Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Agility ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2:Agility
She walked home, worried about who would be there to welcome her back into the house. The afternoon air was drawing her into the city, where all the busy commotion was coming from. Slowly she found herself sitting down on the steps of a temple. It was lonesome and she was sure that she would have some privacy before she went home. Her hair blew in her face, annoying the tip of her nose as it grazed by. Carefully she braided it on the side of her head. She ran the events of last night through her head.
“Nyako, lovely to see you here.” A familiar voice spoke clearly to her. Her eyes flickered open as the boy-wonder stood in front of her with a few people behind her.
“Oi, Kurama, who is this?” A boy with black hair and a green uniform asked. Nyako eyed the boy with suspicion as she didn't recognize the name.
“This is Nyako Sato, from school. I didn't realize you were stalking me.” Kurama laughed as the girl looked frustrated and worried. He offered his hand but she refused it.
“Who are you, Kurama or Minamino?” Nyako asked in all honesty. Kurama laughed.
“My friends call me Kurama, it's a nick name. Why don't you come up for a while?” Kurama asked the girl. She stubbornly turned to the side, thinking. Kurama looked at her profile and smiled, knowing she would say yes eventually.
“Fine. For a while.” Nyako agreed, grabbing her book bag and following Minamino inside the temple. She listened as the group of boys talked all the way up to the temple where they were greeted by three happy girls. Nyako was grateful to be in the presence of more estrogen.
“Let me introduce you- Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei. Then, Keiko, Yukina, Botan. Will you remember that?” Kurama teased. Nyako glared at him and turned her head, ignoring the boy's playful teasing.
“Oi, Nyako, where do you live?” Yusuke asked the girl. She looked at him, her eyes distant.
“Only a couple blocks from here. I was on my way home.” Nyako added. Kurama sensed a tension in her voice. Yusuke seemed nervous, feeling how hostile she was.
“Would you like me to walk you home?” Kurama replied. Nyako looked at the boy shocked.
“Do you always play the role of gentleman?” She demanded, feeling like she was some helpless girl. The gang broke out into laughter, causing Nyako to almost jump out of her skin.
“Yeah, basically he does! Even to guys! The kitsune's got a way with people!” Yusuke laughed, slapping his knee and smiling. Nyako tried not to laugh, but it seemed like it was almost infectious. Her magenta eyes seemed to relax a bit when Yusuke and Kuwabara took the heat off of her by fighting about nothing.
“Nyako-san, would you like to help me get some tea?” Yukina asked the girl. Nyako looked at the kimono-clad girl and then at Kurama. The boy nodded and watched as the fiery eyed girl got up reluctantly to help.
“Where did you find that one?” Yusuke asked the kitsune. Kurama shrugged, happy that he was given a chance to win over the girl.
“We go to school together.” Kurama replied.
“I can see that.” Yusuke laughed.
“Meow” There was a small sound heard from Kuwabara's pocket as he pulled out his little kitten and held her.
“Wow, Kazuma! She has gotten much bigger!” Yukina smiled as she walked back in the room with tea and some cups. Nyako walked in with more cups and noticed the little cat that was sitting in Kuwabara's hands.
“Aww! That is such an adorable kitten!” Nyako smiled sweetly. Suddenly, she realized how stupid she sounded and quickly gazed down at the cups as she helped pass them out. The gang looked at her and laughed, smiling.
“Don't worry, it's funnier when Kuwabara says something stupid… though it happens to be all the time!” Yusuke laughed. Nyako sat down next to Kurama and watched as Kuwabara set the kitten down to beat the crap out of Yusuke. Slowly, the kitten made its way over to Nyako and rubbed herself up against the girl.
“Looks like you are loved, Nyako.” Keiko said sweetly. She looked up at Keiko nervously. The kitten crawled into her lap and purred softly, reminding Nyako of her own precious cat. Nyako picked up the kitten and set it down on the ground when she got up.
“I have to go.” She said quickly. Nyako grabbed her book bag and ran for the door, rushing to put her shoes on. Kurama looked around the group and then took off for the girl.
“Nyako, why are you leaving so suddenly?!” Kurama wondered.
“Don't get familiar with me!” Nyako yelled as soft as she could. Her eyes were angry again, but this time they were laced with fear. Kurama went to go and touch her shoulder, but found that she pushed him backwards and was falling down the steps to the main foyer.
