Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Cat Food ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6: Cat Food
Nyako walked out of the door that morning after giving her father a kiss good bye and wishing him good luck at work. It was his first time going to work in months.
{Besides, he is going to his first AA meeting today too!} She smiled inside.
“Good morning.” A voice charmed. Nyako looked and noticed that she had walked right past Shuichi Minamino, boy wonder. She stopped and waited for him.
“What are you doing?” She growled at him, almost hissing. He smiled at her.
“Making sure you are okay. Seems your father is doing better.” Kurama said happily.
{It would be a waste for her to get hurt again…}
{But we'd get to look after her longer!} Youko begged.
{Shut up!}
“What ever.” She waved her hand and tried to forget about the horrible happenings that had plagued her life. It looked like her life was finally looking up.
“My friends would like me to invite you back. They miss your cute tails.” Kurama teased. Nyako stopped in her tracks and looked at the boy.
“Stop joking around with me! Whatever happened, happened, and it won't be happening any time soon… as in… EVER AGAIN!” She spoke clearly. Kurama looked shocked. He hadn't imagined that she was going to be so angry about it.
“It isn't as bad as you think. You cannot ignore this. It could have bad consequences.” Kurama warned her.
{Why won't he understand?! I just want a normal life! I deserve that! At LEAST!} She thought to herself.
“You can never be normal. It isn't who you are Nyako Sato. Ume would understand that.” Kurama said as he walked ahead of her. Nyako fumed for a few seconds before she caught up to him and slapped him on the back.
“I'll be what ever the hell I want to be! And no one is going to tell me otherwise. Not even you!” She stood her ground. Kurama stopped and looked at her.
{She's doing that thing again…} Youko spoke.
{She's fascinating me.}
“You are glowing.” Kurama smiled. Nyako blushed and turned around quickly. Kurama placed his hand on her shoulder and felt the silky touch of her black hair as it slide underneath his finger tips.
“I…uhm…I'm not glowing…” She tried to lie to him, but there was also no one who could make Youko Kurama change his mind.
“It isn't a bad thing Nyako. Come and see my friends again. We are all `normal.'” Kurama asked nicely. Nyako turned to face the red head. His green eyes locked right onto her, and she could feel a hole in her chest open up. It was where her heart was, and her heart was in full beat.
“Fine. Just, leave me alone.” She asked as kindly as she could, though she knew it came out harsh and cold. Kurama nodded.
“I will see you after school, at the gates. We can walk together.” Kurama told the girl.
“Yeah. Okay.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AFTER SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nyako waited outside the gate for the boy-wonder. Her back tingled and she slowly lifted her shirt at the side to see if it was okay. It had been tingling since Kurama had `kidnapped' her and `held her hostage.' She tried to ignore it the best that she could. The school day had been well over and Nyako felt like she was waiting for nothing.
{He obviously forgot. But why am I so DEPRESSED about it!?}
“I'm sorry I made you wait!” Kurama said as he walked up to her. Nyako smiled shyly and waited until Kurama nodded for them to leave.
“What kept you?” Nyako asked. Kurama shifted his book bag and looked at the girl.
“A teacher wanted an autograph, and to talk about micrometeorology. I know nothing about the subject… but apparently I'm an `expert'.” Kurama smiled. Nyako looked the other way and tried to keep from looking at him so much.
“That's it?” She said coldly.
{What does she mean by that?!} Youko growled.
{I have no idea. I don't understand woman!}
“How was your day Neko-chan?” Kurama teased. Nyako glared at him.
“Don't call me that. It's annoying. And I'm not agreeing to believe you!” She barked at him. Kurama nodded and the two of them walked up the temple's steps.
{Why is she always such a …. You know….} Youko sighed.
{She's been through a lot. Cut her some slack.}
{I would… but she isn't even trying!} Youko complained.
{Then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're flirtatious manner isn't good enough.}
{Is that a threat?} Youko growled.
{No. Relax. She will take her time.}
“You aren't talking.” Nyako said as they reached the top of the steps.
“Neither are you.” Kurama replied. Nyako turned the other way. Kurama sighed and continued walking towards the front door.
“You smell good today.” Nyako said quietly. Kurama smirked and opened the temple doors to see Yusuke chasing Kuwabara over the table and into the kitchen.
“YUSUKE URAMESHI! Stop chasing Kuwabara!” Keiko yelled as she panted and followed the boys into the kitchen. Hiei opened the door to the kitchen and walked out, flour all over his face and an egg half cracked in his hair.
“If you don't do something fox, I will.” Hiei walked away silently to go destroy some of nature's precious beings; trees.
{Honestly, Hiei should try to get a job for the paper killer companies.}
“Yusuke, Kuwabara!” Kurama yelled into the kitchen. Both boys walked out covered in flour and other random ingredients that they seemed to get a hold of magically.
“Oi! It's Neko-chan!” Yusuke teased. Kurama held his arm out to stop her from scratching Yusuke's face off.
“Oi! It's Egg-kun!” Nyako teased Yusuke, who had egg dripping down the side of his face. Kuwabara laughed and Yusuke punched him.
“OW!” Kuwabara groaned.
“Is Koenma here?” Kurama asked the guys, Yusuke thought about it and shrugged.
“If he is, he ain't any where I've gone.” Yusuke said as he flicked Kuwabara on the forehead and ran again. Kuwabara- being as predictable as he was, followed.
“Who is this `Koenma'?” Nyako asked suspiciously.
“He is the Prince of the Reikai.” Kurama told her. Her face wrinkled in confusion and Kurama shook his head. “I will explain later, I promise.”
“Kurama!” A voice called from behind. Kurama and Nyako turned around to find a toddler with a pacifier in his mouth.
