Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ryuusei no Solitude ❯ Chapter 28

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A friend of mine helped me thought of this story and I'm writing it for her! So if you want to kill me and give me death threats go ahead but I shall continue it nonetheless. I like the story line and the idea, plus I'm a sucker for AUs. So this is my AU and I hope you like it. Even if you don't I'm still continuing it.
Ryuusei no Solitude
By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Rating: PG-13
Warning: impliedrape, rape
Disclaimer: I do not own nothing that is relate to the YuYu Hakusho series.
Summery: Kurama was never shot by the hunter, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Keiko, and Shizuru are demons, and Hiei never left the Koorime Island, because Hiei's a girl! Here is an AU with a lot of twist!
Pairings: Kurama/Hiei Yusuke/Keiko Yukina/Kuwabara
Chapter XXVIII
Hiei danced around the pole as gracefully and sensually as she could, moving her body in ways she'd develop over the course of a few weeks if not a year. That night was supposed to be her first night off in a year but Yomi was entertaining guests so that meant every girl in the brothel was needed. The way she looked right then in her harem outfit made her feel dirtier then when she was at the slavers before Kurama had picked her up. She felt used and guilty at the way she looked and the way the guests were looking at her, like they wanted her for more then just a pole dance.
She jumped when she felt something touch her ankle and looked down to see one nasty snake demon's tongue tasting her skin. She glared at it and the next time it flicked out she stomped on it with the heel of her foot. The demon squeaked and snapped back and walked off. Hiei continued her dancing.
She peeked over to her partner, Kanna, and saw that she wasn't the only one getting sized up. An eagle demon kept peeking at her feet, but she just danced around him. Finally on a spin around the pool, she kicked his beak and made it look like an accident. Hiei could see the smug look on her face.
Finally, and hour later, Hiei sat gratefully in her corner and took the sandals that had been aching her feet for the last five hours off. Closing her eyes she gave a heavy sigh. It was only when she heard the soft sound of a bowl being set down did she open her eyes and look up. There was Kanna with two towels in one arm and a bowl in the other. She was wearing her yukata and had her long purple hair tied back.
“Need to change,” asked Kanna. Hiei nodded and she changed into a man. Luckily they were the only ones awake. Everyone else had gone to sleep hours ago.
Hiei had told Kanna his abilities months ago and she promised to keep it a secret. If their superiors, or Yomi, found out that Hiei was a hermaphrodite then Hiei would be a part of their personal collection. Hiei had found Kanna to be a good and trustworthy friend.
Hiei sighed after he changed and set his feet into the warm water. Immediately all the tension in his feet vanished.
“Can't believe those guests tonight,” said Kanna. “More then half of them almost pulled me off the dancing platform.”
“You're not the only one,” said Hiei. Kanna chuckled.
“I know. I saw the snake demon getting a licking from you,” she said.
“You think I like it,” said Hiei. “I'm disgusted with this way of living I've taken.”
“Hey, it's living,” said Kanna. “Better to be living then dead.” She looked over at Hiei and saw that he had the far off look that he always got when he was remembering something. She knew a little of Hiei's life outside the castle but she didn't ask much in the way of remembrance. She knew it hurt Hiei to remember certain fragments and that she could take. Even remembering she didn't want to hurt her friend.
“Hey,” she said softly placing a hand on Hiei's shoulder, “you'll see him again. I promise.”
“What do you mean,” asked Hiei looking at his friend. Kanna shrugs.
“I don't really know,” she said. “I just have this feeling.”
“Yeah, well, can you take that feeling and take it away from me,” said Hiei looking up at the ceiling. “I'll never see him again.”
“Right,” said Kanna and she dumped the water outside the window. Using her youki she filled the bowl back up and set it beside Hiei. Hiei heated the water just by putting a finger on the surface. Soon the water was hot enough for bathing. Servants weren't allowed to have private bathrooms so they made a small area in the bedroom where they can relieve and clean themselves.
Kanna dipped the towel in the bowl till it was soaked as Hiei took off the upper part of his kimono. Hiei took the second towel and soaked it as well. As Kanna washed his back Hiei washed his front, washing everything twice over or more till Hiei got rid of the dirty feeling on his skin. He switched to his female form quickly so as to not rouse any attention in case someone woke up.
She quickly finished washing and got dressed. Both friends crawled back to their corner and settled in to sleep, but Hiei couldn't. Thoughts of Kurama came and went into her head. Why couldn't she except that Kurama wasn't her master anymore? She hadn't seen him in over a year so it means he doesn't care about her, right? Else he would have come for her months ago. So he couldn't have cared for her.
