Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.
Ryuusei no Solitude
By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Rating: PG-13
Warning: n/a
Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.
Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!
Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara
Chapter XXVII
Kurama walked swiftly into his old territory at about sundown. He could sense his friend's energies just ahead and it excited him more that he was back home. The feel of familiar grass under his shoes and leaves brushing his face had son become intoxicating to his sense unlike any alcoholic drink he had in his life. He was home! He was finally home!
To Kurama, a month seemed like too long to be away from his friends. Through he was happy to see his father, Inari, and his sister, Kimiko, he missed his friends terribly, especially Hiei. He had one too many jokes from his sister on why he was so eager to return to his friends so early after the Tribunal and he just shoved it off like he always does, but Kimiko kept pushing. He gave a soft smile as he remembered the last time he saw his litter sister.
Flash Back
“I can walk you as far as the border, but no farther, Kurama-sama,” said Kimiko. As usual, Byakko the white wolf was be her side and was a band of silver was set on her forehead with a red stone to show her rank. Kurama had a gold one with a royal violet stone instead. He planned to take it off when he reached the border.
“I told you, call me by my name, Kimi-chan,” said Kurama.“Bad enough I have them around.” He indicated to the twenty or so guards standing at attention around them. “Makes me feel a hundred again.”
“Otousama arranged the guards to you, I tried to convince him to just let me go.”
“Fine, but they're staying ten yards behind us,” said Kurama in an annoyed commanding voice. Kimiko nodded and gave the order. The guards nodded and the two siblings started walking toward the border.
“The council wasn't surprised that you won,” she said watching Byakko chase critters up trees or in bushes.
“I know that,” he said keeping his eyes on the path.
“But they were surprised you accepted.” She took a stick from Byakko and threw it ahead of the path.
“Why is that,” asked Kurama.
“You've always been a rambunctious kit,” started Kimiko. “Stubborn, rebellious with no care for authority, and here you are, about to be the next ruler of our race. It surprised everyone.”
“Even me,” muttered Kurama as he threw the branch Byakko gave to him. He watched the white wolf run after the stick a second time.
“Why did you want to go back anyway,” asked Kimiko.
“I told you, to learn more.”
Kurama looked over at his sister as she looked out over the path. Why didn't she believe him? They had known each other since birth and not once had they any need to lie to each other. So why wouldn't she be able to believe him now?
“Why do you say that? I am telling the truth,” he said.
“Kurama, you may be lying to yourself, Otousamama and the entire Kitsune Council, but you can't lie to me,” said Kimiko finally looking at her brother. Mischief flashed across her eyes as she smirked mishieveisously at her brother. “You miss somebody.”
Kurama blinked in confusion as she said those words. Did he? He had to admit that he did miss the gang. Being with Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko and Shizuru was pretty great. They knew what he was thinking before he even said anything sometimes, and they knew when he was in trouble and be there to help him in a second if he needed it. But he also knew they would be able to take care of themselves so why would he be worried about them? Unless . . .
Hiei. He had forgotten about Hiei. Could he be missing Hiei? Nostalgia wasn't his forte so he didn't know if he was or not. Through, Hiei is new the rules of Makai and she didn't like being around people much, and she would be pretty much wanted if people knew that she was a Jaganshi and a hermaphrodite, and . . .He shook his head. He was making excuses. Hiei was fine, he was sure of it.
“See, I told you,” said Kimiko after a long silence. “You do miss somebody!”
“It's nobody,” he said as he continued walking.
“Everybody's somebody, and you're obviously thinking of somebody,” she said. “Come on, tell Sissy Kimi-chan. Is it a girl?”
“Possibly,” said Kurama and almost smirked at her confused face.
“You mean, it's a guy?” she asked.
“Possibly,” he said again, just to see her reaction again.
“Sweet Inari, it is a guy!” she exclaimed.
“Kind of,” he said and laughed when she tripped over a root. She muttered curses in every language she knew and shoot the root off.
