Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Want ❯ To the Movies ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hiei sighed. He wanted so badly to tell Kurama how he felt about him. He wanted to run into his arms and let himself feel loved. But he wouldn't.
The Fox doesn't love me. How could he?
He sighed again and sat back in his tree outside of Kurama's home.
The Fox will be up soon.
Kurama woke up and walked to his window, as usual, looking for any sign of Hiei. When he looked at the tree, he spotted the one he so desperately wanted to see.
How badly I want him. I love him so much. But he denies everyone's love. My poor Hiei.
Kurama hid those thoughts from his mind and called out to Hiei, “Good morning, Hiei. Did you sleep well up in that tree? My offer of you sleeping inside with me still stands. My mother wouldn't mind.”
“I'm fine, Kurama.” Was it just Kurama's imagination, or was Hiei's voice softer then usual?
“The detective and his bumbling sidekick are coming this way.” It was just Kurama's imagination. Hiei's voice was as cold as usual.
Yusuke and Kuwabara walked down the street towards Kurama's house.
“Sunday, finally! Hope they've got some good movies playing at the theater.” said Yusuke.
“They've got this really cool movie about demons-”
“Demons?! We go on missions to kill demons, and you want to see a movie about demons?!”
“Either that or a chick flick.”
“Go, demon movie.”
“That's the spirit, Yusuke!”
Kurama went to his door to greet Yusuke and Kuwabara.
“Hello, Yusuke, Kuwabara.”
“Hey, Kurama! Me and Kuwabara are going to the movies. Wanna come?”
“Cool! Lets go guys!”
Yusuke spotted Hiei in a tree and decided to invite him. The more the merrier, as his mother put it when she was extremely drunk.
“Hey, Hiei! Wanna go see a movie?”
Hiei jumped down from the branch he was on and answered, “No.”
“Oh, come on, Hiei! Liven up!” said Yusuke.
“I said no, detective.”
“Come on, Hiei! Join us! It'll be fun!” promised Kurama, grabbing Hiei's arm.
“Fine! I'll go if it makes you all leave me alone!” Hiei reluctantly agreed.
For a minute, he thought about what kind of fun he'd like to have with Kurama.
He shook his head and tried to pay attention to what they were talking about.
“The movie's supposed to be awesome!” said Kuwabara.
“It better be,” said Yusuke threateningly.
Kurama chuckled and asked, “What is the movie about?”
Hiei sighed. What bakas.