Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Venom ❯ Victory ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


by: Badiyannu and Sakura

Sakura- ¡Muchas gracias for all the wonderful reviews ya'll have left for us! In fact, I believe we have close to 20 for just that one chapter! That's not bad, not bad at all!

Badi- Aww! Ya'll love us, ya'll really love us! Happy sniffers and huggles to the reviewers!!! =^-^= ~*~*~*~*~

Hiei cringed as Yukina stared up at him. He knew he had to be rid of the spider youkai quickly. If not, then he and Yukina would be in grave danger. The other detectives were trying their best to help out, but they were much too slow. Besides, they didn't know of the twin's "condition".

Hiei's attention was drawn to the spider's fangs. Something liquid was falling from its tips. Yukina also noticed it; the poison. "Just who are you? And what do you want from us?" Yusuke asked the youkai.

"In the Makai I'm known as Kumo. I am only here to destroy you," Hiei's eyes suddenly widened. Kumo! He was the king of all spider youkai; he was also the one with the deadliest venom. Venom that could kill--

No, I can't be distracted! I've got to kill him! Hiei pulled out his katana, and prepared for the final blow, but couldn't seem to find Kumo anywhere. He turned when he heard the shrill cry from Yukina. Kumo was only feet away from her.

Kumo lowered his head, ready to end Yukina's life with his venom. Hiei jumped between the two, and ended up getting bit by Kumo. Kumo sank his fangs into the fire demon's flesh. The longer his fangs were in, the more poison would flow through Hiei.

Yusuke terminated the fight with one big blast from his Shotgun. Once Kumo was gone, the detectives rushed to Hiei's side. True, he had been bitten, but for the most part, he felt fine.


Once back at Genkai's, the gang celebrated Hiei's bravery and Kumo's death with a few gallons of ice cream. Hiei had been offered three scopes in a bowl, but, to everyone's dismay, he had refused to eat it.

"Come on, eat some ice cream, Hiei," Yukina pressed him, motioning toward him with the bowl.

"No! Leave me alone!" Hiei growled and pushed Yukina away into Kuwabara.

Kuwabara, surprised, took the ice maiden by the shoulders and drew her closer. He narrowed his eyes at Hiei.

"What's your problem, shortie? You don't push girls!"

Hiei wasn't paying any attention to the loud red-head; his eyes were on his sister. She looked hurt, like someone had stabbed her in the heart then ripped it out. He could feel the same pain. She... was... crying... jewels. Because of him. That was something he NEVER wanted to see.

"I'm sorry... I'm REALLY sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry."

Yukina looked up from Kuwabara's chest, hopefully. Gently, she cleaned up the jewels on the ground and slipped them in her apron pocket.

"So... you'll take the ice cream?"

Hiei smiled, sincerely. "I'd love some."


Venturesome, celebrationis, dangerous, confusing. Those were the words Hiei would use to describe the day.

Man, it was certainly a close call with Yukina, but he was overjoyed when she was saved- although, he hid his emotion with a straight face. His shoulder hurt like hell, though, from that spider bite. It seemed to be paralyzed, but he didn't bother to tell the others- they would just worry over him like 10 mothers. And when he pushed Yukina... that was the most disappointing moment of his life. First of all, he didn't know why in the world he did push her and got angry. Secondly, he didn't know why Yukina was so heartbroken- he didn't push her hard and she wouldn't usually cry over baby things like that. But when she did... he felt her pain- literally. And earlier, he barely noticed, when he had gotten bit in the shoulder, Yukina grasped her own shoulder, painfully. No one noticed her, though.

"Hey, Hiei! You out here?"

A figure stepped through the sliding door then shut it. It looked up at the roof, right at Hiei and grinned.

"I found you! Man, everyone's been searching for you everywhere! Then, they realized you're a big boy and can take care of yourself. So, now they're playing some stupid board game."

The figure hopped onto the roof and settled down next to Hiei. It was the infamous, Yusuke.

The fire demon smiled slightly.

"I didn't know you were so unsociable, Yusuke. I would've though you'd like playing those games."

"Well," Yusuke scratched his head, "no one likes them when you play with Keiko."

"Heh, what's wrong with her?"

"She's like obsessed with the rules! Every little thing has to be right and by some mysterious unknown way, it always ends up benefiting her."

"Sounds like a cheater to me."

"Oh, no. Keiko would NEVER cheat. I mean I like her an' all..."

"You don't like her."

Yusuke did a double take at Hiei. "W-what? Of course I do. And who are you to tell me that I don't?!"

"What you feel for her is something deeper. From down inside you."

A slight blush spread across Yusuke's cheeks and he looked up at the full moon.

"....Yeah.... I can't explain how I feel for her. I mean, she was my only friend... until you guys came along... Even you, Hiei. You've, whether you like it or not, become one of my closest friends..."

Hiei looked taken aback and suddenly he filled with warmth. It felt nice to know that someone considered you as a friend.

"I have to admit, you have become an acquaintance to me. I, at least, have a little feeling for everyone here. Even that loud-mouthed imbecile, Kuwabara. It seems he is growing quite close to my sister. I'm not sure if I approve of that."

Yusuke grinned, "You're just being a protective brother. Don't worry- Kuwabara may be an asshole, but he'll take good care of Yukina."

Hiei reflected back on his incident with Yukina earlier. Should he confide in Yusuke? Certainly not the most responsible, but he could be counted on.

"Yusuke, I think Yukina is catching on."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I think she's starting to get the connection between us."

"Well, I wouldn't consider that bad! She'll finally know she has a brother! A twin brother!"

"I didn't want her to know."

"Comon', why don't you just tell her?..... Why don't you want her to know?"

"It would be better this way. She doesn't need to know. Her life seems content without me in it." Hiei finished.

Yusuke lowered his head then looked back at his companion. "What else?"

".... If I die, she dies."

"............Why didn't you tell me this before?!... It's not like you're gonna die anyday soon, so don't worry."


"Is there some way to stop that?"

".... Yes, there is.... When I die, you must tell her what I am to her. Then..."

"What? What do I have to do?!"


a/n: Badi- I am truly evil, aren't I? Someone said I leave the worst kind of cliffhangers- maybe that's why I always seem to finish the chapter! So, I leave the worst (best) cliffies, eh? Aww! Thanks! ^_^ (sorry so short)

Sakura- Yes, you are evil. I hate you...You and your cliffies...Grr...!