“What do you mean `kid of,'” she demanded catching up to him. “It can't be both!”
“Actually, Hiei's a hermaphrodite,” he said. “It can be both.”
Kimiko was very interested now. She never met, or knows anyone who has met, hermaphrodite. And now, here was her brother, future ruler to their people, and he said he has seen one! Was that coincidence or just plain dumb luck? She looked over at her brother and saw him deep in thought. The only time he was like this was when he was deeply thinking about something, or someone. They had only been talking about one person for the last minute and the realization went off like a light bulb in her head.
“You like her,” she said looking at her brother. Kurama looked back at her, shocked and surprised that she would say such a statement.
“What do you mean,” he asked. “I do not.”
“Yes you do,” said Kimiko. “You like her. A lot.”
“Impossible,” said Kurama. “She is fire demon.”
Kimiko paid that no mind and began taunting her brother, again.
“You want to hold her. You want to kiss her. You want to hug her. You want to caress her. You want to…Ah! Hangme upside down by a tree vine.”
And indeed, that is what Kurama did. As Kimiko had continued with her taunting, Kurama commanded a vine to stealthy slither along the forest floor and wrap around Kimiko thing, athletic ankle. Kimiko may have had a small laugh from the playful antic, but she shot a glare at the guards before they could even laugh. Most of them cough away their laughter and sought sudden interest in the forest as others held back the tidal wave of hysteria with their hands.
“Ha, ha,” she said to them. “I suppose you think this is very funny.”
All of the guards shook their heads and she froze the plants to get down. She flipped back to the ground and caught up with her brother. She straightened her hair as she walked.
“Gomen, oniisan,” she said. “I went out of line.”
“As usual,” said Kurama. “Sometimes, Kimiko, I do not understand you.”
“Then my work is done,” she chirped happily. Kurama gave a small chuckle as he continued to walk.
“She must be special,” said Kimiko. “To occupy you mind to deeply.”
“How did you?”
“Come on, Kurama! I know you!”
Kurama couldn't help but give tiny chuckle from his sister's statement.
“Yes, I suppose you do.”
Kimiko gave a wide grin. By then they had reached their destination.
“I always despised good-byes,” said Kimiko. “Makes me feel I never see who I tell good-bye to ever again. How about “Till next time?'”
“Till next time,” said Kurama and handed her his headband. Thenhe held out his hand for a farewell hand shake but she wrapped her arms around her elder brother's shoulders and held him close.
“May Inari shine on you,” she whispered as she held him.
“May he bless you generously,” said Kurama in her ear as he held her.He let her go and walked away from his old home without turning back, Byakko's howls echoing through he woods.
End Flash Back
Kurama sighed in relief as he walked into the caved clearing that was the campsite of him and his friends. It was good to be home. He could almost sense his friend's signatures as he walked in. He expected to find Shizuru and Keiko cooking. They would be always be making something nice to eat, better then what the other two would be making. Yusuke and Kuwabara, as usual, would be placing bets on who could win what challenge. It was usually Yusuke who won. Hiei would be in her tree, keeping constant look out for any signs of danger.
But they weren't in the clearing. Keiko and Shizuru were not at the fire pit cooking over the orange-red flames that would lick the air over the pile of wood they would have gathered for the cooking. Yusuke and Kuwabara were not placing bets on who would win the next wrestling match between them and Hiei wasn't in her tree keeping watch over the entire encampment.
Kurama had begun to panic. His friends weren't there! He had told them to wait there for him. Hiei wouldn't disobey an order and Yusuke and Kuwabara couldn't do anything by themselves. So where could they be right now? They couldn't have left. They were a team, and teams stuck together. Where were they?
Kurama looked around the camp, inside the cave, in the river, around the surrounding forage, but there were no signs of his friends anywhere in the area. Their things were missing, except for Hiei's. Hers were in the same place that he remembered the petite fire Koorime put it a month ago. Except for that, there was nothing else in sight.
