Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Venom ❯ Emotion ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Venom by: Badiyannu and Sakura

A/N Sakura- Bum, bum…BUM!!!!!!!!! >:)



"Hiei! Oh my! What's wrong?!" Keiko exclaimed, worriedly.

Hiei reached up, and agonizingly put his hand on her arm.

"Help me, Keiko... It's time... It's time."


"Umm, well…" Keiko looked around frantically for something to help the morbid demon, but instead saw a pay phone nearby. After digging through her bag for some loose change, she clumsily picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Yeah?" The receiver said dully.

"Yusuke, it's Keiko. Something's wrong with Hiei!" She paused waiting for a reply, but it never came, so she continued. "We're on 1st Avenue. Hurry, Yusuke!" Keiko hung up the phone, rushing back to Hiei's side. The Jaganshi was now lying on his back, eyes wide open. They looked glassy, but also showed pain and agony.

It didn't take Yusuke long to get there considering he only lived three blocks away. He had brought Kurama with him, and for good reasons. The fox was the first to get to Hiei. He knelt down, slowly placing something in the youkai's mouth. Reluctantly, he swallowed what was given to him; Kurama said it was a pain killer seed that he had grown a while back.

"We should take him to Genkai's," Yusuke said propping the demon up on his arm.

Hiei stared at Yusuke, wide-eyed. "No!" It was meant to be a yell, but Hiei sounded raspy, as if he was having a difficult time breathing. Hiei figured his "outburst" must have been inaudible when Kurama replied:

"That would probably be the best thing for him. He can rest there, and then we'll discuss when it's time for him to- Well, we can worry about it when the time comes." Kurama was good at correcting his mistakes with words. He covered this one up with a small smile.


Kurama placed the sleeping sanjiyan on the futon in the special room that Yukina had prepared of him. He watched worryingly at Hiei's chest- on their way over the youkai had complained about his difficulty breathing. The kitsune sighed dolefully as he went out to tell the others about Hiei's current condition.

The fox demon thought this day would never come; Hiei was so obdurate and durable- he could get back on his feet after anything. He wondered why this tiny bite from a spider demon could have so much effect on him...



"Bless you! My goodness, Yukina, you've been sneezing up a storm!"

"I'm sorry, Botan. Even since we've had that encounter with that spider demon, I've been feeling ill."

"Really? How could that get to you? He didn't even touch you!"

"Well, I'm highly allergic to them. I'm one of the few that are. The only other person I know who is allergic is my long-lost brother."

"Oh, well, I hope you get better soon! Don't you have a "date" with Kuwabara tonight?" Botan teased, playfully.

Yukina shook her head and her face lit up. "Oh! I almost forgot!" She paused for a minute before looking back at Botan, blushing. "Come on, it's not a date!"

Botan laughed, knowingly. "Yeah, right!"

The ice apparition giggled, "We're just going to the movies!"

The girls burst into a fit of laughter as they toppled onto the bed. Suddenly, Yukina sat up, hastily, and frowned.

"I'm so inconsiderate, Botan! I mean, poor Hiei is in the next room, experiencing immense pain, and we're here, having a grand time..."

Botan nodded, shamefully. "Maybe you should go see him."

"Aren't you gonna come with me?"

"No...Umm,...I have to wait here to open the door if Kuwabara comes...Yes, that's it."

"Okay," Yukina shrugged as she walked off.

Botan rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Pshh- open the door! Knowing him, he'll just barge right in!"


Yukina stopped just short of the door to Hiei's room. What if he was sleeping? Or what if he didn't want anyone to bother him? Oh well, she was going to see him.

Knocking lightly, Yukina asked softly, "Hiei? It's Yukina. Can I come in?"

She heard some rustling then a grunt.


The ice maiden walked gracfully into the room and shut the door gently. She peered at the demon on the bed. He looked really unpleasant in his current state- his hair was tousled, the Jagan eye uncovered and closed, and his shoulder wrapped in bandages. He was sitting up in the bed, leaning gently back into the pillow.

