Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Heights ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1:Heights
She sat at the edge of the window, admiring the tiny town at her feet. Her toes caught the crisp fall air as it swung under her long legs that stuck out the window. Carefully she balanced on the window ledge, seeing if she would tip the wrong way and fall to her death.
“Hmmm. Comfy Momo?” The girl spoke to her only companion, her cat who sat watching her on the bed. She looked at the cat and smiled, hoping that some company would come from the feline. When none did, she continued to tip back and forth. Her high school uniform lay on her bed, untouched by the cat's hair.
“One day, we'll get the hell outta here neko-chan. I promise…” The girl mumbled. The air flooded the room and the cat curled up on the girl's pillow; purring and waiting for her company.
“Hey….kid…. get me some…water…” A man spoke from behind her, clinging to the doorway and settling his head on the cool wall. His head was full of messy brown hair and a hint of gel. She pulled herself back from the ledge and stood up straight. Her black hair fell over her shoulders and rested over her chest like Eve's.
“Yeah, sure.” The girl spoke quietly, knowing the man was hung over and need some aspirin and a good meal before he passed out in his bed or on the couch. “Wait for me neko-chan, I'll come back.” She left the room, now filled with the smell of alcohol from the man's rancid breath. The air wasn't strong enough to wisk it away from her mind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MORNING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The school was quiet as he walked down the hall during lunch time. He brushed his red hair behind him and took in the cool autumn breeze that came through the open windows. The warm sun was no match for the cold front moving in.
“Minamino-senpai! Could you help me with a math problem really quick?!” A younger boy asked Kurama as he admired the view outside. Kurama faced the boy and saw a line forming from behind him to see what he was up to.
“Of course.” Kurama answered sweetly, continuing to play the part of Shuichi Minamino, perfect student. The boy showed Kurama his homework and quickly Kurama noticed that the boy wasn't following the right steps to finish the equation.
“Thank you Minamino-senpai! You are the greatest!” The boy smiled and ran off, telling all his friends about “Shuichi's smile” and “Shuichi's gentle nature”.
{Of course- you would have to be the one to have female AND male admirers.} Youko teased, making fun of the ningens.
{Not my fault.}
{Too bad you never give me the chance to run around, Shuichi…} Youko pouted.
Kurama made his way up the stairs to the roof top where only a few people would be. The weather seemed to be colder each day, the onset of some storm brewing. The door to the outdoors was already open, signaling that others were wasting their time outside too.
“Stop it! Lemme GO!” A girl's voice yelled as Kurama walked into the chilly weather. He looked to his right and saw a circle of guys pushing a girl around; almost throwing her to each other.
“Look at her go!” A boy laughed as he shoved her really hard straight down to the ground. The wisps of black hair landed on the cement and finally he saw her face. Her fiery magenta eyes loaded with anger.
“Is there a problem?” Kurama stepped forward. The boy's snapped their heads in Kurama's direction and stepped towards him.
“No, Shuichi-senpai.” The boys spat at Kurama as they walked away, punching each other's arms and laughing crudely. Kurama walked over to the girl and dropped to his knees, looking at her gently.
“Are you okay?” Kurama asked the girl who was holding herself up on her elbows. She looked up at the boy and her eyes were only a little bit softer.
“Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.” She spoke harshly, trying not to show too much gratitude. She looked at her hands and notice that they were bleeding from the force of being thrust against the ground.
“Can I take you to the nurse?” Kurama offered the girl. She was pushing her long black hair out of the way so she could see where she was going. Kurama offered his hand to her and she glared at him.
“I'm fine. You can go now.” She said with no emotion.
{Ungrateful!!!} Youko hissed.
“Not until I know you are okay.” Kurama stood up and scooped the girl up.
“Hey! Put me down!” The girl squirmed and wiggled in his arms. Kurama started off towards the nurse's office with the stubborn girl in his arms. She blushed and tried to hold her skirt so that it wouldn't reveal her underwear to the rest of the school. The hallways were littered with Kurama's fans that either glared at the girl or cried from jealously. “You are just making your life harder…” The girl mumbled as Kurama walked into the nurse's office and set her down on an empty bed. Carefully he grabbed some disinfectant and some gauze to clean off her hands.
“I am not worried about them. Show me your hands.” Kurama asked the girl. She glared at him stubbornly. He tilted his head to the side and raised his eye brows. “If you don't clean them, they get filled with pus. You want that?” Kurama mentioned. She flung her hands out at him and groaned as he cleaned the wounds carefully.
“You never asked for my name. That's rude.” She spoke softly, trying to be more grateful. Kurama smiled and looked at her. She never looked at him, but she seemed to find silence awkward.
“You never asked for mine.” Kurama retorted back. The girl sighed and shifted her legs. Kurama noticed a bruise poking out from the top of her thigh highs. His anger for the boys grew; already she was bruising.
“I already know who you are, Shuichi Minamino. Famous boy-wonder. I don't need to ask.” She replied. Kurama laughed and she looked at his calm and genuinely happy face. She rolled her eyes and looked away as he bandaged her palms up to keep them from getting infected.
“Then you are?” Kurama asked.
“Nyako. Nyako Sato.” She spoke forcefully, not even trying to be cute or sweet. Kurama looked at her and for once was happy that she didn't seem the least bit awed by his good looks or his reputation.
“Well Nyako, it looks like you are going to live. Are you a transfer student?” Kurama asked the girl. Nyako stood up and looked over her shoulder at the boy wonder. She smirked dangerously.
“You wish.” Nyako walked out of the room with a grace and speed that Kurama hadn't seen in a long time. The girl left him wondering and speechless.
{That's an interesting ningen right there…} Youko remarked.
{She sure is something…}
{Would be a good chase…} Youko puzzled.
“Minamino-san, what are you doing here?” The nurse asked Kurama. He smiled and bowed, explaining that he was taking care of one of his peers who had fallen outside. She smiled a lovingly at him and thanked him for being so sweet and good natured.
“Thank you again!” Kurama said as he left the nurses office to get back to his class room. As he stepped outside the door, he noticed a head of black hair and fiery magenta eyes waiting for him. “You waited?” Kurama asked, astonished.
“No. I forgot to mention something.” Nyako added. She looked at the boy closely and made a final deduction. “Don't think you can follow me, I'm not interested.” Nyako smiled and walked off down the hall to her classroom. Kurama stood there, confused and delighted that she would present a challenge.
“You will be…” Kurama whispered as he walked back to class.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There is chapter one! Woot!
Bunny: *huggles everyone* you are all so amazing!
Kurama: there is only two people in this fic so far!
Bunny: *nods* I know! I still love all of YYH.
Hiei: Bunny could never own us, she can't beat any of us in a fight, so she can't call us property. Ha *flits off*
Bunny: *cries* T.T it's true! WAAAAHHHH
Lovels- Bunny!
P.S.- for those who are reading this over again, I DID change the name! Do not freak out on me okay! You aren't seeing things! The original idea was to make her name her opposite… but as the story changes….. so does the character!
Nya (cat sound= meow)+ ko (common ending for girls names)= NYAKO!