Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Night Vision ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: Night Vision
Nyako let her ears awaken first, searching the room for any visitors. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around the room. It was pitch black, the deepest night she had ever seen.
{Seen?} She thought to herself.
“What's going on?” Nyako spoke into the darkness, hoping for an answer. She walked to the door and opened it without any trouble. Each knot in the wood of the floor could be seen as Nyako walked down the hall. It was eerily calm for her.
{Oh god, what is happening to me?!}
Nyako felt her body tingle and get warm. Her magenta eyes wandered around the temple in the middle of the night, looking for something. She felt a red aura streaming from the room next door to her. Her feet tip toed lightly, not making a sound; towards the red aura that seemed like colored gas to her. It was a glowing light surrounding a figure on the floor. Quickly Nyako opened the door and walked into the room. Her head was dizzy and she felt that at any moment she would just vanish into thin air.
“He…help…” She begged as she was engulfed in a poof of magenta smoke, and collapsed to the floor. The sleeping figure awoke and found Nyako on his floor.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MORNING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Kurama watched Nyako's body heave up and down as she slept. He found himself enthralled that she had some how wandered to his room and collapsed on his floor.
“Nyako. Wake up.” Kurama instructed. Nyako's eyes flickered open and she twitched her nose. She looked at Kurama, who was kneeling over her.
“Kurama! You are huge! Oh my god! Did I shrink?!” Nyako panicked. She looked at her hands and found that she no longer had hands. “PAWS?!” Nyako sat up right away. Kurama laughed at her as she meowed to herself.
“Oi! Kurama, how's….oh…” Yusuke asked as he and Kuwabara came looking to see how the girl was doing. Kuwabara's eyes lit up as he saw the cute black and magenta kitty meowing at Kurama. Yusuke cracked up and was huddled over in the corner.
“KURAMA! You got a kitten! Good choice! Very manly!” Kuwabara tried to explain. Kurama shook his head and laughed.
“That's Nyako. She's a nekomatta, not a cat per-say. Just a cat demon apparently.” Kurama spoke softly while smiling at Nyako, who hadn't stopped meowing at him.
“What's the difference?” Kuwabara asked honestly. Kurama pointed to Nyako's tail.
“She is two-tailed.” He said. Nyako looked at the red head.
“What am I? KURAMA! Help me! Can't you understand me?!” Nyako screamed. All she heard was Kurama's loud voice and Kuwabara's annoying girly-tone. Quickly she jumped onto Kurama's lap and put her paws on his chest.
“What is it?” Kurama asked, scratching under Nyako's chin.
“HEY! Stop…. That…PPPPPRRRRRR…” Nyako purred lightly, brushing up against the boy's chest. Kuwabara looked jealous and happy.
“What is that ningen doing?” Hiei asked as he walked into the room, expecting Nyako to be killing the moron. Instead, he found Kurama and Kuwabara watching a nekomatta rub up against Kurama's chest as Yusuke laughed in the corner. “Do not tell me that is the ningen.” Hiei spoke seriously.
“Fine, I won't tell you.” Kurama laughed. He stopped petting Nyako and teased her a bit with a piece of string. She seemed to be adjusting well to her demon form.
“I'm leaving.” Hiei added before he turned around.
“Are you sure? She is very well trained.” Kurama smirked devilishly, enjoying Nyako's misfortune.
“I can still hear you!” Nyako meowed at the red head. She stopped and walked over to the boy in black, Hiei. He looked down at her and she jumped up on his jacket, sticking her claws in it and climbing up.
“Look! It's spider kitty!” Yusuke died of laughter. Kurama rolled his eyes and looked at Hiei; he looked as if a tarantula was climbing up his jacket.
“Fox! Get it off!” Hiei spoke unnerved.
“I am a GIRL! Stupid boy!” Nyako hissed. Hiei undid his jacket and let it gently hit the ground with Nyako still attached. Suddenly Nyako felt the warmth return to her body and the tingling stopped. She closed her eyes and a puff of magenta smoke covered her.
“Ahh… Nyako, you are back!” Kurama smiled. Nyako stepped out of the smoke and punched Kurama in the shoulder.
“Jerk. I'm leaving.” Nyako brushed her black hair back and went to walk back where her clothes were until she felt Kurama pull her back.
“You cannot go back there. Not if I am going to have to see you like this.” Kurama protested. Nyako looked up at him and sighed. For some reason he was getting to close to her, caring too much about her.
“Then do not look for me.” Nyako pulled away from the boy and ran through the temple until she was out and running home. Her chest ached and she longed to forget the last 20 minutes of her life.
“Wait…” Nyako muttered to herself. She slowed down and thought to herself for a moment.
{How did Kurama know what I was…?} Nyako walked up the steps to the house and was greeted by her father on the front steps. He had a worried look on his face and a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
“Dad…” Nyako asked softly as she approached the man. He stood up and walked towards her.
