Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Venom ❯ Siblings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Venom by: Sakura and Badiyannu

A/N Sakura- I can't believe Badi left me hanging like that! Now I have to write the hard part! That's so not fair…

Badi- Hee hee. I am evil... >: )


"Is there any way to stop that?"

"…Yes, there is… When I die, you must tell Yukina what I am to her. Then…"

"What? What do I have to do?!"

Hiei turned to his companion, but did not answer his question. Yusuke noted that the fire demon looked a bit pale, and the expression he gave made him look tired. Hiei rubbed his shoulder and turned away.

The sliding door to Genkai's temple opened, followed by: "Hey!" It was Kuwabara. He looked up, towards the roof. "Urameshi!" he called, "Keiko's looking for you!"

"Man…Well, I'm going in; you coming, Hiei?" Yusuke turned to see that Hiei had already made his decision, and was headed in a direction away from the temple.


Later that night it began to rain…hard. It wasn't a storm, just a lot of rain. Hiei, himself didn't have enough sense to get out of the rain, so he sat in his tree, thinking about the day's events.

As of right now, the youkai wasn't feeling all that great. He had a mind-splitting headache, and every now and then, his vision would begin to fade. He felt weak, weak as though he were on the verge of passing out. His shoulder throbbed like crazy, and it wouldn't hurt to take a little nap...


"She's not feeling well."

"Will she be okay?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's probably just a little virus. The strange thing is, I didn't know demons could catch sick."


"It'll be okay, Kuwabara; Yukina will be fine in no time!"

Botan comforted the tall boy, patting his back. He was really worried about Yukina. She had suddenly gotten up during the game they were playing and said she wasn't feeling good, walking back to her room. The ice maiden had been in there since. Actually, Botan was just as worried as Kuwabara.

"....see her?"


"Could I go in and see her?" Kuwabara repeated to the dazed Botan.

"I don't see why not!"

Kuwabara walked slowly and gently to Yukina's room, just in case she was asleep. He cracked open the door and glanced at the blue-haired girl. She was sitting up in her bed, holding an ice pack over her shoulder. Her eyes moved up from their gaze on the bed to the visitor at the door.

She smiled.

"Hello, Kazuma."

Kuwabara returned the smile, genuinely, and walked up to her bedside. She looked so weak and helpless. He hated to see her like this.

"I'm glad you're okay, Yukina." He glanced at her shoulder. "What's wrong with your shoulder?"

Yukina's eyes lowered. She twiddled with the sheets and pressed harder on her shoulder.

"Kazuma?" She looked back up at him, staring straight with those ruby eyes, into his soul. "Could I tell you something?"

"Yukina," Kuwabara began, taking her hand, "you can tell me anything."

"Okay," the ice maiden took a deep breath, "remember when Hiei got wounded in the battle with the spider demon?"


"Well… he was bit in the shoulder, exactly where it hurts on me."

"…It's not that odd. I mean, it's probably just a coincidence."

"No. Right when he was bit, my shoulder was doused in pain."


"It was like I felt his pain."


Startled, Hiei woke as thunder sounded behind him. He sighed and lowered his eyes to his hands. Something was wrong with him. Kurama hadn't been able to come on these last few missions due to an illness everyone called "the flu". If Hiei was indeed sick, he had gotten it from the fox.

He stood, careful not to slip on the wet branch he was perched on. The fire demon decided to go visit Kurama. The kitsune knew a lot about these things; maybe he had some kind of medical plant that could cure what ever it was Hiei had.

Hiei made his way up to the top of Kurama's apartment, and tapped on the window. The kitsune smiled as he saw his friend at his window, soaked with water. "…Do you want me to wash that?" He asked pointing to Hiei's outfit. The youkai nodded and striped himself of his cloak. "I'm going to go run this through the wash." Kurama gestured for Hiei to make himself at home, which the youkai greatly appreciated.

When the fox returned, he saw his friend lying on the couch, looking quite uncomfortable. He frowned as Hiei turned to him with tired eyes. Kurama's gazed turned to the fire demon's shoulder. It looked horribly bruised and a bit swollen. "Hiei…?"

Hiei closed his eyes and said, "You remember what will happen to Yukina when I die?" The kitsune nodded and sat in a chair besides Hiei. "You must tell Yus--" He flinched as his shoulder began to throb painfully. Once he regained his composure, he started again. "You need to tell Yusuke...Just in case."

"Hiei, what happened?" Kurama asked. He looked extremely worried.

"...I was bit by Kumo...a spider demon."

"That happened a few days ago! Have you not told anybody about this?"