“You're thinking of him again,” said Kanna.
“What are you? Telepathic?” asked Hiei.
“No, you've got a Jagan, like you said. It projects thoughts to those close to you, or in close proximity, if you let it. But since you're so ill trained, you can't control it of yet. You're lucky you hadn't woken the whole castle.”
“How do you know that?”
Kanna looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds before sighing.
“My uncle, he had a Jagan as well.”
“Yeah, but never told no one, not even his family, just me. He raised me, like his own kid.”
“You're lucky.”
“I know. Every day, I pray to O-Wata-Tsu-Mi that I might see him again.”
“The god of the sea. I also pray to Kura-Okami, the got of rain, and Kawa-no-Kami, the god of rivers.”
“You have a lot of gods.”
“I'm from the water clan, so I guess I do. Who are your gods?”
“I'm half fire demon, the other is ice.”
“Oh, must have a fire mother then. Not many ice girls around, except the Koorime and they don't like people.”
Hiei kept silent, not needing to tell her that she was half Koorime.
“So, your gods could be Ho-Masubi, the god of fire, and any of the water gods.”
“There's no ice god?”
“From what I know of, yeah. There is no ice god.”
“I couldn't pray to two gods.”
“Then how about one?”
“Well, you like playing with death, right?” Hiei nodded. “Then how about Enma?”
“The god of death.”
“I guess I could.”
“And don't worry, you'll see him again. Just keep praying your god will answer your prayers.”
Both settled back into the bed sheet but Hiei stayed awake a while longer. Praying to gods wasn't Hiei forte, but if it would help her get out of there faster then she wouldn't have a problem, but praying to just Enma wasn't enough for her. She needed something else. Turning to Kanna, who was fast asleep by then, she gently shook her.
“What's the name of the god of foxes?” she asked.
“Inari,” Kanna said sleepily. “God of rice, fertility, and kitsune. Some say Inari is male or female, but no one knows.” And she went back to sleep. Hiei looked up at the ceiling.
`Inari, please let me be free someday. Just to see Kurama one last time. It's all that I would want.' Then she went to sleep.
Another day, another job, or another day of nightmares, for Hiei and Kanna anyway. They woke up by Tetsui saying they had to get ready for another party that night. It was kind depressing for them, since they only had five hours to get ready. They got up and went to the corner. They took they're baths and had a hair stylist do their hair. Kanna had hers in a large looping bun with a small braid going down her back. Small tendrils of hair fell around her and they left her bangs alone, which they swept back out of her eyes. Hiei's was put into two buns on either side of her head.
“If this is what our hair is, I'd hate to see our clothes,” said Hiei.
“Better then last night's,” said Kanna. She pulled out the clothes they were supposed to wear. Hiei's, luckily, was a black tube top and mid-hip cutoff. Kanna was wearing cutoffs as well, but hers were orange instead of black, and a green crop top shirt laced in orange in the front and laced down the sleeves.
“Theses aren't so bad,” said Kanna. “I actually kind of like them.”
“Me too,” said Hiei looking at himself through the tall mirror. She had to admit she was lease dressed then she usually was.
“Well, let's go out there and make ourselves shine,” said Kanna with a laugh. Hiei couldn't help but laugh too, following Kanna to the Great Hall and toward where they were going to work.
“Think they'll want a double feature,” asked Hiei.
“Nah, these geezers will be dead after an hour of drinking. We won't be in there long.” Kanna lifted her foot and straighten her booted foot. Water demons hated their bodies being in tight clothes. It took all Kanna had to not rip the fabrics she was wearing right now to shreds.
“Come here,” said Hiei and pulled Kanna into a closet room. The room was full of mops and brooms. Cleaning products hung on walls or placed on shelves. Hiei light a lamp and turned to Kanna.
“What is it?” asked Kanna.
“I can tell those boots are irritating you,” said Hiei. “Take them off.”
“Why,” asked Kanna she watched Hiei take off her own knee laced sandals. Hiei just looked at Kanna as she held up the shoes.
“All right,” said Kanna and took off her boots, handing them to Hiei and taking the sandals. Quickly they switched shoes and ran outside before anyone missed them. Kanna felt better with the sandals now then the boots, since she was used to the sandals anyway.
“All right, girls, get into your spots,” yelled Tetsui. “Anybody who messes up tonight will have their food rations be taken away for a month! These are important guests tonight and we'll treat them with respect! Kanna. Hiei, you've shift change. You're now lap dogs. Okay, Rumi . . .
