Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Two Tailed ❯ Claws ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4:Claws
She kept her eyes buried deep in the bottomless cup of tea. Kurama watched her as she fought herself with the truth, or some portion of it.
“Your….father… did this?” Kurama asked, shocked and angry. Nyako nodded; not proud of her inability to keep herself out of trouble.
“When my mother died, my father lost it. He drowned out the pain with alcohol. That man isn't my father. The one who hugs me and asks me to make dinner… the one who smiles when I walk in the door from school… the one who takes me to the park…. That is my father. Not the drunk I come home to…” Nyako protested. Kurama listened carefully.
“You can't go back there, not if it is only going to be like this.” Kurama added. Nyako placed the tea down on the side of the bed and looked at the red head.
“I'm going back to my home. I can take care of myself; keep your two cents to yourself.” Nyako pushed the covers away and maneuvered herself so that she could just slide out of the bed. Kurama stood up as Nyako let her toes touch the ground. Her body was sore, the wounds needed to heal, but Nyako pressed herself to go home.
“Do you ever just shut up and listen to anyone?!” Kurama snapped. Nyako looked at him and then let go of the bed, letting her body stand on its own. Kurama covered his mouth as he saw Nyako steady herself.
“No. Not really…” Nyako closed her eyes and let her knees give out. Kurama caught her gracefully and held her close to him, her legs weak and the pain still running threw her body. Inwardly she mumbled that she was too weak in all senses. Kurama looked deeply into her magenta eyes, feeling all the pain and confusion running under her blind determination.
“You should.” Kurama said softly. Nyako felt the boy's arms holding her close to him. He smelt like roses, and his body was warm against hers. She rested her head on his chest; feeling the gentle rise and fall of his breathing. Kurama lifted Nyako up and placed her back in the bed, careful to not rip any bandages. She lay there quietly, too much pain to argue about running back home.
“Don't you ever sleep?” Nyako asked the red head. He nodded and continued to watch her. She knew he wouldn't rest until she drifted into a deep sleep. Slowly she rested her eyes, the lids fluttering up and down until they became too heavy to heave open. Kurama smiled as he listened to her breathing steady and her pulse slow down. Finally she was in her more vulnerable state.
{Hiei} Kurama called out.
“What do you want fox?” The Jaganshi responded as he walked into the room. The girl asleep on the bed was the human that Kurama had brought forth earlier. She looked fragile, her body wrapped in bandages.
“Can you take a second? I need your help…” Kurama pointed to the ningen. Hiei snorted and went to turn away when he felt Kurama's hand on his sleeve. “Please Hiei, she's hurt…” The kitsune begged the Koorime. His eyes were full of a deep sadness that Hiei couldn't seem to understand. Perhaps it was because the Jaganshi hadn't ever known the abuse the ningen was taking.
“Hnn…I can smell the pain it's so thick…” Hiei complained as he undid his bandana to reveal his Jagan eye. It opened itself and looked over the world before settling on the glowing figure before him. “Fox, are you sure?” Hiei asked quietly.
“For her.” Kurama spoke. Hiei nodded and pressed his hands onto the girl's cheeks, clasping her face tightly as his Jagan dove into her mind, taking over her thoughts.
She screamed. It was loud and piercing as Hiei stood in the corner. The woman lay on the floor, her eyes closed and her mouth rolled into a smile. The girl, Nyako, cried and shook the woman. It was no used, her heart had stopped beating. The Jagan watched as the mother's energy transferred into the girl's. Nyako's body was enveloped in a warm light, straight from the woman.
Nyako didn't cry at the funeral. It was privateand morose, the amount of people who cried and suffered was plentiful. The Jagan could sense nothing coming from the girl. She was empty and she was blank. All her hopes had been destroyed.
The man let his rage take the best of him. She cleaned the booze off the floor and rubbed his back when he threw it all up. Nyako never told anyone about her father's problem. Every parent's day she made an excuse.
Ume. She was standing next to Hiei, looking at him and frowning. “She's all I've ever had…” Hiei watched as Ume's mother handed Nyako Ume's suicide letter, explaining why she had to die to prevent the pain from spreading. His head hurt. Hiei grabbed it, shaking himself violently to try and wake her.
The mother. The father. The best friend. All had deserted her. She was alone. Like him. Death. Violence. Nothing but emptiness. The pain was so much. He cried. The pain hurt. The mother. The father. The best friend. Hiei screamed and tried to pull back.
“Run away. Just like the rest of them….” She cried.