Deciding he'd look for his friends the next day, since the sun was setting and he was starving for some substance in his stomach, he set his stuff at his place in the cave and went around looking for things to eat. He caught a plump rabbit to make a juicy stew with and picked wild spices and herbs to put more taste in the stew. Despite what people told about him he was actually a pretty good cook. Living for hundreds of years can make anyone's culinary skills better if they tried.
He was stirring the stew when he heard a noise in the rushes that caught his attention easily. He had kept a careful lookout in the area, listening and looking for anything strange and didn't see anything that was unnatural. The rustling sound was the first one he heard in hours and it made him uneasy. Taking up a blade of grass he slowly put some of his energy into it and made it into a grass knife, hiding it in front of his so the intruder didn't see it.
The next rustling he shot up and slashed at the intruder just as it stepped out of the bushes. There was familiar yelp and a crash as the intruder fell backwards and landed on the ground. Another sound, very familiar sound, came from the bushes.
“Whoa, Kurama, we surrender! No more attacking the cat demon!”
Kurama looked up at the four youkai walked into the clearing. Keiko and Shizuru had followed the guys and looked ready to fight, but when they saw it was just the silver fox they took their guard down and walked in the clearing. Kurama looked at them in confusion at first till he remembered how it was when he arrived a few hours ago.
“Where the hells have you been?” he asked in an almost shouting voice.
“We were, uh, looking for treasure,” said Yusuke. “Yeah, treasure. Couldn't find anything good.”
“Where's Hiei?” asked Kurama who had noticed that the fire Koorime wasn't with them
“Hiei? Uh, I don't know,” said Yusuke looking oddly guilty for something. “I haven't seen her in a while. But, hey, did you hear? Kuwabara almost got into a bar fight!”
“No, I didn't,” growled the Nekojin.
“Yeah, and Keiko had her ass grabbed by somebody and gave them a good smack.”
You grabbed my ass, bastard,” growled the earth demon.
“Yusuke, you're a terrible liar,” said Kurama before the Toushin could say something else. Yusuke could feel the sweat running down the back of his neck through his thick mane of hair.
“Where's Hiei,” growled the kitsune.
“Hiei . . . is . . . gone,” said Yusuke in a strained voice.
“Gone? What do you mean gone? Gone like she'll be back?” asked Kurama, a little worried for his little friend. Right, more then worried. He was frightened of what might have happened to her. It wasn't like Hiei to leave the group.
“Actually, no,” said Yusuke still in his strained voice. “Uh. Slavers . . . got her.”
“WHAT?!” yelled Kurama. “You let slavers take one of our group?!”
“Me and Kuwabara were checking the traps and the girls went to pick berries,” cowered Yusuke. “Besides she wasn't right in the head after you left.”
“He's right, Kurama,” said Keiko. “Since you left, Hiei hasn't said a word to anyone or anything. She just kept looking at the path you left from and hasn't moved a muscle. When we found her gone, we immediately left and went to find her. But we haven't found anything yet.”
“I will come with you,” said Kurama. “We will find her.” He went to the cave and grabbed his pack.
“Now,” asked Shizuru.
“No better time then the present,” said Kurama.
“Shouldn't we give it a day,” asked Kuwabara. “I mean, we just got here.”
“I'm going to find Hiei,” said Kurama. “And de-ball the son of a bitch who took her from us.” `From me.' He thought.
As they watched him walk away Yusuke turned to his friends and smiled broadly and proudly.
“The Touzoku no Ousama is back,” he yelled and ran after Kurama as the others followed, calling for the gintsune to wait for them.
“Kurama, wait up! Slow down!”
“Hey, fox, wait for us!”
“Save the good stuff for us, fox!”
“What's your rush, Kurama?”
But Kurama continued to run, with his friend's behind him. He was going to find Hiei, or die trying.
I had actually planned Kurama to go through a huge sap scene that Yusuke would get him out of but then I figured it was too OOC of the fox and cut it out.
A/N: I just had the chapter idea for this one and decided to write it down. Other chapters will come in the future. That's a promise. ^_~