“What,” exclaimed Kanna. “Lappies?! You're making us be lappies?!”
“Look, if you don't want to do your job, fine,” said Tetsui, “But it's a month's worth of rations that'll cost you.”
Kanna growled very angrily ad very loudly, and walked off. Hiei, who knew somewhat at what's was going on, followed Kanna and found her friend in the hall hitting the wall, but not making much of a dent in it.
“Keep it up and there'll be no more plaster,” said Hiei and Kanna looked toward her.
“I wouldn't give a damn if there's no plaster, or no wall,” growled Kanna. “I can't be a lappy. It's too soon.”
“What's wrong with being a lappy?” asked Hiei. “Like you said, they wouldn't last an hour anyway.”
“Except for those who want a little more fun.”
“What did you mean, too soon?”
Kanna looked at her and sniffed. Obviously she was hiding the face she was crying but didn't want Hiei to know.
“A year ago, a week before you came in, I was running my regular routine. The pole, platform, everything, then Tetsui told me to be a lap dog. I didn't know then, I still can't get it out of my mind. I was dancing for this one guy, big pot belly with black greedy eyes, and next thing I knew, I was lying on a bed, half naked with my . . . . Oh, Gods.” Kanna lost all support and started crying right there. She slid to the floor, shoulders shaking and large hiccupping sobs echoing down the hall. Hiei did the only thing she could do. He gathered Kanna into her arms and hugged her close to herself. Kanna instinctively wrapped her arms around the petit fire Koorime and sobbed into Hiei's shoulder till all that was left was hiccups.
“I'm sorry,” said Kanna wiping her tears away. “I didn't mean to break down. Oh, now my makeup's all screwy.”
“I don't mind,” said Hiei. “Here let me help with your make up.” She helped Kanna get up and lead her toward the servants quarters.
“Girls, you're going on soon,” yelled Tetsui.
“Give us ten minutes,” yelled Hiei. “Kanna messed up her cover-up.”
“Fine, but be back in ten minutes or it's two months rations!”
“Fine!” They arrived in their room and in no less then five minutes, Hiei cleaned up Kanna and put on more makeup for her. They arrived back into the Great Hall with a few minutes to spare before the guests arrived.
When the guests did arrive, Kanna and Hiei had to put in all their stunts to just keep from pounding the men's heads in. One guy had grabbed Hiei's butt cheek and it took everything she had not to tear him to shreds. Finally, after hours of lap dancing and pole twirling, the guests left. Hiei and Kanna were packing up the last of the gadgets they used when a waitress ran toward them.
“Hiei,” she said. “I was given this to give to you.” She handed Hiei a piece of paper. When the petit demon took it, the servant whispered, “It's from the master.”
Hiei stared confused at the servant as she ran off and opened the note, but all it said was `1:00'.
“What does that mean,” asked Hiei. Kanna looked at the clock and gasped.
“You only have five minutes,” she gasped. “Let's go!”
She grabbed Hiei's hand and they both ran down the hallway. They ran up a couple flights of stairs, pushing past several people and through a couple doors. Finally the reached elegant double doors and Kanna threw them open easily.
“Wait,” said Hiei shaking Kanna off. “What the hells does this mean?” She held up the note.
“After every party, Master Yomi like to have a little fun with the girls,” said Kanna. “His way of cooling down. If you're not on time . . . Well, let's just say the last girl who was late, wasn't seen again. I know it doesn't explain much, but, that's all anyone knows. Now get in!” Kanna pushed Hiei in through the door. “I'll see you when she releases you.” And she closed the door.
So there Hiei stood, in an elegant bedroom and looked around. Everywhere she turned was something elegant. Satin bedspreads, silk robes, even Persian rugs carpeted the floor.
`Idiot,' she thought. `Spent more on himself then anything else.'
Since her “host” wasn't around at the moment she decided to do a little snooping. Opening up a few jewelry boxes she took a look at the jewelry inside. None of it was to her liking so she left it the way it was.
She looked through the stuff on the dresser and found a plain black box, right in the back. Carefully she took it down and opened it. She gasped when she found what was in it. It was a Koorime tear gem, on a string to be worn like a necklace like the one she has herself.
Carefully she reached into her hair and carefully un-wove the string and gem that she had hidden there for over a year. He held up her gem and then the one in the box. It was a perfect match! Each tear gem had a slightly different color or shape for each Koorime, but this one was the exact same as the one that Hiei had with her, which meant her mother made it. But only her sister, Yukina, had a tear gem such as this, which meant that Yukina either dropped it, or Yomi had her sister in the castle himself. Weaving both gems back in her hair she started toward the door.