“Koenma. This is Nyako.” Kurama introduced Nyako to Koenma. Nyako looked at the toddler and shrugged.
{Think about yourself. Nothing is normal anymore; handshaking toddlers… honestly.}
“Nice to meet you, Nyako. Let's talk about your abilities.” Koenma went straight to the point. Nyako glared at Kurama, who ushered her into a room with Koenma. Kurama stood outside of the door, waiting, debating on whether to eavesdrop or not.
# # # # # # # KOENMA AND NYAKO # # # # # # # #
“You are a youkai. A nekomatta. You understand that right?” Koenma asked the black haired girl. Her magenta eyes gripped him tightly and he remembered the last time he had seem a pair of those eyes.
“I don't believe you.” She spot coldly. Her demeanor was much different from the last set of those magenta eyes that Koenma had run into. He shrugged and tried to find the right words that would at least connect her to the importance of being a youkai.
“Your mother was a nekkomatta. She married your father and they had you. You are half human, and half nekomatta. The last time I was telling someone that… It was your mother…” Koenma mused. Nyako looked at the toddler like he was sent from God.
“My…mother? You knew my mom??” Nyako asked, shocked. She wasn't aware how old the toddler was, and at this point, it wasn't important.
{Mom, you were like me?}
“Yes, your mother was lovely. She really just `got' everything. There seemed no way of talking her out of things. You have her eyes.” Koenma promised. Nyako settled into a comfortable zone of her own. Her mother had been lovely. She remembered the last time she had seen her mother alive and beautiful; right before she left for school her mother almost forgot her lunch and ran all the way to her school. Just for Nyako.
“Yeah, she was that way.” Nyako replied softly. Koenma looked at the girl as her magenta eyes seemed colder than they should. He almost felt pity for the girl, but tried to feel more concern if anything.
“Nyako, your mother was a wonderful woman… but I promised to do this for her.” Koenma spoke softly, trying to keep in time with the mood. Nyako looked up from her own despair. The room was soft and the edges seemed to blur together in an unreal sense. Everything around her was dim since she had set foot in the temple. For some reason, everything was toned down when she was with the stupid red-head.
“Do what?” Nyako eagerly asked. She just wanted to go home and wait for her father. The father who was finally back to her. The man who threw out all the alcohol in the fridge and promised to get better quickly. The father who struggled like she did with her mother's death. All she wanted was to go home and forget that she had ever transformed into a demented cat.
“Your mother asked me to make sure that you received the best training possible. I am also having the Rei Kai Tante follow you in shifts until you hit the surge of your power. Until you receive that last bit of your power, you are not fully able to defend yourself from any thing or any one who wants those powers.” Koenma finished and cleared his throat, realizing how old fashioned it sounded. He didn't like to send his best team out to defend a half demon, but he had made a promise to an old friend; and Koenma didn't much like to break a promise to old friends.
“What the hell?” Nyako asked. She didn't understand what the toddler had just said. Koenma looked back into those magenta eyes and felt a part of his stomach rise and fall quickly. The eyes were just haunting in similarity.
“Yusuke, Kurama, Kuwabara, Hiei… the entire lot of them are going to be with you until you mature into your full form. Your mother asked us to watch over you.” Koenma said slowly, hoping that it was making some sense to her. Nyako looked down and felt her heart race.
“No.” She spoke quickly and quietly. Nyako looked back up at the toddler and stood. “No. Leave me alone.” Koenma looked at her in shock. She was nothing like her mother; unsure of where she stood and unsure of what it all meant.
“But you don't have a choice!” Koenma argued. Nyako disregarded him as she opened the door.
“Leave me out of this. Stop talking about my mother.” Nyako pushed Kurama out of the way as he stood near the door, trying his best not to eavesdrop. She looked cold as ice and dead set on what ever was on her mind. Koenma looked peeved and angry that Nyako wasn't listening to him.
“NYAKO!” Koenma barked after her. Nyako quickly slipped her shoes on as the toddler yelled after her.
{You wouldn't do that to me mother…}
“Nyako… are you alright?” Kurama asked the girl. Nyako turned to look at him as she opened the door and readied herself to leave.
“I hate you.” She spat out coldly. Her eyes were just as frozen as her heart when she shut the temple doors behind her. Kurama felt his insides quake and shudder from the volume of her emotions.
{Arrogant son of …!!!} Youko thrashed.
{Stop it.}
{Something's wrong…}
Kurama threw on his shoes and headed after the girl; his gut instinct telling him that something was going to happen, and she was going to need him.
~ ~ ~ ~ & & & & & & & & ~ ~ ~ ~
End o chapter 6!!! Wow!! We are really getting up there!
Kurama: WOW! I sound really important in this chapter!
Hiei: Hnn *rolls eyes* Don't get too full of yourself!
Bunny: *huggles Hiei* and don't be such a sore loser!
Kurama: YEAH! Just because I guessed the right number and won the girl!! *sticks out tongue*
Hiei: *snorts* It was rigged.
Bunny: Hiei, you know that wasn't true. *pets Hiei*
Hiei: *glares at Bunny* Was too.
Yusuke: I can't believe you treat your characters like this!
Bunny: I was tired of fighting with myself! *pouts*
Kurama: yeah! She did the right thing *huggles Bunny*
Bunny and Kurama: XP JEALOUS
Haha, alrighty! How about reading and reviewing and doing all those amazing things?!!? I know that I have been really slacking, but it was just because finals were around the corner and now that they are finally DONE- I can enjoy more time to work on my fics! So do not be shy! Drop me a line and let me know what you think! I'll be writing!
Lovels, Bunny