“Nyako!” Kurama yelled as he went to grab her hand from falling from a short distance, but found that she twisted her body around to land on her feet; her hands bracing herself.
“OW!” Nyako cried out, confused and in pain. She looked at her palms and noticed blood leaking through the bandages. When she stood up, she caught the worried look, and ran out of the door.
“What's going on Kurama?” Keiko asked the kitsune. He had an unsure look on his face.
“She didn't fall. I don't understand.” Kurama said out loud. Keiko tilted her head and looked at the red head, not sure what to say in response.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NYAKO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“What the hell is going on with me!?” Nyako cried as she felt the pain of her bleeding palms. She walked alone down the street to her apartment; the sad and lonely apartment that she lived in.
{Why is this happening? First I'm not afraid of heights anymore, now I'm an acrobat! What is going on!?} She thought to herself.
“Hey, kid, what are you doing home so late!?” A dark voice yelled as Nyako closed the front door. She looked at the familiar person who had become a stranger to her over the past year and a half. He was drunk and stumbling.
“I…I…ran into a kid from school who wanted my help on some homework… I'm sorry …It won't happen again…” She looked away and set her book bag on the table. The drunken man advanced on her and was already holding a belt before she could beg.
“Damn right it won't!” The man yelled as he hit her over and over, finally drawing blood from her back and shoulders. She tried her best not to cry or scream as the drunken man beat her black and blue.
“I'm SORRY! I'm REALLY SORRY!” She cried out. He refused to relinquish his control of the belt until she was a crumbled heap of once a person on the floor. Finally he stumbled back into the living room and set the belt some where on the table, getting ready to pass out in his favorite chair.
{Mom, I'm sorry I'm not better… I'm sorry I'm not stronger….I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…} She cried inside.
Slowly she rose to her feet, blood already dripping down the back of her legs. She tried to run to the bathroom so she wouldn't get blood on the pristine carpet that she had cleaned days earlier.
“Owww…. Damn it!” She cursed herself. The door squeaked open as a cat pushed its way into the bathroom and onto the counter. “Ohh… MOMO!” The girl pulled her shirt over her head and looked at the lashes on her back. They weren't too deep, and should clean up if she was careful.
“Please don't worry Momo, I'll be fine…” Nyoko spoke to her cat softly, her eyes happy to see her cat waiting for her. Her back stung as she stepped into the shower and felt the hot water sear it closed and help clot the blood.
“HOLY CRAP!” Nyako tried to not scream from the pain. Her black hair fell in front of her face, falling out of the braid. The blood rushed down the drain; a dark cherry red that caught Nyako's eyes. When she stepped out of the shower, she quickly wrapped her back up with lots of bandages, making her chest look way smaller. She marveled at the difference it made.
“Are you almost done Nyako? What are you doing about dinner?” The voice on the other side of the door floated in. Nyako opened the door slightly and found her father's sobering face smiling.
“Give me a moment dad; I'll make us something to eat. Go lay down.” Nyako instructed her father. She was happy that her father was coming back to her; that he was almost real again.
{Please let him stay like this for a little while more…}She begged.
“Is there anything I can do?” Her dad asked. She shook her head and shut the door, the pain in her back taking her attention. It would take every inch of her control to keep the pain a secret.
{How can I blame him if he doesn't know?} Nyako mumbled to herself.
“Let's go Momo. I love you.” Nyako smiled as she put on a fresh set of clothes and threw the bloody uniform in the dirty hamper. She opened the door to see her smiling father in an apron, goofing off.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
That is it! Chapter two is done! Wow… this is really an emotional topic.
And if you know someone who is stuck in this situation- I recommend you get help for them.
It is easy to just sit and take it if you are used to it…. But someone really needs to reach out and help those who need it.
Bunny: *sighs* I have a feeling that this fic is going to contain lots of blood and violence.
Yusuke: but you are normally all about romance….
Bunny: *pouts* yeah… I know…
Hiei: this will be a better fic for me then.
Bunny: there will still be romance. Don't kid yourself Hiei!
Hiei: crap. Baka onna. *growls*
Thanks! Read and review!
Lovels, bunny-chan!
P.S.- AGAIN- if you read before and wondered why I changed the name… then you should probably check the bottom of chapter 1 because that is where I explain everything.
Just know that the name didn't fit the character she grows into.
That's all!