“Where were you? I was so scared!” The man hugged his daughter tightly, letting the bottle fall behind her. Nyako felt her body lose blood as her father squeezed her tightly in his embrace.
“You… were?” She asked him, astonished that he even realized that she was gone.
“Yeah! I… I didn't know what to do! I woke up and I went to go ask about breakfast, but I realized you weren't in your room. Even Momo was upset! I haven't slept for two days! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to make you leave!” Her father tried not to cry. Nyako held her father tighter with amazement.
“You were like this for two days straight?” Nyako asked curiously. Her father nodded and pulled her away from the embrace so he could see his daughter's face. Nyako smiled to herself, realizing that her father had been sober for two whole days.
“Let's go out for dinner tonight. To celebrate your return!” Her father laughed and picked her up. He dragged her inside to a torn up house with random clothes and dishes thrown all around the house. Nyako sighed and looked at her father.
“Uhm… I thought maybe you were playing hide and seek. You used to do that a lot when you were a kid… your mother and I would spend forever trying to find you….” Her father's voice trailed off at mention of her mother. He eyed the fridge and felt Nyako grab his hand tightly.
“I remember… Mom really liked that restaurant down town, with all those fish…” She said softly. Her father looked at her and nodded, catching the hint. He ushered her to go change and waited. She walked into her room and found Momo sitting on the ledge of the window.
“Ohhh…. I'm sooooo sorry MOMO!” Nyako fell to her knees and hugged her cat. The cat looked at her and rolled its eyes, jumping off the ledge and wandering over to the closet. “Riiiight… dinner…” Nyako smiled genuinely and grabbed a nice shirt and a skirt. It would be the first time she and her father had been out in public since the funeral. Some how… she knew it wouldn't be the last.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Few Days Later ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nyako sat on the roof under her large umbrella, taking in the rain drops that were falling. She stared them down and watched as they threatened to touch her.
{I cannot believe I am scared of a little rain… }
One drop hit her shoes and she squished herself back towards the wall. A familiar feeling rolled up in her stomach and made her look to her left, where a flaming head of hair came around the corner and kneeled right by the umbrella. She tipped the umbrella and noticed the boy-wonder looking at her curiously.
“You disappeared for a few days.” Kurama noted.
“Yeah. I Know. I was there.” Nyako said coldly. Every thought of him conjured up the images of paws, tails, and scratching Kurama's chest. Her body shuddered and she hoped that was an aversion.
“You cannot pretend it didn't happen.” He spoke. She glared and turned away.
“How did you even know what I was?” She half pouted, half glared. Kurama smiled and offered her his hand. Nyako used the wall to help her stand up. The water hit her hand and she pulled it back in quickly and looked at Kurama. His eyes were soft and happy that she was being kinder.
“Because we are closer than you think.” Kurama hinted. Nyako decided she wouldn't press what he meant.
“That still doesn't mean I trust you or like you.” Nyako stubbornly said, crossing her arms and turning away. Kurama held his hand palm side up in the rain and watched the drops fall on it. Nyako looked sideways and watched, trying not to be curious. Slowly the water built up on Kurama's palm. Carefully, he pushed it towards Nyako, trying to show her the water. Nyako turned to face him, and Kurama threw the water at her. Nyako hissed at him and then covered her mouth. Kurama smiled at her and watched as Nyako tried not to crack a smile. “You are going to make me later.” She said softly as she walked back into the school.
~ ~ ~ ~ END Chapter 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bunny: WOOTZERS! *claps*
Kurama: I have to say… it's moving quite slow….
Yusuke: *laughs* SHE'S A CAT!
Kuwabara: *lovey dovey face* I WUVVLES Kittens!!
Kurama: She is a nekomatta.
Bunny: Right. Please explain to those who do not know!
Kurama: rightio! *clears throat* a nekomatta is a cat demon of sorts. They look like Kilala from inuyasha *points to Kilala*
Kilala: *purrs*
Sango: HEY! MY NEKOMATTA! Get your own example!
Hiei: What is going on?! *confused* You aren't in our Anime! *growls*
Kagome: Sango! I found you! Uhh… who are these people?
Inuyasha: KAGOME! If you run off one more time! *looking from Kagome to yell at her for leaving him alone.*
Kagme: SIT! *Inuyasha slams into floor*
Inuyasha: DAMNIT!
Bunny: Uhhh… guys! You are in the wrong Anime! I was just borrowing Kilala to let everyone know… I didn't think it would be such a problem!
Sango: It wouldn't of, if that damned monk didn't tell me she had been KIDNAPPED! *death glare to Miroku*
Bunny: mmmkay… well, obviously Kilala is fine… you can go back now *smiles* this isn't a cross over… I will let you know if I need you! promise!
Inuyasha: Who do you think you are! *growls*
Hiei: She's the author baka! *death glare*
Hiei and Inuyasha: *yelling back and forth, glaring back and forth*
Bunny: apparently I should have asked before I borrowed. Woopsy! See ya in the next chapter! Read and review!
Lovels, Bunny