Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Venom ❯ Deceit ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Venom by: Badiyannu and Sakura

A/N Sakura- Okay, this is it. This is the chapter with the- oops! I can't tell you that!



"This is what you must do: When Hiei dies, you must tell Yukina that he's her brother- you have to tell her before 24 hours after his death. Then, right after you tell her, you must stab her in the heart with a dagger."


It was now a week after the Kumo incident. Hiei, now knowing that Yukina would be taken care of, could finally rest easily. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible. The venom that ran through the youkai's blood also brought terrible symptoms with it.

Nightmares were too much for Hiei; most nights he would just refuse to even close his eyes. The times he didn't eat had made him thinner and weaker. Vulnerable, as he had called it. The Jaganshi had even lost his will to fight. On missions, he was voluntarily left behind, while the others battled demons.

Kurama thought Hiei should stay with him for he was the only one who knew about the sanjiyan's condition. Yusuke agreed- still not knowing why. Perhaps it was because Kurama was the best with medical terms. After all, it was Hiei's health they were most worried about.

"…What did he say?" When the fox didn't acknowledge him, he scowled. "Kurama."

Kurama looked up from his plate, smiling. "When?"

Hiei sighed. "When you told him about," he paused. "…Yukina…"

"I see…You're still worried he won't do it, and he'll let Yukina die." He took another bite from his plate. "You know Yusuke better than that. True, he can irritable, self-centered, annoying, loud…"

Hiei winced as the word "loud" came to mind.

"…argumentative, juvenile, rebeli- Hiei? Are you listening to me?"

Hiei gave the youko a half-hearted smile. "No..."


After school, Yusuke walked up the paved steps towards Genkai's temple. He had told Kuwabara to meet him there because he had something to discuss with the carrot-top, but told him nothing further. Yusuke had wasted enough time dilly-dallying his way up the steps- Kuwabara had to have been at Genkai's by now. So, the black-haired ningen quickened his pace.

Yusuke scanned inside the temple for any signs to show that Kuwabara was there. Unfortunately for him, the only clue he found was just Kuwabara in person.

Kuwabara greeted his friend with his trademark grin. "Heh, I thought you had gotten lost," he said loudly.

Yusuke kept his stern face.

"Listen, there's something I have to tell you…It's about Yukina."

Kuwabara immediately jumped up to face Yusuke, shaking him by the shoulders.

"What?! What's going on with my love?!"

Yusuke turned his head away- Kuwabara looked so worried and helpless. He didn't want to make this harder on the guy than what it was going to be. Maybe... Yusuke could do this thing in private... Yeah, so no one would find out and he could just tell them that Yukina had an emergency to tend to back home.

"Umm, well... Yukina," Yusuke began, but then smiled warmly, "...I think she really likes you."

Kuwabara's face made a drastic change and he lit up. "Really?! Wow! I knew she loved me! I just knew it!"

The orange-haired boy let go of Yusuke and clasped his hands together, beginning to pace down the steps.

"La, la, la! Yukina, my love!... Hey! Thanks, Urameshi- you're a real pal!"

Yusuke pasted on a fake grin until Kuwabara was out of sight. He stopped waving, and frowned, ashamed.

"Yeah, I'm a real pal alright...a real good pal..."


"Please! Don't leave me, Jack!"

"Why not, Kate? You've left me more than a thousand times, and now it's time for you to have some of your own medicine."

"But, Jack! I love you!"

"...Sure you do, baby. Sure you do... but I don't."

Keiko wiped some tears from her eyes with a torn napkin. She grabbed a fistful of popcorn and shoved it into her mouth. These movies always tore her up.

She glanced over at the boy next to her- he was staring intently at the screen. His brown hair was tossed in his face and his eyes sparkled- Keiko wasn't sure if he was crying or just tired.

The 14 year old girl stared back down at the popcorn in her lap- she didn't feel comfortable, being here with Hishiro, someone she hardly knew. She would've rather been here with Yusuke; he'd probably be asleep, but as long as she was with him... Vaguely, she remembered the incident with Yusuke on Friday. She was so close to him, to his face... If only Kurama wasn't there to interrupt them, Keiko would have had her first kiss from Yusuke- yeah, she'd kiss him before, but that was just to bring him back to life. Still...

"Keiko! Keiko!"

Miss Yukimura was snapped out of her reverie by a deep voice on her left. She turned to face Hishiro through tear-stained eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What is it?"

"The movie's over... Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. The movie just got to me, is all."

Keiko rose from her seat and made her way down the steps, not even glancing back to look at her date. Once they were outside, Hishiro smiled.

"I had a lot of fun, Keiko. Umm, maybe I could walk you home?"

Keiko shook her head, politely, "Oh, no- I can walk myself home. Thanks for offering, though!"

Hishiro looks slightly disappointed, but he continued to smile warmly.

"Well, then, I guess this is it. So, do you wanna, you know, go out again sometime?"

Keiko smiled fakely, "Well, I dunno. You see, I've got a lot going on at home, and I don't know if I'll have time... but, anyway, I'll be glad to see you at school!" She turned to leave.

"Yeah! Nice seeing you, Keiko! Goodnight!"

Keiko walked away, "Goodnight, Hishiro!" She waved from behind.

The chestnut-haired girl sighed when she finally turned the corner, out of sight. Man, she just wanted to get out of there. She thought Hishiro was a completely nice boy and all, but she knew there was only one boy to make her blush.

~I don't know if I actually love Yusuke. Well, of course I love him- as a friend, but... Ohmygod! What's wrong with that person?!~

Keiko spotted a figure hunched over at the side of the road- it looked like a man was reeled over in pain. She ran as fast as she could to him and put a hand on his hunched back.

"Excuse me, but are you okay, sir?!"

The "sir" looked up at the girl, his eyes full of pain. The two people recognized each other right away.

"Hiei! Oh my! What's wrong?!" Keiko exclaimed, worriedly.

Hiei reached up, and agonizingly put his hand on her arm.

"Help me, Keiko... It's time... It's time."


Badi- Was that evil enough cliffy? I really don't think so. I'm disappointed with my ability to make good cliffhangers! >_< *review*

Sakura- Noooooo! It can't be time, not yet! Badi, where's my tissue?!