~I tried to kill the pain but only brought more. I lay dying and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal. I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming. Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost? My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation. My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation~
Just as she reached the door it opened and there stood Yomi, satin and silk purple robes and everything. She took a step back as he walked in.
“My, may,” he murmured. “You weren't about to leave were you?” Hiei just glared at him. “Well, you do have spirit, that's why I picked you out tonight instead of that delinquent Kanna.”
“Kanna's not a delinquent!” yelled Hiei. Yomi stared at her for a moment and laughed.
“I knew I liked you,” he said. “That's why I've decided to have you here tonight.”
“Stay the hell away from me!” yelled Hiei backing off. “What the hell did you do to my sister?”
“Whatever do you mean,” asked Yomi.
“The tear gem,” yelled Hiei. “In the black box! It belonged to my sister!”
“Oh, you mean my little trophy? I got that from a trader who said he found it in the outskirts of Pine's End. Bastard didn't even know what it was so I gave him a zen, and he gave me the gem.”
“You fucking bastard!” Hiei punched Yomi in the stomach, but the lord didn't even flinch. Hiei gasped when Yomi grabbed her wrist and threw her onto the bed. Hiei quickly sat up as Yomi approached the bed.
“Don't be shy,” he said. “I just want us to have a little fun.
“Have fun with some other whore,” yelled Hiei. “I ain't no bitch!”
At that Yomi began to get annoyed. No servant had ever disobeyed him in all the time he ruled the castle.
“How dare you,” he growled. “Any servant would be honored to be in my bed and you had the guts to rule against me! What gives you the right to disobey me?
“I give myself the right,” yelled Hiei. “Let me go!”
“No,” yelled Yomi and slapped Hiei across the face. The slap was so hard that Hiei slid across the bed and fell onto the floor, hitting her head on the nightstand and onto the floor.
She was blacking in and out, but kept enough consciousness to know she had to get out of there. She crawled onto her hands and knees, trying to get away from Yomi, but the horned lord was already on the other side of the bed, and stepped on her hand, hard. She screamed as she felt the bones in her wrist, hand and fingers crunch and break. He kicked her in the chin and she rolled against the wall, slamming in it hard and she let out the breath of air she had finally managed to grasp after the fall to the floor.
She tried to stand up, but Yomi grabbed her arm again and threw her to the floor. She landed hard and felt a crunching in her leg. She didn't have to look at it to know it was broken. She tried to fight back, but the bands around her writs, ankles and forehead kept her from doing it, so all she could do was try to escape.
Yomi grabbed her hands and threw her to the bed. She scream incoherent profanities at him, sure that her jaw busted at the fall that also broke her leg. Yomi took out a rope from somewhere and tied her hands to the bed board.
~Do you remember me? Lost for so long. Will you be on the other side or will you forget me. I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming. Am I too lost to be saved? Am I too lost? My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation. My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation~
What happened to Hiei next she wouldn't ever forget. Clothes were removed and skin became exposed. Yomi touched her in places she wished he didn't, making her skin burn with a fire that she couldn't extinguish and sounds issued from her that she wished she could keep quiet. Tears threatened to flow from her eyes, but she shut her eyes tightly and groaned.
`I want to die,' she thought.
~My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation. My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation~
She tried to fight back, somehow gaining the will over the circlets and fought off Yomi. She had managed to give him a deep cut in his arm but he threw her against the bed, the ropes digging into her wrist. Luckily her legs were free and she gave him a sharp kick in his groin and he fell off the bed with a groan. She twisted and turned her hands, trying to get them free before Yomi could get back up again, but there he was, looming over her with a very angry face, blood dripping from numerous cuts.
“You bitch!” he yelled and punched her. But one punch wasn't enough; he wanted to make sure he inflicted as much damage on her as much as he could. He continued to punch her, till she fell limp and was quiet. He didn't notice the single tear that fell and became lost in her ragged tangled hair.
~My wounds cry for the grave. My soul cries for deliverance. Will I be denied, Christ? Tourniquet. My suicide. ~
Hiei was picked up by the guards a few minutes later, a bloody ragged mess. No one in the Harem saw her after that night, and Kanna couldn't get rid of the guilt she felt for her friend.
A/N: If you want to read the full, detail rape scene in this chapter, look it up on adultfanfiction.net under the same story name. But it won't be up for a few days due to re-editing. Thanks for your time.
The song “Tourniquet” belongs to Evanescence.
Thankies to . . .
Raging Pheonix
Keda Jaganshi
fire and napalm