that?

You can change genders! You can be a male!

I can be a what?! No, no!

Why not?

I can't be a male! I'll be tainted!

Oh, this about the Koorimes, huh? They kicked you out! They won't know you turned into a male!

You won't tell, right? Hiei was curious on what it was like to be a male. She'd heard her mother talk about them and how they were different from females. She wondered what it was like.

Who am I going to tell? said the Jagan. Just concentrate, okay? Think about being a male.

Hiei nodded and closed her eyes. What was it like being a male? She didn't really know so she thought about what she did know. They don't have breast for one, or a vagina. They're rude, loud, pompous, arrogant, and stubborn. They liked to hang around bars and prove their strength, their survival techniques, and they smell! Didn't any of them take a bath? Or even hear of one?

As she thought she felt a warm tickle throughout her body. It numbed her senses and shifted her insides. Opening her eyes she watched as her chest flattened and her hips grew till her pants were too big. Lifting her hands she watched as her fingers grew more round and her hands became less flexible. She felt her hair rise and shot up, defying gravity on its own. Soon it was over and she stood shocked at herself, or himself.

"I'm a male," he said then cleared his throat at his more masculine voice. "I'm a male!"

So? asked the Jagan. Amazing stuff isn't it?

Very! he said. I didn't know I could do this!

Now you do.

Hiei touched his flat chest to feel the contours of his chest and abdomen. He didn't know that he worked out that mach! And his biceps were stronger then his female form. His leg muscles were leaner and he wouldn't be surprised is he could run faster.

He was loosing the draw string on his pants when he felt a bulge in his pants. Curious he opened his pants to find his penis. But being a girl all his life he didn't know what it was.

"What the hell is that," he cried.

Your penis, dude! said the Jagan. Gee you have been deprived. It's also called your dick, shaft, rod, manhood, erection . . .

Okay, he cried. No need for a lesson!

You're a male now so you have to know this stuff.

Can you tell me later? I'm tired.

It takes a lot of energy to shift forms. I suggest you sleep.

I will. And Hiei lay down on the ground and closed his eyes, asleep before he sighed heavily. He had dreams about Yukina being captured and tortured and of his mother's death. Sometimes he heard the Jagan in his dreams, soothing him and comforting him like a parent would a child. It actually felt comforting to not be alone.

He was tossing and turning in particular bad dream when the Jagan woke him, rather rudely too.

Hiei! yelled the Jagan and mentally hit the fire Koorime.

"Ouch!" yelled Hiei rubbing his aching head. It felt like a head ache only ten times worse. "What was that for?!" he yelled.

Youkai are coming, said the Jagan. You're lucky I woke you up. Let's move it!

Hiei shot up as the demons came into view and walked toward him. He stood at a defense stance with his sword out and faced the demons. They smiled at him and too out clubs and wards.

Who are these demons, he asked.

Slavers, said the Jagan. If we don't get away from them they'll capture us and sell us as slaves.

Over my dead body, he said and charged at them. He cut the club one held in half and cut its throat at the same time. As the body fell Hiei charged at another and it blocked with its club. Hiei struggled to kill the demon when he felt something crack against his head and he felt dizzy and his vision was blurry. He fell on the ground and tried to get up but the demons dog piled him and tied his hands and feet together and put wards on him.

"Let me go, you fucking bastard!" he yelled. "Pieces of shit!"

They wrapped a gag around his mouth as they examined on him. He screamed curses to them through the gag. One of them removed the bandana on his forehead and they gasped when the Jagan opened.

"This will sell a high price indeed," said one patting Hiei on the head. He turned around to try and avoid it but they had a tight hold on him. He yelled streams of curses at them.

Idiot, he heard the Jagan say before he felt pain on the back of his neck and blacked out.


Oh, Hiei has such a potty mouth! Poor little fore Koorime. Made him get caught! [evil laugh] I am so good! R&R please! Three more chapters till Hiei and Kurama meet. Happy?!

P.S. People have been asking about the song Hiei sings in chapter 5 and, after a lot of searching, I have found a translation. If you want it please email me and I shall send them to you.

Thankies to . . .







Hiei's Shadow