"...No. It's not necessary to have people fending for me. I do not want them to twist fate for me on a dime. Everything happens for a reason- it's not coincidence. Just knowing that Yukina was saved was good enough for me."

Kurama looked down, knowing that his friend was right. Hiei did not like anything to interfere with his plans for the future- either bad or good. The fox demon knew this was coming; he would have to tell Yusuke. It would be one of Yusuke's hardest missions yet.


Keiko's mind raced through her head, but her heart had no reaction.


Aw, what the hell...

"Okay. Sure. I'll go with you."

The boy grinned. "Great! So, Saturday, right? At 7?"

Keiko nodded her head, dully and forced a little smile. "Well, I really have to run. Talk to you later, Hishiro!"

The fairly attractive boy beamed and waved ecstatically as the brown-haired girl slinked away into the school building.

Keiko made a disgusted sound and slapped her forehead as she made her way through the empty school hallways. What was she doing going out with this boy? She barely knew him! Well, they were lab partners and he sat at her table during lunch, not to mention, he was also in the Book Club. So was Keiko. So, this thing wouldn't be that bad- I mean, they weren't a couple; just going to the movies together. Yeah... it's not like Yusuke was gonna ask me anytime soon..., Keiko thought, reaching her locker.

She glanced around, cautiously, before beginning to turn the dials on her padlock. School was sure eerie when no one was here... Everyone had left by now, but Keiko was too busy talking to Hishiro to grab her stuff from her locker.


The teenage girl jumped about ten feet in the air before turning around to see who her visitor was. She relaxed when she saw who it was, but a frown was etched on her face.

"Yusuke! Don't do that! I coulda had a heart attack or something close to that..." she mumbled, turning back to her locker and pulling out a few books.

"Sorry, but..." Yusuke scuffed the floor with his shoe, looking disappointed, "eh... I heard you're going with Hishiro to the movies on Saturday..."

Keiko glanced at him briefly before lowering her eyes and slipping the books into her backpack, "Wow, news sure does travel fast."

Yusuke was a bit surprised. "So, does this mean it's true?" He took an involuntary step towards her.

"...Yes." Keiko slammed her locker shut and flung her bag over her shoulder.

In a second, Yusuke was right in her face and he gently pushed her arms against the lockers, receiving a gasp from Keiko. He rested his hands on her arms and stared straight into the deep pools of chocolate. They gazed at each other, seeming almost lovingly, for a minute before Yusuke broke the silence. He leaned in closer and averted his gaze to her lips.

"Why..." he rasped, in a half-whisper, "why... him? When... you have... me?..."

He ran his hands up and down her smooth arms as Keiko opened her mouth.

"I-I-I... don't k-know..." she whispered, shakily. Her heart was pounding. Hard. This is what she needed to feel like, but she didn't feel that with Hishiro. She neither had the urge to kiss Hishiro's ever-so-close lips...

Slowly, she moved forward and closed her eyes, feeling Yusuke's warm breath on her face.


The two teenagers were brought out of their little moment by a voice coming from the right. Whereas stood Kurama.

"Erm," his cheeks flushed lightly, "sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with Yusuke. Alone."

Yusuke reluctantly let go of Keiko and blushed wildly. Keiko did the same and pulled her bag back up on her shoulder.

"Well,...this is my cue to go. Umm... see you later, Yusuke..." she rambled, bashfully. Hastily, she spun on her heel and made her way to the door.

Yusuke's eyes followed her until she disappeared out the doors and around the corner. Abruptly, he turned to the fox-demon and smiled, "So, what's the mission this time? Human-eating bugs, evil apparitions, demons killing demons..."

"No. Yukina."

"...I'm not Yukina. It's YUSUKE..."

"I know that! The mission has to do with Yukina. And Hiei."

"Hmm... what is Hiei up to this time?"

"No... listen; remember when Hiei was going to tell you something the other night?"

"...Yeah. Something about when he dies, I have to do something to Yukina..."

"Well, I'm going to tell you. He asked me this favor."


"This is what you must do: When Hiei dies, you must tell Yukina that he's her brother- you have to tell her before 24 hours after his death. Then, right after you tell her, you must stab her in the heart with a dagger."


a/n: Badi- Whoa! Evil cliffy, eh? I'm sorry; I'm so violent with this stabbing thing... -_-u ..........Oh yeah, REVIEW!!!

Sakura- Sorry about this chapter taking so long, Badi wouldn't hurry and write the cliffy. But we have now planned out all the chapters and sequels *hint, hint*, so they might be uploaded a bit faster now! Yay!