Yukina slowly walked up to the bedside and inquired, "How are you feeling? Oh! What a silly question- you're not feeling good at all..."

Hiei chuckled. "I've lived through worse." He tried to sit higher in the bed, but he flinched and allowed himself to lie back again.

"Don't try to get up," Yukina shook her head and touched his arm softly.

Suddenly, there was just something between them that sparked. Something that had been known but not told. Something that brought them closer to each other, spiritually. Something that connected.

They both pulled away quickly and averted their gaze from each other.

~What was that about?! Oh, Yukina! You must've done something wrong!~ the blue-haired girl thought.

~Shit! What if she found out?! It would be over for her!~ the youkai pondered, fearfully.

Yukina bravely broke the silence and placed a lighter subject on the table.

"Oh my! Look at the time! I really must be going," she chirped, opening the door, "I have a date with Kazuma!"

Hiei's eyes narrowed and he grunted, "Him? I'm sure you can do better."

Yukina smiled, warmly. "No... I don't think it gets better than this. I...think I really like him... I really do."


"Are you cold? Do you need something to eat? Is that seat too uncomfortable for you?"

The orange-haired boy questioned, rapidly and nervously. Half of it was excitement and the other half...was, well, this was the girl of his dreams. Hopefully, she didn't think he was being rude. Instead, his companion chuckled, politely.

"No, thank you, Kazuma. I'm fine."

Kuwabara let out a sigh of relief and relaxed back into the seat, glancing around at the place he had decided to bring Yukina to. It was a replica of an old drive-in that used to be here. Instead of actually driving in, there were old fifties convertibles already set up around the parking lot. They were nailed to the ground, and the radio speakers were the source of the movie's sound. The steering wheel was missing in this one and so was the ignition, but they had taken those out so you couldn't drive off with it. And, of course, there was the giant screen set up in front of the cars. The concession stand was a few feet away from the drive-in.

Yukina was staring straight ahead at the movie and sipping on her coke, silently. She absolutely loved this movie- a classic romance- and this place. It was so cozy and cute; she was definitely glad that Kazuma had taken her here. Speaking of him... she glanced his way and smiled. He looked adorable. Maybe, she could lean on him- after all, the seat *was* uncomfortable.

She made her way over to his side and gently laid her head on his shoulder, lacing her arm through his.

Kuwabara instantly flushed bright red and stiffened up at first, but loosened up into her grip. He smelled her hair- she smelled beautiful. Ahh, wait 'til Urameshi hears about this, he thought, happily.


The punk growled, angrily and reluctantly pulled his head off Yukina's to answer his cell phone.


"Kuwabara, something's happened with Hiei again. We don't know what's wrong. You and Yukina come back to Genkai's, quick!"

Kuwabara's face twisted up in confusion. "Urameshi?"

"Yeah, it's me! Now get your ass here!"



Yusuke looked around the room, worriedly. Hiei was in deep pain and he wanted to make sure everyone was here to help him, in case... well... in case he didn't make it.

He glanced down. Keiko was sitting, nervously, on the chair in front of him. She looked on the verge of tears. Yusuke was nervous just as well and gently twisted locks of her hair in his fingers. Genkai was standing near the door, solemnly. Kurama was sitting near the fire demon on the bed, and he kept glancing at Hiei. Shizaru leaned against a far wall, smoking- Yusuke knew she also did that when she was feeling down. Koenma floated near her, his hands clasped behind his back- he looked awfully sad. Kuwabara and Yukina, who had just arrived, sat on the small futon in the corner-Yukina trembling in Kuwabara's arms.

Well, Yusuke thought, I guess that's everybody... Good thing they made it- wait...

Hiei screamed in agony then fell limp.

...Botan was missing.

A/N: Badi- WAAA!!! I'm so evil! I'm sorry- I just had to do it! *sniff*

Sakura- Hmm…Where's Botan when you need her? …lalala. ^_^