“OH GOD!” Kurama cried out as Hiei hit the floor. The Jaganshi opened his eyes and felt warm tears flow out of them. Kurama was stunned to see his partner crying. Fully crying in front of him.
“She's so alone… Her mom died in front of her, her heart just stopped beating. Her father drinks himself stupid and the ningen takes care of him, even when he beats her. Ume, the best friend… the other ningen killed herself. Fox, she's so alone…” Hiei sniffled and let Kurama help him up. Kurama remembered the day he went to Ume's funeral. He didn't know the girl, but he went because it was the proper thing to do. The girl was deathly pretty who stood next to Ume's parents. It must have been a younger version of Nyako.
“Wow. No wonder she pushes everyone away… Are you okay Hiei? You look torn up?” Kurama gently asked the Koorime who looked like he might pass out. The two boys looked at the black haired girl who lay asleep and vulnerable.
“Hnn. I'm fine.” Hiei lied. The girl's pain followed him around inside. It was too familiar with his own. But what stuck the most was the light that flowed from the mother's body to the girl's. It was so unnatural. Hiei was determined to figure it out.
“Alright. I am going to stay here with her then. You can go and sleep for a while.” Kurama sat down next to Nyako's bed. The spunky girl looked peaceful as the kitsune sat beside her. Hiei hesitantly left the room, keeping the girl's pain with him.
{She looks really good when she's asleep} Kurama thought.
{She looks good always.} Youko smirked.
{That's a ningen thing.}
{No. She's not a ningen. Twenty minutes in the Makai says so!} Youko said.
{I'd rather not make a deal like that with you… Sneaky fox!}
{Only my nature…} Youko purred.
“Uhhh….owww…” Nyako panted. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on her back, trying to fix her bandages. Kurama helped her by undoing her bandages to redo them, only to find that her lashes were gone.
“What?!” Kurama spoke softly. Nyako looked at him with concern.
“What? What do you mean What?! Ugh… my back… it feels funny…” Nyako said to Kurama. The boy smiled and redid her bandages until they felt better.
“Sorry, I was just surprised at how fast your wounds were healing. That's all. You are alright. Sleep!” Kurama ordered the girl. He hoped that his surprised hadn't shown through all the way. For some reason, he had never considered her any threat or any kind of demon.
“Kurama…I'm…I'm sorry for being a jerk…,” Nyako tried to apologize through the tingly sensation roaming on her back. “I just… I've lost a lot of people… and… well….”
“Ume. She was your best friend right? I remember the funeral, and I remember you. I'm sorry I never talked to you before. I'm sorry I didn't remember you…” Kurama looked at Nyako and apologized whole heartedly. Nyako's eyes watered.
{Ume-chan…. Here I am… without you… but… he remembered you.}
Nyako let the tears roll down her face. It was too late to try and stop them. Kurama ran his fingers over the girl's cheeks and wiped them away as quickly as he could. For some reason, he couldn't bear to see Nyako in that state.
“Don't cry. You are okay now.” Kurama promised. He pulled Nyako close to him and let her cry it all out. She felt light in his arms, like she was small and more childlike to him. Nyako let the weight fall off her and ripple into some unknown pore of the world. The boy-wonder didn't say a word to her when she sobbed in his arms. Warmth and the feeling of him brushing her hair with his finger tips was enough to entice her.
“I'm…sorry…” Nyako tried to say. It was covered with the sound of her cries. Kurama shook it off and held the girl tight. She was warm against his chest and he could feel her cling tightly.
{At least she is safe…}
{For now…} Youko added.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! END CHAPTER 4 ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
finally! Woot!~
Bunny: happy holidays, happy new year, and good wishes to you all!
Kurama: wow… it has been SOOOO long!
Yusuke: talk about it! *yawns*
Bunny: *sighs* sorry that it has taken forever! I'll update more frequently now! I just wanted a little break for the holidays! Hope ya'll don't mind!
Keiko: Don't you have finals coming up? *glares*
Bunny: mayyyybeeee??? *scared*
Everyone: YES.
Bunny: *nods*
Keiko: *shakes fist* You best be careful not to write toooooo much!
Bunny: mmmkay… promise….
Everyone: good!
Mmkay guys! Here is your next chapter!! Gnight! I spent so long thinking about it! Let me know what you think!! You know how much it makes me smile to see more reads and reviews??! O.M.G.! it makes me SOOOOO happy! If you get bored with this- you can always check out all my others! They are good too…. Basically all I write about is YYH.
Thanks to those who review!
You know who you are!
I lovels you!
Lovels, bunnychan