Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Thinking Of You ❯ Hiei Arives ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Um, I'm just trying this; it's "Thinking of You" from the other characters POV.

Thoughts of You

Three days ago I was alone. Three days ago you weren't here. Three days ago I didn't even know if I'd ever see you again. I was wrong. You came back. Two days ago you came back.

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"Have you noticed anything… different… about Kurama lately?" Yusuke asked his taller companion. When no reply was heard he thumped the other boy on the head.

"Ow!" Kuwabara hollered. "Damnit Urameshi! I was sleeping!"

Kuwabara jumped up for the ground he was sitting on and grabbed Yusuke's shirt, hauling him to his feet.

"I said, have you noticed anything different about Kurama lately?" Yusuke repeated, getting out of the taller's hold on him. Kuwabara thought for a second, or at least looked like he was thinking.

"Well, Hiei has been gone for two weeks, with no word," Kuwabara started. Yusuke looked at him, stunned. "I mean, he is Kurama's best friend."

"I think you're right!" Yusuke said. He plopped back down on the ground, repositioning himself under the tree. Kuwabara flopped down besides him. Yusuke looked up at the foliage, reminded of his friend. "I wonder if he'll visit…"

Kuwabara looked at his friend. It was painfully obvious how much Yusuke missed the little twerp. Kuwabara would never admit it, but he missed the shrimp too. He hoped the fire demon would come back, not for him and Yusuke, but for Kurama.

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I was doing my homework for Monday. We had gotten the day off for teacher-parent conferences… I think. Sitting at my desk, I contemplated the question on my literature homework worksheet. It seemed simple enough, but then again you had to analyze every single little detail of the play to even get to the point I was pondering. Ugh. Who was the main character in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie? Well, let me see here, it could be Tom. He was the narrator, and the play is from his POV. But then again it could be Laura. The entire play revolves around her. Yet, on the other hand, Amanda could be. She was the force keeping the family together, and without her there would be no plot… but…

"Huh," I muttered. I flipped my Literature book open to page 1343. Stupid Literature class. I had better things to do. I rubbed my head and began to read. A knock surfaced me from the poetic world of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie. I looked at my door. Normally people knocked and then entered, at least in my mother's house they did, which was where I was. The knock came again. It didn't sound like wood being knocked on. My heart jumped.

No, it couldn't be, I tried to reason to myself, but it didn't work. I slowly turned my head to the window. There you were. Hiei.

"Hiei," your name slipped out of my mouth. I shook my head and opened the window. You jumped in. Before I even registered anything I had snagged you into a tight hug. I was so happy. You struggled a bit. I didn't let go.

"Let go baka kitsune!" you growled. I sprang away.

"Gomen Hiei," I apologized. I looked at the floor. I was quite embarrassed.

"Hn," was all the response I got. I sat down on my chair, straddling it. I motioned for you to sit on my bed. I couldn't help but smile.

"How long are you staying Hiei?" I asked. There was longing in that question. I cleared my throat. You stared at me impassively.

"Till tomorrow," you replied.

"Why did you come all this way for one day?" I asked, more longing. "Did you come to see me?"

I got up from my chair and sat next to you. You shied away slightly. I moved closer, until our sides were pressed together. You gulped. I slid my arms around your waist. No reaction. I put my mouth next to your ear and began purring. Thank the gods Kasaan wasn't home. You squeaked. I liked that noise. We toppled onto your side. I burst out laughing and detached myself. You sent me your infamous death glare.

"You really need to lighten up Hiei. I wasn't serious," I told you between random spouts of laughter. You growled at me. "How about I show you how to have fun Hiei. We'll call Yusuke, and Kuwabara. They'll most likely bring Keiko, Yukina, and Shizuru with them."

"Fine," you muttered under your breath. I tried to jump you again, but you dodged. I laughed.